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Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all

Dani 10 Oct 99 - 10:16 PM
momnopp 10 Oct 99 - 10:21 PM
Songster Bob 11 Oct 99 - 01:09 AM
Cara 11 Oct 99 - 09:37 AM
annamill 11 Oct 99 - 10:27 AM
Knitpick (Jennifer Woods) 11 Oct 99 - 11:29 AM
Lorraine 11 Oct 99 - 11:36 AM
Knitpick 11 Oct 99 - 11:50 AM
Bill D 11 Oct 99 - 02:55 PM
Susan of DT 11 Oct 99 - 05:10 PM
lamarca 11 Oct 99 - 05:31 PM
catspaw49 11 Oct 99 - 06:53 PM
bbelle 11 Oct 99 - 07:57 PM
Roger in Baltimore 11 Oct 99 - 08:37 PM
bbelle 11 Oct 99 - 08:44 PM
Susan A-R 11 Oct 99 - 08:55 PM
katlaughing 11 Oct 99 - 08:59 PM
Roger in Baltimore 11 Oct 99 - 09:02 PM
Ferrara 11 Oct 99 - 09:27 PM
Bruce O. 11 Oct 99 - 09:31 PM
Ferrara 11 Oct 99 - 09:41 PM
catspaw49 11 Oct 99 - 09:48 PM
Lorraine 11 Oct 99 - 09:53 PM
Guy Wolff 11 Oct 99 - 09:55 PM
bbelle 11 Oct 99 - 10:20 PM
Roger in Baltimore 11 Oct 99 - 10:49 PM
Songster Bob 11 Oct 99 - 11:03 PM
Dani 11 Oct 99 - 11:44 PM
Roger in Baltimore 11 Oct 99 - 11:50 PM
Jeri 12 Oct 99 - 01:15 AM
Rick Fielding 12 Oct 99 - 01:26 AM
Charlie Baum 12 Oct 99 - 01:39 AM
Dani 12 Oct 99 - 08:31 AM
Vixen 12 Oct 99 - 08:50 AM
KathWestra 12 Oct 99 - 10:42 AM
annamill 12 Oct 99 - 11:41 AM
Bill D 12 Oct 99 - 11:41 AM
Liam's Brother 12 Oct 99 - 11:53 AM
Uilleand 12 Oct 99 - 12:00 PM
Liam's Brother 12 Oct 99 - 12:01 PM
Allan C. 12 Oct 99 - 12:15 PM
AllisonA(Animaterra) 12 Oct 99 - 01:14 PM
Vixen 12 Oct 99 - 01:40 PM
Bert 12 Oct 99 - 01:47 PM
Knitpick 12 Oct 99 - 03:01 PM
TimS 12 Oct 99 - 03:07 PM
Sandy Paton 12 Oct 99 - 03:37 PM
Sandy Paton 12 Oct 99 - 03:51 PM
Bert 12 Oct 99 - 04:15 PM
lamarca 12 Oct 99 - 04:39 PM
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Subject: Getaway: thank you all
From: Dani
Date: 10 Oct 99 - 10:16 PM

Well, I've arrived safely home, tired and very, very happy. Later I'll have time to reflect on the weekend and share some memories, but I wanted to pass some thanks on.

Max, you are the midwife who helped the mudcat, whatever it is, into being. It's a wonderful thing and I hope you are proud of what you've created. I think the FSGW was pleased to have us: one comment I heard from a non-mudcatter, "We didn't know what to expect, but there were NO DUDS among them!"

Dick, Susan, and so many others up there who scattered the seeds that grew into this fabulous garden: thanks for everything, but especially the music. You're treasures.

Charlie and all the other FSGW folks: I felt like a welcome guest at your party. Your enthusiasm and joy were infectious and I am grateful for your warm hospitality to this merry bunch of interlopers.

More later. Y'all missed quite a party... and YOU were missed and thought of often.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: momnopp
Date: 10 Oct 99 - 10:21 PM

Hello. Just got back from the Getaway myself. This is the first time I've actually ever posted anything to Mudcat although I've had a login for over a year now.

It was really great to have Mudcatters from far and wide to join in the fun we always have at the Getaway. For me and my 10-year-old son, Dylan, Getaway weekends are manna from heaven.

Max, keep up the good work -- looking forward to seeing you in the Spring.

JudyO (aka momnopp)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Songster Bob
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 01:09 AM

Well, I wondered who was going to be the first to comment on the Getaway, and now I know. As an old-line FSGW'er, I've gotta say that the musical level was incredible this weekend, and the gemutlichkeit was even that much stronger/higher/more intense than the music. I've been to every Getaway since number three (1967), I think, and have seen some wonderful weekends, where the music started upon arrival and never stopped, but the last few of them have been spotty, and in general the last dozen years have been on a downward slope (with some good times, but not the whole weekend). Not so this one. I was wondering if the musical kicks would "be there," since Mudcat is, after all, a visual electronic medium, and not specifically about performance. I wasn't sure we'd get much more out of the new campers than the run-of-the-mill "audient-oriented" camper.

But man, was I wrong. Eager to share, eager to listen, eager to meet and be met, the Mudcatters were a joy to have there with us. And good singers, good musicians, good song-sharers, good folks.

Looks like the family just got bigger.

