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Lyr Req/Add: He Turns the Water into Wine (Franke)


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Songster Bob 14 Jan 07 - 12:34 AM
Joe Offer 14 Jan 07 - 12:59 AM
Songster Bob 14 Jan 07 - 01:13 AM
bbc 14 Jan 07 - 08:45 AM
Songster Bob 14 Jan 07 - 09:23 PM
bbc 15 Jan 07 - 07:43 PM
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Subject: Lyr Req: He Turns the Water Into Wine (Franke)
From: Songster Bob
Date: 14 Jan 07 - 12:34 AM

I need the lyrics to Bob Franke's "He Turns the Water Into Wine" ASAP. We're planning to sing it in church tomorrow morning, and blythely assumed it was in Bob's book, "The Songs of Bob Franke," which we have. Guess what? 'Tain't there!

So does anyone have it, and can post the lyrics quickly? We remember the first two verses, but nothing more. We hope to teach it to the choir tomorrow and sing it with them (they're quick studies) but need more than we have.


Bob Clayton & Jennifer Woods

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: He Turns the Water Into Wine (Franke)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Jan 07 - 12:59 AM

Gee, Bob & Jennifer, I thought I had all his recordings, but this discography doesn't list it on any of his CD's.
BUT Folkindex came through - the song is on the Somber, Sacred, & Silly CD by Helen Bonchek Schneyer (1992):

He Turns the Water Into Wine
Robert J. Franke (Telephone Pole Music, BMI, 1981)
    Schneyer: I love this song, and I particularly love the way Bob Franke loves God..

The father of the bride was getting nervous long ago.
His worried steward's job was on the line,
But Mary had a son who saved the evening even so,
He turned the water into wine.

He turned the water into wine, the wine of love.
We are the branches, he the vine.
And as we grow our tears transform, become the wine of love.
He turned the water into wine.

As children go to parents, some things ever are the same,
The faithful presence of the love divine,
For wherever two or three or more are gathered in His name,
He turns the water into wine.

So pilgrim, if you're thirsty, think upon the Father's love,
Remember Jesus' presence by this sign:
A rain of fiery hope and joy descending like a dove,
He turns the water into wine.

We have the same reading tomorrow in our Roman Catholic parish, John 2: 1-11.

...a little late to be preparing music for Sunday morning, isn't it???

-Joe Offer, who didn't show up at choir practice and isn't prepared at all-

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Subject: RE: Req/ADD: He Turns the Water Into Wine (Franke)
From: Songster Bob
Date: 14 Jan 07 - 01:13 AM

Thankee, thankee. And I'm going to bookmark Folkindex as soon as I get through thanking you.


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Subject: RE: Req/ADD: He Turns the Water Into Wine (Franke)
From: bbc
Date: 14 Jan 07 - 08:45 AM

I particularly like that song, too. I think Bob said that Helen is the only one who's recorded it. I hope things went well w/ your quick-study choir.


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Subject: RE: Req/ADD: He Turns the Water Into Wine (Franke)
From: Songster Bob
Date: 14 Jan 07 - 09:23 PM

[I hope things went well w/ your quick-study choir.]

Yes, it did. Jennifer sang the first line of each verse solo, I added my voice on the second line, the other guitarist added her voice on the third one, and the whole choir sang the last line. We then all sang the chorus together, repeating the chorus twice on the last go-round. Not so bad for no real rehearsal.

Next time, it'll be even better. I'm going to try for a bare-bones piano setting for the choir director, so we can add keys. Going for the gospel sound here.


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Subject: RE: Req/ADD: He Turns the Water Into Wine (Franke)
From: bbc
Date: 15 Jan 07 - 07:43 PM

Great song. I'm glad you're singing it.


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