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Dog stories....

keltcgrasshoppper 02 Jun 00 - 07:23 AM
kendall 02 Jun 00 - 08:03 AM
Rana 02 Jun 00 - 08:06 AM
kendall 02 Jun 00 - 08:19 AM
Ritchie 02 Jun 00 - 08:26 AM
Mooh 02 Jun 00 - 08:43 AM
Midchuck 02 Jun 00 - 09:45 AM
catspaw49 02 Jun 00 - 10:02 AM
Uncle_DaveO 02 Jun 00 - 11:32 AM
sian, west wales 02 Jun 00 - 11:48 AM
Mooh 02 Jun 00 - 01:09 PM
Metchosin 02 Jun 00 - 01:21 PM
GUEST,Mrr 02 Jun 00 - 01:26 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 02 Jun 00 - 01:41 PM
SeanM 02 Jun 00 - 02:28 PM
katlaughing 02 Jun 00 - 02:34 PM
catspaw49 02 Jun 00 - 02:40 PM
Mary in Kentucky 02 Jun 00 - 05:32 PM
Llanfair 02 Jun 00 - 06:06 PM
catspaw49 02 Jun 00 - 08:03 PM
katlaughing 02 Jun 00 - 08:56 PM
Mary in Kentucky 02 Jun 00 - 09:34 PM
catspaw49 02 Jun 00 - 09:42 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 02 Jun 00 - 09:46 PM
kendall 02 Jun 00 - 10:02 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 02 Jun 00 - 10:23 PM
catspaw49 02 Jun 00 - 10:30 PM
Mary in Kentucky 02 Jun 00 - 11:02 PM
catspaw49 02 Jun 00 - 11:11 PM
MMario 02 Jun 00 - 11:17 PM
Mary in Kentucky 02 Jun 00 - 11:18 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 02 Jun 00 - 11:20 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 02 Jun 00 - 11:29 PM
Metchosin 04 Jun 00 - 08:45 AM
Banjer 04 Jun 00 - 10:20 AM
Catlin 04 Jun 00 - 10:39 AM
keltcgrasshoppper 04 Jun 00 - 12:46 PM
catspaw49 04 Jun 00 - 01:00 PM
Metchosin 04 Jun 00 - 01:54 PM
katlaughing 04 Jun 00 - 02:06 PM
Metchosin 04 Jun 00 - 02:48 PM
wildlone 04 Jun 00 - 04:04 PM
Banjer 04 Jun 00 - 05:54 PM
keltcgrasshoppper 04 Jun 00 - 07:24 PM
katlaughing 04 Jun 00 - 08:47 PM
JamesJim 04 Jun 00 - 10:42 PM
Banjer 05 Jun 00 - 06:48 AM
keltcgrasshoppper 05 Jun 00 - 07:29 AM
kendall 05 Jun 00 - 05:37 PM
Sorcha 05 Jun 00 - 07:08 PM
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Subject: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 07:23 AM

Thought about this as a thread after reading what Kat said in the Leadbelly/Bush thread.. All of us or maybe most of us have owned some fabulous dogs...Lets share some tales( Tails)... My dog Tazzie was rescued from a PET store about 5 years ago.. When I first saw him he was chewing his way out of his cage.. I asked to see him and the girl put on work gloves told me to enter the visiting room first.. she held Taz arms length away from her and tossed him to me slamming the door behind her... Well he did 360's around the room banking the walls.. proceded to chew off both of my shoelaces... all in about 30 seconds.. ONE HYPER PUP.. When I asked about him I was told he had one more day them Puppy Heaven.. That did it.. I asked the price then made a lower offer the clerks clapped and the rest is history.. Tazzie has turned into a wonderful fellow.. He loves people and has only chewed through four screens in our house.... KGH

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: kendall
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:03 AM

A few years ago, I had a yellow labrador retriever named Clancy. He always laid down with his left paw over his right. I lost him to cancer of the liver. I was devastated, and eventually I bought another just like him. Named him Seamus. He was the opposite of Clancy, a one dog wrecking crew. When he was about 6 months old, he was so bad, I was pondering the neighbors offer to take him off my hands. Seriously pondering I mean! I looked around at him, and that little begger was laying there with his left paw over his right! Hasn't done it since. Dont tell me he didn't know what was up. Now, I couldn't give him up for anything.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Rana
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:06 AM

Of course one should listen to the Kipper Family's "These are the dogs we have loved" (or such like title).


