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Anne Byrne: What does she now?

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2020 Obit: Anne Byrne (29)
Anne Byrne's LP's (1960's) digitized yet (13)
Lyr Req: Fiona and Shane (Anne Byrne) (8)

Wolfgang 30 Oct 02 - 10:32 AM
GUEST, Dale 30 Oct 02 - 11:01 AM
mg 30 Oct 02 - 11:42 AM
Declan 30 Oct 02 - 11:48 AM
Wolfgang 30 Oct 02 - 12:15 PM
mg 30 Oct 02 - 12:18 PM
Wolfgang 30 Oct 02 - 12:19 PM
Declan 30 Oct 02 - 12:24 PM
Willie-O 30 Oct 02 - 12:56 PM
GUEST 30 Oct 02 - 01:00 PM
GUEST,Ard Mhacha 30 Oct 02 - 01:10 PM
mg 30 Oct 02 - 10:52 PM
GUEST,Ard Mhacha 31 Oct 02 - 08:21 AM
Wolfgang 31 Oct 02 - 09:35 AM
Declan 31 Oct 02 - 09:54 AM
mg 31 Oct 02 - 11:44 AM
GUEST,Ard Mhacha 31 Oct 02 - 01:10 PM
GUEST,Ard Mhaca 01 Nov 02 - 05:58 AM
Declan 04 Nov 02 - 11:41 AM
GUEST,Ard Mhacha 04 Nov 02 - 12:41 PM
Declan 04 Nov 02 - 12:53 PM
GUEST,Ard Mhacha 04 Nov 02 - 01:15 PM
Moleskin Joe 26 Nov 02 - 07:31 AM
GUEST,Martin Ryan 26 Nov 02 - 10:01 AM
Wolfgang 26 Nov 02 - 10:27 AM
GUEST,Paddy her husband 28 Jul 10 - 03:59 PM
GUEST,mg 28 Jul 10 - 04:09 PM
GUEST,mg 28 Jul 10 - 08:23 PM
GUEST,DWR 28 Jul 10 - 09:30 PM
GUEST,mg 29 Jul 10 - 12:59 PM
DonMeixner 29 Jul 10 - 01:15 PM
scowie 30 Jul 10 - 03:18 AM
MARINER 30 Jul 10 - 04:28 AM
Gweltas 31 Jul 10 - 03:54 AM
GUEST,Desi C 31 Jul 10 - 11:00 AM
GUEST,seamus 10 Sep 10 - 12:26 AM
GUEST,Philippa 10 Sep 10 - 11:47 AM
VirginiaTam 10 Sep 10 - 01:52 PM
GUEST,Guest - Lin 11 Sep 10 - 01:52 AM
GUEST,Lin 29 Jan 11 - 01:34 AM
GUEST,kMCGEARY 10 Feb 11 - 11:06 PM
Clontarf83 10 Feb 11 - 11:45 PM
GUEST,machree01 11 Feb 11 - 01:01 PM
GUEST,Guest - Lin 04 Apr 11 - 12:32 AM
GUEST,mg 04 Apr 11 - 01:36 AM
GUEST,Guest - Lin 06 Apr 11 - 01:20 AM
GUEST 04 Jan 12 - 09:51 PM
maeve 04 Jan 12 - 09:58 PM
GUEST,Metoometoo 26 Jun 13 - 06:59 PM
mg 10 Nov 13 - 08:05 PM
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Subject: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Wolfgang
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 10:32 AM

Anne Byrne...what is she doing? Any recent stuff out? She has the most beautiful voice (Mary Garvey in another thread)

I'd like to know too and when searching in Mudcat only found that this question has been asked by several persons more than once, always buried in threads. That's why I make this question more prominent. I've bought everything I could get from her since I saw and heard her in Frankfurt life in 1969. She has the most beautiful voice. (That has been said already by Mary? It is worth repeating)

I'll never forget that evening. It was my first folk concert and I got kissed (no, not by Anne) and that's what hooked me to (Irish) folk music. And it was too late for unhooking when I realised that getting kissed does not come as a rule with going to folk concerts.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST, Dale
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 11:01 AM

Well, I am one of those who asked, and I have searched the internet several times over the years, with little success.   I have located a few old LP recordings for sale, mosly in the 40 pound range, but VERY little more.

