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BS: What do YOU wear on your head?

Azizi 06 Jan 06 - 07:23 PM
Azizi 06 Jan 06 - 07:50 PM
Sandra in Sydney 06 Jan 06 - 08:24 PM
bobad 06 Jan 06 - 08:38 PM
Peace 06 Jan 06 - 08:40 PM
Peace 06 Jan 06 - 08:57 PM
Sandra in Sydney 06 Jan 06 - 09:08 PM
Azizi 06 Jan 06 - 09:31 PM
Metchosin 06 Jan 06 - 09:38 PM
michaelr 06 Jan 06 - 10:04 PM
lady penelope 07 Jan 06 - 12:34 PM
bobad 07 Jan 06 - 02:06 PM
Metchosin 07 Jan 06 - 03:45 PM
Joybell 07 Jan 06 - 04:16 PM
GUEST,The Deli Lama 07 Jan 06 - 04:26 PM
Joe Offer 07 Jan 06 - 04:43 PM
number 6 07 Jan 06 - 04:57 PM
Joybell 07 Jan 06 - 08:21 PM
Peace 07 Jan 06 - 08:40 PM
Peace 07 Jan 06 - 09:01 PM
artbrooks 07 Jan 06 - 09:05 PM
Peace 07 Jan 06 - 09:11 PM
Sandra in Sydney 07 Jan 06 - 09:47 PM
number 6 07 Jan 06 - 09:55 PM
Rapparee 07 Jan 06 - 09:59 PM
Rapparee 07 Jan 06 - 10:00 PM
GUEST,Uncle Jaque in Maine 07 Jan 06 - 10:04 PM
GUEST,Uncle Jaque in Maine 07 Jan 06 - 10:09 PM
GUEST 07 Jan 06 - 10:10 PM
Jerry Rasmussen 07 Jan 06 - 11:05 PM
Metchosin 08 Jan 06 - 12:13 AM
Joybell 08 Jan 06 - 01:47 AM
lady penelope 08 Jan 06 - 02:25 AM
HuwG 08 Jan 06 - 02:58 AM
Rapparee 08 Jan 06 - 08:52 AM
artbrooks 08 Jan 06 - 08:58 AM
number 6 08 Jan 06 - 09:00 AM
Metchosin 08 Jan 06 - 12:15 PM
Rapparee 08 Jan 06 - 12:46 PM
Don Firth 08 Jan 06 - 01:20 PM
Bee-dubya-ell 08 Jan 06 - 01:20 PM
artbrooks 08 Jan 06 - 01:23 PM
Mooh 08 Jan 06 - 02:27 PM
Peace 08 Jan 06 - 02:38 PM
GUEST,Wordless Woman 09 Jan 06 - 11:40 AM
number 6 09 Jan 06 - 11:58 AM
Bunnahabhain 09 Jan 06 - 07:07 PM
GUEST 09 Jan 06 - 07:51 PM
Once Famous 09 Jan 06 - 10:19 PM
Wordless Woman 11 Jan 06 - 02:47 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Azizi
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 07:23 PM

I wear a gele on my head when I am doing African cultural programming. Sometimes I wear a gele at other times just to cover my head from the cold or just because I feel like it.

A gele is a Yoruba {Nigeria, West Africa} word for a headwrap that is made by tying and tucking a rectangular piece of material in different ways. The cloth might be the same pattern as the rest of your outfit, or its pattern and color{s} may just compliment that your {African or Western style} outfit.

HERE is a page that shows examples of different gele/head wraps.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Azizi
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 07:50 PM

I meant to note that the shawls shown on that page that I linked to are the length and width of the material that is used for the head wrap.

IMO, wrapping a gele is an acquired skill and the resulting head wrap can be a work of art. Unfortunately, few African American women know how to wrap geles. Personally, I don't like the Erykah Badu's big, towering turban look. I bet that turban was awfully heavy.
I think Erykah Badu wore her headwrap that way because she didn't know anyone who knew how to wrap the Yoruba style geles.


Here's some photos of Erykah Badu with and without what was her signature turban look.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 08:24 PM

Wordless woman - thankyou for the praise. I also own 4 or 5 other hats, all wide brimmed straws & most are boater style. Somewhere I also have a silly hat for festivals, it's an old bluey-green, 1960's?? cloche shape in a soft silky/fleecy material that was hard to pull down over my ears cos of my hairstyle.

