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ADD/info: Swedish protest song from World War 2

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GUEST,Karl Jansson 12 Jun 11 - 06:25 PM
GUEST,Guest Betsy 12 Jun 11 - 07:35 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 12 Jun 11 - 08:55 PM
GUEST,Karl Jansson 13 Jun 11 - 02:28 AM
oldhippie 13 Jun 11 - 03:33 PM
Jim Dixon 11 Dec 13 - 02:50 AM
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From: GUEST,Karl Jansson
Date: 12 Jun 11 - 06:25 PM

The famous swedish vaudeville artist Karl Gerhard wrote a song highly critical of the Swedish government. Sweden allowed Germany to transport trains with soldiers to Norway, and censored people too anti-nazi. The also started to build some concentration camps, deported jews to Germany, and exported lots of stuff to Germany.

Karl Gerhard sung this song, and the prime minister phoned him personally. According to the prime minster, Karl Gerhard was not allowed to sing the song, because it had upset "them", as he called it. A ban was issued, and the song prohibited. It is very famous in Sweden, and I tried to tranlate it to english. Certainly, lots have been lost in the translation, but at least, a little grasp of it may be felt.

What do you all think of this, the song and the story around it?


Everything recurs, and out of the times' dregs and moulds
a frightening phantom appears
Even Greece itself had their Wandervögels
brought up in Sparta and Rome

From the shadows of centuries, and out of the dust of millenniums
a mysterious ghost in the present time emerges.

It's the notorious horse from Troy
modernized to the fifth column
The Major Quisling is nothing but a parrot,
imitating for all that he thinks he is worth

Visibly, we are we only peaceful lads
with a greek shaving-brush in every hat
but in a flash we may pull out our bows
and storm Troy from inside by night
Because the Europe that loudly is shouting,
that might is right, has now got their symbol
It's the notorious horse from Troy
once again playing its old heroic part...

Among the wild horses that have galloped
on Mrs. Clio's tilt-yards
is it the Trojan Horse that's been less embarrassed
by lifting its tail here and there
In the horse ring of world the politicians stand
as stupid Augusts in a parading line -- Hurray!

It's the notorious horse from Troy
that got out from the stable of history
in the riders' entrance-way the statesmen may moan
and some have sugar in their pockets, just if
the horse may be possible to tame
It's highly neutral politics
We Swedes associate with him in concord
he is now running in regular traffic (note: German troops transported by Swedish Trains to Norway)

In some newspapers they say "Oh well",
"we support the right... but preferably the right HORSE"
"and for the notorious horse from Troy"
"the odds of today are undeniably best"

Where Achilles found the terrain Lavre
the horse bolted in with great success
Cause he started to yearn for L'Havre (note: Havre also means Oats in Swedish...)
before he was prepared for the Musée
With the fifth leg the horse sat of,
if I haven't been misinterpreting the greeks' Iliad

So by the notorious horse from Troy
Marshal Foch's old wagon was pulled to Berlin
by foot the leader was walking on the Avenue
de'L Opera and came to the Hôtel des Invalides
He said good day to Napoleon Bonaparte
who was said to be turning in his sarcophagus
asking "Are Monsieur going to go rubiconning?"
"and walk on the water? I never managed to do that..."
And Adolf answered "Well, without joking..."
"it's not me who's been taking this village"
"It's the notorious horse from Troy,"
"now quenching its thirst in Vichy."

During the days of Gustaf Adolf and King Carol
the Swedes were fighting in fire and cold
the Kingdom of the Sweden was rules by its own laws
and a lion was seen on its shield
A hedgehog has now become he symbol of our land
but I know one more true and appropriate today

It's the notorious horse from Troy
by democrats saddled and shoed
a gathering-jade for palace and hovel
with huge blinders, allowed to be stared at

Our old lion was quickly made retired
when the emergency waring "Hoarse Frederik" sounded for the first time
it was to a sheep waved by Bagge (Note: A name also meaning Ram)
and by Rutger it could essen, pour nut

But hasn't the thought soon arisen,
in everyone, both poor and tycoon
that it is the notorious horse from Troy
that all the time has been called "MEIN KAMPF"

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Subject: RE: Swedish protest song from World war 2
From: GUEST,Guest Betsy
Date: 12 Jun 11 - 07:35 PM

Basically why the Norwegians don't like the Swedes .
But as Norwegians give out peace prizes etc., remember that Nobel was in fact Swedish and resposible for being the inventor of dynamite. Nobel also owned Bofors ( Gun ) which was largely produced in Sweden.
It's nice to remain neutral in wars whilst supplying all the guns and ammunition to the protaganists. Nice people.
The Swedes are disliked ( I almost was going to say hated ) by Norwegians purely because the Swedes in their neutrality, allowed Hitler to enter Scandinavia unopposed in Hitler's quest for the heavy water    ( deuterium oxide ), required to produce nuclear weapons.
In April 1940 the Norwegians were still neutral and also infamously gave birth to another word in the English language - Quisling.
The "song" above for me only miniscule historical merit and should be confined to the dustbin of history as a piece of over-educated poppycock.

