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Ed T BS: education and propaganda (83* d) RE: BS: education and propaganda 02 Nov 20

When I see "propaganda", I think of education, government,marketing and culture..
So, I was puzzled as to why propaganda seemed to quickly lead to the topic of religion, in this case Christianity.
But, when I looked up the word, this quote came up.

"The word (propaganda) had been coined in 1622, when Pope Gregory XV, frightened by the global spread of Protestantism, urgently proposed an addition to the Roman curia. The Office for the Propagation of the Faith (Congregatio de propaganda fide) would supervise the Church’s missionary efforts in the New World and elsewhere: “They are to take account of and to deal with each and every concern for the spread of the faith throughout the world."
Edward L. Bernays

This leads me to another quote.

"Christians and Muslims who could not agree on religious beliefs could nevertheless agree on a monetary belief, because whereas religion asks us to believe in something, money asks us to believe that other people believe in something."
Yuval Noah Harari

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