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BS: Back in Yorkshire again

nutty 01 Aug 03 - 10:38 AM
GUEST,MMario 01 Aug 03 - 11:40 AM
Les from Hull 01 Aug 03 - 01:59 PM
Geoff the Duck 01 Aug 03 - 01:59 PM
Tig 01 Aug 03 - 03:23 PM
GUEST 02 Aug 03 - 11:02 AM
nutty 02 Aug 03 - 01:44 PM
Zany Mouse 02 Aug 03 - 04:50 PM
zanderfish3 (inactive) 03 Aug 03 - 01:17 AM
mouldy 03 Aug 03 - 03:06 AM
Geoff the Duck 03 Aug 03 - 06:15 AM
zanderfish3 (inactive) 03 Aug 03 - 02:44 PM
Gillie 03 Aug 03 - 04:06 PM
GUEST 03 Aug 03 - 04:21 PM
Raggytash 03 Aug 03 - 06:34 PM
Geoff the Duck 04 Aug 03 - 10:12 AM
Red and White Rabbit 04 Aug 03 - 10:31 AM
Liz the Squeak 04 Aug 03 - 11:07 AM
Dave Bryant 04 Aug 03 - 12:06 PM
Geoff the Duck 04 Aug 03 - 02:57 PM
mouldy 05 Aug 03 - 04:47 AM
red max 05 Aug 03 - 05:22 AM
zanderfish3 (inactive) 05 Aug 03 - 06:17 AM
greg stephens 05 Aug 03 - 09:55 AM
Les from Hull 05 Aug 03 - 10:52 AM
Gillie 05 Aug 03 - 07:44 PM
Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull 05 Aug 03 - 07:57 PM
Liz the Squeak 06 Aug 03 - 05:14 AM
Rapparee 06 Aug 03 - 08:55 AM
Tyke 06 Aug 03 - 07:42 PM
Tyke 06 Aug 03 - 07:46 PM
Geoff the Duck 06 Aug 03 - 08:05 PM
Tyke 07 Aug 03 - 03:59 PM
Geoff the Duck 08 Aug 03 - 09:52 AM
Tyke 08 Aug 03 - 02:33 PM
Geoff the Duck 09 Aug 03 - 10:40 AM
Geoff the Duck 10 Aug 03 - 03:50 PM
Mrs.Duck 10 Aug 03 - 04:31 PM
Geoff the Duck 10 Aug 03 - 06:57 PM
Tyke 03 Oct 03 - 02:23 PM
C-flat 03 Oct 03 - 03:06 PM
GUEST,bill the "boro" yorkist. 22 Nov 04 - 05:58 AM

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Subject: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: nutty
Date: 01 Aug 03 - 10:38 AM

Until the 1960's Redcar , where I live, was part of the North Riding of Yorkshire.
In local government changes it lost it's Yorkshire connection, first becoming part of Teesside and then part of Cleveland.
The final change, in the 1990's, made it the Borough of Redcar and Cleveland.


Today on Yorkshire Day 2003 the council have announced that the postal address will once again be ...

Redcar and Cleveland

It's a change that makes me really happy

It's great to be HOME

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: GUEST,MMario
Date: 01 Aug 03 - 11:40 AM

and they say you can't go home again...

proved them wrong, eh?

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Les from Hull
Date: 01 Aug 03 - 01:59 PM

Well done, Nutty, welcome back. And tomorrow ze vorld!

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 01 Aug 03 - 01:59 PM

WELCOME BACK to God's Own County!
Geoff the Duck.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Tig
Date: 01 Aug 03 - 03:23 PM

Brilliant Nutty!

I always knew if I kept addressing stuff to North Yorkshire they would give in in the end :-)

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
Date: 02 Aug 03 - 11:02 AM

Sorry - your postal address is not North Yorkshire. County names are no longer part of UK postal addresses. The address format is:
Number or house name
Street Name
District (if applicable)
Post Town
Post Code.

Redcar & Cleveland House
Kirkleatham Street
TS10 1YA

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: nutty
Date: 02 Aug 03 - 01:44 PM

Thats just the point Guest ...... as no-one has a clue where Redcar or Cleveland are, the Council is intending to use North Yorkshire in the address so that people can find us.
It matters not one fig that it will not be of use to the Post Office.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Zany Mouse
Date: 02 Aug 03 - 04:50 PM



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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: zanderfish3 (inactive)
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 01:17 AM

Having once worked at the Post Office for 13 years, a full postal address requires a ' post town ' and county. Keep flying the flag Nutty.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: mouldy
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 03:06 AM

I live right at the bottom end of N. Yorkshire (which used to be West Riding). I usually refrain from using the official "East Riding" unless it's something very official. The postal town is Goole (East Riding), which itself has a Doncaster area code (South Yorks). Our phone exchange is Whitley bridge (N. Yorks), which shares its number with Pontefract and Castleford (W. Riding). The village a mile and a half to the east of me is in East Yorkshire, and has a Goole STD code. This comes under the York phonebook. As does my nearest shopping town which has its own STD code. We come under the Wakefield and Huddersfield phone book! About 7 miles down the road to the south, where Tig lives, is under the Sheffield Yellow Page area!