Lots of folk here wear silly hats at festivals - is this just an Oz tradition or it widespread? Lots of folks also wear sensible hats, shady or warm depending on weather.

Azizi - that's a great site, I'd never really seen African clothes before, just the occassional pic in a newspaper or book. Sydney has an African community in a suburb that I cross on my way to another & I can see interesting hairdressers & food shops from the bus, but I've never had time to get out & look around. It might be an idea to leave early one day & interrupt my journey.


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: bobad
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 08:38 PM

Martin I was wonderin' what a turbin cowboy was so I googled it:

Redneck Chic

"Just take the damned cowboy hat off, Tex."

If there's one rising trend in American popular-music culture that destroys my sanity--- perhaps even above the mindlessness of "gangsta" rap--- it is what I call the �countrification� of the United States. Country music, and all of its accompanying behavioral quirks, has seemingly and officially fulfilled its quest to permeate the fabric of our society. I would love to know which bright think-tank coordinated this effort, and WHY. Now, I can accept this sort of thing going on in the southern and mid-western United States (in fact, I expect it), but I live in the northeast--- Massachusetts, to be precise--- and I simply cannot, WILL NOT, sit idly by as one of the last places in the country which was traditionally free of this "Ahm-a goin' c-UH-ntry" nonsense succumbs to the onset of Redneck Chic.

As a guideline (though with exceptions)--- country music is the very height of mundane sappiness. There's nothing particularly exciting about some drawling, genetically dubious twat butchering the life out of a pentatonic scale with a twangy guitar.

Perhaps if it were just a "music thing", it wouldn't be such a bane of my existence, but more often than not, I find that it comes down to being a behavioral mindset with these c-UH-ntry clowns. I do not understand why someone not born into the redneck way of life would find it fashionable to the point that they would voluntarily impart it upon themself. What's the attraction? I wish that somebody who could give me a sound explanation would step forward. What makes a person wake up one day, and think to themself: "you know, it might do me good to dress up like a third-rate John Wayne, and take on the personality of a belligerent dullard."?

Again, there are eerie parallels with our endearing culture of "ghetto chic". Whatever the reason, it has become "hip" to walk and talk as if one has a sixth-grade education. I hope that no one finds this to be a startling revelation. Ever notice that every jackass who gets propped up in front of some daytime talk-show camera either speaks like Forrest Gump or 50 Cent? Our lives have been overtaken by "Bubbas" and "Lil' Dre Doggy Doggz". I can only hope that it isn't contagious, though it seems that it is.

What's the story with this pandemic, "ruff-n-tuff" cowboy fantasy that goes on in this country? How many real cowboys, by trade, do we have left? A few hundred? So what about all of these other ass punchers, for Christ's sake? Where's the costume party, cowboy?

Perhaps they're Trick-or-Treating--- for chewing tobacco, six packs of Old Milwaukee, and second cousins to pork when the sun goes down. I don't know. I'm just as confused as you are.

Maybe where some of you come from, some damned "bubba" in a pick-up truck and a cowboy hat is (at least) somewhat appropriate, but in eastern Massachusetts, it's nothing short of f*cking imbecilic. What's the pick-up truck for--- the rugged terrain of the greater Boston area? To navigate through the treacherous, mud-strewn trails down at the mall and the local burger joint? I encounter these douchebags when I am in line for my morning coffee at the drive-through. Sure enough, there's the stupid cowboy hat, and the ear drum-sodomizing sounds of Garth Brooks pouring forth from the 7,000,000 ton, dual rear wheeled, extended cab deluxe, Rodeo-Edition Limited pick-up truck. Of course, if I'm really in luck, I'll get to pass the time examining all of its proudly displayed stickers for NASCAR, six-shooters, high-performance automotive parts, Confederate flags (always doubly amusing in the northern US), and Harley Davidson (usually, these are the same halfwits who are also "bikers" in their spare time).

Of course the most bitter of all realizations, is that "ol' Jim Bob" in front me is typically something in the way of a f*cking shoe salesman, and the closest that he's ever come to a-ropin'-and-a-brandin' a herd of cattle, was yesterday when he went to Subway and ordered a large steak and god damned cheese with everything on it. An applicable word leaps to mind: "delusional".

Also; when I inquire as to what the possible allure of listening to country music could be, I fail to acknowledge the veracity of these conclusions:

1.) Random male: "Like, Faith Hill is hot. And you know it."