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: kendall
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:19 AM

When I was 4 years old we had a big dog that had bitten many people. One day, I climbed down inside a rock lined well on an abandoned farm. That dog went nuts, and, as luck would have it, a man who live half a mile away was walking by, and the dog wouldn't let him pass. It kept barking and running from the road to the well. Finally, the neighbor realized that there was a problem, and he came and got me out. If it hadn't been for that dog, I would not be writing this today.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Ritchie
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:26 AM

When, I was a boy and old Shep was a pup .......ahhh you probably all know the rest anyway.

regards Ritchie

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Mooh
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:43 AM

No grand story here, just good feelings.

My dog Rosie (remember the led Zeppelin song, "Oh Rosie, oh girl..."?) wouldn't leave the Penetanguishing Folk Festival a couple of years ago, even after a swim in the lake she defied me and sprinted back to the PFF site. Not sure why, but I think the Dawnbreakers were playing...She's never defied me since. She talks, smiles, and thinks she's a Border Collie (actually Scottish Collie and Springer Spanial mix with perhaps some coyote). In winter she likes to sleep very close to the woodstove, closer than I can stand. A gentle dog too. Gets along with the family cat on her own terms. Cost us nothing, the owners had too many puppies. Attracts women. Will do anything for a raw egg. Amuses me. Knows everybody by name. Does not order pizzas without permission. Always finishes her meals. Smart enough for the voters list.

The only person, I will swear to this, who Rosie didn't like at first blush was guitarist Phil Cooper, but she warmed to him after a while.

Don't know if she likes folk music.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Midchuck
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 09:45 AM

All my dog stories involve walking or running on public streets, doing no harm and posing no threat to anyone, and having a dog run out and attack me. I have never understood why, if a human runs out in the street and tries to bite a total stranger, he'd be put in jail or the laughing academy, but if a dawg does it it's just the way things are.

God Damn all dog owners who don't secure the stupid beasts.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 10:02 AM

I've been lucky enough to have had some wonderful dogs. I have a real passion for Weimaraners....a lovely and docile breed, very desiring to please, and although excellent hunters, I think they make superb house dogs. Our current Weimie is named Jaeger (Yay-ger) and is a bit different in looks. Weims in the US are only recognized for show by the AKC in the short hair version which more people are familiar with, if they know what the hound looks like at all (I see that William Wegman's Weims, of Sesame Street and calendar fame, are now in a Honda commercial). Jaeger is a blue longhair, very rare and only bred by VALKYRIE WEIMARANERS in Akron.

What he really is is the most gentle of a very gentle breed. A great friend and companion, he has been mauled and wallowed around on by a lot of kids that have lived here, without complaint. Just a wonderful fellow in all ways.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Uncle_DaveO
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:32 AM

Midchuck, when attacked by a dog, did you report it to the authorities? In most (if not all) states an owner has an obligation to control his animals. That can mean a chain, a fence, or whatever. The owner is responsible for wht the pet does. (see my last paragraph below)

Here in Indianapolis about a year ago my wife, while walking on the street, was bitten by a dog which ran out from the owner's property and crossed the street to bite her. We reported it to Animal Control. They picked up the dog and held it for about a week, to see if any signs of rabies showed up. None did. The dog was returned to the owner, with the admonition that another such bite would probably result in destruction of the animal, and with instructions as in my last two sentences below.

Interestingly, the dog had been confined within a fenced area, and had dug out. Never mind that, the owner was responsible. If any real harm had come to my wife, beyond the bruise she got through her slacks, we would have had a solid case for a lawsuit.

