Subject: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Tex.' From: GUEST, Date: 27 Mar 01 - 02:38 PM Does anyone know where I could find the lyrics to a song my husband recalled called something like, "There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas"? He thought Steve Goodman had recorded it, but after we hunted around a bit, he has conceded that it might have been someone else. Thanks for any help you can give me! Karen Brandon |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Sorcha Date: 27 Mar 01 - 03:23 PM Good heavens, Max, it's only been up less than 45 minutes! I checked Google, and got nada........and, hey, buster, there better be a radio show tonite, I'm home and think I have folkchat again.......I wanna test it! (luv ya, dear!) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Joe Offer Date: 27 Mar 01 - 03:26 PM Hmmm. Well, Max refreshed it because there were two threads with the same name. I was trying to rename the other thread at the same time Max was working on it - now I know why the results were mystifying. But anyhow, I'd sure like to see this song. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Max Date: 27 Mar 01 - 03:45 PM This nice lady (A reporter for the Chicago Tribune) called me to see if this was the best way to find this song was. I told her that The Mudcat Café is certainly the best and she should have an answer in no time. And she was going to write a story on us next. Oh, well, I guess it'll be about how we're a bunch of liars and don't know shit. Thanks a lot everyone. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Sorcha Date: 27 Mar 01 - 03:51 PM I'm tryin' honey, I'm tryin'.......... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Sorcha Date: 27 Mar 01 - 04:02 PM I'm not finding anything on the 'net.......another phrase, or a Texan checking in please? Sounds almost like "Outlaw Country"....Willie,Waylon, et. al........ |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: wes.w Date: 28 Mar 01 - 07:22 AM There's an English song written by Mike Burton (Sneaky Pete) which might be the one you're after - 'There ain't no T in Texas' - which is about 'one finds it impossible to purchase proper tea in Texas'. Its a fifties rockabilly type song. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler Date: 28 Mar 01 - 07:34 AM Doesn't seen to be on Cowpie. RtS (can anyone explain the brown bag law to a puzzled Limey. Why is it ok to drink from a bottle if it is in a paper bag but not otherwise?) |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: wes.w Date: 28 Mar 01 - 08:17 AM I think Hank Wangford might have performed 'T'. That's nearly Steve Goodman isn't it? :( |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Joe Offer Date: 28 Mar 01 - 12:44 PM Well, I used my usual sources and then some, and found
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: GUEST,Karen Brandon Date: 29 Mar 01 - 12:50 PM I want to thank you all for your diligence and good humor in the vast search for this song! (Also found, by another source, was "There Ain't No Toilet Paper in Russia.") I'm sure if this tune exists, one of you would have found it by now. I'm assuming it's my husband's memory that is at fault, not your capacity to locate the song, which, clearly, would be a gem, if only it existed! Thanks! KB |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Mary in Kentucky Date: 29 Mar 01 - 03:06 PM Karen, I'm wondering if it might be a parody. I'm thinking maybe some Texas DJ's have heard it. Sorry, but I don't have any contacts with Texas DJ's. Now some of our Texas members... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: wes.w Date: 30 Mar 01 - 06:19 AM I phoned 'Sneaky Pete' to see if his was a parody, and he says not. Mike is pretty hot on 40/50s American swing, but was unable to suggest anything on this line. Can you give us any more clues, Karen? How would your husband describe the song - 50s rockabilly, 60s Tom Paxton 'ish, etc? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Jim Dixon Date: 04 Jun 02 - 05:59 PM Well, we know this much: It's either a lie or a fantasy. There IS an open-bottle law in Texas. Click here. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Deda Date: 04 Jun 02 - 06:09 PM I'm assuming that with all the veterans working on this, it's presumptuous to ask if people have searched for "There isn't any" or "There's no" or other variants on "there ain't no"? Nebber mine.... |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: JohnInKansas Date: 04 Jun 02 - 10:40 PM Quite a few people took an interest in this one when it first showed up a year ago. It's still on our list of "ones to find." I think it's safe to say that most variants have been searched. Pushing the boundaries - at NMPA you can find links to "music rights organizations," and from there I've gone to the Big Three, ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC, and searched for copyright on "Open Bottle Law in Texas." (And confirmed that "Open-Bottle" is searched as "Open Bottle" on all three, regardless of which way you enter it). None of the three found a copyright on the title, or on any "part or parts" thereof. That does not mean that the tune doesn't exist, or that it's not copyrighted. The subject matter would place the song somewhere between the latter part of the "fifties," through almost the entire "sixties," - or perhaps a little later, since that's when Texas and surrounding states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, etc., had their "great spasm" of "legalizing" liquor. (When did national prohibition end? - so we're a little slow). Laws throughout the region are still a "mishmash" of local options, county options, and state laws, with WET towns in Dry counties, DRY counties in WET states, and all imaginable comutations and permutations. And in most areas "draft beverages less than 3.2 percent alcohol by weight" are not alcoholic beverages - except on Sunday - and are usually regulated under an entirely distinct and separate set of laws. A history of liquor laws in the region would make a great "folklore" thesis - but isn't necessary here. Note though, the "brown bag" law cited above only makes it legal to carry a bottle, it's still probably illegal to drink out of it in most of these places. And the Budweiser Drag Boat racing team is still (last year) required to cover their trailer if they park overnight in Wichita, Kansas, because of the laws against "billboard advertising" of intoxicating beverages. John |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Sorcha Date: 04 Jun 02 - 10:47 PM Isn't Kansas alcohol law wonderful, John? I still get chuckles over it. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: JohnInKansas Date: 04 Jun 02 - 11:56 PM They do seem to get "tight" about it a lot. Of course, other places have there quirks too. Like in Philadelphia, where they informed me I had broken the law when I moved from one table to another to join a friend who came in. -- Seems it's illegal there to "stand up with a drink in your hand." (I could move to another table, but I had to let the waitress move my drink?) Or - I'm told - some parts of Utah, where it's illegal to serve liquor "by the drink," but a "drink" is defined as "less than 1.1 ounce," so they serve 1.2 ounce "shots" which makes it a "package" and everybody's happy. I think I'll go discuss this with my friend Jack D.. Just thinking about it gives me a hangover. John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Jun 02 - 12:09 AM That open container law is quite recent. Until last year a passenger could have an open drink, just not the driver. And perhaps that's the problem--"open bottle" just doens't sound right, even to a non-native Texas. Open container is always what I've heard used down here. I would suggest not only a search on different "ain't no" variations, but on descriptions of WHAT is open. SRS |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 05 Jun 02 - 12:42 AM Stilly - As mentioned, this thread is more than a year old, and most of the possible variations have been searched. We've had some of our best people on it. "Open Bottle" is the term that would have been applied in the era when the song might have been around. That's the term universally used in the states that did have such laws, and would have been the "appropriate" term, since it "puts the rub" on the other states - and contrasts the "Texas Way." The law "clickified" above shows a publication date in yr 2001, so at least future generations who search for this one will have a "not later than" date to work with. Even in states/jurisdictions where there is no "open bottle" or "open container" law, a visible container, reasonably construed as likely to contain an intoxicant, in reach of the driver or of any passenger who might pass it to the driver while the vehicle is in operation would be likely be considered "probable cause" for any law enforcement agent to administer "tests for impaired driver function." Once you're out of the vehicle for the "test," the oportunities for the officer to find "probable cause" for additional "investigative actions" increase exponentially. Bad situation. The new Texas statute is quite liberal, in that it defines "behind the rearmost seat" as "not in the vehicle." When Kansas passed their first "Open Bottle Law" I made pocket change building a few dozen "mini-trunks" you could bolt to a station wagon floor, up against the tailgate door - just big enough to hold a "fifth" and constructed so you couldn't get the bottle out without opening the tailgate. A necessary accessory for some people, at the time. (And there was the one "special" with the concealed "back door," that only looked like it had rivets. - But that guys been dead and gone for decades now.) To the point - this title has been fairly thoroughly researched, by our experts. Search engine data sheets do change, so you do need to "Play it one more time" occasionally. So start your (search) engine if you feel lucky. John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Bob Bolton Date: 05 Jun 02 - 02:24 AM G'day John in Kansas, Just for the contrast: When Toyota put together a special model of their Tarago van for the Australian market, the "all bells and whistles" model had a double (or 'split' ...?) air-conditioner, so that one set of controls covered the front seat area and the second set controlled cool air to the rear. The chilly air heading rearwards passed through a duct in the centre console and cooled a 6-can insulated box, right between the driver and passenger! It probably came in very handy up in the tropical Northern territory ... where road trips are measured in 'stubbies' (375 ml - ~ 13 oz ½-bottles of beer) consumed en route. Regards, Bob Bolton |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 05 Jun 02 - 12:22 PM JohnInKansas, Yes, I was aware that the thread was refreshed, and my remark was meant to give some time frame in case someone was reading but not following links (I don't always follow them, for various reasons). Rather than chide me for suggesting a new one that you intimate that everyone has apparently already tried, why don't you and/or other searchers post some information about what didn't work, in order to narrow the field? The discussion of the song's date based on subject matter is speculative, so I don't view it as binding. A useful example is Joe Offer's list, which was amusing but also a help for the next person attempting a search. SRS
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 05 Jun 02 - 12:50 PM I suppose if you are pedantic, "There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas" being a double negative, on a strict interpretation it means there is an Open Bottle Law in Texas. Which appears to be the case. Whether that observation is any help, I rather doubt. My impression is that, generally, country musicians are not particularly noted for their pedantry.