Andrea (confused)

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 06:15 AM

Guest - to deliver a letter to the correct address all you need is a postcode and the house number (any high street chain store will tell you who you are and where you live if they type it into their computer. What we write on letters is for PEOPLE to understand.
Why has there always got to be some anonymous pedantic pillock in every Mudcat thread?
Geoff the Duck. West Yorks.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: zanderfish3 (inactive)
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 02:44 PM

Naughty naughty, Geoff

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Gillie
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 04:06 PM

Yes, horray the Watering Hole in Guisborough (which used to be Yorkshie) is now officially Yorkshire again.

Always said that I'd move back to Yorkshire BG

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 04:21 PM

Funny how pillocks who hide behind pseudonyms are the ones to slag off "guests". I won't quack any names.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Raggytash
Date: 03 Aug 03 - 06:34 PM

Geoff, Shall you take this wan*er to task or shall I.

If GUEST would care for my full address I will gleefully forard it

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 04 Aug 03 - 10:12 AM

Raggy - don't feed the Trolls. Anyone who has anything useful to say isn't sfraid to show their face.
Just continue to welcome back all the poor sods who have been deprived of their proper county for too long!
(We could always annexe a couple of bits of Derbyshire for good measure - I'm sure they would thank us for it!)
Geoff - you all know who I am.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Red and White Rabbit
Date: 04 Aug 03 - 10:31 AM

gentlemen and guest - please this is a nice gentle little thread about governments and local councils and even the post office accepting that changing boundries will not change the people - hence the Saddleworth - Lanky v Yorks battle. It doesnt really matter whether its for people of computers - the sun is shining and life is too short to argue. If you three want to continue the battle might I suggest a move over to the duel thread where you can battle it out without offending other catters

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 04 Aug 03 - 11:07 AM

Well this Yorkshire/Lancashire thing has been going on for centuries.

I visited Bosworth Field yesterday (Leicestershire) on my way back from Manchester, Lancs, via Chester, Cheshire and was informed that even those who lived in Yorkshire probably fought on the Lancastrian side. Gentleman behind the counter said that it was more a North/South divide, with the Lancastrian stronghold being the more northerly counties. There's an interesting map that shows which lords came from where and what colour they liked their roses. It did indeed show that most of the Lancastrian supporters came from the North and the South West. So even if you lived in Yorkshire, it's highly likely you (well, your local lord) were a Lancastrian supporter. I was pleased to see that the only lord I've ever found in my family history wasn't at the battle - he obviously preferred his roses yellow (Peace).

Loyaltie me lie

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Dave Bryant
Date: 04 Aug 03 - 12:06 PM

Ah well Nutty, Linda and I should be up that way Friday week (when we get back from Budapest). Besides Whitby folk festival, I want to look around some of my old haunts in the NE from the days I spent working at ICI Billingham. I hope to get to Stockton Folk Club (still run by Ron Angel in the same pub as 35 years ago) as well as the "Cutty Wren" - although the latter has since left "The Royal" at Redcar and moved down the cost to Marske. Hope to see you while we're there.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 04 Aug 03 - 02:57 PM

Liz - I never mentioned Lancastrians. I don't have a problem with Lancastrians - they just don't live in Yorkshire! That's THEIR problem not mine ;@).
I am just welcoming folks back home to where they belong.
I have great sympathy for displaced persons. Look at the poor people of North Lincolnshire who got amalgamated with Hull to form Humberside - It was never going to work, and I am sure that residents of BOTH sides of the Humber were glad when the status quo was restored (although I'm not sure which side of the river they marooned Rick Parfitt!

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: mouldy
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 04:47 AM

As a Derbyshire born person, Geoff m'dear, I would be interested in which bits might be annexed... you see although I originally hail from South Derbyshire, I spent many years living in North Derbyshire (postal address: Stockport, Cheshire - even though we were much nearer Buxton!)