Bob Clayton (Songster Bob)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Cara
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:37 AM

I, too had a great time. My only regret is that I day-tripped instead of staying for the whole weekend. Every time I turned around there were more Mudcatters to meet (and I still don't think I met everyone). I can't wait to see the photo from the Mudcat session.

There was so much talent swirling around this weekend, it was a bit boggling. The FSGW people are a very talented, fun group of people, and of course the 'Catters are too, which one would expect of course. What I didn't expect was to see quite how excellent everyone was. I think I'll spend the whole weekend in April.

Those of you who weren't there were missed. Max, what are you going to do with all of the recorded material??

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: annamill
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 10:27 AM

Hello, everyone. Glenn and I arrived home about 2:30am. I'm having trouble coming up with words powerful enough to describe this wonderful weekend. The music was AWESOME, the people were fantastic, and I mean everyone, not just mudcatters. We were made to feel at much at home and received with such warmth.

I loved meeting the other mudcatters there. Catspaw, I presented your "gift" to Mick at a Mudcat Gathering that was going on in one of the lodges when we arrived Saturday afternoon about 1PM. We went there first when someone told us they were meeting right then. We didn't even sign in til it was over. After hearing each Mudcatter play/sing, ad it was about to end, I walked to the front and asked for Big Mick, whom I had already recognized. I told him, in front of everyone, that I had a gift from someone we all wished could be there. It was in tissue papaer, in a brightly colored bag. When he pulled out the "potato", everyone had a good laugh. Then we all went out and had a group picture in front of the lodge. I am so glad we made there in time for that meeting.

After that, we went to scheduled workshops. There was so much going on, it was very hard to decide where to go. Max's blues workshop was great, Barry Finn and RiB's prizon song workshop was great fun and very informative. I cannot mention everyone because I know I'll forget one and hurt someones feelings, but every single workshop we went to was wonderful and informative. There were too many to name and each was wonderful.

Glenn said it was inspiring, and that was exactly what it all was. When we had the concerts in the evenings, and the voices of all that talent was raised in one voice, it brought tears to my eyes.

I hope more of you can make it next year. It was wonderful and you all were spoken of and sorely missed.

I have to go now. Honey is waiting patiently to go have breakfast.

Love, annap

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Knitpick (Jennifer Woods)
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 11:29 AM

What a brilliant Getaway! Even though it rained almost ALL day on Sunday, even though the loos in Areas C, D & E couldn't/shouldn't be used --- OH the music, the friendliness! What a wonderful addition ALL the Mudcatters were to our Getaway. I've been to every Getaway since 1981 (I'd have to go look-up the #) and it ranks up there with some of the best!

The evening concerts were increible! The acts that were not outstanding were no one who is part of this Cafe! ('Nuff said -- if you were there you probably know the ones I speak of!)

I've not posted before -- but have lurked for awhile -- I'm so glad folks took the time to come -- and I was psyched just from knowing such folks and Caroline and Sandy Paton were coming! And hopeful that Dan & Bonnie Milner would be as neat/wonderful additons as everyone said (actually MORE so!)

It really was a brilliant magical weekend -- and my only complaint is that my own voice went away by Sunday afternoon! I left the neat Sea Shanties workshop that Barry Finn, Bonnie Milner & Dave Diamond were leading beause I was SO frustrated by not being able to sing alone.

Knitpick (aka Jennifer -- wife of Songster Bob)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Lorraine
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 11:36 AM

Hello All. What an incredibly lovely and wonderful time! The Voices and people. Such special additions to a Getaway that has been so essential to my family and my life for years. Thank you, thank you and see you and more folks next time-Lorraine

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Knitpick
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 11:50 AM

Just a quick addition -- being a worry wart -- could all Mudcatters who were at the Getaway -- please post a "made it home safely" message? (I can vouch for me, Songster Bob, Lorraine, Charlie Baum already--) (I'm especailly worrin' 'bout Big Mick, Karen K, Jeri and Sandy [& Caroline!]


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Bill D
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 02:55 PM

I'm, Ferrara & Joe Offer were the very last ones out of the camp...Joe mopped and swept floors till the last moment!..(ya know how clean he keeps THIS place!)...We sang and ate and listened and traded stories till we were confused and had to start over..*grin*....the most precious commodity may have been sleep, and there wasn't a lot to be had.....And I will be absorbing the music for months. Durn, we have some nice talent from this group! (Barry Finn has a VOICE..and the Milners and Big Mich, and Bert and Max, and Vixen and Dani and Roger & Jeri and Moonchild and.....20 more..ALL made great music and better talk!..(even got bbc to sing!! [Duane D was easier to convince!])..there will be posts piling up in here as folks get home...brace yourselves!!

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Susan of DT
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 05:10 PM

Yes, it was incredible. The hour and a half alloted to the mudcat workshop at the Getaway was not nearly long enough. at one point I counted 54 people in the lodge for our workshop and more came later. A few were "just curious" and several were "lurkers" (who I would include as mudcatters). I was very pleased with the types and quality of the songs sung there. It was wonderful. You'll come back again.
Mudcatters in other portions of this county or in other countries could attemp to organize something like it - find a campground or someone with lots of room and schedule something. Those who come will provide the music.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: lamarca
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 05:31 PM

This was one of the nicest Getaways I've been to in awhile -visiting and singing with old friends from FSGW and past Getaways, and hearing the riches brought in by new voices from the Mudcatters. I'm reminded of a Bill Caddick line:

"We were travelling North to sing and play,
With old friends we had never met..."