I have just the one album, Capitol International 10543, by Anne Byrne with Paddy Roche and Mick Crotty, which I purchased back in the 60s. I wish it were more.

Add my voice to those who want to know.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: mg
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 11:42 AM

several years ago I did get one of those cassettes with a music book for Christmas..where they sing just one verse and the chorus..she was singing on that.

Surely some Irish folk here know her whereabouts. Perhaps she has joined a convent or something.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Declan
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 11:48 AM

I have heard people talk about Anne Byrne's singing, but I can't say for sure that I've ever heard it. I was quite young in 1969!

Its always possible that she got married and sings under another name? If anyone can provide a bit more background I'll see if I can find out anything. For example what songs did she perform ? Did she sing with a group or as a solo act ? etc.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Wolfgang
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 12:15 PM

She could sing solo, but her own instrument play was not enough to carry the voice, so she mostly had a male accompanist. He did the instrument, she did the singing.

Paddy Roche, Jesse Owens are two names who played with her.

The one time I heard her life she did at the end a duett singing 'Whisky in the jar' with the young Johnny McEvoy to a German audience that went wild. I still have the tape and I think both must still rue they did it.

I have three LPs, some of the material comes on more than one LP.

I'll have to check at home for a songlist that is longer than just three titles: Bonnie Irish boy, Croppy boy, D'Arcy Farrow,


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: mg
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 12:18 PM

let's see ..on the tape I still have..which might be a compilation from a couple of records..crooked jack, a great job on Captain Kidd, have you been to Avondale..

on a record I had....I think come by the maybe that is on the tape..the lowlands of Holland...if you can't come along you must stay behind..


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Wolfgang
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 12:19 PM

I hate it when I still get things wrong I have looked up a couple of times before: live!


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Declan
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 12:24 PM

I did some quick Searches and haven't found anything she recorded after 1973. I have a hunch that she might still be singing under a married name, but I'm not posting anything about that until I'm sure.

Anne Byrne is a very popular name in Ireland so there are a lot of hits when searching on her name. One was married to Dustin Hoffman and had a role in Woody Allen's movie Manhattan, but I don't think this is the same person. I'll be playing in a session tonight with a few people who would have been around the folk scene in the 1960's and 70's and I'll see if they can give me any more information.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Willie-O
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 12:56 PM

There's also a Canadian musician by the same name, she plays cello on various singer-songwriter recordings, (Jane Siberry) including her own, and sings. Not old enough to be the one you mention.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 01:00 PM

I think she did live in Manhattan for a time (circa 1970?); she had a regular gig at Tommy Makems Irish Pavillion, E 57 St, Manhattan

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 01:10 PM

Anne Byrne appeared on an RTE Programme about two years ago, I think it was "Come west along the road" an excellent series which featured he vibrant folk scene of the 60s.
Anne as lovely as ever and the voice still as beautiful sang "Come by the hills", I believe she married, either Paddy Roche or Jessie Owens.
The programme included Anne`s singing of the "Foggy Dew" from an old 60`s programme, brilliant.
So Wolfgang I always knew you had good taste. Ard Mhacha.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: mg
Date: 30 Oct 02 - 10:52 PM

This is driving me crazy.....I put the question on a list that has librarians on it and I know they won't be able to rest until we have found her. What is RTE? Can we search their archives. We must get this woman to make some more cd's etc. mg

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha
Date: 31 Oct 02 - 08:21 AM

Mary,"What is RTE?" God save us Mary dear, what planet are you living on, all you have to do is type RTE on your Google search and up will come Ireland`s Radio and TV Station.
And Mary I have bad news for you, Anne Byrne to my knowledge hasn`t made a recording from way back and that could well be the late 60s. Ard Mhacha.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Wolfgang
Date: 31 Oct 02 - 09:35 AM

It's not that easy with only three letters.

