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Lyr Req: The Baby-O (Jimmie Driftwood)


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GUEST,cris 25 Sep 11 - 03:21 PM
Melissa 21 Nov 08 - 07:12 PM
GUEST,Arke 22 Mar 05 - 12:39 PM
GUEST,Arkie 22 Mar 05 - 12:37 PM
Flash Company 22 Mar 05 - 10:56 AM
Arkie 21 Mar 05 - 10:01 PM
Stewie 20 Mar 05 - 11:24 PM
GUEST, 20 Mar 05 - 10:26 PM
GUEST, 23 Sep 04 - 09:38 PM
Amos 09 Sep 04 - 05:05 PM
GUEST,Arkie 09 Sep 04 - 04:21 PM
GUEST,Arkie 09 Sep 04 - 12:33 PM
GUEST, 09 Sep 04 - 12:34 AM
JimmyDriftwoodMan 25 Jul 04 - 05:33 PM
GUEST, 25 Jul 04 - 05:11 PM
BlueSage 05 Mar 00 - 07:56 PM
GUEST,Arkie 04 Mar 00 - 02:52 PM
BlueSage 04 Mar 00 - 01:13 PM
Arkie 04 Mar 00 - 02:03 AM
BlueSage 03 Mar 00 - 11:26 PM
Arkie 02 Mar 00 - 11:28 PM
BlueSage 02 Mar 00 - 09:54 PM
harpgirl 02 Mar 00 - 08:08 AM
Arkie 01 Mar 00 - 11:30 PM
GUEST 01 Mar 00 - 06:55 PM
GUEST,Arkie 01 Mar 00 - 05:48 PM
GUEST,BlueSage 01 Mar 00 - 10:39 AM
GUEST,Arkie 29 Feb 00 - 10:47 PM
Crowhugger 28 Feb 00 - 11:22 PM
GUEST,Arkie 28 Feb 00 - 09:42 PM
GUEST,BlueSage 28 Feb 00 - 05:07 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Baby-O (Jimmie Driftwood)
From: GUEST,cris
Date: 25 Sep 11 - 03:21 PM

I believe in the Rattlesnake song the 4th verse is missing, should go something like this:       He jumped up hi-y-high and looked all ri - y - round and he closed his e - y - eyes and fell to the g-y-ground

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Baby-O (Jimmie Driftwood)
From: Melissa
Date: 21 Nov 08 - 07:12 PM

intro story to "Straighten out my laig" was that if you lost a leg or arm and it was buried crooked/bent, you'd feel pain in the missing limb.

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Subject: Lyr Add: RATTLESNAKE MOUNTAIN (Jimmy Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Arke
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:39 PM

And now:

Rattlesnake Mountain
By Jimmy Driftwood

On Rattlesnake me-y-Mountain I did dwe-y-well
And I heard a ste-y-story I'm gonna te-y-tell.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

A nice young me-y-man in the month of me-y-May
Went down to the fe-y-field for to mow his a-he-y-hay.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

He had not mow-y-wowed around the fe-y-field
Till a rattle-come-a-sne-y-snake and bit him on the he-y-heel
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

He cried, "Little be-y-bird, go tell my ge-y-gal
I'm a-rattlesnake be-y-bit and I need my se-y-Sal.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

Oh, the bird did fle-y-fly and spread the nu-y-news
And a-here come se-y-Sally without her shu-y-shoes.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

"Oh Johnny de-y-dear, why did you go-y-go
Into the fe-y-field the hay for to mo-y-mow?"
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

"Oh Sally de-y-dear, I thought you kno-y-knowed
When the hay gets a-re-ri-ripe its got to be mo-y-mowed."
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

"Oh Johnny de-y-dear, I'll save your le-y-life
If I may be-y-be your sweet little we-wi-wife."
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

She grabbed his le-y-leg and made him sque-y-weel
And sucked the poison b-y-blood all out of his he-y-heel.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

Come all young me-y-men and a warning te-y-take
Don't ever get be-y-bit by a rattle-copper sne-y-snake.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

When a rattle snake be-y-bites it hurts like a kne-y-knife
When a woman be-y-bites you're bit for the rest of you life.
Come a-ru-di-ru-di-ru.

I can't promise this is 100% as Jimmy sang it, but it should be close.

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Subject: Lyr Add: STRAIGHTEN OUT MY LAIG (Jimmie Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 12:37 PM

Here are the lyrics to:

By Jimmy Driftwood

I was going down the mountain with a load of mountain dew
I fell off the wagon and I broke my laig in two.
They cut if off with a pocketknife and dug down through the snow
They put my laig in crooked and that's why it hurts me so.

When they cut my broken laig off, oh, it almost took my breath
They seared it with a red-hot iron or I'd have bled to death.
They stuffed my laig in crooked in that grave beneath the snow
It hurts me every time I try to wiggle my big toe.

If you'll go down in the holler, Gal, and straighten out my laig
I'll hold you tight and dance all night on my old wooden paig.
We will live a life of gladness like we did in days of yore
For when you straighten out my laig it won't hurt anymore.

