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Tech: Mudcat SEARCH engine tips-try the Filter

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Tech: Internet Server Error - Mudcat search (4) (closed)
Mudcat Search issues - answers (10)
Check out the search filter! (29)
Tech: Mudcat search problems (15)
Tech: Mudcat search broken? - fixed? (26)
Mudcat Search Acting Weird (10)
Tech: Mudcat Search Problem? (9)

Joe Offer 25 Mar 00 - 06:41 PM
keberoxu 11 Oct 17 - 02:58 PM
Stilly River Sage 11 Oct 17 - 03:03 PM
punkfolkrocker 11 Oct 17 - 03:15 PM
Joe Offer 11 Oct 17 - 03:34 PM
DaveRo 11 Oct 17 - 04:04 PM
DaveRo 11 Oct 17 - 04:08 PM
DaveRo 11 Oct 17 - 04:26 PM
DaveRo 11 Oct 17 - 04:30 PM
DaveRo 11 Oct 17 - 04:53 PM
punkfolkrocker 11 Oct 17 - 05:27 PM
Jeri 11 Oct 17 - 06:50 PM
Jeri 11 Oct 17 - 06:51 PM
Mr Red 12 Oct 17 - 03:12 AM
Mr Red 12 Oct 17 - 03:14 AM
DaveRo 12 Oct 17 - 03:27 AM
Mr Red 12 Oct 17 - 03:34 AM
Mr Red 12 Oct 17 - 03:39 AM
DaveRo 12 Oct 17 - 03:44 AM
Iains 12 Oct 17 - 08:07 AM
punkfolkrocker 12 Oct 17 - 08:45 AM
Max 12 Oct 17 - 11:26 AM
DaveRo 12 Oct 17 - 11:45 AM
GUEST,keberoxu 12 Oct 17 - 11:52 AM
Max 12 Oct 17 - 11:55 AM
GUEST,keberoxu 12 Oct 17 - 06:15 PM
Joe Offer 12 Oct 17 - 06:46 PM
punkfolkrocker 13 Oct 17 - 10:56 AM
punkfolkrocker 13 Oct 17 - 10:57 AM
GUEST,keberoxu 13 Oct 17 - 01:54 PM
punkfolkrocker 13 Oct 17 - 02:02 PM
DaveRo 13 Oct 17 - 04:02 PM
DaveRo 13 Oct 17 - 04:10 PM
Joe Offer 14 Oct 17 - 03:55 AM
Jason Xion Wang 14 Oct 17 - 11:19 AM
Snuffy 14 Oct 17 - 12:53 PM
Mr Red 14 Oct 17 - 12:54 PM
Mr Red 14 Oct 17 - 12:59 PM
GUEST,maeve 14 Oct 17 - 01:41 PM
punkfolkrocker 16 Oct 17 - 02:06 PM
DaveRo 16 Oct 17 - 03:40 PM
Bill D 16 Oct 17 - 05:04 PM
Bill D 16 Oct 17 - 05:06 PM
Jeri 16 Oct 17 - 05:24 PM
Joe Offer 16 Oct 17 - 05:48 PM
Joe Offer 16 Oct 17 - 06:06 PM
Jack Campin 16 Oct 17 - 08:10 PM
Jason Xion Wang 17 Oct 17 - 02:33 AM
Jason Xion Wang 17 Oct 17 - 02:34 AM
DaveRo 17 Oct 17 - 02:45 AM
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Subject: RE: Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide
From: Joe Offer
Date: 25 Mar 00 - 06:41 PM

Watch this space. More to come.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: keberoxu
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 02:58 PM

Sorry to complain,
but every time I enter something to search
and hit Search,
I get an error message and nothing more.

(dreadful sorry Frankenstein)

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 03:03 PM

Max is in the process of moving Mudcat to a new server and all of the various features aren't in place yet.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 03:15 PM

As good a thread as any to ask, will that include emoticons eventually.
They still don't work posted from my Chrome browser extension tool...

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 03:34 PM

Well, we certainly want you to emote, PFR...;-)

Mudcat has many search tools - see Old Advanced Forum Search (click) in the QuickLinks dropdown menu.

Almost all of these search tools work just fine.

Remember that the main search engine depends on an index that has to be generated, so the recency of those searches depends on how recently Max updated the index.

There are other search engines on the Old Advanced Forum Search on the quicklinks dropdown menu on most Mudcat pages.

My favorite search engine is the Filter box at the top of the list of threads on the Forum Menu. It searches by thread name, and it's quick and accurate. Use one or two key words in the Filter, and then set the Age back. You can do a secondary search of the results with CTRL-F.