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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: red max
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 05:22 AM

I know there's something to be said for bringing back the Ridings, but that would mean my home town of Harrogate would change from North Yorkshire to the West Riding. I know Leeds, Bradford etc. are fine places, but I'd rather share a district with York and Ripon. Snobbery, yes, but I know plenty of folks from Leeds who don't wish to be associated with Harrogate

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: zanderfish3 (inactive)
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 06:17 AM

There's nowt wrong wi' 'arrogate. us in't West riding doant ave a problem wi' em.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: greg stephens
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 09:55 AM

Liz the Squeak: I've just read a massive biography of Richard III which argued the exact opposite point to you: that the Yorkist (Richard) power-base, in terms of number of troops and money, was overwhelmingly northern, and Henry VII's lot(Lancastrian)mainly southern and western. And it is ften said that Stanley's(northern) defection fro Richard's tipped the scales in the battle. Now, I havent a clue who's right, I'm no historian. I just mention that opinions differ on this question.
   In fact the book went on to argue that London's(and the south's) domination of England became decisive from Bosworth field on.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Les from Hull
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 10:52 AM

Didn't Robin and Barry Dransfield pretend to come from Leeds 'cos they thought Harrogate were too posh?

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Gillie
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 07:44 PM

Depend's how they pronounced it John!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
Date: 05 Aug 03 - 07:57 PM

hEloo, Yorkshire 9especiallyy Hull] is the best place in the world, and everywhere else is rubbish.john

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Liz the Squeak
Date: 06 Aug 03 - 05:14 AM

Greg - you may be right, it was very hot and I was very tired. But there were a lot of Yorkists in the South East.


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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Rapparee
Date: 06 Aug 03 - 08:55 AM

I'm back in Yorkshire agin,
Back where a pint is a friend,
Where pubs will pour all night
And everything is right,
I'm back in Yorkshire agin.

(Sorry, Gene, but I couldn't resist.)

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Tyke
Date: 06 Aug 03 - 07:42 PM

Welcome Home to all those who have been away.
Though I suspect that they have always been In Yorkshire.
The Yorkshire Lancaster thing!

Well in 1460 when Richard Duke Of York was spending Christmas at Sandal Castle Wakefield with some of his Yorkshire friends and tenants. Clifford oh this is boring!

I'll start again It was Christmas 1460 and Richard (Duke of York) was spending Christmas at Sandal Castle with his Youngest Son aged 7 the Earl of Rutland. So he could go windsurfing at Pugneys Water Park. Richards's eldest son Edward was spending Christmas in Norfolk with the larger part of the Yorkist Army.

Now what happened was that Clifford who worked for the Duke of Lancaster was passing Sandal Castle when he see's Richard Duke of York stood on the battlements watching his young son windsurfing. Clifford thinking Edward, Richards Eldest son was there as well. Shouts out Hey Dick Ed! To Richard who not only took offence at these remarks thought that Clifford was going to invite himself to Christmas Dinner.
That's how the fight started Richard was not going to share his Yorkshire Puddings with anybody.

Unfortunately for Richard some of Clifford's mates were on they're way over to Wakefield from Pontefract to do Wakefield's Westgate Run. They cut off Richards's retreat back into the Castle and then it turned a bit nasty. Both Richard and his 7-year-old son were killed.

When Easter came round in 1461 Edward now promoted to be the Duke of York came up with his Army to Pontefract Castle intending to spend time at the Race Coarse. Over Easter when Clifford come over from York and gets up to his old tricks. This time making Long Tom at Edward from the other side of the river at Castleford. But this time Edward sends some of his Army round the side to cross the river at ferrybridge.
Clifford retreats to Towton Moor and the high ground.

Then to top it all it starts to snow! Well that cancels the race meeting and having nowt else to do Edward advances on the Lancastrian Army. As the snow is blowing into the faces of the Lancastran's Clifford fails to see how close the Yorkist Army is. He soon realises though when a hail of arrows lands on his army. The Lancastrians return fire but the Yorkshire Army has retreated so they all miss. This trick is repeated several times until Clifford and the Lancastrian Army are forced to come down off the high ground and fight at close quarters. 20000 were killed that day as Edward had given the order to give NO Quarter. Clifford had after all ruined both his Dads and Brothers Christmas. The river ran red with the Blood of both Yorkshire men and Lancastrains who as tenants of ether the Duke of York or the Duke of Lancaster had to send men to fight for who ever owned their Farm's. So the answer is yes Yorkshire men fought and died that day fighting in the Lancastrain Army and the Yorkist Army. No Need for Spin in the good old days!

There is a Red and White Rose that on Towton Moor that grows as a memorial to the slaughter when the Red Blood ran like water. This enchanted Rose it is said would grow in no other place. It survived the Plough and grew wild so they say for several hundreds of years after the battle. Which ended the argument for a time of who should rule England. Until Edward had an affair with some one else's wife and But that's another story.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Tyke
Date: 06 Aug 03 - 07:46 PM

PS if you don't belive me Ask Raggytash! He was there!