Finally getting to meet folks was wonderful - it added new songs, new harmonies and new faces that I hope we'll see and hear next year (and the one after that, and all the other years, too!). Thanks to all for a great weekend!

Mary (and George)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 06:53 PM

The many of us who could not make it (try as we might) are all anxious to here more, and envious too...well at least I am!

LaMarca, that is exactly the line Rick and I talked about when we finally met. This may be a strange way to make friends, but it is a REAL way nonetheless. I look forward to another chance to meet you and the rest in the future. And come hell or high water (sorry Father Joebro), we will be in DC next year.

And ANNAP.......Thanks for being the delivery person and for doing such a fine job of it. Somehow I knew you'd come through!!!

Now, I'll sit back and read...and remain envious, but excited for all of you, and look toward the future.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: bbelle
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 07:57 PM

Haven't made it home, yet ... am leaving from Alexandria, VA, tomorrow morning approx 5am, which should put me in Tallahassee around 9pm tomorrow night ... will post when I gets there.

I'm not sure I can put into words how I feel about the past weekend. When I left last evening, I was crying because it was like leaving so many family friends. To say it was an emotional event, would not be enough. To say it was an event in my life which, behind the births of my nieces and nephews, was insurmountable, would be more. Because many of us have been corresponding for at least two years made this gathering an extremely intimate moment in time, for me, at least, because I can only speak for myself, although I think I can step out on a limb and say for many of us. Spiritually, emotionally, intellectually ... I "found" some parts of me and "discovered" other parts of me.

Thank you all for being there ... Max, you are far too old and wise for your years; bbc ... you know far too much about me, for which I'm greatful; Mick ... your heart is as big as the rest of you; Bert ... your sense of equality is magnificent, as well as, your command of common venacular; Allen ... trim the upper lip; Jeri ... what a grand "roomie" you were; vixen ... your sweet countenance was refreshing; Sandy & Caroline ... meeting you and hearing your music was a dream come true; Joe Offer ... you are for real and not Max's alter ego!; Charlie Baum, Ferarra, BillD ... thank you for your wonderful hospitality and making the mudcat session possible; Dani ... keep singing; your voice is lovely and you need to use it!; Cara ... next year, hopefully, you'll be able to stay the weekend - there wasn't enough time to get to know you; Songster Bob and Knitpick ... What a grand couple! Songster's a man of words, unless he's singing, which kind of says everything he wants to say anyhow; Barry Finn ... one of this year's goals will be to learn Irish songs. I could go on and on ...

Again, thank you all for being there and I'm already looking forward to any mudcat gatherings on the East Coast ... love to all ... moonchild

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 08:37 PM

I'm home! First, I want to thank Catspaw. I was sorry he couldn't come, but at least it sounds like it was good news in the Patterson household this time. I'm thanking you 'Spaw for not making me look so foolish as I might. I posted several times on the 'Cat in the last month that there was no way the Getaway could meet the expectations I was having. And thanks to you 'Spaw, whom I look forward to meeting some day, it didn't. Because I was thought I'd finally meet you there.

BUT in every other way, the Getaway may have exceeded my expectations. Everyone was so wonderful! Every workshop was a joy! For those of you who wonder if these Mudcatters' real-life personalities resemble their on-line personalities, let me tell you that they do. For example, Bruce O. is quiet, but informative (and ever ready to tell you the origin of some song). Thanks to bbc's resource page, we often recognized each other right away. And it did seem like meeting old friends, people whom you know something about, with whom you share common ideas, interests, and experiences. The major differences are the voices and the accents that go with them.

I want to thank Barry Finn, publicly for agreeing to do a Prison Songs Workshop with me. We had never met except here on the 'Cat and we both were going into this blind. But it was wonderful, it went very well and we received some very appreciative reviews from our audience. And Mudcatters, Dan Milner, Bill Day, and Dick Greenhouse all contributed a holler or two. Barry house a wonderful tenor voice that rolls perfectly into shanties and work songs. Thanks, again, Barry.

I will share other experiences as this thread rolls along and as I digest the wonderful time that I've just had. I was headed for bed about the time the informal sessions started. I hear they went from 10:00 PM to past 2:00 PM. Marge and I had to head back for the motel as we have another priority that includes sweet music of its own. (This is a reference to my snoring for those "feelthy" minds out there).

Two last comments. I got to sing more harmony in this last weekend than I probably got to sing all year. What a joy to someone who his still finding his harmony voices.

Lastly, just so you don't think all was wonderful. Marge kept asking me how much the motel cost (she watches the money, you know) and I kept dodging the questions. When we got the to Camp Pleasant in the Prince William Forest Park and got to see the accomodations, she told me she didn't need to know the cost, she was entirely supportive of my decision. Marge has never been camping (not even Girl Scout camp) and the facilities were just one step above tenting. If you like the comfort of home (hot showers, toilets just a step away from the bed, and such) then you would have been disappointed. However, there is nothing like suffering through a day like Sunday, when you just never really get dry, to bring folks even closer together.

