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Speak Polish? Please translate song!

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SharonA 17 Apr 02 - 11:00 AM
masato sakurai 17 Apr 02 - 11:39 AM
katlaughing 17 Apr 02 - 11:41 AM
radriano 17 Apr 02 - 12:09 PM
katlaughing 17 Apr 02 - 12:24 PM
SharonA 17 Apr 02 - 12:24 PM
GUEST,honest frankie 17 Apr 02 - 12:33 PM
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Subject: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: SharonA
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 11:00 AM

In another thread on this Forum, we're discussing a sea shanty in its various versions ("Santy Anna" also known as "The Plains of Mexico"), and we've come across one set of lyrics that's on a web page in Polish. Can anyone out there translate these lyrics into English?

Here's the Mudcat discussion thread (click on the blue link): Lyr Req: Heave Away Santiana / Aweigh Santy Ano

And here are the verses in Polish:

I'll also paste the lyrics below (and I'll hope that all the accents show up in the thread!):

Heave away Santiana

s?. H.Czeka?a

Ej p?yn´my z pra?dem rzeki tam gdzie Liverpool
-Heave away Santiana
Dooko?a Hornu przez Frisco Bay
-Tam gdzie strome zbocza Mexico

Wie?c heave away i w góre?, w dó?
Nie minie rok powrócimy znów

Ten kliper dla za?ogi zawsze piek?em by?
Z?elazny Jankes dowodzi? nim

Po z?oto Kaliforni cia?gle gna? nas wiatr
Bo puste ?adownie wype?niac´ trza nam

A by? to dla nas wszystkich stary dobry czas
W 49-Tym za m?odych lat

I Zachariasz Taylor tam góra? by?
Gdy wygra? bój pod MonteRey

I szybko zwiewa? Santy kiedy pomóg? Scott
Jak Bonaparte pod Waterloo

I dla mnie kiedys´ nasta? dobry dzien´
Gdy Sally Brown pokocha?a mnie


We surely would appreciate any help you can give. Thanks!

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Subject: RE: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: masato sakurai
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 11:39 AM

This Polish translator's translation:

There they let's float with current of river Ej where liverpool d F C by - round Heave away Santiana d C Hornu Frisco Bay C but there - where so, steep zbocza Mexico d C d heave away and upwards, this clipper was hell to bottom for crew (staff) iron (ferrous) yank not face year return once again always command (prove) before < he (its; his; it) > < it > for (after) golden < gold > continuously we wind Kaliforni gna³ because fulfill (perform) empty (hollow) bilges we trza but there was lat (summer; year) for all we old good times (sometimes) in (to) young 49-Tym and there there was up above Zachariasz Taylor when fight has won under MonteRey and fastly zwiewa³ Santy when it has helped Scott as under waterloo Bonaparte and sometime good day has come (has threatened) for I when it has fallen in love with me Sally Brown


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Subject: RE: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: katlaughing
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 11:41 AM

Ah, took me too long. I didn't see yours, Masato, makes much more sense!:-)

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Subject: RE: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: radriano
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 12:09 PM

Has it occurred to anyone that a literal translation might make little sense? In order to make phrases fit a meter you have to translate into the new language. Let's wait until someone who reads Polish can translate this properly.

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Subject: RE: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: katlaughing
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 12:24 PM

Of course, radriano. I've deleted the silly one that I had posted.

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Subject: RE: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: SharonA
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 12:24 PM

Thanks for trying, masato and kat!

radriano: Your point is well taken; I know that the same is true of Spanish. In this case, presumably the phrases were originally translated from English and changed to fit the meter in Polish.

Strangely enough, radriano, Wolfgang suggested in the other thread that I get in touch with you about this. You beat me to it!

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Subject: RE: Speak Polish? Please translate song!
From: GUEST,honest frankie
Date: 17 Apr 02 - 12:33 PM

The Polish words are pretty much the same as the English with certain phrases changed to rhyme or fit the meter. All the ? are an attempt to use certain letters and accents peculiar to Polish but they don't really do a good job. the chorus:

Wiec(cedille on e for a nasal "en" sound)then "heave away lifted from the English. -i w(v) gore,i w dol(l with a squggley line sounds something like w) means we go up and down like from a folk song. -Nie minie rok powrocimy znow. -A year won't go buy and we'll be homeward bound(more or less)

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