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Lyr Add: Get Your Kicks on Route 66 (Bobby Troup)

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George Seto - 08 Feb 03 - 02:38 PM
GUEST,max 24 Sep 04 - 11:25 PM
alanabit 25 Sep 04 - 03:15 AM
Joe Offer 25 Sep 04 - 04:00 AM
alanabit 25 Sep 04 - 12:43 PM
GUEST,Max 27 Sep 04 - 12:26 AM
Joe Offer 27 Sep 04 - 12:37 AM
PoppaGator 27 Sep 04 - 06:30 PM
GUEST,Max 02 Oct 04 - 08:41 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 02 Oct 04 - 10:21 PM
Stewie 03 Oct 04 - 11:47 PM
PoppaGator 17 Dec 04 - 02:08 AM
GUEST,Chris 17 Dec 04 - 07:37 AM
GUEST,Ian 25 Jan 08 - 08:46 PM
GUEST,fruitbowlsdad_UK 25 Jan 08 - 08:58 PM
Leadfingers 25 Jan 08 - 10:55 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 25 Jan 08 - 11:27 PM
Joe Offer 26 Jan 08 - 09:17 PM
MarkS 26 Jan 08 - 09:48 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 26 Jan 08 - 10:24 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 27 Jan 08 - 05:29 AM
GUEST 27 Jan 08 - 05:55 AM
Q (Frank Staplin) 27 Jan 08 - 08:30 PM
GUEST,Jose 28 Nov 10 - 04:06 PM
Bonzo3legs 28 Nov 10 - 05:31 PM
GUEST 26 Dec 10 - 10:00 PM
Joe Offer 27 May 21 - 09:30 PM
Joe Offer 03 Feb 22 - 03:10 AM
pattyClink 03 Feb 22 - 09:52 AM
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Subject: Lyr Add: GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66 (Bobby Troup)
From: George Seto -
Date: 08 Feb 03 - 02:38 PM


Composers: music by Nelson Smock Riddle (ASCAP/BMI)
Lyric added by Stanley Styne (ASCAP)

If you ever plan to motor west,
Travel my way: take the highway that's the best.
Get your kicks on Route Sixty-Six.

It winds from Chicago to LA,
More than two thousand miles all the way.
Get your kicks on Route Sixty-Six.

Now you go though Saint Looey,
Joplin, Missouri,
And Oklahoma City looks mighty pretty.
You see Amarillo,
Gallup, New Mexico,
Flagstaff, Arizona.
Don't forget Winona,
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino.

Won't you get hip to this timely tip:
When you make that California trip,
Get your kicks on Route Sixty-Six.


Now you go though Saint Looey
Joplin, Missouri,
And Oklahoma City is mighty pretty.
You see Amarillo,
Gallup, New Mexico,
Flagstaff, Arizona.
Don't forget Winona,
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino.

Won't you get hip to this timely tip:
When you make that California trip
Get your kicks on Route sixty-six.
Get your kicks on Route sixty-six.
Get your kicks on Route sixty-six.

- Bobby Troup

For lyric & chords:

    For the record: my sources show that Bobby Troup wrote the words and music for "(Get Your Kicks on) Route 66" in 1946, and it was popularized by the King Cole Trio.

    In 1966, Nelson Riddle wrote the theme song from the Route 66 television series.
    -Joe Offer-

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Subject: lyrics rqd: Route 66 2nd verse
From: GUEST,max
Date: 24 Sep 04 - 11:25 PM

I heard years ago a SECOND verse to R66. and am missing a couple of lines. My version,I THINK by the Andrew Sisters, was:

            "If you're in the mood to see the coast
            Take the west road that's the best road
            It's the most
            Get your kicks...
            While driving through Ohio check your spare,
          'Cos soon you'll hit that famous thoroughfare,
            Get you kicks... "
            (And here's where my memory fails)            
          "South of the Great Lakes peel up the pancakes(?)
            The very dear Missouri might stimiulate your appetite" -
            what comes next?

Can anyone fill in the blanks and check the rest for veracity?