Among many others, RTE are 'Real Time Enterprises', 'Royal Thai embassy', 'Round Table Estonia', 'Reseau de transport d'Electricite'.

I didn't make them up, that's only a small choice of companies and whatever that come up in a search for RTE.

I'm sure I bought one record much later. I'll look for details, but won't be able to post them before Monday.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Declan
Date: 31 Oct 02 - 09:54 AM

RTE stands for Radio Teilifis (Television) Eireann (Ireland) and ought to bring you there. If you follow the links for a TV program called Come West Along the Road there may be some info there.

I talked to a couple of people last night who remembered her well from the 60s/early 70s and they also said that she had married a musician. Although they mentioned Jesse Owens they didn't think it was him, but it may have been Paddy Roche. The consensus seemed to be that Anne had given up her singing career when she got married and had a family etc., although they seemed to think that she still did the occasional gig, but probably just local stuff rather than anything big time.

I'll see if a search for Anne Roche shows up anything. I'll let you know if I can come up with any additional info.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: mg
Date: 31 Oct 02 - 11:44 AM

I emailed someone from RTE and she said to contact this person by phone

I would suggest you telephone Nicholas Carolan of the Irish Traditional Music
who presents Come West Along The Road,
and his number is 6619699.

Is this a local number for anyone who can call? mg

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha
Date: 31 Oct 02 - 01:10 PM

Wolfgang yer heads a marley, [old Belfast put-down], RTE will get you there with the least trouble, c`mom. Ard Mhacha.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhaca
Date: 01 Nov 02 - 05:58 AM

Some more information on Anne Byrne, I picked this wee smattering from an RTE P rogramme recorded around 1994.
The Programme was "Whats another year" and it featured various artists who had dropped out of the limelight, Anne Byrne sang "Lily of the West", in the small piece of conversation with the host she relates that she opted out of singing when she married Paddy Roche, this at the early age of 23.
Any recordings of the Lovely Anne would now rank as collectors items. Ard Mhacha.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Declan
Date: 04 Nov 02 - 11:41 AM

By coincidence the Come West Along the Road program shown on RTE last Friday night featured a duet by Jesse Owens and Anne Byrne from 1971. Although the arrangement sounded a bit dated at this stage there was no doubting the quality of Anne's voice.

However if Anne has opted for a life out of the public glare, I think that is her right.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha
Date: 04 Nov 02 - 12:41 PM

Declan, the oul memory returns, the name of the compere on "Whats another year" was Shay Healy, and Declan on "Come west along the road" she sang "The Croppy boy", "the early early in the spring version, brilliant.Ard Mhacha.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Declan
Date: 04 Nov 02 - 12:53 PM

Ard Mhacha,

That was on an earlier program in the series. She was on again last Friday with Jesse Owens. I didn't recognise the song they sang and didn't take a note of the name of the song. I think the program is repeated on RTE at some stage, so if I can find out what they sang I'll post it here. Incidentally CWATR seems to be one of the few RTE Programs that doesn't have a page on the RTE web-site.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Ard Mhacha
Date: 04 Nov 02 - 01:15 PM

Declan, missed last Fridays CWATR, no doubt it will be shown again.
This is an excellent Programme and yer man Carolan the Compere is a "throwback" made for the role. Ard Mhacha.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Moleskin Joe
Date: 26 Nov 02 - 07:31 AM

Is this the same Ann Byrne who was one of the Abbey Tavern Singers?

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Martin Ryan
Date: 26 Nov 02 - 10:01 AM

I have a vague memory that Anne Byrne emigrated to Canada many years ago. I could ask Nicholas - but I'd be afraid to mention that throwaway "throwback" remark!

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Wolfgang
Date: 26 Nov 02 - 10:27 AM

That reminds me I always wanted to post a song-o-graphy for Anne Byrne that is a discography with the titles not sung by her (sung by her varying partners or instrumentals) left out (I'm sure I have made some mistakes here not having listened again). Here it is. Part of it I only have on tape with no information except the titles.