I note from Jim Dixon's link that it's not just open bottles - it's illegal for a passenger to have a closed bottle too, if it has has been previously opened. Good grief! |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 05 Jun 02 - 12:59 PM Stilly - Sorry if it appeared that I was "chiding" you. All I meant to do was to indicate that people did try a lot of variants. Speculations about the likely context in which such a song might have appeared were meant to suggest, for anyone interested in continuing the search, things that might prompt them to think of other ways of looking. One of the well known "features" of web searching is that often the same search will give different results, if repeated after some lapse of time. My search yesterday, using the first four of the titles that Joe listed gave zero returns on the couple of search engines I usually use first. A fair number of songs have been found here by people repeating the same search repeatedly, with a few months lapse between searches, so by all means - join in, plug in something, and be the one to find it. John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Jim Dixon Date: 05 Jun 02 - 02:32 PM FYI: I used Google to search for "no open bottle law" (in quotes) and the only thing that came up was Mudcat itself. That takes care of all the "There ain't" "There isn't" "there is" "there wasn't" etc. variations. "An open bottle law" comes up with only 3 sites, none of which are relevant to music. (But it does find an interesting page called MAKE 'EM PAY: Ultimate Revenge Techniques from the Master Trickster -- which makes me marvel at how perverted people's minds can be.) "Open bottle law" comes up with 84 sites. If you narrow it by adding +Texas, you again get only 3 sites, which are easily eliminated. By the way, I believe that, with Google, "open bottle" finds "open-bottle" and vice versa. From that I conclude that (1) it just ain't on the Internet, or (2) the actual title is WAY different from what we've been given (anybody want to try all the other states?) or (3) it is somewhere in the "invisible web." By the way, I know Minnesota has a similar law, and though the law probably says "container" and not "bottle," it is still popularly known as the "open bottle law." A few years ago, when the law was new, liquor stores started selling little plastic clingy wrappers that you could wrap around a beer can and make it look like a pop can, from a distance anyway. They came in several designs, imitating several popular brands of pop. (That's what we call soda in Minnesota.) They have long since disappeared from the market. Since so many people seem so interested in this song title, why doesn't somebody just WRITE a song to go with it? |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 05 Jun 02 - 02:35 PM Of course the fact that a song might have a line is not reason to assume that line is the title of the song. |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Jim Dixon Date: 05 Jun 02 - 09:39 PM There is no assumption here at all. Whether it's a title or a line, the technique for searching for it is exactly the same. Maybe I misspoke when I called it a title--maybe it IS just a line--but that doesn't invalidate any of the searching I've done. |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 05 Jun 02 - 10:39 PM Every search helps - sometimes only indirectly. A web search, using one of the major search engines, does not go out "on the web," and look at all possible sites to try to find something. The search services have their "bots" and "crawlers" that go out and look for things someone might want to find. They then make up indices that they keep on their own site(s). Our searches only look at the "service indices" to see if they know where something is. If noone ever looked for it before, they probably don't have it in their index. If a few people look for something, sometimes they'll add it to the things that their "bots" look for, and it may come back and be put in their index. Then if we look again, it's there!!! Album titles are pretty well indexed, at least for recent stuff and for "historically important" titles. Song titles, especially for recent stuff, are a little less likely to be in the site's list. A few "first lines" get in with fair regularity, but anything buried "inside" an album or in a song is not likely to be found with a "search engine." A site that actually has lyrics posted sometimes can be searched, but usually only a "page" at a time. (A very few sites let you do "full text site searches.") Unless you're pretty sure that the site has what you're looking for, it can take a lot of time "flipping pages" to find something. The only thing easy to find is frustration. But it feels so good when you stop! John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 06 Jun 02 - 01:25 AM Though we're not the largest university music library in Texas, the university library where I work does have a branch with a music section. (It's one where the younger students sometimes look puzzled if their search for materials involves vinyl results). I'll ask around, using the "old-fashioned" kind of search engine--and one of my favorites, the passionately interested librarian. They can sometimes find the most amazing stuff! We also have the Special Collections with a huge Texana collection (we are fortunate in having a wealthy patron who collects this and donates it to us). Might be something in there. Anyone who wants to see what UTA has can search the online catalog at If a search reveals a likely title, I can go physically look at it or listen and report back. The system won't let you go to many of the subscription databases if you're not staff or student there, but again, if you detect a likely database, send me the info by this list or a personal message and I'll logon and check it out for you. Thanks for spelling out what people have already looked for. And I agree, what we find when we search with search engines and directories is just the tip of the iceberg. (Sorry to sound cranky earlier). SRS |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Zorro Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:48 AM I have the lyrics; actually I have a cassette with the song on it. If I can't find the lyrics elsewhere I'll play and transpose the words this week end.