Other search tips in the FAQ.

And if you still can't find it, ask a moderator or start a thread and ask.


Searching Mudcat for Information

It's easy to search for songs in the Digital Tradition Folk Song Database - just put some words from the song in the search box you'll find on most Mudcat pages, and click the "go" button. There's an advanced box that will help you narrow your search and pinpoint exactly what you're looking for. Also, click here for more song search help. You'll note that there is a dropdown menu of letters at the bottom of the search box - those letters link to a "titles list" of the songs in the Digital Tradition. Titles can be misleading, so you'll probably have better results if you use the search box to search for a distinctive phrase from the song. Here's that search box:

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Notice the search box toward the bottom of the box above - that's Google Custom Search, set to use Google to search the contents of Mudcat. Try it - you'll find it works quite well, especially if you search for a phrase in quotes.

Forum Search (searching by Message Title or User Name)
If the song or information you want does not come up with our usual search engine, you may want to try searching our discussion Forum with our "Filter" (for searching by thread title) or "
Forum Search" (for searching by message title or user name.

The Filter

(searching by thread title)
Toward the top of the
Mudcat Forum main menu (click here), you'll see a "filter" box - put an appropriate word in the box and set the age to whatever is appropriate to cover the period you want to search. Click the grey "reset" button, and all threads with that word in the title should appear (a "thread" is a series of forum messages, posted on a specific topic). Here's a filter box you can try:
Filter Age

Filter Out Help

Note: The forum menu is set to display all threads for which messages have been posted in the last 24 hours. If your thread has disappeared, please don't start a new one. Just use the "filter" or "search the forum" links on the main forum menu, and pull your thread up and post a new message in that thread - that will bring your thread up for another 24 hours. Your new message can be just the word "refresh" if you have nothing else to add.
If you're viewing Mudcat from work or a library or another location that has a "profanity filter" on its computers, you may not be able to view our Forum Menu if we happen to have a so-called "naughty word" in a thread title. We've tried to tag these titles "pg13." If your profanity filter blocks your access, try putting pg13 in the Filter box and check the "filter out" box. Click here for tools to help you filter out "PG13" or other threads.

Outdated search tools

Once upon a time, not so very long ago, we had a blue search box to search the Digital Tradition. It had lots of shortcomings, but it may work when our regular search engine is down. It also had a "titles" list that worked horribly. Here is our Old Blue Search Box:

DigiTrad Lyrics Search Help

All Titles - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L
M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

SuperSearch was the prototype of our current method of searching both our Forum and the Digital Tradition, SuperSearch. Here's a copy of that prototype, in case you find it useful. Just enter a phrase and click the "go" button.
Note: the index for the SuperSearch is not always up-to-date, so recent messages may not appear in your search results.
Digitrad and Forum Search

Use Google to search Mudcat

If you use
this Google search link and just add what you're looking for, you'll be able to search Mudcat. A search for twa corbies would look like this: (click).


Our main search engine depends on an index which is supposed to be updated regularly. However, performance of the Mudcat Search Engine has been a bit spotty. If it doesn't work, try the Google search box above.

The Filter is our best tool for finding things by thread name. You can use the Old Advanced Forum Search in our QuickLinks dropdown menu to find posts by message title or by the name of the poster.

And if you still have trouble finding something, ask me. That's my job.

Joe Offer, Mudcat Music Editor

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 04:04 PM

pfr: Can you post and see the emoticons on Mr Red's site:

If so your emoji-generating extension is the problem. Try another.

Other people are posting emoticons: this one is from my Android virtual keyboard: ??

This site should work with unicode emoticons and symbols. But not all people will see anything you post - they need to have a font that includes it.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 04:08 PM

Interesting. Yet Jeri's emoticons here work here:

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 04:26 PM

So they preview OK but when posted are displayed as ??

But how did Jeri post those two? Different server?

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 04:30 PM

This one using a # code off Mr Red's page: 😀

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 04:53 PM

Looks like multibyte input text is being lost - yet it doesn't affect preview.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 05:27 PM

Yeah.. I tested emoticons here a few days ago,
when I first noticed problems and mentioned it on other threads..
Just before it was announced that Max was doing renovations..

Emoticons show up in the text box, and after pressing preview, but only post as 2 question marks.

