Subject: Acronym dictionary? From: Catrin Date: 29 Jul 00 - 06:22 AM Am I the only one who gets puzzled and confused by all the acronyms? Hears a couple I have worked out;-
LOL = laughing out loud Ta! Catrin |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,Sheila Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:39 AM I would love to know too, but was afraid to ask. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Noreen Date: 29 Jul 00 - 09:44 AM You're only practising your line breaks! I've only picked up a few, Catrin, being a Newbie ..... IMO In My Opinion IMHO In My Humble Opinion BRB be right back HTH hope this helps! Noreen |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Sorcha Date: 29 Jul 00 - 09:54 AM BTW--by the way, B4U--before you, *BG* or BG--big grin sg--smalal grin Then there are keyboard emoticons: :>) or :)==grin ;) == wink :(== sad etc. There is a website somewhere with lots of both. I forget' early yet. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 29 Jul 00 - 09:55 AM Here's some stuff at click here. Sorry I have to hurry now, there should be an acronym for Bye Now, Gotta Run. Mary |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Jeri Date: 29 Jul 00 - 10:27 AM I've always liked the seldom used "IMEO" - in my exalted opinion. Cute, but gets old quickly: aTdHvAaNnKcSe - thanks in advance. IIRC - If I recall/remember correctly FWIW - For what it's worth AFAIK - As far as I know |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: NH Dave Date: 29 Jul 00 - 10:50 AM One source is This lets you search for actual meanings of common acronyms. Of course YMMV(Your mileage may vary.) Dave |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,Nynia Date: 29 Jul 00 - 10:58 AM I know it's not PC in either sense but I always liked
SALT - Short Assed Little Twat
And we all know some of them. :-) |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Uncle_DaveO Date: 29 Jul 00 - 11:29 AM IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion Dave Oesterreich |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: catspaw49 Date: 29 Jul 00 - 12:00 PM There are a few which are common to the 'Cat like the **BG** mentioned above. Its companion, **BSEG** adds "shit eating" in the middle. New folks may also notice references to "The Center" or "NYCFTTS." This is the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed. Spaw |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: catspaw49 Date: 29 Jul 00 - 03:39 PM A few others on Mudcat------- We use DT to a lot of folks and I suspect at time they may realize its a database, but its shorthand fot the "Digital Tradition" or DigiTrad. Seems like everone might know this, but I still thought it worth mentioning. Many as you notice are used in the humorous end of things and another one of these is CRS or CRS syndrome, meaning, "Can't Remember Shit." First applied to Bert, but I doubt if he remembers........ Spaw |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,Colwyn Dane Date: 29 Jul 00 - 04:34 PM G'day When letter writing was the main way to communicate I remember,during my service days, some of the acronyms which were used on the back of usually love letter envelopes:
Some innocuous and some very earthy.
Was this just an Anglo-Saxon act? Did it happen to you or did you ever actualise that potential? Toodle-pip.
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Sorcha Date: 29 Jul 00 - 04:50 PM Well, if we're not just talking Internet/computer acronyms I have always liked: M'FWIC--Motherf****r What In Charge and SLJO--Shitty Little Jobs Officer |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Catrin Date: 29 Jul 00 - 05:30 PM Wow! I never knew there were so many. Totally FUBAR by the response. And seeing as how I CRS, it will be quite a challenge for me to learn them! TTFN Catrin BTW, Dave (TAM) I'm sure will be glad to know he's advertising himself at tenner a month!! LOL |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Gervase Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:07 PM Took me ages to catch on to net acronyms. For a long time I thought that ROTFLMAO was the onomatapoeic way of describing a combination of a mouthful of sweet tea and a wholemeal digestive being sprayed across a screen in a great explosion of guffaws. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Catrin Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:10 PM Gervase, Perhaps that's something to do with the way language works. You 'heard' the word in context and worked out a meaning for it which is damn near equivalent to the 'real' meaning. Catrin |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: catspaw49 Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:27 PM I just refreshed on that makes interesting reading for some of you wondering about the Jargon around here......from back in February, its called "Mudcat Jargon and Inside Jokes." Its got info and debates and discussion and argument....the usual Mudcat stuff. Enjoy. Spaw |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Noreen Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:33 PM ROTFLMFAO Gervase! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Gervase Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:39 PM Hey, Noreen, Clean up that mess at once! Don't you know how hard it is to get sugar and crumbs out of the keyboard? :+} |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Wincing Devil Date: 29 Jul 00 - 07:59 PM I'm gonna report y'all to the ACO! (Acronym Control Officer) Some of My Favorites:
Wincing Devil
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Sorcha Date: 29 Jul 00 - 09:19 PM How about: DYLITDT--Did You Look In The DT? or, IITDT--It's In The DT, (that one seems real close to eejit) IAITDT--It's ALREADY In the DT!! ok, ok, i'll go away now..... |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Escamillo Date: 29 Jul 00 - 09:50 PM In the late 70's I was software support for DEC (Digital Equipment Corp.) in Venezuela. We were receiveing the visit of one of the main DEC gurus, and suddenly a serious error message appeared on screen. Among hex numbers and lots of acronyms, there was one who catched my attention: NFF. In less than a second I reacted and claimed loudly "Oh, no, it's again !!" - "What ?" inquired the guest . "No Fuckin' File." said I, staring at the screen with a very serious expression. I still remember is face, and later his laughter attack. One of our favorite ways to stupidly waste time with my sons, is the fast invention of a meaning for TV acronyms, for example: HBO : High Bullshit Organization TNT : To Not Think CNN : Coño(*), No News (*:Spanish profanity) Un abrazo - Andrés in NETD (Nothing Else To Do)
Subject: From Agent From: Abby Sale Date: 30 Jul 00 - 10:21 AM For what it's worth & because it's easy to copy, here's the list in Agent's help screen. AFAIK As far as I know AUORFA alt.usenet.offline.reader.forte-agent <BG> Big Grin BOFH Bastard Operator from Hell <g> Grin BRB Be right back BTW By the way CP Copy protection FRE Frequently requested enhancement FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition (or repair) FWIW For what it's worth FYI For your information GD&WVVF Grinning, ducking, and walking very, very fast GR&D Grinning, running, and ducking IAE In any event IANAL I am not a Lawyer IMHO In my humble opinion IMO In my opinion IOW In other words LOL Laughed out loud LZ Loser! OIC Oh, I see OTOH On the other hand PITA Pain in the A$$ PMJI Pardon my jumping in PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in ROFL Rolling on floor, laughing ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off RSN Real soon now RTFM Read the f@%# manual (or message) SNAFU Situation normal, all fouled up TIA Thanks in advance TPTB The powers that be TTFN Ta ta for now |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Catrin Date: 30 Jul 00 - 04:04 PM Wow! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: paddymac Date: 30 Jul 00 - 04:37 PM Let's not overlook: "BCT" = Blue Clicky Thing; and "CNP" = Cut and Paste |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: wysiwyg Date: 30 Jul 00 - 04:51 PM Hardi thought IMHO said "I'm a Ho." (Why are all these people writing this, Susan, and why are you? What are you doing here exactly dear?) Hated to burst that bubble! I guess IMNSHO then is not, "In My Not So Humble Opinion," but rather "I Am Not Such a Ho." Biskit taught us a new one. DENIAL, "Don't Even Notice I Am Lying." ~S~ |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: JenEllen Date: 30 Jul 00 - 07:33 PM Amooooose dear, where are you? When all else fails, make up an acronym. While everyone is running around trying to figure out what the hell you've said, you can get LOADS of work done.... JHTC is my fave.....along with Kendall's WOBF..... ~Elle |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: JenEllen Date: 30 Jul 00 - 07:35 PM WOB-H....(sorry).....don't need an acronym for THAT, just toss yer head back and yell... ~Elle |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Mrrzy Date: 30 Jul 00 - 08:08 PM FFTKAT (Fun Fact To Know And Tell) - known acronyms are read like words (speech proccessing ), not like three letters. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Robby Date: 28 Sep 00 - 09:47 AM Noreen was kind enough to link me to this thread. Although I'm a JCL (Johnny come lately) and FWIW, here are a few more: :-/ = indifference :-(O) = shouting :-* = puckered lips (a kiss) @}->-->--> = a rose offered to someone ::::::::[} = a pie in the face [] = a hug {{{{Person's name}}}} = a more intimate hug So, while GMTA (Great Minds Think Alike), the next time I receive a message that someone is LOL, I'll have to wonder if they are Laughing Out Loud, or sending me Lots Of Love. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: rabbitrunning Date: 28 Sep 00 - 08:25 PM I remember one of the envelope acronyms mentioned above, but I don't know what the rest of them are. Anyone? SWAK was Sealed With A Kiss. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Noreen Date: 29 Sep 00 - 06:24 AM SWALK= Sealed with a loving kiss I've not heard of the others mentioned above, but I've always liked Noreen |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Micca Date: 29 Sep 00 - 06:53 AM and of course there is DILLIGAS, " do I look like I give a S**t?" |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Steve Parkes Date: 29 Sep 00 - 08:09 AM I hate to get all pedantic about this, when everyone's having such a good time, but it's only an acronym if you can pronounce it - otherwise it's an abbreviation. And that's not just IMHO! Steve (less FUMTU 'cos it's POETS day) |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Catrin Date: 29 Sep 00 - 08:24 AM For those of you who don't know - NORWICH = 'nickers off ready when I come home |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: jeffp Date: 29 Sep 00 - 10:36 AM WOMBAT - Waste of money, brains, and time FYIGMO - F*ck you, I've got my orders WHOGABRA - Who gives a big rat's ass? jeffp |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Catrin Date: 21 Nov 00 - 06:51 AM Refreshing this for the newbies..... |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,John in Brisbane Date: 21 Nov 00 - 07:35 AM FIIK - F... If I Know BOHICA (which I see is a brand of kids clothing) was always Bend Over Here It Comes Again |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Noreen Date: 02 Mar 01 - 06:44 AM R |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Noreen Date: 02 Mar 01 - 06:54 AM I still love Gervase's interpretation of ROTFLMFAO! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Wolfgang Date: 02 Mar 01 - 07:21 AM Steve Parkes says that an acronym has to be pronounceable, otherwise it is an abbreviation. I had thought so too, but then I found today in a website on acronyms this definition: Definitions: Please note that so far as this database is concerned, an acronym is any string of characters formed from the initial letters of several words (or occasionally from other letters), regardless of whether the result is pronounceable or not. This is different from the popular — and in my view, mistaken — belief common in the USA (and even used by several dictionary definitions) that an acronym is a `word' which has to be pronounceable. This definition is backed up by the only dictionary I had in hand.
Two questions: (1) Is it true? Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Uncle_DaveO Date: 02 Mar 01 - 10:54 AM Wolfgang: The key words in the quote you gave are "as far as this database is concerned", which I think grows out of the operating convenience of the database designer(s). As I understand it, there are three classes of what I'll call short forms: Abbreviationsare short forms of words or phrases, normally in lower case letters (except sometimes an initial capital), followed by a period. Thus etc. and Mr. and so forth. INITIALISMA group of letters reflecting a phrase, formed from the initial letters of the phrase, which group is NOT pronounced as a word. It is written in all caps, and is not followed with a period. Like IRS, USA, and here at Mudcat, DT. . ACRONYMA group of letters formed like an acronym, but pronounced as a word, such as NASA, for instance. Dave Oesterreich |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Wolfgang Date: 02 Mar 01 - 11:11 AM Thanks, Dave, you restore my former conviction. The word initialism was new to me. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Mr Red Date: 02 Mar 01 - 05:16 PM GUEST,Colwyn Dane what about these war time hidden messages- the countries were eventually banned by the military in case it looked like (or was) classified. ITALY I trust and love you (no not you personally) EGYPT Eager to grasp your petty tits SWALCAKWS - sealed with a lick 'cos a kiss won't stick. but what does CHINA do? & MALTA Abbey Sale - that's the politest version of SNAFU I have seen for ages. Finally - At my first real job we dubbed a filter a "Computing Unit for Nullifying Trantients". AND the perfectly genuine "Adjacent Range Sensitivity Equalizer" had to be reduced to "Range Sensitivity Equalizer"
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,treaties1 Date: 02 Mar 01 - 05:55 PM BOLTOP = Better on lips than on paper |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Spud Murphy Date: 02 Mar 01 - 06:39 PM Whatever happened to ROTFS? or, ROTFWS? Spud |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Katcina Date: 02 Mar 01 - 06:49 PM |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Zebedee Date: 03 Mar 01 - 01:12 PM From
Ed |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: gnu Date: 11 Mar 01 - 12:22 PM Just picked this one up from a buddette : BITCH B - BABE I - IN T - TOTAL C - CONTROL of H - HERSELF I guess it's too late to explain myself to the X. gnu |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: DaveJ Date: 03 Jul 01 - 12:56 PM gnu, I had heard that it was--- Being In Total Control of Herself I think one of the songs from one of my SAFFIRE CDs uses this. Also, no one added ROTFLMAOAPMP---Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off And Peeing My Pants. Someone posted that one to a list when I was on BLUES-L. DaveJ |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Amos Date: 03 Jul 01 - 04:12 PM We also use PWO of late arounde here-- for Pants-Wetting Opportunity -- thanks to Sorcha The Malevolent!!!