Anne Byrne sings:

on the LP titled 'I choose the green' (co-artist: Paddy Roche):
Pal O' mine
Come by the hills
Mary Hamilton
Hold on to me, babe
Plaisir d'amour
Fiona and Shane
I'm bound for the mountains and the sea

on the second LP (title?) (with Jessie Owens):
Oh, sail away
All my trials
Bold Irish boy
It's all over now, baby blue
Come o'er the water
Buachaill on eirre
Four strong winds

on the LP 'Come by the hills' HALP127:
Crooked Jack
Dublin's fair City
House carpenter
Willie O'Winsbury
Captain Kidd
D'Arcy Farrow
An Suantri
Pretty Saro
Swallow, swallow
Constantly changing
Come by the hills
My father

on the LP 'From Bunclody to Avondale' HPE 651:
D'Arcy Farrow
Wind that shakes the barley
Buchaillin Donn
Lady Gregory
Come by the hills
My father
Lord of the dance
Lilly of the west

on my tape from a radio broadcast of a life concert in Frankfurt in 1969 (with Paddy Roche):
Bonny Prince Charlie
Crooked Jack
Last thing on my mind
Croppy boy
It's all over now, baby blue
Foggy dew (the 1916 song)
Bold Irish boy
Whiskey in the jar (finale with, among others, J. McEvoy)

A double CD with her best songs (or even all songs) should sell I'd say.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Paddy her husband
Date: 28 Jul 10 - 03:59 PM

I can't believe that you still feel for the voice that I (Paddy Roche) fell in love with so many years ago. Anne is not well at the moment - depression! I will convey to her all these good vibes and hope that they will help her on her difficult journey to recovery.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,mg
Date: 28 Jul 10 - 04:09 PM

Oh my goodness..tell her I am so in love with her voice. In fact there were several of us on the internet years ago who traded cassettes back and forth. I always say she has the most beautiful female voice ever. I am sorry to hear she is depressed...

One of my goals in life is to actually meet her..and I will be going back to Ireland at some point...

Could she be persuaded to sing again if her depression lifts?

Anyway, she has a couple of songs on you tube for those who have not heard her....and she had several albums out way back when. mg

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,mg
Date: 28 Jul 10 - 08:23 PM

About depression and the Irish..I have read frequently in various places, internet or wherever..(here is one place I grabbed quickly several groups of people who co-evolved with lots of marine oils in their diet never developed the ability to convert to fats their body needed in terms of Omega 3. Groups were Native American, Irish, Scandinavian and Russion..think of groups who have problems with melancholy, alcohol, depression, etc...sort of overlaps.

Anyway, the solution is for people with this ancestry to be sure they get Omega 3 at least in part from fish or marine can't hurt to have salmon or other fish a couple of times a week, as well as walnuts, flax seeds etc..

And there is not only music therapy, but now there is Irish music therapy, coined by James Keane? who is the great accordian player who used it on himself I guess through cancer treatments...sort of interesting.

Anyway, I will try to think of more home remedies that at least can't hurt..lots of lavendar and essential oils..rose is good...I have to catch a bus now but I will check more this evening. mg

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
Date: 28 Jul 10 - 09:30 PM

Tell Anne that there are so many of us here and elsewhere too, I would suspect, who would love to hear from her again. (Mine was the second post, back in 2002) I get those recording from youtube and my old album out and play them more frequently than most from that era. Good music from such talented people never grows old.

Dale in Arkansas, USA

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,mg
Date: 29 Jul 10 - 12:59 PM

Can Anne or anyone recommend any current female Irish singers? (Please, not Celtic Women)..Who sing in a strong voice? I do search on you tube etc. but they all sound so purposely adolescent in voice that I just can't listen to them. mg

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: DonMeixner
Date: 29 Jul 10 - 01:15 PM

Hi Paddy

I remember when I first heard Anne's wonderful voice. I had bought an album because I wanted one song, Crooked Jack. Anne's recording was the only one I had found. The added benefit of it having Come By the Hills on board made it an easy purchase. Until this time I had never heard Anne sing. Over time I have appreciated that wise and perfect purchase. I have enjoyed her elegant voice no for many years.