The song was written and recorded by a duo in Corpus Christi, Texas in the 1980's (?) who went by the name of Turner and Silverman. They were headliners for a few years at a place called Rusty's where the recording was made. Part of the song: There is a rather long lead in to the song by Turner, Ken Turner I believe as the song was recorded live at Rusty's. The last I heard Jay Silverman was living in Baltimore and working at the Jewish Community Center there. I talked to him several years ago and he was planning a concert back in Texas. Turner moved to Santa Fe, N.M. There was a place called the Listenin' Post that featured open stage where a lot of us performed in the 80's. They were frequent performers there. They still have friends in Corpus Christi and I'll see if any of them have the lyrics written down; if not I'll post it. They wrote some great songs and I often wonder why they didn't hit it big. Oh well. And yes, shortly after the song was recorded there was an open bottle law passed in Texas. More than you want to know perhaps, but they are a couple of my favorite duos and I couldn't resist a little history. Zorro line breaks added by mudelf ;-) |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 06 Jun 02 - 07:48 AM Zorro !!!!! Sure hope you're not teasin' us. . We'll be waiting for the lyrics. John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 06 Jun 02 - 10:32 AM And this sounds like something that wouldn't turn up in the university library, though the offer is still open; if anyone in their searches for sources decides to check out the library, let me know and I'll see what I can do to be the eyes and hands on this end for materials. Looks like dogged persistence is what paid off on this song. Is the original requestor, GUEST, around, do you suppose? (That mail link may not work in all browsers). SRS |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 06 Jun 02 - 10:42 AM The Mudcat always gets its song in the end. |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 06 Jun 02 - 01:24 PM email sent to original requestor. No guarantee of receipt, but I haven't received any notice of non-delivery, so assume it at least got to someone. John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Zorro Date: 07 Jun 02 - 02:29 AM I've been in touch with the original requestor and have e mailed some friends to try and get the lyrics; if not, I have the cassette on my desk. The song is called The Open Bottle Law Song. (A correction; it's Ron Turner not Ken) Z |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE OPEN BOTTLE LAW SONG From: Zorro Date: 08 Jun 02 - 12:03 AM Well here they are; the long awaited to the classic: The Open Bottle Law Son by Ron Turner and Jay Silverman.
