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BS: New news *not* about the virus

Mrrzy 27 May 20 - 02:51 PM
Mrrzy 27 May 20 - 08:36 AM
Doug Chadwick 27 May 20 - 06:34 AM
Doug Chadwick 27 May 20 - 06:30 AM
Donuel 27 May 20 - 06:10 AM
Donuel 26 May 20 - 08:07 PM
Donuel 26 May 20 - 07:43 PM
Mr Red 26 May 20 - 01:33 PM
Doug Chadwick 26 May 20 - 11:11 AM
Mrrzy 26 May 20 - 10:40 AM
Doug Chadwick 26 May 20 - 06:47 AM
Donuel 25 May 20 - 04:05 PM
Mrrzy 25 May 20 - 02:07 PM
Mr Red 25 May 20 - 12:37 PM
Donuel 24 May 20 - 06:43 PM
Donuel 24 May 20 - 06:16 PM
Mrrzy 24 May 20 - 03:45 PM
Donuel 23 May 20 - 07:37 PM
Mrrzy 23 May 20 - 09:00 AM
Donuel 22 May 20 - 03:45 PM
Mrrzy 22 May 20 - 11:42 AM
Donuel 21 May 20 - 05:25 PM
leeneia 21 May 20 - 03:47 PM
Donuel 20 May 20 - 03:40 PM
Doug Chadwick 20 May 20 - 02:16 PM
Donuel 20 May 20 - 01:58 PM
leeneia 20 May 20 - 01:22 PM
Donuel 18 May 20 - 03:14 PM
Mr Red 18 May 20 - 11:45 AM
Donuel 18 May 20 - 07:47 AM
Mr Red 18 May 20 - 05:01 AM
Mrrzy 17 May 20 - 09:25 AM
Donuel 17 May 20 - 09:15 AM
Donuel 17 May 20 - 08:46 AM
Mrrzy 17 May 20 - 06:54 AM
Donuel 16 May 20 - 01:37 PM
Mrrzy 16 May 20 - 01:30 PM
Donuel 16 May 20 - 10:36 AM
Donuel 16 May 20 - 10:27 AM
Mrrzy 16 May 20 - 08:32 AM
Mrrzy 15 May 20 - 01:02 PM
Doug Chadwick 14 May 20 - 02:23 PM
Donuel 14 May 20 - 10:01 AM
Mrrzy 14 May 20 - 09:56 AM
Doug Chadwick 14 May 20 - 05:19 AM
Doug Chadwick 14 May 20 - 05:15 AM
Doug Chadwick 14 May 20 - 04:57 AM
Mr Red 14 May 20 - 03:21 AM
Dorothy Parshall 13 May 20 - 08:38 PM
Mrrzy 12 May 20 - 08:06 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 27 May 20 - 02:51 PM

Also can watch space launch today or

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 27 May 20 - 08:36 AM

Nice view of earth and moon, Donuel. Lovely.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 27 May 20 - 06:34 AM


Could a MudElf please delete the above post, together with this one. I will repost it in the Joke thread.


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 27 May 20 - 06:30 AM

A doctor arrived at his surgery one morning to find a large bag on the doorstep. He looked inside and found a new born baby with a note saying "Please look after my child". As a medical professional, he knew that it was a responsibility he could not shirk but there would be so many forms to fill in and he had patients waiting. He took it inside and examined it. As the baby seemed in good health, he decided to deal with his morning patients before handing it over for further care.

The first patient was the local vicar, a hypochondriac whom the doctor knew well. He had suffered every disease known to man and, this morning, was complaining of acute stomach pains. The doctor suspected trapped wind but thought that if, this time, he could convince him that it really was something serious, it might shock him out of his hypochondria. The situation gave him the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

He told the vicar to drop his trousers, lie on the examination table and open his legs. The doctor then pressed on the vicar's belly, causing him to let out a long fart. The doctor picked up the baby and said "Congratulations! You have given birth to a healthy boy".
"B..b..but I can't have done" stammered the vicar, "It's not possible!"
"God moves in mysterious ways" replied the doctor.

