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Lyr Req: The Neighbour's Cat (Leon Rosselson)


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Joe Offer 11 Jan 99 - 12:31 AM
Alan Burgess 11 Jan 99 - 08:22 AM
Joe Offer 11 Jan 99 - 02:24 PM
Tim Jaques 11 Jan 99 - 10:49 PM
Alan Burgess 12 Jan 99 - 04:51 AM
Joe Offer 12 Jan 99 - 04:59 AM
Tim Jaques 12 Jan 99 - 06:11 PM
Tim Jaques 12 Jan 99 - 06:21 PM
bseed(charleskratz) 02 May 99 - 08:11 PM
GUEST,Philippa 22 Aug 03 - 09:57 AM
GUEST,Alex Bryant 31 May 04 - 10:23 AM
GUEST,Alan B 31 May 04 - 03:00 PM
GUEST,Jacqui 09 Sep 08 - 09:10 PM
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Subject: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 12:31 AM

Tim Jaques mentioned this song in the drowned cat thread. Anybody got the lyrics?
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE NEIGHBOURS' CAT (Leon Rosselson)
From: Alan Burgess
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 08:22 AM

For many year THE BODY IN THE BAG was my favourite cat song, but humorous & literate contribution has taken its place. Enjoy.

Do you have a favourite cat song?


As recorded by Leon Rosselson on "Wo Sind Die Elefanten?" (1991)

1. Those new neighbours, they never mow the lawn.
They're throwing things and rowing from dawn to bloody dawn.
Their drains are overflowing; their garden smells of pee,
And dandelions are growing where the roses ought to be.
They've got five cheeky children, and even worse than that,
The terror of the neighbourhood: a devil of a cat.

CHORUS: The cat, the cat, the neighbours' cat,
Is not at all the sort of cat
That sits contented on a mat.
He's not a cat like that.
He isn't furry, fine or fat.
You wouldn't want to pet or pat
This scraggly, ragged, outsized rat.
The dustbin is his habitat,
The neighbours' cat.

2. Our pussy cats are neutered; they're decent and they're clean,
And they keep respectful silence when they hear "God save the Queen;"
But this one's still uncivilised, a spitting infidel,
With his nightly caterwauling and his nasty moggy smell,
Assaulting our azaleas, urinating on our gnomes,
Demolishing our dahlias; we're not safe in our own homes.

3. He'll claw at our car bonnets; he'll savage dogs and crows.
He spreads chaos and subversion everywhere he goes.
And this really makes my blood boil: he's fanatically fond
Of harpooning the goldfish in our ornamental pond.
We never catch him at it, cos he's underhand and sly,
But we know who to blame when our prize marrows droop and die. CHORUS

4. Now, he's corrupting all our darlings and leading them astray,
Brainwashing them to act in a most unnatural way.
Does he get them high on cat mint? 'Cos they wear a hippie grin
As they leap in front of lorries in a suicidal spin.
It's a shocking situation. Every morning we emerge
To find another flattened pussy laid out on the verge.

5. Have you heard the latest? Things can't go this way.
The rumour is the neighbours' cat has joined the IRA.
Our house prices are falling. It's time we made a stand.
We've got up a petition. This wild cat must be banned.
Yes, burn him for a traitor, this embodiment of sin,
This ruthless agitator; he's the enemy within. CHORUS

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbours' Cat
From: Joe Offer
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 02:24 PM

Thanks, Alan - until last month, "Body in the Bag" was my favorite cat song, followed by "The Cat Came Back." I heard "Neighbours' Cat" last month at the song circle in San Francisco, and I think it may become my favorite. I wondered if I'd ever find it again - glad you came up with it.
-Joe Offer-
I guess the proper spelling of the title is "The Neighbours' Cat," since those nasty neighbors are plural.

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: Tim Jaques
Date: 11 Jan 99 - 10:49 PM

Exactly like my mother's Siamese tomcat.

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: Alan Burgess
Date: 12 Jan 99 - 04:51 AM

Joe - No Problem

I'd forgotten The cat came back

Is it in the DT? if not I don't suppose you know the words?

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: Joe Offer
Date: 12 Jan 99 - 04:59 AM

Hi, alan - I was going to link to the lyrics, but there are two or three versions in the database. You can search for a phrase by putting it in square brackets, like [cat came back], which will bring up two songs and a parody. a-one, anna-two, anna-THREE!!!
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: Tim Jaques
Date: 12 Jan 99 - 06:11 PM

On Bruce O's page there is a tune given in ABC called "The Presbyterian Cat". No lyrics are given but the tune itself seems quite singable. Anyone know the lyrics, if any?

I am curious as to what might be the likes, dislikes, and worldly concerns of a Presbyterian cat. I think I have known some cats of a Presbyterian frame of mind -- somewhat puritanical in choice of food, possessed of great personal dignity, and disapproving of novelty and disruption of routine. I have also known many Wiccan cats, mysterious and enamoured of the moonlight and shadowy groves. Siamese cats, of course, are the Evangelicals of the feline world -- active to the point of frenzy, edgy, loud and outspoken, quick to dispute, and neuotic They are convinced there is a conspiracy by humans and dogs to persecute and torment them, to which they must get to the bottom by endless snooping and investigation. I would not be surprised in the least if every Siamese cat in the world is making doomsday plans for the year 2000.

And of course there is the fiddle tune, The Wildcat, which Natalie MacMaster plays on her last CD "My Roots Are Showing." Don't know if it has words either.

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: Tim Jaques
Date: 12 Jan 99 - 06:21 PM

Shoot, I broke my own rule. It's in the database under CAMERONIAN CAT.

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: bseed(charleskratz)
Date: 02 May 99 - 08:11 PM

And don't forget "Overflowing Catbox Blues," which Blessings Barbara posted sometime back. Joe, I promise I'll learn to put in links if just once more... --seed
<a href=>Click here</a>

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Subject: RE: Cameronian or Presbyterian Cat
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 22 Aug 03 - 09:57 AM

a version of the Cameronian Cat (DT, mentioned by T Jaques above, about a cat who hunted on the sabbath), under the title The Presbyterian Cat, was published in the Oxford book of folk song. The notes say it goes to the tune of Auld Lang Syne

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: GUEST,Alex Bryant
Date: 31 May 04 - 10:23 AM

Does anyone have the chords (TAB) for Neighbours' Cat?

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Subject: RE: Leon Rosselson: Neighbour's Cat
From: GUEST,Alan B
Date: 31 May 04 - 03:00 PM

Sorry, Can't help you Alex. Got to know the song from the singing of Chris Foster - wonderful performer - who sings it unaccompanied. Comes over well that way, & easier to play!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Neighbour's Cat (Leon Rosselson)
From: GUEST,Jacqui
Date: 09 Sep 08 - 09:10 PM

I recently bought Rory Mcleod .. Songs for big little people and it's on there. It says song verses written by Harry S. Miller. Other verses have been added including one written by Ciskin Houston. It's hysterical. No matter what is done to this poor cat it still 'keeps coming back!'

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