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Lyr Req: Road Agent (from Kenny Rogers)

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Rex 21 May 99 - 12:33 PM
GUEST 30 Mar 07 - 01:09 PM
GUEST 29 Nov 11 - 12:56 AM
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Subject: Whipporwill? Road Agent?
From: Rex
Date: 21 May 99 - 12:33 PM

The Whipporwill inquiry reminded me of another song of that name. I don't think they are the same. Does anyone know the rest of the words to this? (ahem) Here lies a road agent dead on a hill.

Sing along, sing along, Whipporwill if you will.

It has a lovely mournful melody. I didn't it in the database using the above words.


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Subject: RE: Whipporwill? Road Agent?
Date: 30 Mar 07 - 01:09 PM

"Here lies a road agent dead on a hill,
sing along, sing along, whipporwill, if you will.
Lived a died, by his gun, rise up, rise up, morning sun"

The lyrics are from the song "Road Agent" from an album entitled "The Ballad of Calico," done by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition

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Subject: Lyr Add: ROAD AGENT (from Kenny Rogers)
Date: 29 Nov 11 - 12:56 AM

Here are the lyrics.

Here lies a road agent dead on a hill
Sing on sing on whippoorwill if you will

Lived and died by his gun
Rise up rise up morning sun

Rise up son of god
Rise up from the sod

Quick money catch penny fly by night
all are equal in his sight

Gone today and here tomorrow
California desert to the veil of sorrow

Rise up son and go
Rise up from below


Thunderbolts cold and flash floods roll
On a glory hole soul story seldom told

From a feast of whiskey and a flow of cash
To the silver black ash from a dance hall flash

Rise up son of chance
Rise up son and dance

Here lies a road agent dead on a hill
Sing on, sing on whippoorwill if you will.

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