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Subject: RE: Swedish protest song from World war 2
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 12 Jun 11 - 08:55 PM

Karl - You are making some remarks and attributing them to FACT.

PLEASE Present primary (NOT Wiki) sources for your statements:

Sweden .... censored people too anti-nazi.
Sweden .... started to build some concentration camps
Sweden .... deported jews (sic) to Germany.
Sweden . exported lots of stuff to Germany....(so did the USA, France and Brazil)

Most importantly - What is Your SOURCE (paper - oral - vinyl) for the lyrics you have posted?

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Subject: RE: ADD/info: Swedish protest song from World War 2
From: GUEST,Karl Jansson
Date: 13 Jun 11 - 02:28 AM

Gargoyle, yes, certainly there are sources for this, even though they are in Swedish. I guess you could translate them with Google Translate.

It seems as if I were not allowed to post the links, so I've made removed the wwww and http://.

About censor in Sweden during WWII there are lots of articles, for example and

Sweden and the concentration camps (

Sweden deporting jewish people, in the beginning of the war (later Sweden changed this and allowed jews to enter the coutnry) ( and )

Sweden exporting to Germany (

And the source for the song is the book "Den svenska sångboken" by Anders Palm and Johan Stenström ISBN 91-0-010133-8, 1997 and 2003

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Subject: RE: ADD/info: Swedish protest song from World War 2
From: oldhippie
Date: 13 Jun 11 - 03:33 PM

Is there a Swedish recording?

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Subject: Lyr Add: DEN ÖKÄNDA HÄSTEN FRÅN TROJA (K Gerhard)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 11 Dec 13 - 02:50 AM

Here are two articles from the Swedish Wikipedia: (Google Translate makes them fairly intelligible.)

Karl Gerhard

Den ökända hästen från Troja [The Infamous Horse of Troy]

YouTube has a recording.

These seem to be the original lyrics:


Allting går igen ur tidens grums och mögel
dyker upp ett skrämmande fantom.
Även Grekland hade sina Wandervögel
fostrade i Sparta och i Rom.

Ur seklers skuggor ur årtusens damm
ett mystiskt spöke i nutiden glider fram.

Det är den ökända hästen från Troja
moderniserad till femte kolonn.
Majoren Quisling är en papegoja
som imiterar så gott han har förstånn.

Vi äro synbart blott fredliga pågar
med grekisk rakborste uti vår hatt
men i ett huj dra vi fram våra bågar
och storma Troja från insidan "by natt."

Ty det Europa som högljutt hörs hoja
att makt är rätt har nu fått sin symbol.
Det är den ökända hästen från Troja
som alltjämt spelar sin gamla hjälteroll

Bland de vilda hästar som har galopperat
på fru Clios rännarbana är
den trojanska hästen som sig minst generat
för att lyfta svansen här och där.

I världsmanegen politikerna
som dumma Augustar står i parad - hurra!

Det är den ökända hästen från Troja,
som sluppit ut ur historiens stall.
I ryttargången sig statsmännen oja -
en del ha socker i fickorna ifall

att hästen skulle va' möjlig att tämja -
det är en högst neutral politik.
Vi svenskar umgås med kraken i sämja,
han går numera i reguljär trafik.

I vissa tidningar säger man: "Nå ja,
på rätt vi håller - men helst på rätt häst."
Och för den ökända hästen från Troja
står odds i dessa dagar onekligen bäst.

Där Akilles fann terrängen ändå "lavre"
skena hästen in med stor succé,
ty han börja längta efter att få le Havre
innan han blev inställd på musée.

Men femte ben rusa hästen åstad,
om jag ej feltolkar grekernas Iliad.

Så av den ökända hästen från Troja
drogs Marskalk Fochs gamla vagn till Berlin.
Till fots gick ledaren på "Avenoja"
de l'Opera - och kom fram till Invali'n.

Han sa god dag till Napoleon Boná -
som lär ha vänt sig i sin sarkofag
och frågat: "Tänker monsieur 'Rubiconna'
och gå på vattnet? Det kunde inte jag."

Då svara Adolf: "Tja, utan att skoja,
det är ej jag som ta't in denna by.
Det är den ökända hästen från Troja,
som just nu släcker sin törst uti Vichy."

Under Gustaf Adolfs och Kung Karols dagar
stredo svenskarna i eld och köld.
Svea Rike styrdes efter egna lagar
och ett lejon bar det i sin sköld.

En igelkott bli't symbol för vårt lann'-
men jag vet en som är mer aktuell och sann.

Det är den ökända hästen från Troja,
en av demokraterna sadlad och skodd.
En samlingskrake för slott och koja,
med stora skygglappar, rädd att bli beglodd.

Vårt gamla lejon blev fort pensionerat
när "Hesa Fredrik" för första gång tjöt.
Av Bagge blev det till får ondulerat,
det utav Rütger fick essen, stackars nöt.

Men har det snart ej gått upp för de loja
i hela världen - båd' fattig och pamp -
att det är den ökända hästen från Troja,
som hela tiden har kallats för MIN KAMP.

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