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BS: Why are plates normally round?

GUEST,Alan Whittle 11 May 11 - 09:09 AM
olddude 11 May 11 - 09:53 AM
harmonic miner 11 May 11 - 10:29 AM
frogprince 11 May 11 - 10:33 AM
GUEST,Patsy 11 May 11 - 10:57 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 11 May 11 - 12:49 PM
Arthur_itus 11 May 11 - 12:52 PM
Genie 11 May 11 - 10:28 PM
Gurney 12 May 11 - 02:50 AM
Gurney 12 May 11 - 02:58 AM
GUEST,Patsy 12 May 11 - 02:58 AM
Arthur_itus 12 May 11 - 03:14 AM
Manitas_at_home 12 May 11 - 05:44 AM
Arthur_itus 12 May 11 - 07:43 AM
Les from Hull 12 May 11 - 08:02 AM
DMcG 12 May 11 - 08:36 AM
Herga Kitty 12 May 11 - 03:01 PM
Bert 12 May 11 - 03:45 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: GUEST,Alan Whittle
Date: 11 May 11 - 09:09 AM

I knew a man with thoughts profound
Who wondered why his plates were round.
I know not why he seemed to care
The reason that his plates weren't square.
His reasoning was not unsound,
But it didn't make his plates less round.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: olddude
Date: 11 May 11 - 09:53 AM

so the peas won't roll off :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: harmonic miner
Date: 11 May 11 - 10:29 AM

why is the chain usually on the right-hand side of a bicycle

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: frogprince
Date: 11 May 11 - 10:33 AM

"why is the chain usually on the right-hand side of a bicycle"

Good grief. of all the stupid questions; it's because that's the side the sprockets are on, of course!

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: GUEST,Patsy
Date: 11 May 11 - 10:57 AM

Who decided to make bicycles different for girls and yet we can both ride scooters and motorbikes the same hmmm?

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 11 May 11 - 12:49 PM

...besides, when you raise the square plate up to your mouth, to slurp up the gravy, the gravy, on the square plate would run all over your clothes...... AND, the round one works with just a minimal schlurping noise!..and if you're going to raise up your plate to slurp up the gravy, don't you at least, want to do it with a little class?
That's why some of you still have to eat over the sink!
Bobert does!


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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Arthur_itus
Date: 11 May 11 - 12:52 PM

"why is the chain usually on the right-hand side of a bicycle"

So that if it comes off, you stand with your backside sticking out into the traffic, trying to put it back on. The idea being that you then get run over.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Genie
Date: 11 May 11 - 10:28 PM

Why are dessert plates round when pi r square?

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Gurney
Date: 12 May 11 - 02:50 AM

Patsy, bicycles are the sexiest vehicles ever, because they are the only ones with genders...
The reason that they have gender is that the original bicycles were always made for gentlemen, who wear trousers/pants. When ladies clamoured to join in with this craze, the frames were modified to allow them to be ridden, and mounted, by people wearing long skirts.

Surely, no gentlewoman would DREAM of wearing anything but a long skirt.

They will be demanding to vote, next!

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Gurney
Date: 12 May 11 - 02:58 AM

Arthur itus, you are obviously a Pom/Aussie/Kiwi. The rest of the world can remount their chains in safety.

This is a deliberate policy. If someone is so unmechanical that their chain is likely to jump off, then the following accident will improve the statistical mechanical ability of the whole country!
Who knows where this will lead? Why, in only about 2000 generations Britain may....wait.
The Japanese drive on that side, too.   Ahh so.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: GUEST,Patsy
Date: 12 May 11 - 02:58 AM

Oh yes I remember the days of riding side saddle, ho ho!

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Arthur_itus
Date: 12 May 11 - 03:14 AM

English Gurney.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Manitas_at_home
Date: 12 May 11 - 05:44 AM

I think you're meant to put the bike on the pavement (footpath) and fix it there...

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Arthur_itus
Date: 12 May 11 - 07:43 AM

If there is one Manitas :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Les from Hull
Date: 12 May 11 - 08:02 AM

Kitty: Don't believe everything they tell you on HMS Victory. While I have nothing but admiration for the Royal Navy and its marvelous history and traditions, they are not naval historians on the Victory. They are serving naval ratings who are given a highly dubious script to learn. I was disgusted with the tour 20 years ago and it seams that they are still spouting the same old nonsense. You can read more about it here.

(old joke alert)
There's a raised brass plate on the quarterdeck indicating where Nelson fell. I'm not surprised - I nearly tripped over it myself.

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: DMcG
Date: 12 May 11 - 08:36 AM

"They are serving naval ratings who are given a highly dubious script to learn"

I remember going round the Victory some twenty years ago where the rating was clearly tired at the end of a long day. On our tour he gave us an entirely accurate description of completely the wrong room...

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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Herga Kitty
Date: 12 May 11 - 03:01 PM

Les - they revise the history too, over the years. Annie Ingham asked why the orlop deck was no longer painted red, and was told that there was no historical evidence it had been painted red in 1805, and the contemporary paintings showed the floor as unpainted wood...

It wasn't a rating giving our tour, though - because it was a special occasion we got the CPO.


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Subject: RE: BS: Why are plates normally round?
From: Bert
Date: 12 May 11 - 03:45 PM

...Sorry, Alan, if a joke has to be explained, it ain't worth telling...

If one speaks English then the joke doesn't need explaining. (London English being Standard English, of course.)

Actually you turn your bike over to fix the chain then you can stand on the pavement (sidewalk).

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