Roger in Baltimore

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: bbelle
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 08:44 PM

RiB ... Of course we had hot showers and toilets just a few steps away from the bed! They just didn't have doors and we all had to "go" together! That is the true meaning of "gettin' together!" moonchildwhoisscrapingawaythemoldfromherwillowyfiggawithasmileonherface

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Susan A-R
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 08:55 PM

I'll be there next April. I am a most awful shade of green. Did go to an interesting concert. Loved Tommy Sands and could have drowned the cellist from Sarajevo. Michael and I gave our WW II concert to some ten people out at Goddard College (they have something to learn about publicity. Normally Michael draws at least 100 souls around these parts) I'd rather have been at tha getaway. (Is that what's known as whinging??)


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: katlaughing
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 08:59 PM

Annap and moonchild, I knew it would be that way. Everyone's postings about it are wonderful and so affirming of what I've always felt about all of you, but your postings brought tears to my eyes, for not being there and also, in gratitude to know that the magic of the Mudcat is so real and does carry over. bLessed Be and keep telling us more, everybody.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:02 PM

Oh, sure, Moonchild! Paint a pretty picture. Folks! You had to leave your cabin!! (in the rain!!!), and traipse across 60 or 70 feet of soggy grass and/or mud, to the communal latrine!!!! Nothin' like getting fully dressed to go take a shower!!!

It was so reminiscent of Army life: concrete floors and no heat (it was 40 degrees most mornings); a lo-o-o-ong sink with a battery of faucets hanging down; two open toilets with no doors and only vanity partitions, about four feet high (just high enough so you couldn't see anyone who was sitting down and you had to holler "Anybody home?" before getting too close); and open showers. In the Army, they wouldn't have had the vanity partitions, but the john would have been shared by only one sex.

Don't sweeten the pie too much Moonchild!

Big RiB

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Ferrara
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:27 PM

I'm trying to figure out what to say and all I can do is sit here and grin at the screen. This morning as Barry Finn was leaving I told him it wasn't like meeting strangers, it was like getting back together with someone you haven't seen for a few years. There was so much in common, all of us are held together by our love of the music and have gotten to know so much about each other via this Forum.

Well, one thing I can say is that this year's Getaway was as magical in its way as the Mudcat itself, which is saying a lot. Since I was program chairman, I gave myself the treat of leading the workshop called "Music from the Mudcat Cafe'." What a treat that was, and it was just the beginning. Catspaw, your name was spoken a lot but not in vain. Just as I was about to ask if anyone could do a really gross and funny song in your honor, the next person in the circle did just that. I was in a trance at the time, don't remember who sang it or what she sang....

When Max was introduced, he got a fine round of applause. ... I think Dick and Susan did too, but as I say, I was in a trance (not very different from my usual state except it was such a *happy* trance) and don't quite remember....

What a glorious bunch of people and voices and musicians. You don't have to be the best musician in the world to lead a song at the Getaway, but it helps if you obviously love the music and put your whole self into it, and everyone from the Mudcat did just that.

Some people spent much of their time getting to know each other, others (me included) spent the weekend trying to get in as many concerts, workshops and impromptu singing sessions as they could manage.

We always have a lot of out of town guests at the Getaway, some have been coming for years and some come because they've met people from FSGW who thought they'd be a great addition to the weekend. I heard lots of people say that they thought this was a lovely weekend and a lovely bunch of new guests and they'd sure love to have you back again.

Lorraine told me that whenever she looked at me this weekend, I just sort of glowed. That's how I feel. And like a really good part of my life just got better.

- Rita Ferrara

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Bruce O.
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:31 PM

Thanks Roger, but I don't relly know the origin of many songs, maybe now 0.001%, and I'm still working on the other 99.999%. But it almost always turns out that just when you think you've got all the evidence and have it all figured out, some new fact come along that shakes everything up, and you've got go back and start over.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Ferrara
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:41 PM

Moonchild and RiB, there were definitely some physical drawbacks! One long-time attendee who came all the way from Portland, OR, said that she's prefer a campsite, almost any campsite, that had doors on the johns. A sewer pump broke and the bathroom buildings in three of the cabin areas were totally unusable, so those people had to walk not 60 or 70 feet, but over the hills and through the woods to use the potty in the nearest cabin area where they were still functioning. Yuck!

-- And it rained from Saturday night til Monday morning, and since we have had umpteen weeks of rain, the ground was already soggy and turned to gooey mud in lots of places where the park service hasn't put any gravel on the paths... And the level of maintenance of the cabins is even worse than it used to be ... And the woods were rotting before our very eyes from the soggy perpetual rain we've been having.... and besides they smelled bad from the sewer break.... One couple ("Hardscrabble Farm") who raise mushrooms, were in ecstasy because there were dozen and dozens of different kinds of mushrooms growing huge all around us at the edge of the woods.... And we had a salad and cold cut lunch on Saturday and nobody had enough foresight to put it out in the dining hall where two lines could make their selections at the same time, so some people were still standing in line for food when the afternoon concerts started. Jennifer Woods started the Songs From History workshop 20 minutes late because she didn't get any food til time for the workshop to start.

And, shame on me, some people were unhappy because there were *too many good workshops going on at the same time!!!* -- It got really frustrating. I had set up all these sessions and as the weekend went on, I realized that every single session was something that I really wanted to see. Sorry, no can do. And people were scheduled opposite a workshop they really wanted to participate in. And... and... and....

But it was still wonderful wonderful wonderful.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:48 PM

LOL...Calm down Rita.....I worry about your health!!!! All kidding aside, reading your accounts, I'm sitting here with this huge smile and oddly warm feeling. I believe that passion makes the world go round and joyful, enthusiastic, passion is really contagious...even across the cyber world. Thanks Ferrara!!!!


