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Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles (from the Fureys)

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GUEST,DH 25 Jan 04 - 12:57 PM
menzze 05 Feb 06 - 07:57 AM
Jim Dixon 09 Feb 06 - 09:43 AM
Jim Dixon 18 Feb 06 - 01:54 PM
Peace 18 Feb 06 - 05:38 PM
GUEST,999 05 Dec 09 - 09:53 PM
GUEST,6000 Lonely Miles (from the Fureys): tekst 24 May 10 - 05:35 PM
Jim Dixon 11 Nov 11 - 09:44 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles by the Fureys
Date: 25 Jan 04 - 12:57 PM

For a friend, Ive looked everywhere I can think of online but this lyric doesnt appear to be about. TIA, DH

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles by the Fureys
From: menzze
Date: 05 Feb 06 - 07:57 AM

I found this one which could maybe lead on a bit
6,000 Miles

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles by the Fureys
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 09 Feb 06 - 09:43 AM

According to a couple of online sources, SIX THOUSAND LONELY MILES was recorded by the Fureys on their album "Claddagh Road." This album seems to be out of print, so information is sketchy. So far, I have been unsuccessful at finding lyrics or sound samples.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Six Thousand Lonely Miles (The Fureys)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 18 Feb 06 - 01:54 PM

I at first ignored Menzze's link because he/she called it "6000 Miles" rather than "6000 Lonely Miles." I figured it was another one of those red herrings you see so often at Mudcat: someone asks for "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" and someone else says "Do you mean this one?" and then they post the lyrics to "Black Velvet Band." That kind of stuff drives me nuts.

But it wasn't the case this time. Menzze actually found a recording by Paddie Bell (once a member of The Corries) of 6000 LONELY MILES on her album "Make Me Want to Stay," 1997. It has a sound sample, but I found it hard to understand:
    I rose to see the moonlit beach (?) ... through the darkest ...
    ... knowing you are so far away, six thousand lonely miles.
Maybe someone more familiar with her accent can decipher it better than I.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Six Thousand Lonely Miles (The Fureys)
From: Peace
Date: 18 Feb 06 - 05:38 PM

I arose to see the moonlit beach

And knowing you are so far away
Six thousand lonely miles

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles by the Fureys
From: GUEST,999
Date: 05 Dec 09 - 09:53 PM

SIX THOUSAND LONELY MILES    (Title Code: 495270598)

(none found)


    LONG BEACH, NY, 11561
    Tel. (516) 431-1390

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles (from the Fureys)
From: GUEST,6000 Lonely Miles (from the Fureys): tekst
Date: 24 May 10 - 05:35 PM

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Subject: Lyr Add: 6,000 LONELY MILES (Finbar Furey)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 11 Nov 11 - 09:44 AM

Here's my transcription. His pronunciation is mostly quite distinct, but I am unfamiliar with his accent, and some lines don't quite make sense to me, so it leaves me in doubt that my transcription is correct.

As sung by Finbar Furey on the album "Finbar Furey" (2009)

1. I arose to see the moonlit beach(?)
Knife through the dark well(?) clouds,
Still knowing(?) you are so far away,
Six thousand lonely miles.

CHORUS: Six thousand lonely miles from me,
But we as one will ever be.
The sands of time know history(?).
We'll kiss then part and meet(?).

2. I miss the voice that speaks my name.
Its joy now breaks my heart;
And it's sad I am you're so far away,
Two different worlds apart.

3. I pray for you when shadows fall,
At the close of every day.
Each moment my heart bleeds for you.
It's reaching 'cross the sea.

4. I'll wait for you, my child of light,
Like darkness awaits the day
I'll hold you close inside my heart
Till you return to me.

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