Dave Oesterreich

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: sian, west wales
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:48 AM

Mooh, could you ask your Rosie to have a chat with my Blewyn re: sending out for pizzas? More than once, I've gone to my local for a quiet pint and, just before closing, the landlord has given me a big box o' bones - a Mr. B. Thomas having ordered them by phone. I take it out of his pocket money of course ... but that causes ructions on the home front, too.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Mooh
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 01:09 PM

sian...Rosie won't talk on the phone directly, I think she feels it's beneath her, but she responds with excitement to people talking on the answering machine. Lately she ordered cd's from a mail-direct club, dogs mostly. Mooh.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Metchosin
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 01:21 PM

I have two wonderful dogs "Old Wort" of mixed heritage, possibly a wirehaired dachshund/terrier cross who looks a bit like a Dandy Dinmomt with his large soulful eyes and zen demeanor and "Maddy" a young hyper West Highland White Terrier who unfortunately hates cats.

We are not sure if he likes folk music, but "Old Wort" is definitely an opera buff. From the time we rescued him from the SPCA, he sang along with our daughter when she practised and studied voice. He could hit high notes you wouldn't believe, his phrasing wasn't bad and his tone superb, although his pitch could be a little off at times. He had preferences regarding singers as well. He would enthusiastically sing along to recordings of our daughter and Leontyne Price, but he doesn't care for Maria Callas or any of the newer sopranos and found tenors a bore.

Sadly, in recent years, "Old Wort" has gone deaf and only when our daughter faces him and cups his ears in her hands to sing him a few bars, does that old spark and fire return to his eyes and he will lift his head in joy and belts out a few soulful lines.

Maddy too, (named for Maddy Prior) is not interested in folk music, but spends a lot of time on her hind legs, jumping up and down in front of the TV watching animal shows. She is particularly fond of "Jock" on Hamish MacBeth and can recognize the introductory music for the programme from outside the house and can manage to be inside to perform her "dance" in front of the TV screen before they have even got through the second bar of the theme.

We got Maddy to revive Old Wort's interest in life and keep him young at heart and because of her enthusiastic wandering eye it has worked.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: GUEST,Mrr
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 01:26 PM

My next-door neighbors, actually the other half of my duplex, have a Rottweiler who is just the sweetest thing, she's great with my twins, stronger than any human I've ever met (I certainly couldn't hold her if she chose not to let me) - and she's afraid of my kids' black stuffed animals! They have a big (taller than they are) cute stuffed fluffy black bear - the dog won't even stay in the yard if it's on the porch - and a little black doggie that I think the Rottweiler thinks is out to get her (and she doesn't argue). It's a howl. She doesn't seem to be afraid of any others, just the black ones. Go figure...

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 01:41 PM

Kendall, that was an amazing story.. so glad that dog was persistant...Tazzie by the way is a Lhasa Apso..Considered to be a favorite of the Dali Lhama ....KGH....Midchick.. sorry you feel that dogs are beasts.. I for one take very good care of my animals and understand your feelings about being attacked.. I was.. while walking my Tazzie attacked by a Rottie...whose owner assured me that he had never done that before...and proceded to blame my 14 lb pup for starting it... OKKKKKKK....

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: SeanM
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 02:28 PM

"So, let's bid farewell to our Bellman, whose voice we all used to know..."

No "smart dog" stories, but a brief memory of one of my favorite dogs, and damn near the stupidest creature on the face of the earth... would play "fetch the imaginary stick" for DAYS and never catch on...

Windy was about the sweetest tempered German Shepherd I've ever seen... her one big fault was a near psychotic fear of thunder. Well, one night, I'd been drinking pretty heavily and had pretty much barely managed to pass out in my own bed. It'd been ugly all day, but I wasn't figuring on rain...