Tested on chrome browser on PC.
Android, and win 8.1 mobile phones.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jeri
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 06:50 PM

I just copied & pasted them.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jeri
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 06:51 PM

Whoops - I must've been on a different server when the other ones posted successfully.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Mr Red
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 03:12 AM

if you type hash code &#128527 it displays as ?? eg

see and select various panels for my suggestions for a range of emoticons.
The has code above the chosen image can be copied for pasting alongside your normal text

if you type <FONT SIZE="+3">&#128526;</FONT> you get 😎

Mr 😈 Red

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Mr Red
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 03:14 AM

you win some, you lose some ?? (sic) 😎

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 03:27 AM

Thanks, Jeri. Either a different server or the configuration of the bits of the system - webserver, database, whatever - have changed.

So anything that puts the actual emoticon into the typing box - special keyboards, addons, copy/paste - doesn't work: yellow sadface displays as ??

That's either a bug or Max has had enough of them (understandable).

A # code from Mr_Red's_page does work: &#128512; displays as 😀

The difference is that those are all ASCII characters.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Mr Red
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 03:34 AM

strangely my hashcode &#128527 displayed as ?? (I'll try again ??

If a particular hash code doesn't work I would ask "is there a script that recognises favoured hash codes as particular enoticons and translates them to 2 character Fakebook syntax but the recognition of the 2 characters has yet to be fully implemented. ie a work in progress.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Mr Red
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 03:39 AM

I have noticed that the preview displays hash codes as wanted, but not in a post.
AND another thing, after being clever on a line I sometimes see the last character of that line go missing. I put a close bracket on line 1. It happened before with eg but I noticed in preview and added a space at the end for it to lose.


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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 03:44 AM

In case Max is reading this:
A curious quirk of the switch to https is that I have a have a bookmark to which converts to (which doesn't work).

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Iains
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 08:07 AM

If you do a google search with mudcat in the search string it will act pretty much the same as the mudcat search engine. I use it fairly frequently to track down forum responses.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 08:45 AM

This is the Emoji Extension I'm using in Chrome on my Win 8.1 PC

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Max
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 11:26 AM

DaveRo, I think I fixed that quirk but the previous redirect is probably now cached in your browser so it may not appear so. If you clear your cache or try it with a different browser it should be good to go. Thanks for the feedback. ~Max

Incidentally, I am also redirecting (rewriting) all to just for the secure certificate's sake. Wasn't sure which was appending the 2nd query string.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 11:45 AM

Max: yes - still wrong in Firefox/Android but OK if I change to Chrome.

OK in Firefox after clearing cache.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 11:52 AM

You all are talking so far over my head it isn't even funny.
I feel like a bug in the mud. A mud bug.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Max
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 11:55 AM

Oh, I created another bug. I forgot a slash. Fixed that.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 06:15 PM

Max, I needed that laugh. Many thanks.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Joe Offer
Date: 12 Oct 17 - 06:46 PM

Hi, Max - isn't working, and I'm upgrading my computer and spending a lot of money. I ordered throughHope my money comes through....


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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 13 Oct 17 - 10:56 AM

emoji test:


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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 13 Oct 17 - 10:57 AM


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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: GUEST,keberoxu
Date: 13 Oct 17 - 01:54 PM

and I still can't use the Mudcat search engine.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 13 Oct 17 - 02:02 PM

Preview is hit and miss as well...

if you press preview it may then refuse to post.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 13 Oct 17 - 04:02 PM

I wondered whether lyrics in east European languages are affected by this emoticon problem. Turkish has several characters which I expect are double-byte in utf-8.

Below is the first verse of a Turkish children's song "Ali Baba Has a Big Farm" which I found here

Ali Babanin bir çiftligi var
Çiftliginde horozlari var
Ü üürü üü diye bagirir
Çiftliginde Ali Babanin

I don't speak Turkish, BTW, but I did spend some time there and I have vivid memories of trying to make sense of text messages sent to me by mobile operator Turkcell. Note that there are two i characters - with and without a dot.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 13 Oct 17 - 04:10 PM

Close - but not identical. It has made all the i characters identical, and lost the g-breve. The diacritics remaining are all Latin.

That was not what I expected!

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Joe Offer
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 03:55 AM

Off and on, Mudcat has accepted posting of special characters. When the poster submits the message, the special characters are changed into an ampersand code, so it will display properly and reliably. I hope that Max can make that feature work again. It is very important when posting songs in foreign languages.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jason Xion Wang
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 11:19 AM

PLEASE make unicode characters work again. Everytime I try to post something - song titles, lyrics etc - in Chinese, it ends up in question marks. Very disappointing.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Snuffy
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 12:53 PM

Emoyicons and unicode are all very well, but why are they in this thread. And why can't I use the Mudcat search engine? I just keep getting

500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Mr Red
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 12:54 PM

I think the problem with characters may well be that there is a limit on the numerical length which wasn't there before.

eg hash codes under (say) 1000. Greek seems to end with omega ώ (974) above 1000 it is Cyrillic like Ж

because the preview is controlled by your browser it looks OK. But once stored by Mudcat it is controlled elsewhere.

