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Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?

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GUEST,Just me 04 Dec 19 - 04:41 AM
GUEST,Starship 04 Dec 19 - 09:49 AM
GUEST 14 Feb 20 - 01:31 PM
GUEST,Guest 01 Apr 20 - 08:51 AM
GUEST,Larry 03 Mar 21 - 10:42 AM
GUEST,David 06 Aug 23 - 09:29 PM
GUEST,R.Humphries 02 Jan 25 - 01:33 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
From: GUEST,Just me
Date: 04 Dec 19 - 04:41 AM

Learned this in California early 80's in kindergarten.

I woke up Sunday morning I looked up on the wall,
The beetles and the bedbugs were having a game of ball,
The score was 6 to nothing, the beetles were ahead
The bedbugs got a homerun, they knocked me outta bed,

I'm singin' eenie meenie and a miny moe, moe, moe, moe
Catch a wiffer waffer by the toe and if he hollers, hollers, hollers
Let him go I'm singing, eenie meenie and a miny moe.

I woke up Sunday morning and ordered ham and eggs,
I ate so many eggs, they all ran down my legs.

I'm singin' eenie meenie and a miny moe, moe, moe, moe,
Catch a wiffer waffer by the toe and if he hollers, hollers, hollers,
Let him go I'm singin' eenie meenie and a miny moe.

My father is butcher,
My mother is a spy,
And if you don't believe me just call the FBI.

I'm singin' eenie meenie and a miny moe, moe, moe, moe,
Catch a wiffer waffer by the toe and if he hollers, hollers, hollers,
Let him go I'm singin' eenie meenie and a miny moe.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
From: GUEST,Starship
Date: 04 Dec 19 - 09:49 AM

That may have been partly posted or linked-to way back, but the link don't work no more. So, here it is again.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
Date: 14 Feb 20 - 01:31 PM

games, riddles, or tests don't work on me
scratch the ticks scratch the fleas.
had too much of miss sandys dogs you see.
love the one they called michelle.
but the rest can go to hell.
and if they think they've seen the last of me...
they're as fool as fool can be.
I'll yell it from the roof tops hollers hills and lakes
to have her heart for goodness sakes
would be sublime would set me free
from this prison of loneliness wait and see.
alomost had her a time ago
but darkness and that devil tricked her sole
It was up to her you if I should let her go.
but that devil was a friend of mine and didn't k-know
if I was or fake you were true.
about the time we spent us two
maybe god would show his favor.
before the devil did enslave her.
before I do give up up that lass
I'd drill that devil in his

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 01 Apr 20 - 08:51 AM

While growing up in south Louisiana, we used to sing this little "ditty," while sitting knee to knee, and doing hand claps with each other. If you missed a beat, or did the wrong sequence of claps, you had to start over. These words are a little different to most of the others. We did this in the fifties when I was growing up.

I waked up Sundaymorning,
And looked upon the wall,
The roaches and the bedbugs were having them a ball,
The score was ten to nothing,
The bedbugs were ahead,
The roaches hit a homerun,
And knockedme out of bed.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
From: GUEST,Larry
Date: 03 Mar 21 - 10:42 AM

The Cremation of Sam McGee
There are strange things done in the midnight sun
      By the men who moil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
      That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
      But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
      I cremated Sam McGee.

If you google the title, you can see the whole poem.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
From: GUEST,David
Date: 06 Aug 23 - 09:29 PM

When I was in Chicago, when I was on the run. They wouldn’t sell me whiskey they wouldn’t sell me rum. They put me in the county jail and laid me near a wall, the bed bugs and the roaches were having a game of ball. The score was four to nothing the roaches were ahead the bed bugs hit a home run that knocked me out of bed. Four o’clock in the morning they rang the breakfast bell, a couple raw potatoes and god how they smelled. The coffee was like tobacco juice the bread was hard and stale but that’s the way they treat the bums down the county jail.

My dad sang this to me when I was young. I figured he picked it up in WWII.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Roaches and Bedbugs?
From: GUEST,R.Humphries
Date: 02 Jan 25 - 01:33 AM

My father's version of this song he sang (b.1927)
Oh when I woke up this morning, I looked upon the wall, the bedbugs and the roaches, were having their game of ball. The score was nine to nothin, the roaches were ahead, a bedbug knocked a homer, and knocked me out a bed. Oh when I went down to breakfast,the bread was hard and stale. The coffee taste like tobacco juice, right out of county jail. Indian rubber beef steak, the disconnected cheese, a weenie turned a flip-flop and landed in my peas.
Oh it ain't gonna rain, ain't gonna rain, ain't gonna rain no more. How in the heck can I wash my neck, if it ain't gonna rain no more.

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