Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: ranger1 Date: 30 Mar 06 - 01:43 PM But was it wearing a kilt? And if it came with a banjo, would that make it more acceptable? |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: SINSULL Date: 29 Mar 06 - 08:03 PM A lamb? Or a ram? Thank god! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: bbc Date: 29 Mar 06 - 07:04 PM Oh, my. That's it; I can never visit my sister again! Barbara |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: SussexCarole Date: 29 Mar 06 - 04:58 PM Think yourself lucky Sinsull that I had second thoughts this Christmas & took the Welsh (baaaa) blow up companion for your moose head back to the shop and exchanged it for a tee shirt! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: kendall Date: 29 Mar 06 - 01:37 PM Sinsull, that list you posted..a hideous red LUMP with bad legs and ugly shoes? I mis read it and thought of an old girlfriend that I haven't seen in years. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: jacqui.c Date: 29 Mar 06 - 01:24 PM Actually, Mary and I reckon that we could start a business organising 'tacky wedding celebrations'. We think we have the eye for that type of thing. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Micca Date: 29 Mar 06 - 01:20 PM Mary,I think uses Gift in the German sense of the word? tink, i had forgotten the tasteful "derangement of P**s pots" around the bed in the Boudoir!!! I will forever treasure Mortys remark when she saw the "champagne flutes" Sins, she said =(I quote) My mother would REALLY like those , she would think they are So Pretty!!!!" |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Charmion Date: 29 Mar 06 - 12:47 PM You people have no mercy. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Jeri Date: 29 Mar 06 - 12:42 PM Always lock your car and check your baggage before going home. Keep in mind that Mary has crawl spaces, a basement, quite a few cabinets, and if it's really big, she has yard space. This is going to be a FUN summer of yard saling! There may be a motorhome, belonging to Kendall and Jacqui. Jacqui loves these items and often feels jealous when Mary gives them to other people. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: jacqui.c Date: 29 Mar 06 - 12:29 PM Never fear - we'll find you a small gift. He he he he |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: GUEST,bbc at work Date: 29 Mar 06 - 12:26 PM Gee, Mary, I had been toying w/ the idea of visiting this summer. Now, I'm scared that I might end up w/ a gift. I have a small house, after all! ;) best, bbc |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: ranger1 Date: 29 Mar 06 - 11:43 AM What? You didn't like the inflatable moose? And didn't I take a light-up parrot off your hands recently? |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Tinker Date: 29 Mar 06 - 09:41 AM Now Mick, I've got an available camera and I'd be more than willing to show Mary Lou how to use it.... Now if I can just splice it with a few boudoir photos Just a reminder And another... Now the netting is in Guam so this time round we get clear shots ???? Love Ya |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Big Mick Date: 29 Mar 06 - 09:07 AM DAMMIT LEO....!!!!!!!!! I thought about that the minute I read the post. I was hoping against hope that none of youse would come up with the idea. Aint gwine happen, boss, fahgeddabudit. NO! no friggin way. Mind yer own biz. Sides, when I undress the ape ...... well, it is a very personal moment, not meant to be shared. ***snerk*** Mick |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: jacqui.c Date: 29 Mar 06 - 08:35 AM I'm going to be in the UK for three weeks before long - gives me two areas to check for crap. Best of both worlds, eh? |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: MMario Date: 29 Mar 06 - 08:34 AM Mary the thought of Mick stripping Koko - maybe we could get MaryLou to videotape it and sell copies? Sure to be a big hit **somewhere** |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Tinker Date: 29 Mar 06 - 08:28 AM Ya know perhaps we should direct some attention to Jacqui.... she is just as culpable as Mary during these shopping expeditions. Besides what will we do when Mary decides to redecorate the guest rooms in Early Pseudo American Tacky Kitch. The haven of serentiy will become a nightmare chameber..... Tink |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: GUEST,catsPHiddle@work Date: 29 Mar 06 - 07:56 AM I am sure I can bring something along in November....that penguin I sent Mary was pretty bad and there is more where I found that!! *G* |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: jacqui.c Date: 29 Mar 06 - 07:53 AM We're already checking out the Christmas Tree Shop and the Thrift stores on a regular basis. Looks like it will be gifts at 50 paces in November..... |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: GUEST,catsPHiddle@work Date: 29 Mar 06 - 04:05 AM Tinker....2 of thouse glasses made it to London in my secret santa present from Jacqui. I daren't even put them on display!! Mary.....we.....the British contingent, that is Micca, Myself, Col and Giok and Tami (for the US lot), are deeply hurt that you did not like our gift to you of the Inflatable Moose Head and the Red Lamp with bad legs adn red shoes.... *Evil Grin* Khatt....see you in November !! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Geoff the Duck Date: 29 Mar 06 - 03:57 AM Satan playing the fiddle and dressed as Orson Welles. Sounds like a great film idea. Was it at a crossroads at midnight? Who was the unsuspecting would be violininst who went there to the meeting? Quack! Geoff the Duck. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: SINSULL Date: 28 Mar 06 - 11:02 PM Hey Mick, I have a huge favor to ask. Many years ago, my cousin's two year old was allowed to pick out a birthday gift for Aunt Mary. KoKo is wearing it. Now Michael is getting married and I would love to present his bride-to-be with an example of his taste in lingerie. Would you mind stripping KoKo and sending back her outfit? On second thought, nevermind. I rather enjoy your discomfort. Give the fuzzy girl a hug for me. Wait 'til you see what we have for you at the Getaway this year. SINS |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Stilly River Sage Date: 28 Mar 06 - 10:10 PM Shhhhh. . . I'll just tiptoe out of here again. . . this kind of gift giving makes me glad I'm clear out here under the X in Texas! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Big Mick Date: 28 Mar 06 - 09:32 PM I don't want to hear any bitchin' from youse female layabouts. I still got the damn Gorilla and her kids in my bedroom, and Ms. MaryLou and Ciara won't let me get rid of her. Ever tried making love in a room with a friggin Gorilla with a ring in her nose leering at you??????? The damn thing is still wearing the ugliest teddie I have ever seen, and I can't even look at smutty mens magazines without the mental imagery of the "boudoir" in my mind. I feel like a celibate monk ....... ey. Mick |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: SINSULL Date: 28 Mar 06 - 09:31 PM It's the "Michel Jackson Angel of Death" and it is yours, Tink. As to Jeri, Jacqui and I honestly thought that you would enjoy the fiddle player...sniff. And you did so give me a gift - a book several years ago when Micca and I were at Linn's. And if you use the F Word again, I will have some clone come in and wash your keyboard out with soap. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 28 Mar 06 - 08:40 PM Gee, and here I was hoping this thread would be about getting people to stop using "gift" as a verb. A "gift" is something that is "given". "Give" is a perfectly good verb that describes exactly what one does with a gift. "Give" has worked perfectly well for hundreds of years and I, for one, see no reason to use "gift" as a verb in its place. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Sorcha Date: 28 Mar 06 - 08:23 PM The Queens of Kitch! ROF! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Jeri Date: 28 Mar 06 - 07:36 PM Tinker, I think Mary believes the Michael Jackson Pizza Delivery Angel is still yours. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Jeri Date: 28 Mar 06 - 07:33 PM Jeez Mary, I never gave you ANYTHING! This is misplaced aggression. Keep in mind that I have many of my mother's ceramic creations. There's an Indian in the cellar, but I sorta like him. I've got an owl, I've got a wood duck, I've got Father Christmases out the wazoo, I've got a Christmas tree made of stacked condiment dishes (or ash trays or white trash Ninja throwing things), and I think there's a ceramic tree that plugs in and flashes. I've got a table lamp that looks like a really big stein with poncily dressed gentleman all around it that apparently is a copy of a comemmorative piece from the German gay fashion show of 1612, and if THAT doesn't scare you, I have the sequin art kit things she made. An eagle, and a pair of peackocks. I have Christmas ornaments -- LOTS of Christmas ornaments. If that doesn't work, I have crap HER mother made (except it's probably considered antique by now). I'm 3rd generation pack rat, at least, and I don't even have to go buy stuff. Don't fuck with me! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Tinker Date: 28 Mar 06 - 07:30 PM Now Mary you do have a habit of leaving bits and pieces as well, seems to me you encouraged those amazing champagne glasses of Micca and Khat's being left behind at my house..... Never mind.... I just remembered escping some bit of garden statuary I was previously threatened with, maybe the glasses aren't so bad. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: SINSULL Date: 28 Mar 06 - 06:43 PM I wasn't going to buy his partner, the clear&pink lady caroller who resembles Bette Davis in drag. But now the gloves are off! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Jeri Date: 28 Mar 06 - 06:39 PM Tami got rubber dogshit and all I got was a statue! If I recall correctly, he was clear and he looked a little bit like Orson Welles as Satan in a robe, playing fiddle. It would make the perfect 'blunt object' if it didn't have so many pointy bits. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: jacqui.c Date: 28 Mar 06 - 05:23 PM This was a wonderful bit of hideobilia - a statuette of a fiddler that just shouted Jeri's name when we saw it. Next time I'm at SINSULL's I'll take a photo and put it on flickr for the delectation of all. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: katlaughing Date: 28 Mar 06 - 04:53 PM "Little plastic guy?" Is he good company at night?**bg** |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Bert Date: 28 Mar 06 - 03:38 PM You're lucky it wasn't Jeri you found in the attic. I remember the time we lost her at Annap's and finally discovered her hidden IN THE SOFA! |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: SINSULL Date: 28 Mar 06 - 03:38 PM A life size blow up moose head. A hideous beaded and furred lamp in fuschia pink. A hideous red lamp with bad legs and ugly shoes. A sea shell clock that looks like a Girl Scout project gone bad. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I will put a leash on him and give him back, Jeri. Chain him up if you have to but keep him out of my house. |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Scooby Doo Date: 28 Mar 06 - 03:26 PM Well i will have your "crap" to send to someone else if you like?. Scooby |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: Jeri Date: 28 Mar 06 - 03:25 PM If it's the same as the NYC wave, yep. Only 20% of fingers on one hand needed. I'm going to have to start looking for suitable gifts for Mary if this is going to become a regular thing. (Honest, I left the little plastic guy alone for a minute and he just crawled off! He WANTED to stay with Mary!) |
Subject: RE: BS: De-Gifting From: MMario Date: 28 Mar 06 - 03:20 PM Was it the LA Freeway Wave? |
Subject: BS: De-Gifting From: SINSULL Date: 28 Mar 06 - 03:05 PM Under normal circumstances I would not go into the eaves more than once or twice a year. But being a generous soul, I responded to a Free Cycle request for old stereo equipment and found a new home for my circa 1968 reel-to-reel recorder. Imagine my surprise (HORROR!) when I found a figure reclining indolently on the floor of the eaves - a gift carefully chosen for Jeri. Now I know she almost forgot it when she left last time. But fortuantely, Jacqui managed to throw it through her open rear window just as she pulled out. I know she was grateful because she waved to me as she drove off. So how did this magnificent figure end up in the eaves? And why do people keep leaving things behind while I am forced to not only keep but display the crap other people buy for me? You're in big trouble Jeri. This isn't over! |