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GUEST,josep BS: UFOs in the news (342* d) RE: BS: UFOs in the news 03 Oct 10

///The 23 degree axial tilt actually doesn't have anything to do with the moon, it just sort of happened. Almost all planets have some axial tilt. And I don't really see that the moon has anything crucial to do with the development of life on earth. It does provide the tides, which may have initially "stirred the pot" some, but it's debatable whether that's a necessary ingredient for producing life. It IS an extraordinarily large satellite relative to most, and some have said that the earth-moon system really should be considered a double-planet.///

It does have something to do with the moon because the moon is moving away from us and as it does so, our tilt increases. At some point the moon will move far enough away that the earth will be "on its side" so to speak.

You're also not paying attention to what I write but then this is mudcat and I realize that's how it is around here. I'm NOT talking about ALL life. I'm talking about human life. The tides act as brakes on the earth. Human beings cannot live in situations where day and night only last half as long or twice as long as now. We are adapted for the these specific circumstances and no other.
The tides slowed this planet down to where human life was possible.

There's a book called "Rare Earth" that spells it all out in excruciating detail just how unique human life is. You can't read it without discarding this idea that humanoids will be found all over this galaxy. We are likely the only humanoids in this galaxy. Event he so-called Grays are too humanoid to come from anywhere but earth.

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