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Subject: RE: lyrics rqd: Route 66 2nd verse
From: alanabit
Date: 25 Sep 04 - 03:15 AM

If you ever plan to motor West
Take the highway, take my way it's the best
Get your kicks on Route sixty-six

Well it winds from Chicago to LA
More than two thousand miles on the way
Get your kicks on Route sixty six

Down from St.Louis
Up to Missouri
Oklahoma City looks Oh so pretty
You can see Amarillo
Gaddup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona
Don't forget Winona
Big Sur, Barstow, San Bernadino

If you get hip to this kind of tip
Gonna take that California trip
Get your kicks on Route sixty six

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Subject: ADDPOP: Get Your Kicks on Route 66 (Bobby Troup)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 25 Sep 04 - 04:00 AM

We've had several versions of the lyrics posted. This one, I think, is definitive:

(Get Your Kicks On) Route 66
[Bobby Troup, 1946, Londontown Music]

If you ever plan to motor west,
Travel my way, take the highway that's the best,
Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six!
It winds from Chicago to L.A.,
More than two thousand miles all the way.
Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six!

Now you go thru St. Looey and Joplin, Missouri,
And Oklahoma City is mighty pretty.
You'll see Amarillo,
Gallup, New Mexico,
Flagstaff, Arizona,
Don't forget Winona,
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino.
Won't you get hip to this timely tip?
When you make that California trip,
Get your kicks on Route Sixty-six!

Bobby Troup (1910-1999) was married for forty years to Julie London. He acted in several movies, and was Dr. Joe Early in the television drama Emergency from 1972-1977.
Troup also wrote the song "Daddy," recorded by Eartha Kitt.

Information and lyrics from Reading Lyrics edited by Robert Gottlieb and Robert Kimball.

I didn't see any additional verses.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: lyrics rqd: Route 66 2nd verse
From: alanabit
Date: 25 Sep 04 - 12:43 PM

I've always seen it credited to Bobby Troup, but I know it was revamped by Chuck Berry. Since the Stones did it on their first album, it's been an R&B standard. That's where most people of my generation know it from.
The version of Nat King Cole's I heard was a jazz song - probably closer to the original. Thanks for the extra information Joe. It's always good to learn a bit more!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: GUEST,Max
Date: 27 Sep 04 - 12:26 AM

Guys!You're not paying attention! I HAVE the verses you've all posted - as does the world. It was the OTHER lyrics I want straightened out(see my first thread). I heard them back in the 70's -Andrew Sisters I think.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 Sep 04 - 12:37 AM

Hi, Max - yes, we're paying attention. It's a tradition here that we fully explore a song when a question is posted, often going beyond the scope of the original question.
So far, we've fairly well determined that the verses you seek were not in the original version of the song. We didn't have lyrics posted from a documented source, so it was worthwhile posting the original words. In the meantime, it keeps the thread active so that some knowledgeable person may come up with what you're looking for. I did find out that the Andrews Sisters recorded "Route 66" with Bing Crosby May 11, 1946 - but I haven't found the recording yet. I think I've heard it before, and I don't recall the Ohio or Great Lakes lines. They just don't seem to fit, since Route 66 barely touches the Great Lakes and is a whole Indiana away from Ohio.
I think maybe your verses were added by somebody who was geographically inept, like the novelist who wrote about the salt air of Lake Michigan blowing into Chicago.... (I swear it's true - I read the novel, a German "Krimi.")
Alanabit, you make me feel really old with your Stones and such. The Nat Cole Trio recorded a wonderfully sparse version of "Route 66." I think Nat "King" Cole's later performances of the song may have been more easy-listening - but the first recording was a masterpiece.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: PoppaGator
Date: 27 Sep 04 - 06:30 PM

No, I can't help with the "extra" Andrews Sisters verse. Just wanted to add a little tidbit:

When I saw Alanabit's contribution, I spotted two minor errors right away, both of which have been corrected by the posting of Bobby Troup's original lyrics -- "Up to" rather than "Joplin," Missouri, and "Big Sur" preceding "Barstow, San Bernadino." Each is close to the sound of at least one recorded version and is especially understandable for someone unfamiliar with US geography.