2.) Random male: "Like, Shania Twain is hot. And you know it."

3.) Random female: "Like, Toby Keith is hot. You wouldn't understand."

4.) Random female: "Like, Vince Gill is hot. You wouldn't understand."

Incredible. Grown up persons--- all of whom presumably underwent some form of schooling during the course of their lives--- predicating their musical preferences upon the physical looks of the performer. I expect this rationale from 12 year-olds, not adults.

I also tend to shy away from the assertion that "c-UH-ntry" music is the spirit of America, "and if'n ya'll don't listen to it, then ya'll are kinda like America-haters and communists." --- and this is AFTER informing the mouth-breather that my voting record HARDLY makes me a left-leaning utopian.

This does very little in the way of accrediting the image of a musical style which already induces auto-associations to other grand cultural achievements such as steer wrestling, calf roping, bull riding, "coon" hunting, calf dressing (yes, that's putting a calf into human clothes--- don't forget to bring grandma along), and line dancing. In other words--- "grand cultural achievements" should be taken to mean "insensately dumb hick activities". Where do they come up with this garbage? What's next--- banjo f*cking?

As for the poseurs in the northeastern United State--- just take the damned cowboy hat off, Tex.

True to life cowboys are few and far between, and our modern-day, suburban lifestyles cannot be toughened by the dull-witted, nasal twang of a country song, a comically large belt buckle, and a homely plaid shirt. Donkey.

It's all Billy-Ray Cyrus' fault. He brought it to the rest of the country in the 1990s, and this is one moronic storm that I'll just have to wait out. In the meantime, I'll be the guy behind the "NASCAR-hero" sitting in the Ford F350, at the drive through window, consumed by both irrepressible laughter and rage.

I hope that I'm not alone.

See you next month, kiddies.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Peace
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 08:40 PM

When I see 'country' singers on stage with their stupid f#ckin' hats on--and I know damned well most have never been working cowboys or cowgirls--it truly pisses me right the f#ck off. They look bloody ridiculous.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Peace
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 08:57 PM

Now, we join our regularly scheduled program. Thank you for allowing me to get that off my chest.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 09:08 PM

When country legend & good bloke Slim Dusty died my colleagues & I watched the crowds outside the cathedral who were watching the funeral on a big screen. Among the crowd were what must have been a bluegrass trio in white shirts, cord ties (dunno it's proper name), jeans & 10-gallon hats! Not Akubras like Slim & other Oz singers & citizens wear, but huge American cowboy hats. I was immediately prejudiced against them on seeing those bloody un-Australian hats.


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Azizi
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 09:31 PM

Sandra and others who are interested,

I hope that you get a chance to see some real African fashions in person {"real" as opposed to make pretend pseudo-African or African inspired-which might still be aesthetically pleasing but isn't authentic}....

Anyway, down the bottom of the last hyperlink I shared is a link for Yoruba men's clothing {including the fila hat-since this is a hat thread}.

But here's another great site I found:
African fashions

It doesn't have a lot of hats-but seeing these fashions here may be the next best thing to seeing them in person.

Best wishes,


PS: I should say that there are many different kinds of African fashion. The pages I linked to are only a small example of West African fashion. The Senagalese, for example, are known for their clothing...I'm not sure if their clothing is featured in that last hyperlink.


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Metchosin
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 09:38 PM

oh gee..... I usually wear the hood on my Wetskins, cause its raining and I hate water running down my neck. When I'm riding in Alberta I wear an Akubra or or something like that, but when I ride around here, where its less dangerous, I wear a helmet. Go figure. LOL

And sometimes when I'm prepared for all weather, I wear the hood under my hat or helmet, despite the fact that it screws my side vision somewhat.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: michaelr
Date: 06 Jan 06 - 10:04 PM

bobad - whyn'tcha tale us how ya really feel?

I'm with you all the way, my friend. It's all part of the dumbing down of America. It's an orchestrated plot. Fuck `em all.


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: lady penelope
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 12:34 PM

Not that I disagree with your sentiments Bobad, but does that mean you don't wear a hat?


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: bobad
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 02:06 PM

Where I live, if you don't wear a hat during at least the winter months, you'll lose more brain cells than if you listen to country music all the time.