If the above posts correctly - I would posit a higher number like 9999 maybe - where the emojis live. Having said that I managed (and got a reaction that confirmed) to get emojis to post, that didn't a day later so either the threshold is variable from some bug, or max it still tinkering.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Mr Red
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 12:59 PM

looks OK so far, so maybe fixed or random or higher threshold like 65536 (2 to power 16)

emojis live in the stratosphere (128000 ish)

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: GUEST,maeve
Date: 14 Oct 17 - 01:41 PM

Snuffy- There currently is an ongoing upgrade/server change. From the second post in this thread:

Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Acme
Date: 11 Oct 17 - 03:03 PM

Max is in the process of moving Mudcat to a new server and all of the various features aren't in place yet.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: punkfolkrocker
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 02:06 PM


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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 03:40 PM

Let's try that Turkish song again - copied from here:

Ali Babanın bir ?iftliği var
?iftliğinde horozları var
? ??r? ?? diye bağırır
?iftliğinde Ali Babanın

Hmmmm. It doesn't preview coreectly, which it did last time.
The dotless i and the g-breve have been converted to &-codes and appear correctly. The characters that posted correctly last time, such as C-cedilla appear as question marks.

Heres a u-umlaut and a c-cedilla from my keyboard: ? ?

I'll post it...

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Bill D
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 05:04 PM

? ? ? ∞

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Bill D
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 05:06 PM

interesting... only the infinity posted, and not the a with umlaut

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jeri
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 05:24 PM

Seems the accents and alt codes are 👎, but the emoticons ought to make some folks 😀. And if you can copy, paste a c cedille, this will be one ç. If it's a question mark, you can't do it.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 05:48 PM

I tried copy-pasting German text from Firefox three different ways, and none of them worked. The umlauts showed up as question marks. The text I used was, which has plenty of umlauts. I copied from the visible text and pasted it into a message box. Then I pasted the same text into an "edit" bos, and then I pasted the source text into an edit box - on all three attempts, no cigar.

But if I use the ampersand code, &uuml; - it will work:

My favorite is the "s-zed ligature," &szlig; - it will work, too:
(done from Firefox)

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Joe Offer
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 06:06 PM

OK, this is on an alternate Mudcat server, not the new one....

Freut euch des Lebens weil noch das L?mpchen gl?ht Pfl?cket die Rose eh sie verbl?ht!

Man schafft so gerne sich Sorg? und M?h? sucht Dornen auf und findet sie und l??t das Veilchen unbemerkt das uns am Wege bl?ht. Freut euch des Lebens?

Nope, doesn't work, either....

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jack Campin
Date: 16 Oct 17 - 08:10 PM

Absolutely nothing in this thread works for me except Joe's ampersand codes and some of the high-bit characters in DaveRo's Turkish text. When I want to post Turkish or Hungarian I use ampersand numeric codes, they do work here.

for Turkish:

& # 1 9 9 ; Ç
& # 2 3 1 ; ç
& # 2 8 6 ; Ğ
& # 2 8 7 ; ğ
& # 3 0 4 ; İ
& # 3 0 5 ; ı
& # 2 1 4 ; Ö
& # 2 4 6 ; ö
& # 3 5 0 ; Ş
& # 3 5 1 ; ş
& # 2 2 0 ; Ü
& # 2 5 2 ; ü

and Hungarian:

& # 3 3 7 ; ő
& # 3 3 6 ; Ő
& # 3 6 9 ; ű
& # 3 6 8 ; Ű

The other non-ASCII characters in Turkish and Hungarian can be done with alphabetic ampersand codes (which are not too hard to remember).

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jason Xion Wang
Date: 17 Oct 17 - 02:33 AM

I'll try again:

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: Jason Xion Wang
Date: 17 Oct 17 - 02:34 AM

Nope, the &# codes don't work for me either. Some Chinese characters do show up but not the rest.

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Subject: RE: Tech: why can't I use the Mudcat search engine
From: DaveRo
Date: 17 Oct 17 - 02:45 AM

If I copy Jeri's c-cedilla I get ?

I assume this is work in progress. It looks like the intention is to serve ISO-8859-1 - which includes all these missing characters - and convert anything else - like the dotless i, g-breve, infinity, and emoticons - to &-codes. One of Joe's posts suggested that's what the old system did. Previously the server was using UTF-8.

Part if that's working ;)

Jason: yours is a font problem. You - and I - don't have glyphs for those unicode codes.

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