Joplin is a pretty obscure small town; I know it only from this song and from the fact that Mickey Mantle's first pro baseball team (minor league) was in Joplin, MO.

Big Sur isn't on Route 66 at all, but miles to the northwest on the coast above LA. It doesn't sound at all like "Kingman," the Arizona town in the original lyric, but it does sound like the town mentioned in that line the way I learned it from *some* recording (perhaps Chuck Berry's?) -- "BAKER, Barstow, San Bernardino." Baker *is* geographically plausible; it's a small town in the high California desert, right on 66, well east of L.A. and San Bernardino, not too far from the Arizona border.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: GUEST,Max
Date: 02 Oct 04 - 08:41 PM

Joe,You maybe right, but I am drawing on my recollection of what I THOUGHT I heard. I was in Bermuda at the time and I distinctly remember copying down the extra set of lyrics off the the LP. Unfortunately I lost that bit of paper and have now thrown myself on the help of Mudcat!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 02 Oct 04 - 10:21 PM

See the thread on Tucumcari (click). The town is on the old Route 66; they are still offering their anniversary poster. A good one.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: Stewie
Date: 03 Oct 04 - 11:47 PM

There is a recording of the song by Bobby Troup on a compilation of Route 66 songs: Various Artists 'The Songs of Route 66: Music from the all-American highway' Lazy SOB Recordings CD SOB66. The lyrics are those posted by Joe - no additional verse. There is also a recording by Charles Brown with longer instrumental passages but the same lyrics.

The compilation also has 'The Mother Road' performed by Alan Rhody - a fine song, co-authored by Rhody and Kevin Welch. For any who may be interested, I will post the lyrics in a thread under its own heading.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: PoppaGator
Date: 17 Dec 04 - 02:08 AM

I just heard more lyrics to this song than I've ever heard before, earlier this evening at Spencer Bohren's annual all-guest-star Christmas concert. Spencer's daughter Corinna sang it to her dad's accompaniment, after they related a story about how they lived on the road in an Airstream trailer when the kids were growing up, and how they collected every different recording of "Route 66" that they could find (since they spent so much time driving back and forth along the highway).

They told us that, believe it or not, their favorite version was Perry Como's -- ?!?! -- and that his was the version they were about to perform. There was a four-line introductory "verse" to a different melody than the familiar one, just as in so many Broadway show tunes, followed by the familar verses quoted above and then one or maybe even two additional verses. I don't think what I heard tonight inlcuded the verse-and-a-half quoted by GUEST Max in the opening message of this thread -- these were *other* additional lyrics. In what I just heard, I do clearly recall mention of Tucumcari, for what it's worth.

At any rate, anyone serious about searching out additional Route 66 lyrics is advised to look into Perry Como's recording(s). You may not want to try singing like Perry, or using his arrangements, but you probably will want to learn his full set of lyrics.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Route 66 2nd verse
From: GUEST,Chris
Date: 17 Dec 04 - 07:37 AM

I'm sure it's Kingman, Barstow, San Bernadino...
    Threads combined. Messages below are from a new thread.
    -Joe Offer-

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Subject: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: GUEST,Ian
Date: 25 Jan 08 - 08:46 PM

I tried this a few years ago but with no success. I KNOW there are more verses to Bobby Troup's "Route 66" as I know most of it except for the end. Does anyone know it?
(The Perry Como lyric site lists his version as the complete version but it's not the one I know.)

My verse goes:
"While driving through Ohio check your spare
'Cos soon you'll hit that famous thoroughfare
Get your kicks on Route 66.
(And) if you're in the mood to see the coast
Take the West road, it's the best road, really the most
Get you kicks, etc"
Bridge: (And here's where I get unstuck)

"South of the Great Lakes
You... (sounds like 'feel up the pancakes'?)
The very dear Missouri might stimulate your appetite"
And it's a total blank from here.
Hope someone knows...