Some time late at night, all hell broke loose in the skies. I didn't notice for obvious reasons... however, Windy most certainly did. Now, while stupid, she was by no means a SMALL dog... and panic motivated her to even higher levels. Damn dog broke my door in, and dove under the sheets to deposit a VERY cold nose in some very personal locations.

I'm not sure who was more startled... me by the sudden rude awakening, or the poor dog from the combination of the thunderstorm and my sudden yells...


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: katlaughing
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 02:34 PM

Nice thread, KGH, I am a little rushed right now, so am going to plagarise my own previous posting about our Current Canine. It has been really nice to read what others have to say.

Midchuck, I get pissed off at those who walk our neighbourhood with their dogs loose, not only because of the safety factor, but also because they usually allow them to poop and pee on everyone else's lawn! I've a mind, some days to follow them home in my car, with my dog, then take him out on a leash to their grass and have him do his business!

So, anyway, here's a past bit about our little darling:


I live with the world's most anticipatory dog, a McNab Border Collie. He is not only constantly watching and always ready for action, he works very hard at thinking what my next move might be. His intelligence can be downright scary at times.

It is as though we are playing out a chess game of life, for he has infinite patience and, despite his vigilance, is not a nervous or nerve-wracking dog in the least. Like a Fischer or Kasparov, he calmly, silently studies the lay of the land, eyebrows like independent question marks, going up and going down, until he has figured out his next move, based on my own, and we are off.

He is full of joy for life and an eagerness to please, with a modicum of reserve when it comes to the usual dog things: doesn't run off, never barks without a good reason, and eschews the company of his own kind (in fact, he is downright curmudgeonly to his own kind.).

Like a child, when he hears his "dad/s" vehicle pull up, he is at the door, which I open for the sheer joy of watching him race out to the truck, every inch of his body exuding utter happiness to look the fool in letting his "dad" know that he is glad he's come home. Or, if Rog doesn't come home at the usual time, like an old curmudgeon, he rattles the miniblinds, shoving his nose under them to glare out the window, and mutter/curse at me with deep gruffness.

There is not a day that goes by that he doesn't make us both laugh at the spontaneous love of life which fills his every pore. Joy, eagerness, calm acceptance, wanting to please; without disparaging those I've had before, I have to say he is the smartest and most engaging "furperson" I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Here's to Merlee!


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 02:40 PM

Ah but I DO know about that Sean!!! Fawnie was a very sweet girl who was terrified of thunder and lightning. She also would not sleep unless she was touching me. Fortunately she was short haired or I would have been smothered on several occasions. On one stormy night (in my single days), I arrived home to find her huddled in my closet. Not too odd you say? How about on the upper shelf? Large dog, but she must have had a helluva' time getting up there. I know I had a tough time getting her down.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Mary in Kentucky
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 05:32 PM

My husband (the veterinarian) has two Weimaraners, and I have two Yorkies. Spaw - we've noticed that Weimars are very hyper; perhaps some are intelligent but ours have been rather hard-headed. My husband said that if we had known earlier how much fun the little dogs were, we might not have had kids!


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Llanfair
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 06:06 PM

Tess is a blonde collie cross who was found at 12 weeks in a garage pit by Jim, my husband. She was covered in fleas, had worms and parovirus. She's nearly 10 now, anticipates every move, like Kat's collie, communicates remarkably well, and can laugh all over her face when she wants to. She is friendly with our three cats, only chasing them when they are daft enough to move fast. and hates all the other cats with the temerity to walk across our garden.
Benson is a retriever cross, who was aquired to keep Tess company when we went to work. Tess has played mind games with him since he was 6 weeks old, and he appears thoroughly cowed by her. But if there is a bone or toy that he wants, that she is being posessive about, he will whine urgently at the door until we let them out, then double back and grab the prize. Who says dogs can't plan ahead.
He is able to seek out and dispose of any crumb of food in the house before it hits the floor, thus my E-Mail name of crumbhound.
I love my dogs!!!! Hwyl, Bron.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:03 PM

Hi Mary........I've heard others say that too about weimies, but I've never had anything but wonderful, docile dogs. They need exercise, but many are major couch potatoes when given the chance. The breeder at the website I gave above commented to us and I see its on her site too, that they tend to pick up the "tone" of the house. On the other hand, they are prized for their intelligence, but mine have all been lovable idiots. The Bassett Hound Karen had when we married was THE hardest headed dog I have ever seen.