Straighten out my laig, straighten out my laig
Take me down in the holler, Molly
And straighten out my laig.
Straighten out my laig, straighten out my laig
Take me down in the holler, Molly
And straighten out my laig.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: Flash Company
Date: 22 Mar 05 - 10:56 AM

Amos- I had another version of 'The Warranty Deed' from the singing of Burl Ives. Not quite as detailed as Jimmy's tho'


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: Arkie
Date: 21 Mar 05 - 10:01 PM

I'll see what I can find tomorrow when I get to work. Both songs should be in the Driftwood books in the library.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: Stewie
Date: 20 Mar 05 - 11:24 PM

It is a variant of 'Springfield Mountain'. Jimmie's version was titled 'Rattlesnake Song'. It is available on disk I of the 3-CD set Jimmie Driftwood 'Americana' Bear Family BCD 15465. Patrick Sky recorded an almost identical version under the title 'Rattlesnake Mountain' which is available on Patrick Sky 'Same' Vanguard CD 79179-2.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,
Date: 20 Mar 05 - 10:26 PM

(Great)Uncle Jim used to sing to us before we went to bed. I'm looking for the words to two of the songs. One of them was "Straighten Out My Leg" and the other was called Rattlesnake Mountain" (I think). It was about a kid that was bitten by a Rattlesnake and how his girlfriend promised to save him, if he would marry her. I teach 3rd grade now and thought my kids would like to hear Rattlesnake Mountain. Can anyone help?


Jon Morris

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,
Date: 23 Sep 04 - 09:38 PM

Looking for the words to Tucumcari.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: Amos
Date: 09 Sep 04 - 05:05 PM

Great to see this appear -- I have sung it for years buit never met anyone else who knew it!


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 09 Sep 04 - 04:21 PM

Warrenty Deed is the other name by which this song is known.

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Subject: Lyr Add: VERY UNFORTUNATE MAN (from J Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 09 Sep 04 - 12:33 PM

Jimmy did this song using the title the Very Unfortunate Man and it is sometimes just called the Unfortunate Man. There is also another title which escapes me for the moment. Jimmy's words are slightly different though very similar to those listed above. Jimmy's version is in the database.

(Jimmy Driftwood's reworking of an older song)

There was a lawyer, his name was Clay
He had but two clients and they wouldn't pay
At last, of starvation, he grew so afraid
He courted and married a wealthy old maid.
At the wedding this lawyer made one big mistake
'Twas not in omitting the wine or the cake
The ring was well chosen, they had a big feed
But the lawyer did not get a warranty deed

He's a very unfortunate, very unfortunate, very unfortunate man
He's a very unfortunate, very unfortunate, very unfortunate man

At night in their chamber, this lady arose
And began to prepare to retire and repose
Her husband sat near her admiring her charms
That gave him such pleasure to hold in his arms
She went to the washstand to bathe her fair face
And thus she destroyed all her beauty and grace
The rose on her cheek quickly grew very faint
And he saw on the towel, 'twas nothing but paint

She went to the mirror to take down her hair
And when she got done, her scalp was all bare
Said she, don't be frightened to see my bald head
I'll put on my cap when I get into bed
She hung her false hair on the wall on a peg
And then she proceeded to take off her leg
Her trembling husband got quite a surprise
When she asked him to come and take out her glass eye

The husband stood watching, with trembling lips,
While she unfastened her counterfeit hips;
Just then her false nose clattered down on the floor
And the poor lawyer, screaming, ran out of the door.
Now all you young men who would marry for life,
Be sure in examine your intended wife.
Remember the lawyer who trusted his eyes
And a little while later got quite a surprise.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,
Date: 09 Sep 04 - 12:34 AM

I don't know if Jimmy Driftwood did this song or not. I have heard it before. Some of the words are:

"There was a lawyer named Horace McClay (?), he had but few clients and they wouldn't pay, so he courted and married a rich widow"

Those are all the words I can remember. Have you ever heard of this song? I would like a copy of it if it is still around.

There was also another song about lawyers that I used to listen to a lot. Something about being cheaters and takers. Hope you can help me.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: JimmyDriftwoodMan
Date: 25 Jul 04 - 05:33 PM

we're doing what we can and would like Jimmy Driftwood people to contact us.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmie Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,
Date: 25 Jul 04 - 05:11 PM

new web site

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: BlueSage
Date: 05 Mar 00 - 07:56 PM

Thanks Arkie! I owe you one. Pass on my thanks to the Ozark Heritage Institute for their help in finding this song. Funny songs that are suitable for mixed audiences are hard to come by. This one will fit nicely into my repertoire. Thanks again for all your help...Mike Iverson

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE BABY O (from Jimmie Driftwood)
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 04 Mar 00 - 02:52 PM

Well, here it is thanks to the Ozark Heritage Institute at the University of Central Arkansas. Hope it was worth the wait. I came into my office for a minute and found these words in my mail box.


