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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Bert BS: Phrases that don't travel (171* d) RE: BS: Phrases that don't travel 09 Sep 10

I'm too lazy to go back and find the original posts but here's some comments anyway.

"Me arse is making shirt buttons" refers to the style of fart that goes "Pip pip pip pip"

We call an ATM, Auntie Em.

Here the strip between the street and the sidewalk is known as the "Hell Strip" 'cos it is so difficult to maintain.

Fucking A is short for Fucking arseholes.

As for English REAL money...

She'll shag for a Tanner,
she'll shag for a Bob
it only depends on
the size of your knob.

Bob's your Uncle has often degenerated to Bob's your flippin'

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