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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Teribus BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012) (757* d) RE: BS: Homs horror 14 Feb 12

The other thing that Jim also forgets to differentiate between

Any private citizen in Britain who sells something to "X" who "Jim" has taken an aversion to and it is "Britain" (i.e. the Government who has sold whatever it is) total rubbish of course. But when it comes to Tanks, heavy artillery, armoured cars, aircraft and missiles, well they are not sold by private individuals they are sold by Governments in Syria's case mostly Russia, China and North Korea - Not a peep out of "Jim".

And if you are waiting for him to condemn Iran for flooding South Lebanon with 50,000 odd missiles in defiance of the UN Ceasefire or weapons into Gaza then don't hold your breath.

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