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BS: Lipstick on a Pig

Amos 16 Sep 08 - 08:23 PM
Genie 16 Sep 08 - 08:25 PM
Riginslinger 16 Sep 08 - 10:05 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 17 Sep 08 - 12:40 AM
Genie 17 Sep 08 - 02:25 AM
akenaton 17 Sep 08 - 02:56 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 17 Sep 08 - 01:09 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 17 Sep 08 - 01:11 PM
Amos 17 Sep 08 - 01:33 PM
Stringsinger 17 Sep 08 - 03:31 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 17 Sep 08 - 05:24 PM
Riginslinger 17 Sep 08 - 09:55 PM
Amos 17 Sep 08 - 10:34 PM
akenaton 18 Sep 08 - 03:48 AM
Nigel Parsons 18 Sep 08 - 05:50 AM
Riginslinger 18 Sep 08 - 07:18 AM
Bobert 18 Sep 08 - 07:38 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 18 Sep 08 - 04:37 PM
Stringsinger 19 Sep 08 - 01:47 PM
Riginslinger 19 Sep 08 - 09:52 PM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 20 Sep 08 - 02:41 AM
Genie 20 Sep 08 - 02:54 AM
GUEST,Guest from Sanity 20 Sep 08 - 03:14 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 16 Sep 08 - 08:23 PM


I know of no-one here who thinks of Barack Obama as a "saviour", but he sure iss not "token", and it reveals a deeply prejudiced mindset, IMO, to use such an expression in light of who he actually is and what he is accomplishing.


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 16 Sep 08 - 08:25 PM

Guest from sanity - PM
[[ ... Monica Lewinski - and all the other piglets that Billy Boy Clinton, had affairs with - caused me to wonder, as I gazed off in the horizon, Is that one reason Sarah has five children, and Hillary only one????]]

No, the Clinton's do not subscribe to "abstinence only" as a birth control program.
Especially after marriage.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 16 Sep 08 - 10:05 PM

It's always bothered me when people pick on Monica Lewinski. She was in her twenties and was serving as an intern. He was in his fifties, and was the president of the United States.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 12:40 AM

Forgot to post name again, gosh durn it....
From: Genie
Date: 16 Sep 08 - 08:18 PM

Guest from Sanity,
After you used that lipstick on your dog "where it would show up," I hope you designated that particular tube as the dog's exclusive property

Oh Genie, Thou shall not covet....get your own!

No, the Clinton's do not subscribe to "abstinence only" as a birth control program.
Especially after marriage.

Why should they??...Just let it slop on the Blue dress!

Aside from that, and on a more serious note: If a person cannot keep a vow, to the partner he brought forth a child with...who is he going to keep an oath with??????? Just what does that scumbag value?? Life??..His wife??? His family??...Naw, just you, who voted him in, right????
Watch out, there's another pig flying overhead!!

From: Amos
Date: 16 Sep 08 - 05:56 PM

All I can say is, if the lipstick fits, wear it.

OR.....If the cigar fits....smoke it???...just don't inhale!!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 02:25 AM

Ringslinger: "It's always bothered me when people pick on Monica Lewinski. She was in her twenties and was serving as an intern. He was in his fifties, and was the president of the United States."

Hey, I was in my twenties once. We 20-something wimmen ain't as innocent as some o' you guys seem to wanta believe.

STUPID, maybe. But not innocent.


; D

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 02:56 AM

Surely you haven't stooped to accusing me of racism Amos?

You know me well enough, why throw that remark into the discussion?
I will put it down to "mesmerism" and give you the benefit of the doubt.

You should of course be very careful before sticking nasty labels on people, given the views of a large number of white Southern Democrats.

What is happening in the US/UK economies now, transcends gutter politics and the attemps of both parties to "mesmerise" using race or gender.

Now close your eyes and when I snap my fingers you will waken and feel refreshed, you will see your system of government for what it is.
You will go out into the world and fight for FREEDOM!!......Ake

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 01:09 PM

From: Genie
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 02:25 AM

Hey, I was in my twenties once. We 20-something wimmen ain't as innocent as some o' you guys seem to wanta believe.

STUPID, maybe. But not innocent.

Totally agree!! Mr. Billy Boy should have known better, as well! He was and still is a jerk!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 01:11 PM


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 01:33 PM


My apologies if I misinterpreted your expression about Obama that "he is a token black man set up by the $yStem as a foil to the discredited right."

However he is not a token, he is a candidate; and he is much less a black man than he is a human being. He is also a father, husband, Constitutional scholar, community organizer and a Senator in the United States Congress.

As for being a "foil", you imply he is somebody's knowing or unknowing puppet. What facts do you have in support of this idea, if that is what you think?