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Lorraine
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:53 PM

There is an on-going discussion whether to move the Getaway to a bigger, nicer (indoor toilets...)but more expensive facility. So next year's site is a question. But there is no question that magic occurred. -Lorraine

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Guy Wolff
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 09:55 PM

Wow what a thing to miss!!!It realley sounds wanderfull and I'm green with envy as well!!! Next year!!! yours Guy

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: bbelle
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 10:20 PM

Well ... RiB ... didn't notice the 4' partitions since I'm a shade under the 5' mark and as for having to get fully dressed ... you apparently missed the memorable sight of me traipsing across the great divide in my teddy bear flannel jammies! I'm taking orders for next year! moonchild

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 10:49 PM

Actually Moonchild that was my first sighting of you and it is how I will always remember you. But you were too far away for me to see that there were Teddy Bears in the design.

Roger in Baltimore

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Songster Bob
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 11:03 PM

Just a thought or two about the music. Many of us sang in both formal and informal settings, and I wondered if we might not do one of two things (the way this group goes about it, we'll be doing both is my bet):

List all the songs that you yourself sang (particularly those you led or performed)


provide the lyric for at least one song NOT in Digitrad which you sang at the Getaway.

-- perhaps a separate thread for these ideas is in order, but it seems to me that memories are more solidly made if a song is connected to it. We will remember the song and the singer, together, and make these images all the more vivid in our mental "album."

Just a thought.

Bob Clayton (Songster Bob)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Dani
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 11:44 PM

Oh, hear hear, Bob. I heard a few songs this weekend that I really need to know. Wonderul music, all of it, but some that really touched me. And one problem (if you could call it that) is that so often there was not enough time after a workshop to go talk with a person to learn more about them/their song/their music.

There was some especially wonderful stuff I heard from folks I DON'T know, and I was wondering how people feel about sharing recordings? The gospel session especially seemed to be worth preserving ;) and not just for my own posterity.

And, speaking of posterity... I was NOT going to bring it up, but since you did first, Moonchild, and Roger seconded it, I WILL tell everyone how lost and forlorn you looked walking across the clearing toward us in your jammies with your ditty bag under your arm saying, "shower? Is there a hot shower? WHERE?"

I still haven't had time to process all my thoughts about meeting you all, and impressions of the warm people behind these blue labels. Whew.

Some quick impressions:

Barry's fabulous voice filling the hall with his own powerful music.

Rogers harmonies are beautiful! and he can tear up a raunch song better than anyone I'VE ever heard. Baking powder, indeed ;)

Moonchild and AllanC are like peanut butter and jelly, folks. Their voices are lovely together.

Joe just IS a camper. A person would feel like they were camping in his presence even if having dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. That infectious sense of fun is such a gift.

What else? So much else.... after I put my laundry in the dryer for the third time.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Roger in Baltimore
Date: 11 Oct 99 - 11:50 PM

Okay, one more post, and then I gotta get to bed.

Mudcat workshop - "Biscuit Blues" as performed by the Mississippi Sheiks

Blues Workshop - "Love in Vain" by Robert Johnson and "In My Time of Dyin'" as performed by Bob Dylan

Prison Songs Workshop - many songs. My favorite:


Julie, hear me when I call you,
Julie won't hear me.(2)

Believe I'll go to Dallas,(2)
Got to see my Julie
Oh, my Lord.

Julie and the baby,(3)
Oh, my Lord.

Run to get the Sergeant, (3)
Oh, my Lord.

Julie, hear me when I call you,
Julie won't hear me.(2)

Baby, gettin' hungry, (3)
Oh, my Lord.

Feet are gettin' itchy, (3)
Oh, my Lord.

Rattler can't hold me.(3)
Oh, my Lord.

Julie, hear me when I call you,
Julie won't hear me.(2)

Country Western Jam - "Last Letter Home" as performed by Sam Bush. This was a pleasure. I was not sure anyone would know it. A fiddle player joined in and Bill D. strummed lightly on his autoharp. It sounded "just right"; one of those ethereal moments for me.

Sunday night concert - "You Don't Even Care" by Tim Wallace.

I think that's it.

And SongBob, you sang a couple of songs, too, didn't you?

Roger in Baltimore.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Jeri
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:15 AM

Well, I made it back alive (I think so, anyway) and so did Barry - I rode with him. I'm half dead with sleep deprivation, but I still had to log on...

I loved meeting everyone I met. FSGW members took us in and treated us like family - what an incredible bunch of folks! THANK YOU for inviting us/me - there's nothing y'all could have done better. I got so many kind words, pats on the back and general ego-boosting that I did two songs Sun night and didn't even feel nervous - a first for me. I played on stage at a real concert (another first) at Big Mick's request. The kind, generous, sweet Mick gave me the opportunity, and the Getaway community gave me the confidence.

I want to say more here, but I really have to go to bed. To make a really long post short(er), I thought I was going to have an amazing time meeting, listening to, and singing with remarkable people. It was better than that.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Rick Fielding
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:26 AM

I'm so jealous I can't tell you. But I'm sure glad you're all back safely.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Charlie Baum
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:39 AM

I just don't know what to say, partly because I'm still brain-dead from lack of sleep (who wants to sleep when they have all those people to make music with?) and partly because the weekend was so overwhelming... It'll take a few days to recover.

