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GUEST,Norton1 BS: U.S. Sergeant Kills One, Wounds 15 (204* d) RE: BS: Muslim Sergeant Kills One, Wounds 15 26 Mar 03

You know - Greg may be correct - or was is Blackcatter - this is a site that does not necessarily condone opinions that are not directly in the cause of what most folkies allude to "Peace" and the price paid for it.

Truth is relative to the beholder and no one else. In general a truth is a lie as my truth is certainly different from some of yours. Doesn't make it right or wrong - just the way it is.

Whether you are a vet that agrees with the current situation or not is also up for debate. How many vets do you know personally that are opposed to the war and how many do you know that are supportive of the war? So what is yourpercentage and how did you statistically arrive at your consensus. People tend to hang out with people that think like they do so it leaves a bit of funnel vision as to the validity of how many support any given cause.

I seriously doubt that you served in the military Greg. Most vets have learned over time to agree to disagree without being too vituperative in their comments. Alluding to things in any form leaves myself, and this is just my .02 worth, believing that you'd like to have others think that you served as a possibility. The only way I would know is if you were to send me a copy of your discharge certificate. Or your full name and service number - then through a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request at St. Louis I could tell pretty much what you did and when you did it.

Your name calling really is quite old and lacks anything innovative. I'd say the anachronistic colloquialisms are something you read in a book somewhere and lack real insight. But whatever gets you going -


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