Just a quick pop-in. Thanks to Barry and Justine for the get-to-gether. The food and drink was ample, the house warm, and the company excellent. I sang and listened for about 12 hours, from 2 PM to 2 AM. I had a long drive the next day and preferred to sleep in a bed rather than at the wheel.
OH, it was wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!! Most of the time I sat between Midchuck and Kendall. Both have wry and distorted sense of humor so I truly felt at home. Midchuck has written some great parodies. He sang "And My Socks with a Gun" a parody of that moldy bluegrass song "Fox on the Run". It's the story of getting up to see if that sound was really an intruder and being on the "cellar steps in my boxers and my socks with a gun". He parodied Merle Haggard's "Momma Tried" with a song about too much cholesterol called "Momma Fried". And he knows some great cowboy songs. The Woodchucks Revenge sang together, but they seemed less "a group" than just three friends having a good time who just happen to know the same songs.
Well, my boss walked in and it's time to go to work. Whew! What fun I had!!!
Roger in Baltimore