The vicar, being a good Christian, accepted his apparent responsibilities a brought the child up as his own. When the boy reached the age of 18, the vicar thought that it was time that he knew the truth. It was a difficult conversation but it had to be done. He said "You have always been my son and always will be. You have grown up calling me Dad but, in fact, I am not ACTUALLY you father.

Looking rather shocked at the news, the young man asked "Then who is my father?"

In an anguished tone, the vicar replied "The bishop!"


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 27 May 20 - 06:10 AM

New view of Earth and Moon

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 26 May 20 - 08:07 PM

If you are seriously interested

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 26 May 20 - 07:43 PM

Pole flips are old news

Sci fi chuckles to serious investigation

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mr Red
Date: 26 May 20 - 01:33 PM

articles says - Earth's magnetic field is constantly in a state of flux

Pun not intended I would guess. The unit of Tesla is a measure of what we electrical engineers call magnetic flux.

But the South Atlantic anomaly reminds me of Jupiter's red spot. I have seen experiments with rotating inner core with viscous fluids as thin layers and they often produce a single large eddy. And our molten outer cored is just such a system, a viscous layer trapped. And Earths magnetic field is produced by a rotating core we are told.

Well that's my take. Other than the warning that the magnetic pole reversals won't go in one huge flip, it will most likely appear "reversed" in spots, say those that study these things. Timescale long.

We may get a hint of what to expect any day in our life time. The last big coronal mass ejection to hit the Earth was the Carrington Event in 1859 and it wasn't pretty.
A solar storm of this magnitude occurring today would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage due to extended outages of the electrical grid. - bloody coronas and people think the virus is THE big deal! Keep that food/bogroll hoard topped up, there is no predicting...................

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 26 May 20 - 11:11 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 26 May 20 - 10:40 AM


And news on our magnetic field is getting interesting...

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 26 May 20 - 06:47 AM

I read a really good book about anti-gravity. I just couldn't put it down!


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 25 May 20 - 04:05 PM

Gravity-less conditions to create a null gravity zone (not anti gravity) is possibly not the problem. How does incredible inertia free accelleration work? If you master the inertia free maneuvering thing perhaps gravity wouldn't even matter. Yeah we always refer to warping space as an answer. Now how do you create a confined parastaltic motion in space time and remain in the center of it, like a turd in a space time intestine? Humans can manipulate mass and even turn it into E.
But have we manipulated space? -nope- I have long postulated that black holes generate space and neutrinos like a wild factory. At least it is a good place to start looking.

{Trekies would see this as the Romulan warp drive theory as opposed to the Federation method} :^/

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 25 May 20 - 02:07 PM

Asimov wrote a great short story about someone inventing a gravity-less field and putting it, for demo purposes, on a billiards table, asking a rival scientist (poopoo-er) to play. The cue-struck ball took off at the speed of light, punching a hole through the poopoo-ed scientist, because it was actually a mass-less field and things with no mass travel at the speed of light...

Also one about a quantum black hole which punches a microscopic hole with huge tidal effects through another poopoo-ing rival scientist.

Don't poopoo Asimov's science!

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mr Red
Date: 25 May 20 - 12:37 PM

If so, anti gravity could be manipulated.

Call me simplistic, but.

I predict that if, and it is a big if, we find anti-gravity, we will find negative time, or negative mass. Gravity comes out of how mass interacts with space-time, ne c'est pas?

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 24 May 20 - 06:43 PM

The problem is that gravity may be an emergent force that comes from 2   or more force vectors, which means that gravitons may be only a figment of our imagination.
We tend to think of gravity as an enormous force but it is actually the tinyist.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 24 May 20 - 06:16 PM

Ha. I guess good themes for PHd dissertations are getting rare.