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Crazy Eddie Date: 04 Jul 01 - 01:52 AM Dave O, Call me a pedant ("You're a pedant"), but there is at least one more short-form: the portmanteau word. Take the first part of one word, and the last part of another, stick them together to form a new word. "Motorists Hotel" shortened to MOTEL. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Ralphie Date: 04 Jul 01 - 03:58 AM I'd just like to mention one of my faves, often to be found at the bottom of doctors notes in hospitals in East Anglia (UK)... NFN......Normal for Norfolk Regards Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: wysiwyg Date: 05 Jul 01 - 02:28 AM Hey, BG, that PWO thing is mine! If my bes/bud's using it, she got it from me! Along with the seldom used anymore: } : ~ *>) kiss on the cheek This ought to be clickable from the FAQ. O'biviously. ~S~
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: pavane Date: 05 Jul 01 - 03:25 AM Airlines have a set all of their own, for the various competitors etc. Examples include SABENA (Such A Bloody Experience Never Again, and BCA (British Caledonian Airways) = Best C**t Aloft. But I don't suppose you really wanted to know that. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: BlueJay Date: 05 Jul 01 - 10:59 PM I'm surprised no one has mentioned ROTFLMAOWLSOOMN. Rolling on the floor, laughing my ass of with lunch spewing out of my nose! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Ralphie Date: 06 Jul 01 - 04:10 AM Not to mention TV systems USA.....NTSC (Never Twice the Same Color) USSR/Europe....SECAM (System Essentially Contrary to the American Method) UK......PAL (Prolongs Active Life) Sorry..a bit techie that! Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: YOR Date: 06 Jul 01 - 03:56 PM I thought I knew what most of them were! Until this thread came along. I always thought LOL was 'Love it or Leave It'. IMH-SA-O 'Stubborn Assed' or 'Sorry Assed'. Roy |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: MMario Date: 06 Jul 01 - 04:07 PM And I just notice that one of the most frquent MudCat usages isn't listed here. PM = Personal Message ~ not available unless you are a memeber - but highly useful. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Crane Driver Date: 11 Oct 01 - 04:56 PM Personally, I'm a member of CRAPA - Committed Resistance Against Preposterous Acronyms. Don't suppose it will catch on though |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Dicho (Frank Staplin) Date: 11 Oct 01 - 06:40 PM An acronym is a word is a word is a word, to paraphrase Edith Sitwell. Netlingo is the bin into which much of what has been posted here should be consigned. Snafu is an acronym. ROFLMAO is NOT but ROFALMAO is. Crane Driver, sign me up as a charter member of CRAPA. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: catspaw49 Date: 11 Oct 01 - 06:56 PM Geez dicho....Not enough grit in your oatmeal? I mean Oxford defines it as an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something, pronounced as a word. Okay, so I'll pronounce it Roflumayo. (:<)) You're right though, technically an acronym should come out as a word the same way that pedantic & old & fart are all words!!! Spaw |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: wysiwyg Date: 11 Oct 01 - 07:52 PM Gimme the roffle but hold the mayo, please. ~S~ |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,Firecat Date: 12 Oct 01 - 07:54 AM Actually, according to my friend's keyring, BITCH stands for Being In Total Control |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Wolfgang Date: 12 Oct 01 - 08:17 AM Hmm, if pronounceability is the defining feature (or better whether it is actually pronounced as a word) then that would make SKRZ an abbreviation nearly everywhere and an acronym in Serbia and Croatia. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Paul from Hull Date: 12 Oct 01 - 09:28 PM Wolfgang.......*ROTFLMBO* Apparently another 'Wartime' one, that hasnt been mentioned so far was 'BURMA' - Be Upstairs Ready My Angel
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: catspaw49 Date: 23 Feb 02 - 09:49 AM Refresh for greg Stephens Spaw |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST Date: 23 Feb 02 - 10:06 AM You're a mean bastard sometimes, Pat |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Mr Happy Date: 08 May 02 - 09:10 AM i keep seeing references to the neil young center for the permanently screwed what is this place? is it real or virtual? |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Edmund Date: 08 May 02 - 10:15 PM In WWll we were subjected to a class on aircraft identification .. kinda funny as we were going through basic training in the horse cavalry at the time .. (yes I DO mean HORSE) .. The instructor advised us that we were learning the WEFT system ... wings .. engine .. fuselage .. and tail It didn't take long for us to decide that it really should be ... wrong.. every .. fucking .. time Edmund
