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Lyr Req: The Foggy Dew (from Tony Capstick)

THE BOGLE BO (or Bugaboo)
THE FOGGY DEW (revolutionary)

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GUEST,john p 01 Mar 09 - 06:46 AM
dick greenhaus 28 Feb 09 - 11:41 PM
Phil Edwards 28 Feb 09 - 05:54 PM
Phil Edwards 28 Feb 09 - 05:50 PM
GUEST 28 Feb 09 - 06:06 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: foggy dew tony capstick
From: GUEST,john p
Date: 01 Mar 09 - 06:46 AM

Dear Pip Radish many thanks for the words and album title.
john P

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: foggy dew tony capstick
From: dick greenhaus
Date: 28 Feb 09 - 11:41 PM

Isn't that the version that Bert Lloyd sang? And the little switch in phrasing in "part of the winter, too" (instead of the more usual "and in the winter, too" is directly from Burl Ives, who was proud of it.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: foggy dew tony capstick
From: Phil Edwards
Date: 28 Feb 09 - 05:54 PM

The album (His Round) can be downloaded if you look around. It's not Capstick's best (that's Punch and Judy Man, which is available on CD) but it's well worth hearing - not least for the sound of Capstick trying and failing to keep a straight face on the line "Well, I bet that would make you smile".

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE FOGGY DEW (from Tony Capstick)
From: Phil Edwards
Date: 28 Feb 09 - 05:50 PM

Here you go. This is transcribed from the record; having got it all down I realise it's basically the same text as The Foggy Dew in Digitrad.

When I was a young man I lived all alone,
I followed the roving trade.
And the only thing I ever done wrong
Was in courting a fair young maid.
I loved her in the summer time
And part of the winter too
And many's the time I held her close
To keep her from the foggy dew.

Oh, she came to my bedside one night
As I lay fast asleep
And she threw her arms around my neck
And bitterly she did weep.
Oh, she wept and she cried and she tore her hair
Crying, Oh what shall I do?
For this night I've resolved for to sleep with you,
For fear of the foggy dew.

Oh, all the first part of that night
How we did sport and play
But in the second part of that night
She in my arms did lay
And when broad daylight did appear
Oh, she cried, I am undone.
Oh, hold your tongue, oh you silly young thing,
For the foggy dew has gone.

Oh, supposing you was for to have a child
Well, I bet that would make you smile
And supposing you was for to have another
Well it would make you think a while
And supposing you was for to have another
And another and another one too
Well it would make you leave off all them foolish tricks
And just think on the foggy dew.

Now all the first part of that year
Well I loved her like my life
But in the second part of that year
She became another man's wife.
But I'll never tell him of her faults
Nor the things we used to do
But she passes me by and she winks her eye
And I think on the foggy dew.

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Subject: Lyr Req: foggy dew tony capstick
Date: 28 Feb 09 - 06:06 AM

does anyone have the words to foggy dew as sung by Tony Capstick.
they are slightly different to the usual versions
thanks john P

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