While we're all talking dogs here, until I got on the net a few years ago, I had no idea there were so many "Breed Rescues." I knew they existed for Greyhounds and Dals (too popular=too much bad breeding and too many unwanted dogs) but was unaware that they exist for almost all breeds. They are very dedicated folks in general and very particular if you want to adopt one of the rescued dogs. If you can find one close for a breed you are wanting, its a great way to go.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: katlaughing
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 08:56 PM

My girlfriend had a yellow-haired German Shepherd by the name of Custer, nicknamed "Cussie", who was deathly afraid of thunder. One day when she was out sailing off the coast of Rhode Island, I became concerned because a storm came up & I knew she was out. I didn't have a key to her apt. so couldn't really do much except hope for the best. Usually she had to hold him under the covers, cowering in fear whenever thunder rolled along.

Didn't hear anything from her until about midnight, when I heard, "Cussie *sob* *sob* is missing. He's jumped out the second story window and we cannot find him anywhere!"

This brought us across the border from CT to RI, a few blocks away, where we began cruising the streets looking everywhere a scared dog might hide. We were sure that me must've been injured as it was a straight drop to a hard paved driveway from her fire escape, which he'd obviously barreled through, evidenced by the torn screen.

Finally, after being stopped by the small town cops wondering if we were some sort of perverts or buglars, my daughter and I spotted a dark shadow which moved under some steps of a school. Sure enough, it was poor ole Cussie, who could barely walk. We got him loaded in the car, called the vet, took him over, and my friend met us there. That poor dog had torn everything there was to tear in his front lower leg, BUT had somehow managed to not break one bone.

He was a willingly pathetic invalid, lapping up the attention and went on with a more than pronounced limp whenever anyone looked long after he had healed up...soft tissue damage, ya know?**BG**

He was such a wonderful dog except for that one quirk and hating to go down the wooden stairs when his mom wasn't around. His favourite *binkie* (toy) was a bowling pin he would carry around in his mouth. He also had nice, soft stuffed toys, but his Binkie was his Bud and went almost everywhere with him. He also knew how to pick up all of his toys and put them in his basket.

Oh, Cussie, you good dog, you, rest in peace, pal.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Mary in Kentucky
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 09:34 PM

Working around lots of dogs for many years, we've also noticed that they tend to pick up the tone of the house. We've also noticed that most dogs really are a good judge of character! It's just my personal observation...but the best pets I've ever seen have been ones that were in some way rescued from a bad situation. It's almost as if they know they have been given a second chance. BTW, did you know that only about 40% (or less) ever make it out of the pound alive? My husband's first Weimaraner was rescued from the pound. Besides Breed Rescues, you can often find nice pure bred dogs (especially big dogs) at the pound. It seems that many idiots give their dog away when they realize it will get big.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 09:42 PM

Did you see the story in "People" a couple of weeks back about the fellow who played "Robin" opposite Adam West's Batman in the 60's? He now has a Great Dane Rescue! Neat story. Can you imagine the feed bill? They also had their home completely tiled to make cleaning easier!


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 09:46 PM

Kat.. Love the tale about the BINKIE.. Taz seems to know when we are about to leave without him and carries one of his babies following our every move.. I have a great Weimie story.. Years ago when we first married we had friends who had a beautiful weimie... He loved kids and followed "his" everywhere.. They had a little record player and the dog would sit and watch while it spinned... he would turn his head around following the spin and make himself so dizzy that he would fall over... of course this made the kids crazy and of course they played more records.. The same dog ran through several picture windows when the school bus arrived... They are the funniest dogs.. what great personalities...We considered one for a while but fell in love with lahasa's

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: kendall
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 10:02 PM

A bit for Midchuck.. my brother is in the habit of walking every day. He carries a golf club when he goes, and, one day a lady asked what the club was for, and he said "Dogs." She was appalled, and said "My God, doesn't that hurt them?" he replied "Not if they stay on the god damn porch."