I'm not a cowboy, so I don't wear a cowboy hat.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Metchosin
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 03:45 PM

One thing about cowboy hats from experience is that they do make an excellent bucket to dump river water over your head when its too friggin' hot out in the bush. S'pose that's where they get the term" ten gallon hat". But in the winter they don't do a very good job of keeping the rain and snow, when its cut on the bias, from running down your neck.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Joybell
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 04:16 PM

Sandra, I love your description of your head wear.

Re the "cowboys" at Slim Dusty's funeral - True-Love's tall-crowned, black, cowboy style-hat is an Akubra. They've always made that style here aparently. Some Aussies have always worn them (often punched down into a lower shape). It's only lately that everyone wears the same stlye of Akubra in the same brown colours, punched down even lower. Mine's white - "The Bobby" (worn with the crown up.)

Once at a Folk Festival a young man came up to Hildebrand and said, "That is a perfectly ridiculous hat!" Later we saw the same fella dancing around in a flowered, beribboned hat with a bunch of Morris Dancers. He grinned at us in a friendly way.

Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: GUEST,The Deli Lama
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 04:26 PM

"Your dislike of country music is just one more example of your dislike of much of what goes on in America by normal Americans."

Thus speaks the resident redneck.

Martin, why are you addressing this to Bobert? He hasn't even posted on this thread! It looks like you're confusing Bobert (who lives in West Virginia) with bodad. Lost again, eh?

And how does one deal with the mentality that allowed what happened in West Virginia? I think Bobert (since you've addressed your remarks to him and he may not even see this) is on top of that issue. When the government regulatory agencies look the other way when mine owners ignore safety matters and a dozen miners get killed as a result of the negligence of both the mine owners and the government regulatory agencies, I think Bobert probably deals with it the way any intelligent person would. Sadness mixed with anger, and a determination to change the kind of regime that allows this sort of thing.

How do YOU deal with it? Just shrug your shoulders and figure, "Well, accidents happen. Just as long as the profits keep rolling in, who cares?"

The Deli Lama

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Joe Offer
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 04:43 PM

"A pint's a pound the world around."
And there are eight pints in a gallon, which means a gallon weighs eight pounds.
So, a ten gallon hat, full of water, weight how much?

I've spent a lifetime wondering about that.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: number 6
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 04:57 PM

Actually a wide brimmed had (such as a cowboy hat) is practical. As Metchosin stated it keeps the rain well of you and harmful sun rays off your neck. That's why the Ontario Provincial Police were issued those Mountie or Smokey hats. Reason being (from what I heard) is that an OPP officer developed skin cancer on his neck. He subsequently sued on the basis that the force did not issue appropriate head gear.


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Joybell
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 08:21 PM

Again on the high-crown-Akubra look - Western Australian Aboriginal stockmen wear their hats in this style. If you look at an Akubra catalog you see all sorts of styles not just the ones worn in the suburbs of our big cities.
Also Slim Dusty used an American Country line-up, complete with pedal steel, for his backing band, and they played with an American Country sound. (Nary a button accordion, tin whistle, banjo-mandolin, bones, spoons, lagerphone.)
The "cowboys" were OK, I reckon. Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Peace
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 08:40 PM

I think people who do not 'work' using horses/quads to take care of their cattle and who walk around wearing Stetsons look like bloody fools. They seldom know the difference between heifers, cows, steers and bulls, and trying to 'pass' as cowboys/cowgirls makes them look really stupid. That includes those dolts who go on stage at the Grand Old Opry--which is another stupid thing.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Peace
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 09:01 PM

Opry? OPRY? What the f#ck is OPRY?

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: artbrooks
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 09:05 PM

Hello? I am about as far as you can get from being a working cowboy and still live in the American Southwest. However, the reason that style of hat is popular with cowboys, sheep herders and other such people is that it is the most practical hat for the weather here. The broad brim keeps the sun and rain off your head, your eyes and the back of your neck, and the high crown (1 1/2 to 2 inches above the top of your head) provides insulation from the heat and cold. UV will go right through a ball cap sitting in contact with your scalp. I wouldn't have a Stetson, though...they don't fit very well. Most people I know wear Resistol hats or some kind of straw hat in that hated design.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Peace
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 09:11 PM

The working cowboys/girls I know all wear hats of some sort--as in 'cowboy' hats, and for the reasons art suggests. I guess the 'country' singers are making sure the lights don't fry their brains.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 09:47 PM

Joybell - True love's hat is a very low hat compared to the hats I saw.