My sympathies regaurding the problem with depression. I know that companion too well. There may not be any truly safe harbors in the world but there are friendly ports.
Have her stop in and say hello when she can.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: scowie
Date: 30 Jul 10 - 03:18 AM

I too would like to wish Anne well,her recording "Bunclody to Avondale"
is the only one I have, but it is outstanding,especially "The Wind that Shakes the Barley" to a somewhat different tune than usual. The absolute purity of her voice is amazing, she is such a beautiful singer.
Heartfelt good wishes for a quick and complete recovery.
Your friend and admirer,

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
Date: 30 Jul 10 - 04:28 AM

The most beautiful female voice in Ireland, ever ! I wish her a speedy recovery back to good health.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Gweltas
Date: 31 Jul 10 - 03:54 AM

I adored her voice from the first time I ever heard her sing in the Abbey Tavern, in Howth, Co. Dublin, back in the 1960's (and much to my regret it was the only time I heard her sing "live") and I used to look forward to her singing with Jesse Owens on RTE TV and later on, singing on TV with her husband, Paddy Roche. It was such a pity that she decided to retire from singing to raise her family and such a desperate loss to the Irish folk scene.

I am so very sorry to hear that she is now having to contend with depression. The purity and clarity of her voice was amazing. She was Ireland's magnificent answer to Joan Baez (whom I have also heard singing "live") but, unfortunately, was never recognised as such. While I also admire Baez's singing, I have always maintained that, of the two, Anne Byrne's voice was by far the better voice. She had a unique way of causing her listeners to fall in love not only with her singing, but also with every song that she sang.

It's lovely to know that there are other Anne Byrne fans in the world, who have not forgotten her, despite the passage of time. I fervently hope that she will once again grace the folk world with her wonderful singing and I send my very best wishes to her and will pray that she will soon return to a much happier state.

I also send my best wishes and thanks to Wolfgang, mg, Árd Mhaca, Don Meixner, scowie, Mariner, and of course also to her husband Paddy, for all their posts which has resulted in this up to date news of Anne.
Best Regards,
Anne XX

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Desi C
Date: 31 Jul 10 - 11:00 AM

I saw a reply from Anne to a question posted on You Tube, for the life of me I can't recall the name of the group she sang in which was the clip on You Tube. She is still alive living in Dublin, suffers badly from Bi Polar disorder posssibly due to a long running dxispute with her old recording company, which if/when settled she would like to record again

Desi C

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,seamus
Date: 10 Sep 10 - 12:26 AM

lily of the west with anne and jesse

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 10 Sep 10 - 11:47 AM

best wishes, Anne

someone told me Anne swam with seals in Lough Swilly, off the coast of Buncrana Co Donegal. Is it true? I must have heard the story in the early or mid 1970s

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: VirginiaTam
Date: 10 Sep 10 - 01:52 PM

thanks for the video link Seamus... wonderful stuff.   What a waste if she is not still singing... but I certainly understand how your mental state affects expressions of art and music... indeed the desire to express at all.

best wishes to Anne

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Guest - Lin
Date: 11 Sep 10 - 01:52 AM

It's so wonderful to know there are many people who still remember the beautiful voice of Anne Byrne. I searched for her albums for many years and have quite a few LPs, some solo and others with Jesse Owens and then one with Anne singing with the Abbey Tavern Singers. I'm not sure how many of those albums she appeared on. I have several Abbey Tavern LPs but only one that she sings on. I would be curious to know exactly how many Abbey Tavern Singer albums she was included.

I found many of her albums (before internet and Ebay came along). I was lucky to find her records at different record shops over the years. Some in the Los Angeles area and some of her albums in record shops in London, England when I was there during the 1980's. Of course then the records were affordable.

I have always loved these albums and just think Anne had a stunning voice! I know there are many great current female Irish singers around but I really cannot think of any other Irish folk singer who I enjoy listening to as much as Anne Byrne.