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 10:23 PM

I've got a great Sheep Dog Story... I work in a town where there is a working farm that uses dogs to herd.. The woman who ownes and trains them was coming down the lane one morning with her older dog and a young "trainee". She gave the older dog the task of getting the sheep to the center of the field which he did expertly.. she then called him back and tied him.. Then brought the young dog to the center of the field and the young one managed to scatter the sheep in every direction.. I was standing by the older dog and he actually hung his down to the ground shook his.. head and began to grown continually until he was ordered to be quiet.. but he continued to shake his head with was as if he was embarassed about the young ones behavior... They are amazing animals SOOOO smart its almost unbelievable....Dulldan

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 10:30 PM

cute story Dan......And can we even talk about dog stories without asking how many of us have read all of James Herriot's books? Your story, Dan, reminded me of his kind of tale.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Mary in Kentucky
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:02 PM

When my hubby was in vet school, the AVMA gave James Herriot an award for "raising awareness" or something...but all vets accused him of plagiarism because his stories have happened to all of them. *BG*

BTW, have y'all read his book about the Yorkshire Dales? Makes one want to go there right now.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:11 PM

I think that one of the charms of his books is that they are common stories...well told. But I'm sure that Vets from everywhere are in agreement with your husband. Karen and I have read them all, you can tell since we have a son named Tristan. (Came from several sources, but that was one) BTW Mary, if you ever get to Yorkshire, we have a lot of members in those parts.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: MMario
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:17 PM

Our current dog is a Malamute. He has several distinctive barks for cars coming into the driveway, one for friends, one for strangers, one for family...and one special voice he uses ONLY for "Gramma" - and which is the most woeful sounding thing you have heard in your eight years he's never used this "voice" for anyone else, but you should hear the stories he tells her!

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Mary in Kentucky
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:18 PM

Ahh, the Tristan connection! I loved the TV series (originally produced by the BBC, probably PBS here) of all the episodes. Also, they interviewed the actors about filming the series. I think it was Tristan that said, "Put my arm, where?"

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:20 PM

I loved all of his books and enjoyed the series which PBS ran a few years ago...I loved "TrickieWOO" the over weight Pekineese which was pampered so by her owner...KGH

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 02 Jun 00 - 11:29 PM

Mmario...I once owned a wonderful Collie named Shamie He was trained by a fellow named Paul.. If we even mentioned in conversation the name "Paul"... Shamie would howl and race to the door continuing to bark and howl until he was convinced that Paul wasn't there... It wasn't a fear thing rather a love thing.. he was crazy over Paul...It is amazing when you know an animal and are able to recognize all of the different vocalizations which they use.....KGH

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Metchosin
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 08:45 AM

In honour his Chihuaha "Butch Henry", and my two dogs Maddy and Old Wort and generally of dogs everywhere, my brother wrote a fiddle piece called "March of the Dogs" that can be heard on the Walter Bodega Band CD.

I am hoping Max will play it on Mudcat Radio on Wednesday. A reviewer said it was hard to listen to the music and not picture a parade of dogs coming down the street, tongues lolling and tails wagging. So for all dog lovers, hopefully you can hear it and if you aren't that fond of dogs and just like good music, you will probably still enjoy the tune.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Banjer
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 10:20 AM

