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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
marty D Binladdin Must Die (102* d) RE: Binladdin Must Die 13 Sep 01

Without TV we'd have never seen that horrid woman dancing and clucking, or those young assholes shooting their guns in the air as the news of the massacre reached them.

Without TV we wouldn't have that vision of Bin Laden and his revolting smirk.

Without TV we'd never have seen that sickening spectacle of Sadam Hussein and the scared little boy.

Without TV we'd never have watched (our friends) the Chinese, crush dissent in Tiennamin Square.

These images are burned on my consciousness forever, and it makes me very sad. I don't WANT to think that whole races and countries can be 'sound bited' into one TV image.

I wonder what TV images help fuel their hate against US?

My guess is that many of the people who find Dubya so superficial and in over his head are getting a good part of that image simply because he looks so hesitant and bumbling on TV.

Just rambling. But I really DO think that the tube has colored our political views forever, and definitely not in a way that will help the human race survive.


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