The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110499   Message #2322971
Posted By: GUEST,Charles
22-Apr-08 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: Happy Scottish songs
Subject: RE: Happy Scottish songs
Some of my favourites include:

"The Wee Cooper o' Fife" -- Very happy, I must say
"Donald, Where's Your Troosers?" -- A funny song and a guid tune
"MacFarlane o' the Sprots" -- Joyfilled tune
"Roamin' in the Gloamin'" -- A really enjoyable song
"Johnny Lad" -- Happy too
"The Muckin o' Geordie's Byre"-- In a fast manner, yes.
"The Day We Went tae Rothesay, O!"-- Very happy too.
"The Deil's Awa wi' th' Exciseman" ["The Deil Cam Fiddlin thro the Town"] -- One of Burns songs with happiest tunes.
"The Highlandman's Umbrella" -- Funny and Happy Glaswegian song.
"Scotland the Brave" --Happy and rushing with a fast tempo.

I really enjoy these, I don't know of you others, though, but I'm sure that several of these will be liked by many.