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Subject: Lyr/Chords Add: GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66 (Troup)
From: GUEST,fruitbowlsdad_UK
Date: 25 Jan 08 - 08:58 PM

The lyrics and chords I have are :-

Route 66
(A)Well if you ever (D)plan to motor (A)west,
Best take (D)my way, that's the hiway that's the (A)best,
Get your (E)kicks, on (D)Route Sixty(A)six,

Well it (E)winds from Missouri, (D)down thru St. Louie,
(A)Oklahoma City looks oh so pretty,
You'll (D)see Amarillo, and(A)Gallup New Mexico,
(E)Flagstaff Arizona, don't forget Winona, Needles ,Barstow San Bernidino,
When (A)you, get (D)hip to this kind of (A)trip,
And you (D)take that California (A)trip,
Get your (D) kicks on (E)Route Sixty(A)six,

(A)Well, it winds, from (D)Chi-cago to (A)L.A.,
Almost (D)two thousand miles all the (A)way,
Get your (E)kicks, on (D)Route Sixty(A)six,
Well it (E)winds from Missouri, (D)down thru St. Louie,
(A)Oklahoma City looks oh so pretty,

You'll (D)see Amarillo, and(A)Gallup New Mexico,
(E)Flagstaff Arizona, don't forget Winona, Needles ,Barstow San Bernidino,
When (A)you, get (D)hip to this kind of (A)trip,
And you (D)take that California (A)trip,
Get your (D) kicks on (E)Route Sixty(A)six.


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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: Leadfingers
Date: 25 Jan 08 - 10:55 PM

A good mate was re writing Rout 66 a while back as a London Song !! Get Your Kicks on the A 406 , Drive your car round the North Circular etc . I dont think he ever finished it , and is currently 'Doing' The A303 instead !!

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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 25 Jan 08 - 11:27 PM

The first leg is Chicago-Oklahoma City.
Ohio? The guy is lost.

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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: Joe Offer
Date: 26 Jan 08 - 09:17 PM

Well, I'd still contend that the "complete" song is the two verses from Bobby Troup, posted above. Anything else is an addition.
I checked a variety of sources, and found nothing other that what has been posted above.

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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: MarkS
Date: 26 Jan 08 - 09:48 PM

Listen to the version by The Manhattan Transfer - forget which album - but they really do it well.

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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 26 Jan 08 - 10:24 PM

Stayed recently at the old El Rancho Hotel in Gallup, a really nostalgic experience. Built in the hey-day of Route 66, the two-story lobby and its grand staircase, the atmosphere and all the memorabilia, both local and of the famous who stayed there, bring back the days when this was the way West.

I just looked up their blurb on the net- built in 1937, ten years before Troup's song.

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Subject: Lyr Add: GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66 (from P Como)
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 27 Jan 08 - 05:29 AM

While I agree with Joe that the 2 verse version he posted earlier is Troup's original and definitive version (the story of him starting to write it on his trip West, showing his first verse to Nat Cole who was enthusiastic about it and finishing it for Cole to sing is fairly well documented), I'm sure that there have been several additions/rewrites.

Here's the Perry Como version referred to (from – Perry Como: Route 66 - I normally only link to songs on other sites, but the last time I did this with a popular lyrics site someone complained about what the site was trying to do to their machine! I trust my a/v and firewall and I never accept active content, but to avoid the risk for others I'm copying this time).

But still no completion to the original request from Max!



Mister... you may... have traveled near or far,
But you haven't seen the country,
Till you've seen the country by car!

Mister... may I... recommend a royal route?
It starts in Illinois, let me tell you, boy!
If you ever plan to motor west,
Travel my way; take the highway that's the best!
Get your kicks... on Route 66!

It winds from Chicago to L.A.,
More than two thousand miles all the way!
Get your kicks... on Route 66!

Now, you go through St. Louie, Joplin, Missouri,
And Oklahoma City is a mighty purdy!
You'll see Amarillo, Gallup, New Mexico,
Flagstaff, Arizona, don't forget Winona,
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino!

Won't you get hip to this timely tip,
When you make that California trip?
Get your kicks... on Route 66!