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Nigel Parsons Date: 09 May 02 - 05:51 AM Ralphie: PAL; Prolongs active life. This doesn't belong with SECAM & NTSC. The PAL referred to was the advertising slogan of the dog food of that name! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: GUEST,Mr Red Date: 09 May 02 - 07:10 AM Happiness If you can't read the signs maybe that's 'cos you are on the inside already!!! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Mr Happy Date: 22 May 02 - 08:44 AM do you have to be an insider [in cider?] to know this? |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Nigel Parsons Date: 22 May 02 - 11:18 AM Paul from Hull: BURMA = Be Undressed and Ready My Angel: Mr Red: CHINA = Come Home, I need Affection |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Art Thieme Date: 24 May 02 - 12:31 AM How does ORD translate to "Chicago's Ohare Field" ??? Airport disignations seem out of left field or something. Art Thieme |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: DaveJ Date: 24 May 02 - 11:11 AM Art, My understanding of the Ohare Field's designation as "ORD" came at the time of it's building. The area that it was built on use to be an apple ORCHARD. DaveJ |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Burke Date: 18 Feb 03 - 08:54 PM Refresh, I've seen 2 question about acronymns recently. |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Uncle_DaveO Date: 18 Feb 03 - 09:20 PM Those are not acronyms; they are initialisms. An acronym is pronounced as a word, like NASA. An initialism is pronounced as the individual letters, like USA, IRS, and LOL. I don't know what the proper name is for collections of initials which are not done either way, like LMFAO. Dave Oesterreich |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Cluin Date: 18 Feb 03 - 09:43 PM How about GOAGSFFAA? |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Cluin Date: 18 Feb 03 - 09:44 PM (Go Outside And Get Some Fucking Fresh Air Already) ;) |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Burke Date: 18 Feb 03 - 09:55 PM I stand corrected. How do people read LMFAO, or more politely LOL? If I really read them as if they were spelled out, I guess they'd be abbreviations. Just kind of weird ones. (see your previous message) Here's the OED's definition of Abbreviation: A shortened form of a spoken word, or written symbol; a part of a word or symbol standing for the whole. What do you call MMM, which was always called 3M & finally changed it's name? |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 18 Feb 03 - 10:47 PM JenEllen mentioned "WOBH" in passing way back at the beginning of this thread, but its meaning was never revealed. It's used far too commonly around here to not be on this list. WOBH - Whale Oil Beef Hooked! (Say it real fast) As in: MRfish! M8n't. SMR! CDEDBD1s? Whale Oil Beef Hooked! MRfish! And, as to whether it's an acronym, an initialism, or just a bunch of letters: WGAFF? Bruce |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Amos Date: 18 Feb 03 - 10:51 PM :O:!! MR mice! MR not! OSAR2--CDEDBD feet? OMR mice! A |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Cluin Date: 19 Feb 03 - 02:30 AM M R Ducks M R Nott M R 2 Cedar Wings Whale Oil Beef Hooked! M R Ducks A? |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Steve Parkes Date: 19 Feb 03 - 04:30 AM In my part of England it ends like this (probably works for Scousers too): DARD? RDR! etc. Glossary: D = "Day" (BlackCountry) or "Dee" (Liverpool) A = A[in't] R = (1) are, (2) Arr, as in "Ooh arr" [Oh Aye] Life gets complicated, don't it? Steve |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: JennyO Date: 19 Feb 03 - 10:49 AM Of course you've heard of CRAFT disease (can't remember a fuckin' thing) |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Burke Date: 19 Feb 03 - 03:40 PM Jenny, I usually use CRS syndrome. Can't Remember Shit! |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: JennyO Date: 19 Feb 03 - 09:29 PM Then there's old-timer's disease and "having a senior moment", but they don't belong here. CRAFT or CRS (thanks Burke) will do me. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;-) I've also heard people tuning their guitars say TSAR (that sounds about right). Jenny |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Joe Offer Date: 13 Nov 03 - 03:37 PM OK, so what's a BLOG? I take it that it's some sort of biography or curriculum vitae or personal Web page, but I think I'm missing some of the implications of this word. Please explain, so I can understand when my children talk. It may help me understand Clinton better, too... -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: Stilly River Sage Date: 13 Nov 03 - 04:33 PM Web Log run together as "Blog" a personal journal written out there where anyone in the world can read it. Blogarama is a directory, as is Blogwise. SRS (mother of a teenaged daughter-blogger) |
Subject: RE: Acronym dictionary? From: NightWing Date: 13 Nov 03 - 05:08 PM And, in the Web world, all of these are referred to as TLAs (Three-Letter Acronyms), even though many of them are, as pointed out here, not truly acronyms and, more obviously, many of them do not have three letters. As a Help Desk professional, my favorite TLA remains IBWBIBWA: I've Been Wrong Before; I'll Be Wrong Again. BB, NightWing |
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