6 - Oz police officers can wear brimmed hats or baseball hats. I'm just waiting for info on neck skin cancer claims to hit the news, tho the Police Service probably gives out sunblock. Oz has the highest skin-cancer rate in the world.

Years ago a friend & her 21 year old son had skin cancers removed at the same time, both from their driving arms, and he had only been driving for 3 or 4 years.Around the same time another friend was an outdoor worker whose employer supplied sunblock. Most of his macho mates wouldn't wear it so he was giving it away to us.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: number 6
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 09:55 PM

Ya guys can knock the cowboy hat all ya want ... but Hank Williams certainly never rustled a cow in his life, and Hank could wear that setson as proud as proud can be.


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Rapparee
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 09:59 PM

Well, I agree with Bruce -- "cowboy" hats on drugstore cowboys look silly. BUT they are practical, especially if you live/work in the plains, desert or mountains (and we have all three here).

But as for what people wear on their heads, I'm surprised that no one has yet told of the people visiting a remote Pacific island. They were a bunch of anthropology students, and were studying the indigenous people. Interestingly enough, the locals all had their heads covered with the excrement of a large local bird called the "Foo" in the language of the people there. The belief was that they would die if they washed the stuff off their heads. The Anthro class, of course, did interviews and all the stuff that anthropologists do, and one day at Foo scored a direct hit on the Professor. The natives, of course, gathered 'round and told him not to wash his head now or ever, but he ignored them, washed, and dropped dead immediately. His students learned, and when they became targets they never after washed their heads. They had learned that if the Foo shits, wear it.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Rapparee
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 10:00 PM

And I find that if you want to figure out who's a working cowby and who isn't, look at their boots....

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: GUEST,Uncle Jaque in Maine
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 10:04 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: GUEST,Uncle Jaque in Maine
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 10:09 PM

Forage Cap; M-1853; Infantry; Enlisted.

UJ does "Lorena"...

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 10:10 PM

"And I find that if you want to figure out who's a working cowby and who isn't, look at their boots...."

Good one Rapaire !!


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 07 Jan 06 - 11:05 PM

A Green Bay Packer cap.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Metchosin
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 12:13 AM

"And I find that if you want to figure out who's a working cowboy and who isn't, look at their boots...."

Not necessarily, in recent years, a lot that I have ridden with prefer Ropers or something similar. You're a lot less likely to break an ankle on rocky ground and sooner or later, on rough terrain you've got to get down off your horse.

Something with enough heel for safety in the stirrup is a lot more practical than tottering around in high heels on rocks like a sailor without sea legs.

I don't consider myself a cowgirl, although I did manage to rope and tie a herford to a tree that was careening around loose in the neighbourhood once...but I did that on foot, not on horseback. LOL.

I've been riding horses for over 50 years now and caring for my own for the last 15 of those. While I will wear a "cowboy hat" on occasion, for practical purposes, you will never catch me in a "cowboy boot" on the kind of trails I prefer.

I've no desire to break an ankle and around here in recent times, when I'm not being sloppy, I prefer my steel toed work boots for ground work, I've had too many crunched toes over the years and my bones are probably not as robust as they used to be.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Joybell
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 01:47 AM

His head is pointy, Sandra so the hat goes down well over his ears. If he wore it perched on top of his head it would look higher. Anyway he looks good doesn't he?

Peace, if I wore only head covering that fits with my (former) job I'd be wearing a nurses veil. Like the kind we had in 1960. How silly would I look then? Hmmm! I wonder though. It'd be different. I hate being fashionable. Cheers, Joy

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: lady penelope
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 02:25 AM

Lawks, people! It's hat! Get over it! Who gives a damn what hat you wear? What, we gonna have 'hat police' now? My job doesn't have an associated hat - that mean I'm not allowed to wear a hat at all?

Tch! That's it I'm off to put my tiara on.......

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: HuwG
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 02:58 AM

Occasionally, when stewarding at festivals, I have worn a disgustingly sweat-stained cricketing hat, with a steward's badge secured to the crown with an elastic band.

Cricketing hats are off-white (occasionally in other colours), made from cotton with a double-stitched broad brim. The underside of the brim is usually dark green, which cuts down on the glare.

For hot and sunny summer days, they are surprisingly practical. (I must admit to never have been a cricketer).