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 08 Jun 02 - 12:17 AM Feels like the end of an era. Thanks, Zorro John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Sorcha Date: 08 Jun 02 - 12:25 AM Amazing! Hope kbrandon comes responds to the e mail. See, Max wasn't wrong, it just took a while! |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 08 Jun 02 - 09:20 PM Can an elf put the linebreaks in? And a couple of typos ("cutes" is probably "cuties" and LBJ would have been a "tippler.") Snuff, or snoose, is chewing tobacco. You see a lot of it (Copenhagen) down here, so that probably doesn't need the question mark. Just editorial comments. SRS
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Dicho (Frank Staplin) Date: 08 Jun 02 - 10:26 PM There were a lot of these songs in Texas. We used to sing tmem on long bus rides when at university there. I am still looking for one (I think it is on the unfound thread). All I remember is "It's free of sin and dry as a bone- Abilene forever!" Abilene, Texas, a-course. 1950s. In bars where hard liquor was not allowed, we kept the bottle in a brown bag under the table. From time to time we would tip it into the coca-cola or whatever. Lawmen who came around to see if the patrons were disporting themselves gentilely would ignore the brown paper bags, although they knew what was in them. In Oklahoma, in the dry days, we placed our order with the neighborhood bootlegger. Not just rotgut; good wines, brandies and single malt would be delivered to our door from neighboring Arkansas. Reasonable prices, too. When the laws were liberalized, the added taxes made many wish that the old days would return. |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: JohnInKansas Date: 08 Jun 02 - 10:40 PM Back in the fifties, one of the kids I worked with tried to borrow the company truck to take advantage of a "real deal" he'd heard about. You drive down to OK City and leave the truck overnight to be loaded. You drive back to Wichita and leave the truck overnight to be unloaded. They paid $50 for the trip. You get to keep the potatoes, which you take to the local "farmers market" and sell. John |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Zorro Date: 09 Jun 02 - 04:42 AM To SRS: Do you perchance live in Brazoria County Texas. I work for a newspaper and there's a guy who calls every week to tell us of any typos he's found in the paper. The question mark after snuff was because there is a word I couldn't understand that follows snuff; it sounds like "quaite." I had no idea how to spell a word I didn't understand so I put a question mark. Not being a snuff user I plead ignorance. Aside from the typos I hope you enjoyed the rest of it. Z |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 09 Jun 02 - 07:20 AM "quid" maybe? ((quid: lump of tobacco held in mouth and chewed. (variant of CUD)(Concise Oxford dictionary) |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Zorro Date: 09 Jun 02 - 10:12 AM Probably so McGrath; It would make the line make sense. I've not heard the word but it sure sounds right. Thanks for your help. Z |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Jun 02 - 10:25 AM Nope. Not in Brazoria County. Just an English major (ma, 1999) offering the Joe Clones some material so when they come through and put the line breaks in place they can catch typos. All part of the service! I figured you knew what snuff was, was just offering a couple of other words in case they might fit. SRS |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Dicho (Frank Staplin) Date: 09 Jun 02 - 12:49 PM I have heard a cheek-load of Copenhagen called a quid by rodeo people. Don't know how widespread the word is, not being a user. I thought snuff was only sniffed, but again, ignorant of the practice except for the old silver and bone snuff boxes a daughter collected. |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: GUEST Date: 09 Sep 06 - 05:18 PM Silverman would have a cow, (or a monkey), in his post-embodied-aspect, if he read all this. He was my hero. Glad you found the lyrics, wish you had known the man. Look for Rich Segura, in Austin, his protege.... a hellacious guitar-slayer, and a nice person... T |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: GUEST Date: 09 Sep 06 - 06:47 PM Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in T From: Jim Dixon Date: 04 Jun 02 - 05:59 PM Well, we know this much: It's either a lie or a fantasy. There IS an open-bottle law in Texas. Click here. always pays to read the full thread before jumping in feet first Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Zorro Date: 06 Jun 02 - 06:48 AM ... And yes, shortly after the song was recorded there was an open bottle law passed in Texas... |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: GUEST Date: 09 Sep 06 - 06:49 PM apologies to Jim Dixon. the amazing Mudcat random post sorting algorithm strikes again .... |
Subject: RE: Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: Stilly River Sage Date: 09 Sep 06 - 10:40 PM Interesting reading. I'd forgotten this thread. I wonder now (in hindsight) if that "snuff ?" might have meant the container that chewers spit into? Often a can or bottle. Yuck. SRS |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: GUEST,Rusty Date: 19 Oct 15 - 04:40 PM Zorro, the word after snuff was queen, so it went "With a bottle and a snuff queen in my hand, in my hand. And for the record there was no open bottle law in Texas back in the 80s when the song was recorded. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: There Ain't No Open Bottle Law in Texas From: GUEST Date: 13 Nov 17 - 04:33 PM Test |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Open Bottle Law Song (There ain't no...) From: GUEST,Cowboy Dan Date: 11 Feb 23 - 05:45 PM Thank you, Zorro, for sharing the lyric. Can you please upload the SONG? Tanx! I used to hang out at Rusty’s back in the day. We may have known one another in those days well enough to shoot pool or step out back for a quick smoke. Maybe we can hash it out someday. I never thought I would be this damn old, did you? |
Subject: RE: ADD: Open Bottle Law Song (There ain't TX) From: Joe Offer Date: 11 Feb 23 - 06:00 PM Hi, Dan - Zorro hasn't posted at Mudcat since 2002, so I doubt you'll get an answer from him/her. Other than this thread, I can't find any mention of the song on the Internet, and I'm pretty good at searching. |
Subject: RE: ADD: Open Bottle Law Song (There ain't TX) From: GUEST Date: 14 Jan 25 - 10:02 AM Tanx! I think I’ll try to revive the thread. Thanks again. Stay safe! |
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