Ah, where to begin? Can't remember a time that there wasn't at least one dog around. Sometimes also cats, but loveable though cats can be, their independence makes them stray sometimes. Not so dogs. The current boss here in the house is a Chow/Shepherd mix about eight years old. He's been with us about seven and a half years. His intelligence knows no bounds. The facial expressions and body language he uses to communicate never cease to amaze me. His primary love in life is a tennis ball. Looking around the house I can see about a dozen of them in various stages of destruction. I don't set an alarm clock any more. Bear will come in and wake me each morning when it's time to get up. He doesn't do it on Saturday or Sunday, knowing that I'm off those days. Sometimes I'm already awake when he comes in, but lie around until he comes to do his job. It seems he takes a certain pride in prforming his duty.
Last December 27th I had to perform one of the hardest things a dog owner has to do. My 13 year old Shepherd, a faithful companion for over 12 years had contracted cancer and it was time to say goodbye to her. I have had have dogs put down before, but my Dee-Dee was the hardest I ever had to face. She was constantly by my side. If I sat in the chair in the living room, she lay beside it. If I moved to the couch, she also moved next to it. In her early years she knew when I got up from my chair in the living room it must be bed time and followed dutifuly down the hall. In later years she would get up and stand in the hall watching to see if I was coming, walking back to nudge me if I didn't move fast enough to suit her. She was everything a person could ask for in a companion. I chuckle occasionally when I think of her antics with the cat across the street. April (the cat) would come to the front door and meow until Dee-Dee was let out and took up the chase. April would then head for the nearest fence or under a vehicle knowing that the 65 pound dog would not fit where she would go. This game lasted between the two until April and her family moved away. As I sit here thinking of Dee-Dee and all the love she brought to me I can't help but feel sorry (not condemn) those that think dogs are 'stupid beasts' Unless one knows the unconditional love of a dog such as Dee-Dee or Bear, or any of the many others in my life, one cannot understand what real love is.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Catlin
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 10:39 AM

My dog (who is sat at my feet ATM)is a sort of rescue dog. Her old owner works with my partner, and we got her when she was a year old. She was given to us because she ate the pet rabbit. She still is partial to a rabbit or two! She is a Border-Collie/German Sheperd cross and we call her Vixen.... because she looks like one!She is three nearly four now and still acts like a big puppy.

*Hugs* Catlin

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 12:46 PM

Banjer.. What a touching story..I too have had a friend like that..her name was Pokie..She was a dear loyal little Lahasa..We got her when our son Gabriel was two years old and he (Gabriel) was her (Pokie) constant companion.. She was almost 15 years old when suddenly she was unable to use her hind legs.. She was in a lot of pain and after talking it over with Gabe and Chelsey we felt that it was unkind to allow her to suffer.. It was the saddest day we have ever faced.. The house felt like a tomb when we came back..I have never cried so hard..We miss her still and feel ( stupidly) that she lead us to Tazzie.. who is our new family member ....KGH

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: catspaw49
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 01:00 PM

Well, this thread wouldn't be complete without mentioning The Rainbow Bridge....scroll down a bit. I'm a sucker for schlock, but this is of course the way I'd like to think I'll meet all those wonderful 4 legged friends again.


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Metchosin
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 01:54 PM

Banjer, thanks for the story, she said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Spaw, I don't know if it's just my computer acting up, but I've tried your link twice and my computer crashed both times. Too bad, I would have loved to have seen it, I'm a sucker for schlock, especially regarding animals, too.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: katlaughing
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 02:06 PM

Try again, Metochsin, it has a midi file which takes a while to load. Dammit, Spaw, I already had tears enough!**BG** You'd better bet it'll be that way, if not I am not going!


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Metchosin
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 02:48 PM

Still no luck kat. My computer will import the midi but as soon as it starts playing, the whole thing crashes. It says it is caused by a type 2 error, which I think is a memory thing, but I have never had any trouble with sound files before, even large ones. I'm using Netscape and not Internet Explorer, perhaps that could be the problem?