The FSGW has always tried to invite "outsiders" to the Getaway. The local bunch of us sing together for each other regularly all year long, so we're eager to hear people from beyond, people who have songs in their repertoire we haven't heard and muscial talents we haven't encountered. We're always trying to get our friends from folk clubs in the Northeast to come to the Getaway. Now we've got our friends from the Folk Club in Cyberspace coming to the Getaway! It was a year ago, after the 1998 Getaway (and also two years ago, after the 1997 Getaway) that the locals sat around moping: "Attendance at the Getaway is shrinking. Are we going to shrivel to nothing? We need to find new people." Well, you all have answered our prayers. So many good musicians, so much good music, good songs, good harmonies, good instrumentals...

Administrative trivia--

If anyone lost anything or thinks they've left stuff behind, send me an e-amil or better yet, a note on the mudcat message system. In a few days, we'll try to post a "found" list on the FSGW website.

As anyone who was there knows, we're contemplating at least two alternate venues in the future. Anyone with feedback is welcome to message me. Even folks who were at the Getaway for the first time--I find your reactions informative, especially since you came in without preconceived opinions, not knowing what to expect. (Many FSGW locals have been to Prince William before). I'll admit to all the failings of the camp facilities. Next year, if we're still there, we'll remind people to bring portable folding chairs to sit in at the lodges, and a chamberpot to cut down on those cold, wet runs to the latrines in the wee wee hours of the morning. And let me apologize for the long lines at mealtimes, especially lunch--chalk it up to the inexperience of feeding almost 150 hungry mouths in that small space.

I hope that everyone who came for the first time this year will come back next year (and the years after that, too), and that those of you who are kicking yourself for missing it will make it next year.

-Charlie Baum

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Dani
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 08:31 AM

The wee wee hours, Charlie? That's good! I LIKED the place, though rustic IS a good word for it. I, personally would not be able to travel any farther north for a weekend, but it sounded like there are advantages to other places.

Wherever you go, make sure Debby can come. She is a treasure! Delays are par for the course when volunteers are playing and I think she/everyone did a wonderful job. I'd come back just for the breakfasts! Coffee was good and abundant, which is all that REALLY matters!

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Vixen
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 08:50 AM

What a weekend!

Tim and I got back Sunday night, because 1) we had a gig Monday night, and 2)I had papers to correct for Tuesday. But we had a wonderful time. For those of you who didn't like the accommodations, we tented at the Travel Trailer Village, where the bathrooms were about a 60-second walk from our tent, but they were clean, modern, and heated! Wherever the Getaway moves to, I hope it allows camping. We drove in to the Getaway itself (which would have been a 5-7 minute walk) because we didn't want to traipse back to the tent at 1 a.m. carrying all the instruments. Those of you who carry your tunes in your throats could have had a grand time singing through the woods.

Anyway, we're still reminiscing about the weekend. Every Mudcat we met was a cool person. So were the non-Mudcats who so generously opened the doors of their Getaway to the rest of us. So much talent. So much *GOOD COMPANY*!!! Anxiously awaiting the pictures...

I just wish I'd had more time to hang out with everybody. We had to go back to our tent after the Saturday concert to attend to drainage issues. By the time we got things straightened out, we were too tired to drive back and see if anyone was still awake. I wish we'd been able to stay through 'til Monday.

I wish we were still making all that beautiful music. I hope we can all get together again soon.

V (and Tim!)

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Subject: Lyr Add: WHEN FIRST WE MET^^^
From: KathWestra
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 10:42 AM

Well, this Getaway was a treasure and, like Rita, I'm still glowing. Wonderful music, and a great sense of fellowship with a whole bunch of people I now consider friends. Thanks for joining us, fellow Mudcatters, and for making what has always been a special weekend even more special and memorable. My song (by Alan Bell of England) from the Saturday concert says it all:

When first we met, we were total strangers,
We didn't know that we could be friends,
How soon we came to love each other,
Now I know we will meet again.

So here's to you, and our time together,
I'll share with you now a parting glass,
And bid adieu, with a smile and laughter,
Our time apart will be sure to pass.

We talked of dreams, and the good tomorrows
Of yesterdays, with their dark despair.
We've had our share of joys and sorrows,
And now we part as friends who care.

A long, long road now winds before me,
And fate may take me where it will,
Through deep valleys, and over mountains,
I'll not forget. I'll remember you still.

And speaking of that long, long, road... I second Jennifer's request for all you visitors from far away to check in and let us know you're safe home. Kath (who is still smiling and singing on Tuesday)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: annamill
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 11:41 AM

Gee Roger and Rita, Glenn and I didn't even notice all those little inconviences your mentioning! Did it rain? Was it muddy? Was there no heat in the cabins? When we walked into the dining hall from out of the rain, not one person even mentioned that it was raining. We were way too busy enjoying each other and the music. BTW, Glenn and I got to meet moonchild in her jammies with the teddys on her way to the shower. I can't wait till next year.

