BS: What do YOU wear on your head? |
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Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Rapparee Date: 11 Jan 06 - 02:49 PM I also have a WW2 civil defense helmet. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: number 6 Date: 11 Jan 06 - 03:57 PM Woman of many Words ... that song is on the "Victoria" album by the Kinks. It's actually very easy to sing and a very easy tune to whistle. sIx |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: frogprince Date: 11 Apr 07 - 11:06 AM Question for you blokes in the U.K.: I got this cap at a bargain a few months ago. It's made in Great Britain by Kangol. Is there a specific style name for it, other than "a cap"? (I wear it around the gallery as my "pretentious artistic persona cap") Dean |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Liz the Squeak Date: 11 Apr 07 - 12:35 PM It's just a Kangol cap but you're wearing it back to front. It's supposed to be with the peak at the back (stops olive stones going down the back of your neck according to Flanders and Swann), with the Kangol logo jauntily displayed above your eyebrows. LTS |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Irish sergeant Date: 11 Apr 07 - 01:29 PM HAir when I'm not wearing a forage cap. Neil |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Scoville Date: 11 Apr 07 - 01:37 PM HAir when I'm not wearing a forage cap. You and my brother, both. Hair. Preferably in a jaunty flapper bob if I can convince the hairdresser that I really do want her to cut off that much. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Donuel Date: 11 Apr 07 - 01:49 PM I can't find a size 5 3/4 |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: JohnInKansas Date: 11 Apr 07 - 02:18 PM Rereading the thread, I do note an "unfinished" bit of information: No, no. It's not the boots -- it's what's on the boots. Walmart cowboys don't walk around in corrals or feedlots. Since even a plastic cowboy can buy a pair of boots, the real key to telling a real cowboy, as most commonly stated here by the few who still know, is: "The shit's on the OUTSIDE of the boots." My old 'un pictured (at a link) 'way back near the beginning of the thread is now another year+ older, but still in use. I'm still looking for a decent replacement (or addition) but unable to find anything in the local market other than "party hat" throwaways and "novelties." We have a specialist "hatter" in town, but he knows his market, and can't really afford to stock "real hats" - so he's no help for those of us who want something for daily wear; and the places that actually do have anything that might last more than 30 minutes out of the store have only the broad-brimmed high-crown "cowboy" styles. While some that they stock could be worn by a workin' man (or lady) I'm not a "cowboy" - real or imitation - and don't need/want that kind of hat. So my couple of survivors will just have to continue to display their growing "character" for now. The three that survive (one now about 26 years old) look definitely like an "Indiana Jones" at the end of the movie. John |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Scoville Date: 11 Apr 07 - 03:05 PM JohninKansas: My mother still has the gray felt unfinished Stetson she got at Girl Scout gathering in 1965. We joke that it looks like the last Confederate to surrender--stained, holey, and rumpled--but it still functions as a hat. It's a bit of a family heirloom now. I don't know where to get a new one, though (or I would have). At least not a felt one. We do know a guy who sells palm hats, though. My mother has one. Very nice. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Little Hawk Date: 11 Apr 07 - 05:16 PM In the winter I wear a Russian-style fur hat...the best way by far to keep your head warm in frigid weather. Russian Fur Hat The rest of the time? No hat at all. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: skipy Date: 11 Apr 07 - 05:18 PM Mother of the bride hat, I've got loads! Skipy |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: GUEST,TIA Date: 12 Apr 07 - 04:14 PM A titanium plate. No kidding. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Peace Date: 12 Apr 07 - 05:30 PM "What do YOU wear on your head?" A lid now and then. That's all. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Don(Wyziwyg)T Date: 12 Apr 07 - 07:56 PM White hair! It's taken me 66 years to earn that, so I'm not about to cover it with some ridiculous hat. SO THERE! Don T |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: Joe Offer Date: 12 Apr 07 - 09:04 PM I've got the white hair, too, Don - but only around the outside. I look like one of those stereotypical monks, and it gets darn cold sometimes. I wear a hat indoors all winter long, and outdoors all summer long. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: gnu Date: 12 Apr 07 - 09:13 PM A hat in winter to keep my bald head warm and a hat in summer to keep my bald head cool. I am sick of wearing hats. But, not as sick as if I didn't. |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: GUEST,Minerva Date: 13 Apr 07 - 02:36 PM I used to wear a cheap plastic "adventurer" fedora, but gave it up as soon as that movie came out & everybody started wearing them. Don't wear hats often, & thought I didn't really care about them, but they started finding me - kind of the way I never find cats, but they find me. Some of them just click, with some out-of sync rhythm, and now I find myself using hats to send obscure and meaningless messages. All-time favorite is a forest green "ball cap" from the El Cortez casino in downtown Vegas. (For those of you who don't know the El Cortez, it's pretty near the bottom of the casino food chain; It smells funny.) The cap has gotten totally salt-stained, dusty, and disreputable, so I tend to wear it to higher class joints. Walk into the Bellagio wearing it, & you can see all the pit critters reaching for their phones to call security. Especially if I'm approaching the check-in desk carrying my matched luggage set of two plastic grocery bags. Another favorite is a deep-sea fisherman's number with an improbably long bill, with tar schmears on it. Looks like something Bogey would wear, but of course, with his looks, he could wear anything & look right. I just look schmeary. When I am hanging around with earth friendlies, I wear a black CAT cap with a yellow logo. Kinda puts everybody on edge. The most expensive cap in the world, going for about $70 grand, USD. When amongst glitterati, I wear an old, gaudy, black & aqua ball cap from the Bay Meadows race track. Get a lot of WTF looks. Variety of balaclava helmets for winter. Favorite is baby blue that doesn't look quite so bank-robber-ish. The camo number raises some eyebrows (& hackles) Hard hat in the mine. The beat-up look is a definite status symbol. You can go too far with this, however - one time a fellow worker threw mine under the tracks of a dozer, to give it that rough-& tumble look. Thus the pancake hat was invented. Also blew one up in a seismic exploration blast - biggest surviving piece was 2 inches square. Another favorite is a quilted welder's cap, shaped like a pillbox with a teeny little brim slanted down over your forehead. Didn't realize I liked these hats as much as I apparently do until I started writing this note. Also realized I never wore baseball logos, cowboy hats, military hats, beer logos, snap-brims, booney hats that scream, "Gun Nut!", NASCAR crap, or any kind of advertising (except as noted), or corn-seed hats, in other words, the same crap that 99% of the rest of our "culture " wears. Speaking of which, I used to get almost nauseated watching every. Single. Gd yuppie chick in Sausalito Tiburon Monterey wearing those idiotic leather-brimmed ball caps with their dorky pony-tail sticking out the back. Eeeek! Don't they know how dopey that looks? It's the Stoopid Uniform. One of these days, a red hat might find me... |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: DougR Date: 13 Apr 07 - 05:06 PM A crown. What else? DougR |
Subject: RE: BS: What do YOU wear on your head? From: GUEST,whistlin gal Date: 13 Apr 07 - 08:37 PM When out and about in sunny San Diego, I often wear a straw hat with a lovely ribbon on it. I suppose I should have made a new chapeau since easter has come & gone--whoopsie! I missed the easter parade. |