Massless particles must always move at the speed of light unless it passes through mass. Mass can never go as fast as light.
One of the tricks to slowing light to a halt is creating a cloud of nearly motionless atoms at near absolute zero (-460 degrees Fahrenheit). This is called a Bose-Einstein condensate.
But everything wants to move. Existence is moot and just an aspect of language.

CAN gravitons which move at the speed of light be slowed down or stopped at absolute zero? If so, anti gravity could be manipulated.
I want an anti gravity car.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 24 May 20 - 03:45 PM

If it is nonexistent, motion is moot. Or non-applicable.

Beards evolved to help men take punches:


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 23 May 20 - 07:37 PM

Name one
I bet they all move though. I don't know how to prove non existence.
We assume the properties of space are the same elswhere as here.
We keep getting surprised.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 23 May 20 - 09:00 AM

Hmmm. I can think of lots of other nonexistent things! But hey.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 22 May 20 - 03:45 PM

Mrrzy you remind me that the only thing that does not exist in our cosmos is something that does not move.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 22 May 20 - 11:42 AM

The US is getting globally shorter, and I don't mean the population:


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 21 May 20 - 05:25 PM

You call it driving in clumps which is a good observation but bad conclusion.
Traffic actually moves like a WORM stretching and contracting.
Once cars are slowed by cars in front of them a clump forms. The gap behind is thinned out as they play a brief catch up game. Blood even moves in a similar fashion.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: leeneia
Date: 21 May 20 - 03:47 PM

Thanks, Doug. Now I remember encountering "autoroute."

When I thought more about the airplane landing on the freeway, I realized that the common bad habit of driving in tight clumps paid off for once. The pilot managed to line up with empty space between clumps, and the cars behind let the plane in.

Well, I'm sure it was not that simple. The plane could have been going 140 mph, the DH tells me.

I, who always aim to drive between clumps, would have messed it all up. Good thing I avoid driving on the freeway in town.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 20 May 20 - 03:40 PM

Its not Mille Bornes?

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 20 May 20 - 02:16 PM

Come to think of it, what's the French for freeway?



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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 20 May 20 - 01:58 PM

My guess is Arterie

2 dimensional drivers made room for the 3 D voyaging plane.
Seeing the plane above and behind you is a challenge.
We 3 D beings can make extra room for 4 D tourists.
Seeing them is tricky like seeing flashes of
glowing globes that
ignore walls

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: leeneia
Date: 20 May 20 - 01:22 PM

Yesterday somebody landed a small airplane on I-470 in the thriving suburb of Lee's Summit, Missouri. FYI - An 'I' road is an interstate freeway, like a motorway in the UK or the Autobahn in Germany. This was in the middle of the afternoon, and the only mishap was that one wing tipped a freeway sign. (The plane had lost one of its two engines.)

Having driven the freeways of my area (Kansas City) I was convinced that most of the drivers don't know what they are doing, but now my hat is off to the drivers who handled this situation so well.

Come to think of it, what's the French for freeway?

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 18 May 20 - 03:14 PM

I'm sayin a books worth. This brain of ours has the ability to see beyond the split second of now and can peer into the fuzziness of future and past, pick up on info like manna blowin in the wind and see with far more than our eyes.

I am not saying everyone can do this.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mr Red
Date: 18 May 20 - 11:45 AM

'Ere, U sayin' Ima quatum computer?

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 18 May 20 - 07:47 AM

NANO TUBUELS give our brains quantum scale communication.
They are too small to see with anything but electron microscopes and only recently discovered.

Senseing entanglement or discovering instant communication is objectivly only a possible truth today but I would not rule it out even though current knowledge is relatively blind to this emerging surprise.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mr Red
Date: 18 May 20 - 05:01 AM

"The slow hippocampal periodic activity could indeed generate an event on the other side of a complete cut through the whole slice."