Springfield, Illinois ... Springfield, Missouri too!
Seven states, count 'em, seven,
Spread out in front of you!

< instrumental break >

You'll like the aroma, of Tulsa, Oklahoma,
Albuquerque and Tucumcari, make New Mexico extraordinary!
You'll wanna own a piece of Arizona,
Needles, Essex, Amboy, Azusa,
No one in sunny Cal is a loser...

So... get hip to this timely tip,
When you make that California trip!
If any Joe... tells you to go... some other way,
Say nix!
Get your kicks... on Route 66!

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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
Date: 27 Jan 08 - 05:55 AM


If you ever have to go to Shoeburyness
Take the A road, the OK road that's the best
Go motorin' on the A13

If you're looking for a thrill that's new
Take in Fords, Dartford Tunnel and the river too
Go motorin' on the A13

It starts down in Wapping
There ain't no stopping
By-pass Barking and straight through Dagenham
Down to Grays Thurrock
And rather near Basildon
Pitsea, Thundersley, Hadleigh, Leigh-On-Sea,
Chalkwell, Prittlewell
Southend's the end

If you ever have to go to Shoeburyness
Take the A road, the OK road that's the best
Go motorin' on the A13

Words & Music : Billy Bragg

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Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 27 Jan 08 - 08:30 PM

No wonder no one remembers Perry Como! Don't know whether he was trying to gild the lily or piss on it.

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Subject: Route 66
From: GUEST,Jose
Date: 28 Nov 10 - 04:06 PM

jesus christ, what a piece of crap, the only Route 66 music worth listening to is Nelson Riddle's Route 66. Period, Finito, The End.

Anybody has the lyrics version of THAT ONE? Some female sang it.

I am producing a midi of it and by golly, what a difficult song. Nothing makes sense, I went as far as paying $35.00 to the Nelson Riddle Library in Texas for a copy of the original arrangement. What I got was hyeroglifics, written in morse code. Only Nelson understood what he wrote. Lost my money.

Anybody "hears" the chords? I sure can't.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Route 66 (Bobby Troup)
From: Bonzo3legs
Date: 28 Nov 10 - 05:31 PM

There is an excellent version by the Stones used in the first ever UK stereo broadcast - you needed fm 2 radios!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Route 66 (Bobby Troup)
Date: 26 Dec 10 - 10:00 PM

if you cant read the Nelsons score..I can help you translate it..Im pretty familiar with his hyroglipyhics...
Contact me at


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Route 66 (Bobby Troup)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 27 May 21 - 09:30 PM

My stepson is flying a student to Kingman, Arizona, tomorrow. I took Route 66 from Kingman to Flagstaff a few years ago, and it was a wonderful drive - lots of restored cars and gas stations and drive-in restaurants — and Burma-Shave signs.

I drove much of the rest of Route 66 from Chicago on my cross-country drive in 2016, but I strayed from the road at times to see other attractions. The most interesting sections of 66 were in Illinois, Oklahoma, Arizona, and California.

I'm advising my stepson to follow 66 on his way back to the Sacramento area tomorrow - 66 to Barstow, and then up across Tehachapi Pass to California Highway 99. Small planes often follow highways on long trips - there's lots to see and plenty of airports for food and fuel along the way, and navigation is simple. But I started thinking - are there other songs that mention Kingman, Arizona? "Take It Easy" mentions a corner in Winslow, Arizona, on Route 66 on the east side of the state. But how about Kingman?


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Route 66 (Bobby Troup)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 03 Feb 22 - 03:10 AM

I've driven from Chicago to LA, mostly (but not religiously) on Route 66. So this song is very important to me.
I came across I Perry Como performance I've never heard. It mentions both Springfields,and even Amboy. Did this second verse come from the original songwriter?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Route 66 (Bobby Troup)
From: pattyClink
Date: 03 Feb 22 - 09:52 AM

This source seems to think that verse is by Troup. How strange we have never heard it before.

"One of the few who did was Perry Como in '59 who included Troup's intro and the second verse, and delivered it in a cool, swinging, cocktail lounge style."

Graham Reid site "Elsewhere"

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