Australian joke:
Q. What's the definition of an optimist ?
A. A pommie batsman putting on sunblock.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Rapparee
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 08:52 AM

No, no. It's not the boots -- it's what's on the boots. Walmart cowboys don't walk around in corrals or feedlots.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: artbrooks
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 08:58 AM

Of course...really pointed toes, a multi-colored eagle on the front of the boots and tucked in trousers may also be an indication...

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: number 6
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 09:00 AM

Good one artbrooks!!


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Metchosin
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 12:15 PM

oh....yeah.....I've got a lot of that Rapaire. LOL

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Rapparee
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 12:46 PM

Just a Walmart wadie
Talkin' 'bout ropes and things that he don't even know....

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Don Firth
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 01:20 PM

Hey, Uncle Jaque, neat looking li'l parlor guitar! What breed is it?

Don Firth

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Bee-dubya-ell
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 01:20 PM

139 posts and no mention of tinfoil hats? Amazing!

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: artbrooks
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 01:23 PM

BWL, with the NSA keeping track of us all, who needs telepaths?

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Mooh
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 02:27 PM

In winter, a toque or a sheerling flap hat. Other seasons, ball caps (from the local conservation area, bait shop, Sleeman's beer, and whatever), a Tilley, or some other nondescript tilleyesque hat. Haven't worn a beret since Scouts, or a dunce cap since elementary school.

Peace, Mooh.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Peace
Date: 08 Jan 06 - 02:38 PM

"BWL, with the NSA keeping track of us all, who needs telepaths?"

I understand that the International Telepaths' Association is holding their annual convention on May 27 and 28, but they're not telling anyone where.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: GUEST,Wordless Woman
Date: 09 Jan 06 - 11:40 AM

Sorry, Number 6. I don't have the tabs to Where Did You Get That Hat. Can't even read music. I heard the song about 25 years ago. It's an old English Music Hall song.

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: number 6
Date: 09 Jan 06 - 11:58 AM

Shame ... sounds like a good song Woman of many words. Appreciate the post.

Here's some more hat lyrics:

She's bought a hat like Princess Marina's
To wear at all her social affairs
She wears it when she's cleaning the windows
She wears it when she's scrubbing the stairs
But you will never see her at Ascot
She can't afford the time or the fare
But she's bought a hat like Princess Marina's
So she don't care

He's bought a hat like Anthony Eden's
Because it makes him feel like a Lord
But he can't afford a Rolls or a Bentley
He has to buy a secondhand Ford
He tries to feed his wife and his family
And buy them clothes and shoes they can wear
But he's bought a hat like Anthony Eden's
So he don t care

Buddy can you spare me a dime
My wife is getting hungry
And the kids are crying
This poverty is hurting my pride
Buddy can you spare me, buddy can you spare me a dime

She's bought a hat like Princess Marina's
And her neighbors think it suits her a treat
But she hasn't any food in the larder
Nor has anybody else in the street
But to look at her you'd think she was wealthy
'Cos she smiles just like a real millionaire
'Cos she's bought a hat like Princess Marina's
So she don't care, she don't care, she don't care

... She's Bought a Hat like Princess Marina by Ray Davies


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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Bunnahabhain
Date: 09 Jan 06 - 07:07 PM

Depends on the weather.

In the summer, a cricketers white hat to keep the sun off.

If I'm working outside, it tends to be a wide brimmed and very battered thing in waxed cotton or leather depending in which one I can find, to keep off the sun and rain alike. I've done a little stockwork, and lots of scrub-bashing and such like. I'm no cowboy, but certinly am country folk, even if stuck in the city at the moment.

A few drops of insect repellant on the hat works as well. You can use high DEET without worryuing too much, as it's not on your skin. Some seential oils work as well, and smell nicer.

And this being Scotland, in the winter, I'll either have on a wide brimmed thing to keep the rain off, or a wolly one to avoid wind chilled ears.

hats a

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
Date: 09 Jan 06 - 07:51 PM

Joseph J. Sullivan 1888

Where did you get that hat?
Where did you get that tile?
Isn't it a nobby one,
And just the proper style?
I should like to have one
Just the same as that!
Where'er I go they shout! "Hello!
Where did you get that hat?"

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Once Famous
Date: 09 Jan 06 - 10:19 PM

Can Amos find a hat big enough?

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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head?
From: Wordless Woman
Date: 11 Jan 06 - 02:47 PM

Thank you number 6! Splendid song and I think I've got the Kinks album which features it. If not, I'll just memorize the words and do it as a comic recitation. Not only can I not read music, I cannot carry a tune!

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