Love, annap

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Bill D
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 11:41 AM

songs I attempted.: "The Good Peanuts"
"The Rivers of Texas".(Brazos)
A work song/holler "Bald-Headed Woman",(which Barry & Roger assured me was originally "Jet-Black Woman"..but I went there HOPING to find out about a song I had carried in my head for 30 years...) "I've Rambled This Country Both Earlye and Late"(from the singing of Mike Seeger)
a bawdy Elizabethan song, about 3 sisters 'compromised' by a naughty Miller...
.....maybe one or two I have forgotten...
and, JUST before we left on Monday morning..shared about 2/3 of Billy Ed Wheelers "Ode to the Little Brown Shack Out Back" with Joe Offer, who does know a lot more than camp songs..

I'll check the DB in a bit and type in one or more...

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Liam's Brother
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 11:53 AM

Bonnie (make that Liam's-Sister-in-Law) and I closed out our drive home with a 30-minute cruise across Upper New York Bay on the ferry boat, American Legion. It certainly was the low pressure way to go and it was entirely in keeping with the Getaway Weekend as a whole.

Each of us spent different times in different places with different people. For example, Bonnie was with Barry Finn and David Diamond at lot. I have known Lisa Null about 25 years and I hardly ever see her anymore. Lisa and Judy Cook are both extremely fine singers. Scheduling conflicts kept me from hearing all of them that I wanted but it was great to be with them.

Max and Bert are 2 splendid, humorful chaps. I met them for the first time. They do a lot for us. I have to clean out the closet and find a few more auction items to help support their efforts. I had not met Dick and Susan until this year but we now find ourselves in the same place fairly often. Dick always has a thoughtful take on things and it's often unique.

Sandy and Caroline are friends of 25 years and I'm always happy to be in their presence. The same for Debbie McClatchy whose food was great. I had some nice chats with Dick Swain. Joe Offer hosted Bob Conroy and myself in Sacramento fairly recently and we became fast friends there. It was great to see him in his true enviornment - the camp.

I missed some people entirely... Mary LaMarca and Allan Clark, for example. How could that happen? I enjoyed hearing Roger in Baltimore though we didn't talk enough. Regards to everyone who exchanged a friendly glance or wink but not a lot of words.

Thanks to all of the team that put it together and made it work. What a great memory you've given us all!

All the best,
Dan Milner

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Uilleand
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 12:00 PM

I'm sorry I didn't have the pleasure to see your jammies, moonchild. But I do want to thank you for helping me carry my sleeping bag to the cabin. What a lovely way to start the weekend: being overwhelmed by the sweetness of a fellow mudcatter. It was so wonderful to put faces to the names on this forum and find what a great crowd they are. I only wished there had been more time to get to know everybody much better. Thanks Rita and Joe in particular for attending Flawn's and my mini-concert. Some of the songs were picked with you in mind.

Love, Uilleand (Shana)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Liam's Brother
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 12:01 PM

I nearly forgot one of the high points of the weekend... a 12-inch largemouth bass on a fly rod. Summer is now officially over.

All the best,

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Allan C.
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 12:15 PM

It was better than that.

There is nothing I could say that couldn't be followed by those words. I felt the warmth and openness of the people there in the first five minutes after I arrived - and I was among the first ten or fifteen there at that point!

Yes, it was terrible being torn with choices of attending either one workshop or another or just jamming with a few folks or simply hanging out and talking. Almost any way you chose was at the sacrifice of something else which had the potential of being yet another wonderful experience.

I never once felt like any choice I made was a wrong one. All - every single one of the workshops that I attended - were excellent. Many were surprising in the intensity of their content and the scope they covered. Some were simply great fun!

Sure, the facilities were not the best in many ways but I think that for the most part the Getaway events were so outstanding that there were not nearly enough negative experiences to outweigh the positive ones.

For me, it became overwhelming after the first full day and night. Sunday, I went to a couple of workshops, but mostly I just hung around at the dining hall, slurped coffee and chatted with people.

Most of the 'Catters were almost exactly as I pictured them. (Of course, thanks to bbc's resource page, I already had a little help.) Some were surprises. All of the surprises were very, very pleasant ones. It was wonderful to be able to make music with these people; but it was far more important for me to spend time with them and to get to know them better. I spent the weekend in search of a balance of both.

On a personal level, the Getaway was very good for me in terms of my musical ego. I had, until my arrival here at the Mudcat, allowed real life to get in the way of my musical development. I felt stagnant and rather lacking in a large number of ways which I cannot explain very well. I had fallen away from playing guitar and singing to a great degree - and was especially timid about being heard by anyone outside of my livingroom. It was a real leap for me when I played and sang at Annap's first gathering. Now suddenly here I was at the Getaway. Eventually, I was more or less called upon to do something musical in front of all those many people - perhaps fifty at that particular moment. I started to play and sing a song but my nervousness prevented my chord fingers from going where they should. I immediately abandoned that song for another. All went well. I managed to get through it without any major problems.

The surprise came much later when so many people went out of their way to comment upon my song. I was amazed. My musical self-esteem had been sorely in need of feeding. This was just what was called for. Then, later, I got another stroke when someone quoted Dani who had complimented as she did in her post (above). And then Moonchild capped it off by referring to me as a "fancy guitarist"!! I found it all to be quite astounding. It was not at all the way I felt inside about my abilities. It was good to get a few strokes.

I told you that to tell you this: My experience was not unique. I think there were many there who "grew" quite a bit at the Getaway. The wonderful people there were not at all shy about handing out compliments to one another. For me, it was one of the very best things to come out of the entire weekend.

Thank you to all who made the Getaway what it became. It meant much more to me than I can express here. It was better than that.

