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GUEST,Teribus BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012) (757* d) RE: BS: Homs horror 17 Feb 12

"So you intend to continue to ignore the horrors of Homs brought about by sniper rifles sold by Britain - specifically for use on the civilian population" - Jim Carroll(14 Feb 12 - 05:39 AM)

WHAT sniper rifles sold by Britain? THERE WERE NONE

You have stated specifically that "BRITAIN" as in the UK Government sold arms to Assad's regime in Syria that were being used to kill, nay "slaughter" Syrian citizens in Homs - All Keith, myself and others have done is to point out that that is totally untrue and a complete and utter misrepresentation - as usual you are talking out of your arse.

"The 'dirty secret' of British arms sales to Libya just months before Gaddafi slaughtered pro-democracy protesters" - Jim Carroll (15 Feb 12 - 05:20 AM)

What has that to do with the subject under discussion? Diversion "Christmas", attempting to draw peoples attention away from the fact that you have boobed?

British "Arms Sales"?? You come up with:

Yemen - Body armour and night vision goggles = Arms (You are joking aren't you?

Syria - Small arms ammunition (or in your terms small arms arms) sold in 2009 current killing started in Syria on 15th March 2011 - No weapons sold to them at all.

Saudi Arabia - Sniper rifles; aircraft components and armoured personnel carriers.

"You have described opposition to the selling of weapons to a brutal murderous regime as Britophobia." - WHAT WEAPONS??

"There is horror in Homs at present - its people are being slaughtered by a despotic thug - with weapons sold to him by Russia, China and Britain" - I ask again WHAT BRITISH WEAPONS??

"I doesn't mastter if it's approved or not - it has been sold to a state which is massacring its own people."

Rather disingenuous Jim and a total misrepresentation of the facts - small arms ammunition(small quantity at that, not sold by the British Government) sold in 2009 (nothing since)to a state that started cracking down on protesters two years AFTER the sale had taken place.

Tell me Jim where was this Government crystal ball with it's two year look-ahead in 2006? Must have been in for a service eh? Otherwise the financial crisis might have been averted.

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