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: wildlone
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 04:04 PM

I have a rescued corgi cross sheltie who adores loud noises including thunder in a storm she will keep running to the door to be let out and then looks up at the lightning.
During the firework displays for the millenium she was in her ellement.
Dogs give us so much and expect so little in return.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Banjer
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 05:54 PM

I knew of the Rainbow Bridge and had even considered putting a memorial there for Dee-Dee, just never got around to it. Like Kat and 'Spaw I too hope that it will happen that way, someday reuniting with my animal friends. Oh what a wonderful reunion that will be. Let's see, there will be Dee-Dee, Buzzy, Kelly, Heinz, Darby, Lady, Duchess, Cognac and Brandy, and a host of others that for one reason or another adopted me. There will also be cats, rabbits, a couple of birds and the list goes on and on.

Hello, my name is Ray and I'm an animal lover. If that is an illness, it's one I never hope to recover from!

Like Wildone said, animals ask so little and give manyfold in return. Just today I had a visit from my oldest son and his two dogs, (my grandpups). One is about two years old, a boxer/labrador mix and her "little brother" about 10 weeks old. He is a result of the same parents that she was. While Jimmy and I had a very pleasant visit, I must admit to spending more time playing and talking to the two grandpups!

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 07:24 PM

That site is wonderful SPAW.. it is great to know that there are others out there that are saps...KGH

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: katlaughing
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 08:47 PM

Banjer and Wildlone/Dave, nice to see you both on here amongst the rest of the Sappy Critter Lovers' Lot!

Hi, my name is Kat and I am an animal lover, too! May it ever be so!


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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: JamesJim
Date: 04 Jun 00 - 10:42 PM

What great stories. Our little dog Missy is a cockepoo, but looks like a minature cocker. We have had her since she was 8 weeks old and now she is almost 13 years. One evening, about 9 years ago, my wife was walking Missy and a little stray cat followed them home. Missy would normally bark her head off at cats, but not this one. She seemed to know it was in trouble and needed rescuing. After a visit to our vet, "Lilly" (derived from the Cheers character, Lillith, whom I think had a perfect cat personality) became a part of our family. They have gotten along beautifully.

There is a tiny bit of jealousy on Missy's part. In fact, the very first night Lilly spent with us, she followed us upstairs to the bedroom and jumped in bed with us. Missy had been perfectly content to spend her nights in the laundry room (behind a closed door), in her bed, but when she heard the cat getting all of our attention, she went crazy. From that point on, both Missy and Lilly have slept with us. They each know their position on the bed. Thank goodness for a king size bed. Yes, I'm a sap too. But ain't it fun? Jim

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Banjer
Date: 05 Jun 00 - 06:48 AM

Yes Jim, I think those of us who are 'saps' lead a richer and fuller life than those that for whatever reason (fear, health, etc., in many cases no fault of their own) haven't experienced the wonderful feeling of those big watery eyes looking up at you, that long wet tongue brushing your hand, and the I LOVE NO MATTER WHAT look on the faces. As I sit here later in life I often regret not having been able to pursue the career in Veterinary Medicine as I wanted to at one point in my life. So I settle for the next best thing. Sharing what I can with the animals I love!

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: keltcgrasshoppper
Date: 05 Jun 00 - 07:29 AM

Banjer,I could'nt have said that any better..all of what you said if as if it was me talking..I guess animal lovers have a lot in common..KGH and Dulldan

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: kendall
Date: 05 Jun 00 - 05:37 PM

One who loves, gives hostage to fate.

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Subject: RE: Dog stories....
From: Sorcha
Date: 05 Jun 00 - 07:08 PM

Indeed we do, kendall, but I don't regret a moment of it. We currently have 2 Pembroke welsh Corgis. I have never met a more "human?" breed of dog. Someone asked me a while back why I chose that breed, and I said, "Because they are perfect". The only serious drawback is that they are double coated, and boy, o howdy, do they shed.

I am so "critter oriented" that last weekend, camping at the lake, I took pictures of all the dogs (8) in camp. The hell with the people, they are only in the pics if they were accidentally in the frame with the dogs.

We also provide house service for 4 cats, and I move spiders outside (except for THOSE 2 kinds--they do get squished).

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