As I went down to Riggsville town
I met an old man and his name was Brown.
He said, "You can stay can in my shanty-o
But you'll have to sleep with the baby-o."
When I got there I was froze to death
And I didn't want to smell no baby's breath.
I took a big drink and I said, "By darn"
If you don't mind I'll sleep in the barn."

Chorus: The night was cold and the wind did blow,
And the smoke rolled out of the shanty-o.
I shivered and shook with a frostbit toe,
And I wished I'd a slept with the baby-o.

Morning came and I took me a look,
When I heard somebody say, "sook pide sook"
Standing on the frozen straw,
Was the prettiest girl in Arkansas.
I looked at her and she looked at me,
And I said, "Young lady, who could you be?"
She said my name is Mary Jo
But the old man calls me the baby-o


She milked the cow and went to the shack
And had a big breakfast of razorback
I sat by the fire and thawed my toe,
But I couldn't keep from looking at the baby-o
I started to leave and she came to me
And said, "What could your title be?"
I held her hand and I told her right
The fool that slept in the barn last night.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: BlueSage
Date: 04 Mar 00 - 01:13 PM

Arkie, thanks for all the time/effort you've put into this request! You don't need to send a cassette (although I appreciate your willingness to do so!). I've ordered a CD from Raymond Mclain that has his version on it. If the Driftwood collection can find a copy of the original words, I'll then be able to compare versions and edit down to a third version that I'll end up performing. Thanks once again for your interest and dedication to this forum!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: Arkie
Date: 04 Mar 00 - 02:03 AM

BlueSage, I had hoped to get the lyrics from the Driftwood collection today, but they did not arrive. I have made requests before from these folks and they have delivered. The fellow who manages the archive is a friend of mine and I am confident he will get them to me. Hopefully we will not have to wait much longer. Grandpa Jones did record the song, but I forget the title of the recording. It is listed in the folk index. I'll check that again. I do not know if it is on CD or not. I may even have a recording of Driftwood singing the song but thay will take a little digging and I have not had a chance to get to that as yet. If you want to email your mail address to me at I'll send a cassette copy sometime early next week.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: BlueSage
Date: 03 Mar 00 - 11:26 PM

It's starting to look like I may have to find a recording somewhere if I want the lyrics. Does anyone know of any CD recordings of Baby-o?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: Arkie
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 11:28 PM

Did not hear from the Driftwood collection today, but hopefully by tomorrow. They may be sending the info by mail. The McLains may have got the song from Grandpa Jones who learned it from Driftwood.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: BlueSage
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 09:54 PM

The group I heard performing this song was the Mclains. Raymond Mclain was singing lead. I haven't heard Jimmy Driftwood's original version so I couldn't say how accurate the Mclain version is. I'm still hoping someone out there might know this song....Mike

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: harpgirl
Date: 02 Mar 00 - 08:08 AM

...I've been folloiwng this thread because I have heard Jimmy sing it at the Barn but I don't have the words and I didn't remember the beginning to be as BlueSage recalls...I'll keep looking as well, Arkie.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: Arkie
Date: 01 Mar 00 - 11:30 PM

Had already checked the database. That piece is well known here in the Ozarks but it is not related to the Driftwood song.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
Date: 01 Mar 00 - 06:55 PM

Click here for BABY-O in database

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 01 Mar 00 - 05:48 PM

BlueSage, Riggsville was an early settlement in Stone County and is now long gone. In its place, just a little further north and west is the modern city of Mountain View. Now you've had a little geography lesson. Bet you did not expect that.

I am sure that we have Baby-O in our archives, but it did not get filed in the proper place and two of us have searched for it without success. I contacted the fellow that manages the Driftwood Collection at the Univ. of Central Ark. and received an email a few minutes ago confirming that it is in their files. Hopefully I will have it by tomorrow.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,BlueSage
Date: 01 Mar 00 - 10:39 AM

Refresh. Thanks Arkie for the correction on the town name. It's hard sometimes to distinguish between words when transcribing lyrics from recordings or memory. Thanks again....Mike

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 29 Feb 00 - 10:47 PM

Refresh. Just got in from Little Rock and do not have time to check the archives now. Will get to it tomorrow.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: Crowhugger
Date: 28 Feb 00 - 11:22 PM

Blue Sage, if you join Mudcat (it's painless) then you can "trace" any thread. That way, if there aren't any postings for a while and it drops off the default list, you just go to your personal page and, voila! You can trust Max and the spam-free promise (I don't think that's what they call it, but you get the idea.)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,Arkie
Date: 28 Feb 00 - 09:42 PM

Think I can find it but will not get a chance until Wednesday. Maybe someone else can get to it a little quicker. The town mentioned is Riggsville. I believe that Grandpa Jones also recorded this song.

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Subject: Looking for Jimmy Driftwood Song!
From: GUEST,BlueSage
Date: 28 Feb 00 - 05:07 PM

I recently heard a Jimmy Driftwood song called "Baby-o". It began... "I went down to Richville town, met an old man his name was Brown". Does anyone knows the rest of the lyrics? Thanks....Mike (

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