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Lyr ADD: Connie Dover: Personent Hodie/Cantus

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Paul Procure ( 28 Feb 99 - 08:53 PM
BeesWing 02 Mar 99 - 09:33 PM
Peg 14 Dec 03 - 02:36 PM
Peg 14 Dec 03 - 02:38 PM
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Subject: Connie Dover's Cantus
From: Paul Procure (
Date: 28 Feb 99 - 08:53 PM

My wife and I are searching for the lyrics to Connie Dover's version of the Cantus as heard on the Celtic Voices recording.

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Subject: RE: Connie Dover's Cantus
From: BeesWing
Date: 02 Mar 99 - 09:33 PM

Great cd, Paul will email you tomorrow ...isn't there a lot of latin on that cut?

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Subject: Lyr Req: Connie Dover: Personent Hodie/Cantus
From: Peg
Date: 14 Dec 03 - 02:36 PM

This seems to combine Latin text (from a 14th century hymn) with some Irish and English lyrics. The compilation CD I have does not give them; does anyojne have the original album, called Somebody, which contans them?

Many thanks!!!


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Subject: ADD: Connie Dover: Personent Hodie/Cantus
From: Peg
Date: 14 Dec 03 - 02:38 PM

well, gee, I went to and there they were.


Personent hodie
Voces puerulae
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus

Personent hodie
Voces puerulae
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus
Summo Deo datus

Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo

His the doom, ours the mirth
When he came down to earth
Flower of Jesse's tree
Born on earth to save us
Him the Father gave us

Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo

Is airiu agus a leanbh cad a dhéanfaidh mé
Tá tú ar shiúl uaim agus airiú

Lives my quiet cell within
Thou in me dwelling
All is lie but Jesukin

Jesu of the skies
My little one, Thou my delight
I with Thee, Thou with me
Next my heart through every night

'S airiú
Who hangs from yonder passion tree?
Your son, dear Mother
Do you not know me?

Judas, James and John
Have you seen my only son?
Ochon! My eyes are blind
Ochon! My heart is wrung

Stella Maris, Semper Clara
Rosa Munde, Res Miranda
Misterium Mirabile

'S airiú agus ochon!
Sad I am till you return
To have you at the break of dawn!
Ochon airiú
Without you!

Translation from Latin and Irish Gaelic into English

Latin Verse:
Today let youthful voices
Sound forth joyous praises
Of Him who is born for us,
The gift of the most high God
Therefore, "Glory to God in the highest."

Gaelic Verse:
Is airiúi! (a keen or exclamation of lament -- no literal translation)
And what shall I do, my child!
You've been gone from me for a long time
Is airiúi!

Latin Canticle/Countermelody:
Star of the Sea, ever bright
Spotless Rose, most admirable
Wondrous Mystery

Praise, honor
Strength and glory
Are fitting for you, Oh Mary

Medley arranged by Connie Dover. Personent Hodie, 14th Century Latin carol; Jesukin music by Connie Dover; lyrics adapted and arranged by Connie Dover from 8th Century Irish poem attributed to St. Ita and Caoineadh Mhuire, traditional Irish.

From the CD, Somebody (Songs of Scotland, Ireland and Early America) by Connie Dover
Sheet music available through Taylor Park Music, Inc.

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