Allan C.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:14 PM

It sounds wonderful and I thought of you all weekend. A few of you have mentioned next April... what, where and when??? I felt so sad not to be there this time- when is next time??????????

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Vixen
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:40 PM

I just penned this, in response to Allan C.'s post above. I wanted to use "it was better than that" as the refrain, but it just didn't happen this time. There is a melody, but I won't be able to communicate it until I write it down; since Tim hasn't seen it yet, there's no chords.


We planned with excitement,
Packed up with delight
We locked up the house
Before it was light

And we're gettin' away to the Getaway
Warm days, good music, fine friends
Yes, we're gettin' away to the Getaway
So much fun we don't want it to end.

We drove from New England
Flew from the West Coast
Came up from Florida
To stay with our hosts

And we're gettin' away to the Getaway
Warm days, good music, fine friends
Yes, we're gettin' away to the Getaway
So much fun we don't want it to end.

We met up with old friends
Met some who were new
Sang songs and played tunes
Til the weekend was through.

And we're gettin' away to the Getaway
Warm days, good music, fine friends
Yes, we're gettin' away to the Getaway
So much fun we don't want it to end.

And we got away to the Getaway
Warm days, good music, fine friends
Yes, we got away to the Getaway
And can't wait to go back again.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Bert
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 01:47 PM

Sure was a good time.

Here's a few high spots that no one has yet mentioned...

I saw Joe Offer entertain a group of kids around the campfire. Wonderful. Something I'll never forget.

At a workshop I heard Charlie and Lisa singing slightly different notes and they got a harmonic beat frequency ringing like a bell. Not just wonderful, I would have said impossible if I hadn't heard it.

And, for the first time in my life, I heard someone (I think her name is Alice) sing "Oh Mr. Porter" ALL THE WAY THROUGH.

And when we left, bbc said, "It's not really like leaving because we'll meet tomorrow on the Mudcat"


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Knitpick
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 03:01 PM

Bert it was Gail Snider who sang "Oh Mr. Porter" all the way through -- she has lots of wonderful songs like that! (She's English ex-pat living in the DC area-- and is also visual imparied)

I 'm not fond of the rustic nature of the Getaway sight -- (it does a number on my allergies, and it seems my voice -- I still can't sing having lost that ability mid-day Sunday) but that doesn't stick in my mind at all -- the spaces added to the intimicy -- and I too am glowing and smiling as I think back on it -- it really was one of the best Getaways --definately in the 1990s -- and I KNOW it's because of all the wonderful Mudcatters that came!


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: TimS
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 03:07 PM

THANK YOU to all the Mudcatters who came to the Getaway last weekend! You folks made it an absolutely extraordinary weekend! I was absolutly floored to find so many new faces, and so many incredible new voices.

This was the best Getaway in many years, and your talent and enthusiasm is what made that happen. Please, please come back!

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 03:37 PM

Caroline and I are home safely, and still coming down from the high of a truly great weekend. Karen K. was caravaning with us en route, but she went on ahead when I found I had to stop and doze for about half an hour along the way. The road was disappearing in front of me and at one point I was startled to realize I had actually fallen asleep for a second or two. No trouble after the 40 winks, though.

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Sandy Paton
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 03:51 PM

Holy Cow! My machine just went nuts! Hope Joe gets home soon and can eliminate all that stuff!

I told Caroline, after Sunday night, that if she ever woke up and found me gone, she'd be wise to call Bill D and see if Ferrara had been kidnapped. I have never seen a more beautiful smile bestowed so freely upon so many. All that, and she knows a zillion songs and sings them wonderfully well! Yes, it was hard to decide which workshop to attend, and I missed several I really had planned to visit, but there's always another year...

Too many highlights to list them all, but let me tell you this: one that made my heart soar was hearing my own dear Caroline sing that Tennessee version of "Wild Mountain Thyme" ("Braes of Balquidder") at the Sunday night after-hours song-swap. Glorious!

Sandy (if pride goeth before a fall, look out below!)

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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: Bert
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 04:15 PM

KnitPick, Thanks for giving me Gail's name, I shouldn't have got it wrong in the first place

Gail, Sorry I got your name wrong. I didn't forget your song though. Next time we'll have to get together and sing some more old London Songs.

I'm glad us 'Catters blended in, I was concerned that we might stand out because there were so many of us. Personally, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference if it wasn't for the Tee Shirts.

Thanks FSGW folks for making us feel part of your family.


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Subject: RE: Tune Add: Getaway: thank you all
From: lamarca
Date: 12 Oct 99 - 04:39 PM

Hmmm; think I sang/performed
Fisher Lassies/Pittinweem Jo (MacColl/Watt)
Down Where the Drunkards Roll (Thompson)
William Taylor (trad., signed for the hearing-impaired; co-starring Ken Schatz, Daphne ?, Big Mick, Barry Finn, George Stephens, Lorraine and directed by Sue West)
Maid from Cabra West (trad.)
Essiquibo River (trad.)

My husband George and I together did
Tommy (Kipling/Bellamy)
Lonely Waterloo (trad./Sproule)
Shear at Castlereagh (Paterson/Hallom)
The Outside Track (Lawson/Hallom)
Edward (trad.)
Smuggler's Song (Kipling/Bellamy)
Sleep On, Beloved (trad., along with Dick Swain, Nancy Mattila, KathWestra and Andy Wallace in Sunday eve. concert).

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