I have been a hugh fan of Joan Baez for decades but of course Joan's voice with age (she admits to that) has changed her voice and she cannot sing the high soprano or range she had in the 60's and 70's. Perhaps the same has happened to Anne vocally. I read posts that Anne Byrne has suffered from depression. I don't know if this is true or not and no one knows what kind of depression she may have.

I would say hopefully it can be treated and if there is any remote possibility that Anne herself reads this, just wanted to say that there are many of your fans who just have gotten tremendous enjoyment from your records and your talent.
I like others would love to hear you sing again or to see your recordings become available on CD but of course you are dealing with record companies and it is not always easy to do this.

I wish you well.


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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Lin
Date: 29 Jan 11 - 01:34 AM

Just wanted to post message here again to see if anyone has any updated news about Anne Byrne? I hope she is well and still wonder if any record company will ever release any of Anne's records on CD? Is she still in Dublin and involved with music at all? From all the various postings here....she has a lot of fans who love her voice!

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
Date: 10 Feb 11 - 11:06 PM

Message to Paddy - This is one of your 2nd cousins in the U.S. My mother Kathleen was your Dad's cousin. My mother returned to Ireland in 1981 to visit your dad & he took her to see Anne perform - I have photos of them in the pub that night in Dublin - you may have also been there. I also have a photo of you, Anne and the family on your wedding day. I've been desperately trying to find you Roche cousins when I came across this site. Must be the luck of the Irish.

Please write me at

My best to all of you and hope Anne is doing well.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: Clontarf83
Date: 10 Feb 11 - 11:45 PM

Was she the singer in the Ludlows?

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,machree01
Date: 11 Feb 11 - 01:01 PM

No, that was Margaret O'Brien

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Guest - Lin
Date: 04 Apr 11 - 12:32 AM

Just wanted to post here again to find out if there is any new information about how Anne Byrne is doing? Perhaps anyone that performed with her at one time or a musician that was on any of her albums?

It seems like many people have inquried about her albums being released on CD's? Anne had a truely beautiful voice and was extremely talented. We hope she is well and would return to music again, even if just to record in a studio. I know some artists do not want to perform in front of an audience again but perhaps she would consider going into a studio where she knows some of the engineers who would put her at ease in recording some of her songs again.

To me, Anne's voice is much better then most of the current Irish female folk singers (who sometimes tend to have their albums overproduced). Even though I have listened to many current or fairly current Irish singers - I must say that Anne Byrne's singing is on the top of my list of favourite Irish singers.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,mg
Date: 04 Apr 11 - 01:36 AM

Me too as I have often favorite female voice of all time I think. mg

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Guest - Lin
Date: 06 Apr 11 - 01:20 AM

To Guest, MG

Awhile back you posted a message that you were looking for female singers who sing with a strong voice (not Celtic).

Did you have any luck? I know what you mean about some of the current singers - and not wanting to listen to them.

Back in the 1960's there was female folk singer out of the Boston, MA area who had a beautiful folk soprano (strong voice). She only recorded two folk LP's. One is called, "After the Snow" and the other one, I can't think of at the moment (but actually have both albums). If you ever find her albums for sale try to get them.

Dayle Stanley is another 60's folk singers who just completely got out of the music scene it seems.
She used to sing in folk clubs in the Boston and NY areas from what I once read about her some years ago now.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
Date: 04 Jan 12 - 09:51 PM

she has a web site

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: maeve
Date: 04 Jan 12 - 09:58 PM

She does indeed have a website, updated in the very new 2012, with an email form one can fill out and send:

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: GUEST,Metoometoo
Date: 26 Jun 13 - 06:59 PM

Anne lives in her hometown of Dun Laoghaire, Co.Dublin with her husband Patrick Roche (who was part of the band The Ludlowes) She has two sons, and five grandchildren.

She does not sing anymore, except for family and friends.

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Subject: RE: Anne Byrne: What does she now?
From: mg
Date: 10 Nov 13 - 08:05 PM

good news..someone has posted more songs on youtube...I think she has the clearest voice I have ever heard. Here is High Germany

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