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Stringsinger
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 03:31 PM

McCain and Palin are the King and Queen of flim-flam. They are selling phony values
and the result is a heavy-handed deceitful campaign. They have distorted American
values to the level of the curtain which houses the Wizard of Oz. Their Rovian idea
is to put one over on the American public. They lie with impunity and the editorial pundits lap it up like cream in a cat's dish. How can you respect something like that?

Republicans have no answer for the future of America. A McCain presidency will mean
an economic depression. A Palin Vice Presidency will be an attempt to turn America
from a nation of tolerance and caring to a theocracy.

"Abstinence Only" will result in more teen-age pregnancy.

A lack of true diplomacy and a shoot-from-the-hip loose cannon military approach
will bring America down in the eyes of the world.

It's a Republican facade that can only destroy true democratic values.

Frank Hamilton

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 05:24 PM

Hey Strings,, Thought provoking post!

If they don't hit you with a left, they'll hit you with a right. There will more than likely be a major downturn in the economy, and increased government control, no matter who is elected....the excuse will be custom fit, for which ever party gets elected. If Obama is elected, they'll use 'his' programs to complete the agenda. Same with McCain, except they'll go the other way. (Towards the end of their terms, is when they push what final 'touches' they need to, without a sense of repercussions), figuring the continuation, is picked up by the next administration...either right or left 'remedy'.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 09:55 PM

"Hey, I was in my twenties once. We 20-something wimmen ain't as innocent as some o' you guys seem to wanta believe. STUPID, maybe. But not innocent."

                      Okay, but being stupid shouldn't buy you a lifetime of misery. Georeg W. Bush is doing quite well, and look how stupid he is.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Amos
Date: 17 Sep 08 - 10:34 PM

A group of computer hackers said yesterday that they had accessed a Yahoo e-mail account of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, publishing some of her private communications to expose what appeared to be her use of a personal account for government business.

The hackers posted what they said were personal photos, the contents of several messages, the subject lines of dozens of e-mails and Palin's e-mail contact list on a site called That site said it received the electronic files from a group identifying itself only as "Anonymous." (WaPo)

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: akenaton
Date: 18 Sep 08 - 03:48 AM

"Snap" "Snap" "Snap"........For fuck's sake wake up Amos!!!

Would somebody send for the medics??

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Nigel Parsons
Date: 18 Sep 08 - 05:50 AM


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 18 Sep 08 - 07:18 AM

You'd think she'd know better than to put embarrassing things in an e-mail, with out there tryint desparately to destroy the country.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Bobert
Date: 18 Sep 08 - 07:38 AM

You hit it just right, Stringz...

The media is indeed fascinated by Sir John and Ms. Sarah... Sir John's entire campaign is centered around using the media... He has no other choice since he has less money than Obama so he'll buy one ad accusing Obama of this or that, the media will pick up on that ad and allow it's contents to grow into a day's worth of news cycle...

The problem here is that Obama really doesn't have any way to combat the McCain Smlime Machine without stooping to McCain's tactics and then McCain win's the ***BIG LIE*** PR campaign that "both campaigns" are playing dirty pool...

I called the Washington Post on this a couple weeks ago and they actually acknowledged recieving my letter... That was a good thing but it hasn't stopped the McCain strategy...

As for waht Amos was talking about, Ake... I understand what he is/was saying in that the McCain camp would love nothing more than reduce this campaign to race... They have done alot allready to do just that... They have run ads intended to play on people;s fears and they have tried to make people who support Obama think they are supporting him solely because he is black... I will give credit to them because they have kept things close in an election where they have absolutely nothing else to run on other than slime, race and fear...


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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 18 Sep 08 - 04:37 PM

FINALLY!! Some people are starting to get the clue!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Stringsinger
Date: 19 Sep 08 - 01:47 PM

Bobert, that's what all this community organizer stuff is about. White people scared to
death that Black people will take over. It's "Birth of a Nation" all over again.

Obama is beginning to be more pointed in his rebuttals. This is a good sign.

Not enough but a good direction.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Riginslinger
Date: 19 Sep 08 - 09:52 PM

"Obama is beginning to be more pointed in his rebuttals. This is a good sign."

                Maybe his handlers will tell him to be less pointed next week.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 20 Sep 08 - 02:41 AM

Is a Rebuttal like a retread for worn butts?

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: Genie
Date: 20 Sep 08 - 02:54 AM

No, a rebuttal is round 2 between two bighorns.

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Subject: RE: BS: Lipstick on a Pig
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 20 Sep 08 - 03:14 AM

Thanks Genie..I was confused there.....

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