Quantum entanglement?
Jim Al-Khalili (et al) reckon the way our olfactory system & the way European Robins navigate is via quantum entanglement. If it is present in the body - who nose? (sic)

Spooky action at a distance.....................

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 17 May 20 - 09:25 AM

And an attack on a maternity ward in Afghanistan.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 17 May 20 - 09:15 AM

For 40 years or more this is my reality horizon

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 17 May 20 - 08:46 AM

We have found your reality horizon?

If so do not go here

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 17 May 20 - 06:54 AM

The post? Yes. Guffaw again.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 16 May 20 - 01:37 PM

Did you watch it?

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 16 May 20 - 01:30 PM

Ha! Non-fiction! Guffaw!

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 16 May 20 - 10:36 AM

Third eye spies non fiction

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 16 May 20 - 10:27 AM

"To ensure that the slice was completely cut, the two pieces of tissue were separated and then rejoined while a clear gap was observed under the surgical microscope," the authors explained in their paper.

"The slow hippocampal periodic activity could indeed generate an event on the other side of a complete cut through the whole slice."

If you think that sounds freaky, you're not the only one. The review committee at The Journal of Physiology – in which the research has been published – insisted the experiments be completed again before agreeing to print the study.

Mrrzy, now imagine not just a slight gap but a distance measured in meters or more in which info is transmitted and received.

Also checkout; nano tubuels and brain communication
The 'Egg' project in communicating info before and after a mass event.
CIA and FBI war regarding remote viewing.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 16 May 20 - 08:32 AM

Neural communication without synspses:

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 15 May 20 - 01:02 PM

Ooh ooh new Trek!

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 14 May 20 - 02:23 PM

"Since 2018, three states, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey have banned underage marriages without exception."

OK, I should have read the Wekipedia page more thoroughly. I took it that the three states had their bans in place since 2018. In fact, they brought them in at different times and not in the order listed. The page has been recently updated to include Pennsylvania, which is identified further down the page as having brought in the ban this month. Confusion over.


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Donuel
Date: 14 May 20 - 10:01 AM

Can a 12 year old get married in the US?
Hell yes with judicial or parental consent, children as young as 10, 11 and 12 have been married in the U.S. in the last couple of decades. When exceptions are taken into consideration, 25 states actually do not have an absolute minimum marriageable age.

In a way I married a 12 year old in that I am 12 years older than my one and only.

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 14 May 20 - 09:56 AM

Before, yes Pennsylvania, you could marry underage with judge's or parental permission. Wiki (shocked, shocked!) must have been mistaken...

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 14 May 20 - 05:19 AM

... of my 04:57 post...

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 14 May 20 - 05:15 AM

The questions in the last paragraph of my 04:47 AM post were rhetorical. I am not expecting you to justify anything, Mrrzy. As you say, whoohoo!


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Doug Chadwick
Date: 14 May 20 - 04:57 AM

Penna becomes 3rd US state to ban child marriage! Woohoo!

Mrrzy, I am confused. I had assumed that Penna was an abbreviation of Pennsylvania but, according to Wikipedia: "Since 2018, three states, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey have banned underage marriages without exception."

It would appear that whichever state you are referring to is, at least, the 4th.

If one of the participants is underage, how can the marriage be legal?
If it is not legal, why is specific legislation required to ban it?
In the case of child marriages, up to what age are people still considered to be a child?


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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mr Red
Date: 14 May 20 - 03:21 AM

I found a tricorn walnut today. How's that for unusual? Inside was tricorn too. Tasted the same.

I only buy them for the craic.

I'll get my face mask

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 13 May 20 - 08:38 PM


For a reason I no longer remember, I get a daily email with the 5 top stories of the Virginia Pilot. I have been delighting in what goes on in VA! It gives me hope that at least one State is making good choices!

(I am in Canada.)

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Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
From: Mrrzy
Date: 12 May 20 - 08:06 AM

Penna becomes 3rd US state to ban child marriage! Woohoo!

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