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Lyr Add: Valley Forge (Bob Coltman)


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In Mudcat MIDIs:
Valley Forge (First verse and chorus)

kendall 29 Dec 03 - 04:01 AM
Joe Offer 29 Dec 03 - 08:11 PM
KathWestra 30 Dec 03 - 05:38 PM
harpgirl 26 Mar 04 - 08:22 PM
Barbara 27 Mar 04 - 02:08 PM
Barbara 27 Mar 04 - 04:24 PM
Dani 27 Mar 04 - 09:19 PM
Barbara 28 Mar 04 - 11:44 PM
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Subject: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: kendall
Date: 29 Dec 03 - 04:01 AM

Valley Forge is in the dt, but there is a verse missing. It is:

They talk about freedom all night and all day
But my ears are froze up I can't hear what they say,
They give out such a line about the land of the free
But the way things are going, that's a place I wont see.


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Subject: Add Version: Valley Forge (Bob Coltman)
From: Joe Offer
Date: 29 Dec 03 - 08:11 PM

I don't have the booklet for Joe Hickerson's Drive Dull Care Away, so I don't know anything about the background of this song. Here's how I hear the song - a bit different from what's in the DT. Can anybody give us background information on the song? When was it written? Anybody got a tune I can post?
I knew nothing about Bob coltman, but I see I know a number of his songs. His recordings are apparently available from Minstrel Records. This Google Search will bring up all sorts of good information about Bob.
-Joe Offer-

(Bob Coltman)

We come down here with our boots on our feet
But we lost them somewhere in the snow and the sleet
Pennsylvania winters are some kind of cold
What's left of the body can't comfort your soul

So, don't you think we should beat the drum
Or raise some kind of row
Ain't this glorious war
Fell on hard times now

Don't shake old Charlie, for he's past shaking
Takes angels on high to wake his kind of bacon
Haul out the meat wagon and horses to pull
We've got dead enough here to fill it up full

When generals die, as I've heard they do
The angels line up just to pull them on through
But when privates die, you know good and well
They get to go straight from Valley Forge on down to Hell

They talk about freedom all night and all day
But my ears are froze up I can't hear what they say,
They give out such a line about the land of the free
But the way things are going, that's a place I won't see.

To live I'm too cold, to die I'm too young
This life is too short to be over and done
Is this the last winter that I'll ever see
Well I don't care for no God that don't care for me

I'm not completely sure what I hear on that verse about Charlie, but I think I've got it. as sung by Joe Hickerson on Drive Dull Care Away

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: KathWestra
Date: 30 Dec 03 - 05:38 PM

JoeO, I think you've got that verse very nearly right, except for the third line. JoeH sings:

Haul out the meat wagon, if you've horses to pull...

otherwise it's as Joe sings it. I have the booklets at home, and could send you the notes later in the week.
Happy New Year! Kathy

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: harpgirl
Date: 26 Mar 04 - 08:22 PM

I would really like the chords to this song, as well, Barbara...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: Barbara
Date: 27 Mar 04 - 02:08 PM

I'll tell you what. I'll post a tune, and then you can decide if you want chords. I do know one person who sings it with a 12 string, but I prefer it a capella. Or with a drum. But Joe's away from his computer right now, and the last tune I sent hasn't gone up yet. I'll look around and see if I can find who else to send tunes to.

And, Kendall or whomever, where does the missing verse go? I've never heard that one.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: Barbara
Date: 27 Mar 04 - 04:24 PM

Oh, never mind Kendall, I see the placement of the verse in Joe's post.

Abby, if you'd like to PM me your email, I'll send you the MIDI as an attachment. I have posted it to the MIDI people here, but I'm not sure how long it will take to get it up and running. I make a link for you when we do.
I was amazed to discover that Valley Forge is in waltz time, because I think of it as a strident, powerful song, sung freely but with a very hard downbeat, and I think of 3/4 as lyrical, generally. I was sure it was 4/4, but I was wrong. In my mind's eye, I see it sung as fast as a soldier would trudge.
Also, for something completely different, have a look at the Middle Class Life thread I just revived. That's another Bob Coltman song.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: Dani
Date: 27 Mar 04 - 09:19 PM

Wow. I would very much like to learn this song. Have you read MacKinley Kantor's "Valley Forge"?

Do you think Joe Hickerson's recording is the best way to learn it? Or will one of y'all be at the Getaway to teach it to me ;)


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Valley Forge
From: Barbara
Date: 28 Mar 04 - 11:44 PM

Here ya go, Mudcat Midi added, see link at the top of the thread. I realized after I sent it off that I sing a different tune for the following verses: the first line of the subsequent verses is the same as the third line of the first verse. Clear?

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