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 06 Aug 03 - 08:05 PM

What - when Edward had an affair with some one else's wife?
Tell us more Raggy!!!!!

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Tyke
Date: 07 Aug 03 - 03:59 PM

You'll have to ask Raggy Geoff.

Oh and as an aside just to say that I have long since given up pointing out that the supposed Yorkshire Rose on the front cover of Tykes News is the wrong way up as is the supposed Yorkshire Rose Leeds United Badge. The Lancashire Rose has one Barb at the top whilst the Yorkshire Rose has two. The Two Roses on top of each other make the Tudor Rose. I haven't the heart to explain that the Rose on Kieghly Castle is a Lancastrian Rose, which it would make it a Lancastran outpost in Yorkshire to the Tykes News Editorial staff. When Tykes News was an EFDSS affiliated and it had the EFDSS sword lock surrounding the Rose it gave looked artistically correct. Now that they are no longer used the rose should be turned the correct way round. That said we are all working hard and for nothing at Tykes News to promote Folk and not heraldic battle flags and or emblems. Why did it matter which way round when one is red and the other is White? Because it snowed during a battle, which it did at the Battle of Towton, you would be able to make out the Yorkshire Emblem by its Shape because of the diference in each Roses orientation.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 08 Aug 03 - 09:52 AM

Mind you - I am these days living in Pontefract, which , although only about 50 miles the East coast of Yorkshire, belongs to the Dutchy of Lancaster.
The Roses Wars had sod-all to do with the concerns of the Common People anyway, so unless you were rich or had titles it was mostly just a pain in the neck getting robbed, displaced, burned-out or even killed for someone else's benefit. The people of Pontefract, at least, had the sense to see that the only reason they were part of battles was that they had a pretty smart castle. The thought -"Sod that for a game of Billiards", knocked it down themselves and built a sweet factory. What a good example to the rest of the World! Perhaps the USA should plant George Bush a few feet down, and replace him with a Licorice Bush?
Geoff the Duck.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Tyke
Date: 08 Aug 03 - 02:33 PM

Quite right Geoff!
Pontefract Castle has just been featured on The BBC's Regional News Programme tonight. It was demolished by act of Parliament at the request of the Local People. The cost of Demolition cost was £750. Quite cheap considering that Pontefract Castle was a very substantial building.

What did not get mentioned was the reasons why the Local Population wanted rid of it! Well the reason was that every time the castle received reinforcements if it was due to come under attack. The garrison would send out men to commander all the beds from the surrounding area for the extra troops to sleep on. This on one occasion proved to be there down fall as when the opposition gained access to the Castle by pretending to be delivering extra Beds. Imagin no Duckling Beds! However it was not just the Bed situation that made the locals feed up with the castle but the inaccuracy of the Cannon Balls fire at the castle. Sick to the back teeth of having their windows and doors blow out they demanded compensation. The compensation that they received was the stone demolished from the Castle. The dungeon was used as a Liquorice store for many years and would today be a good place to keep a Bush. But as you nearly PONTED out Geoff it takes ALLSORTS to make a world.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 09 Aug 03 - 10:40 AM


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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 10 Aug 03 - 03:50 PM

Mouldy - The Annexation of Bits of Derbyshire was just a passing thought - no specific intentions...
Anyway when you look at it :-
Bakewell - too many tarts!
Ladybower - pretty lake, but not much else there.
Strines - can you imagine the headlines? "It's official - Yorkshiremen have got Strines!!!" Sounds painful.
Snake Pass is almost as bad!
I recall that many years back Chapel-on-the-Filth had a By-pass built around it, and they asked Chapel Morris Men to dance on the by-pass at the opening ceremony. We always reckoned it was a plot so they could try to run them all over...

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Mrs.Duck
Date: 10 Aug 03 - 04:31 PM

Puddings, darling!

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Geoff the Duck
Date: 10 Aug 03 - 06:57 PM

I stand corrected...

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: Tyke
Date: 03 Oct 03 - 02:23 PM


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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: C-flat
Date: 03 Oct 03 - 03:06 PM

I live approximately 10 miles from Redcar, in Middlesbrough (which was also Yorkshire when I was born here in 1957) and this is the first I've heard mentioned of the return to "North Yorkshire".
I have to be honest and admit that I'm no longer sure how to give details of my address. Is it Cleveland?, Teesside?, or have we also returned to North Yorks?
I mostly just use my postcode.

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Subject: RE: BS: Back in Yorkshire again
From: GUEST,bill the "boro" yorkist.
Date: 22 Nov 04 - 05:58 AM

from sheffield in the south, pennines to the west,the east coast and the river tees to the north is yorkshire, always has been, always will be, yorkshire born and bred for ever, be proud.
Bill the boro.

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