BS: Canuck Pensions |
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Subject: BS: CANUCK PENSIONS From: gnu Date: 17 Feb 10 - 12:09 PM Here. As it's short, I am gonna paste it too in case the link dies in future. OTTAWA - Treasury Board President Stockwell Day says the federal government has to "live within its means" and its long-term goal remains deficit reduction. Speaking after pre-budget meetings with two of the federal government's largest unions, Day would not rule out pension or wage cuts, but he promised to work with labour to "maintain the integrity" of public-service pension plans. He says 1.5-per-cent caps on public-service wage increases will continue through 2011. After that, he says, "there will be other discussions." Day says the economy remains "fragile." His comments came after meetings with John Gordon, national president of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, and Gary Corbett, national president of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. |
Subject: RE: BS: CANUCK PENSIONS From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Feb 10 - 12:31 PM Uh-oh. I gather that Stockwell Day himself is not short on retirement funds? |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 17 Feb 10 - 01:44 PM Just on brains. He has proven that more than once. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 17 Feb 10 - 03:43 PM Did you see the 22 minutes spot re Day's "referendum rule legislation" proposal? He proposed a law that if 250,000 (correct figure?) signed a petition, the subject referendum MUST be held. 22 Minutes started a petition on requiring him to change his name to Doris Day. And, after the fiasco about his financial indescretions, he gets WHAT job? Oooohhhhh, me nerves. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Ebbie Date: 17 Feb 10 - 06:18 PM The advert above refers to "The Thrill of It All". You guys like your problems, I presume? :) |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 17 Feb 10 - 07:10 PM My advert is about queers. I don't consider that my problem. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 17 Feb 10 - 07:49 PM I do consider the 2IC financial guy in Canada talking about fucking over the people who built this country very queer. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Charmion Date: 17 Feb 10 - 08:19 PM Ya just gotta love the politics of envy. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: 3refs Date: 18 Feb 10 - 08:24 AM Stimulus Payment Info. "This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A format: Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment? A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers. Q. Where will the government get this money? A. From taxpayers. Q. So the government is giving me back my own money? A. Only a smidgen. Q. What is the purpose of this payment? A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy. Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China ? A. Shut up. Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the Canadian economy by spending your stimulus check wisely: If you spend that money at Wal-Mart, all the money will go to China .. If you spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs. If you purchase a computer it will go to India . If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico , Honduras , and Guatemala (unless you buy organic). If you buy a car it will go to Japan . If you purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan . And none of it will help the Canadian economy. We need to keep that money here in Canada . You can keep the money in Canada by spending it at yard sales, going to a hockey game, or spend it on prostitutes, domestic beer and wine or tattoos, since those are the only fucking businesses still in Canada. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: 3refs Date: 18 Feb 10 - 08:29 AM Do not apply for your old age pension... Apply to be a refugee. It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 and each can get an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of $2, 470.00. This compares very well to a single pensioner who, after contributing to the growth and development of Canada for 40 or 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Furthermore if you had the wisdom to have a RRSP and made other income generating investments you may have earned the right to receive nothing from the Federal Government as they claw your Old Age Pension back because in their opinion you do not need it!!!!! Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees! |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Beer Date: 18 Feb 10 - 08:51 AM Thanks for the advice ref. In three years I will be applying. That is if there will be any money to apply for. Beer (adrien) |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Little Hawk Date: 18 Feb 10 - 09:51 AM Perhaps what we are seeing occur is the ultimate manifestation of uncontrolled growth...not just in Canada, but across the planet. That is, number one, growth of population. Growth of population leads to increasing consumption of resources of every kind. And that's in a finite world. Advances in technology coupled with growth in population lead to increased lifestyle expectations which lead to even greater consumption of resources. We can create vast amounts of fictional "money", but we cannot create more resources than the planet already has...and those resources, per capita, are rapidly diminishing. Thus we see an inevitable strain on everyone's share of those resources. What next? Try watching this series of videos of a talk given by a professor at the University of Colorado regarding growth (of population, industry, production, etc). It's dry stuff, not terribly exciting in a superficial sense...but it's extremely interesting if you bother to focus on it enough to start appreciating and understanding what he is saying: "Growth" - and where it eventually leads. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 18 Feb 10 - 02:37 PM Thanks, LH. Love it 3! I wish I could apply for Canuck citizenship. As an immigrant, I could apply for federal $$$ to buy out a business. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Bob the Postman Date: 18 Feb 10 - 05:21 PM Economic growth has long depended on grabbing someone else's stuff for free. Stuff like Aztec gold, prairie topsoil, old-growth forests, and, most recently here in B. C., the water flowing down mountain creeks gets turned into Spanish doubloons, ship-loads of wheat, millions of copies of the Times, and exportable electricity. But the frontier has closed and the free stuff is almost gone. We baby-boomers are a treasure trove however, and we will be exploited. The pension funds we paid into will be gutted and the money we saved or inherited will be appropriated. My banjo teacher, for example, made do on a disability pension from Nortel, but the company went tits up and the pension is about to disappear so she has to sell her house. It's a good thing we had lots of practice living communally and taking our grievances to the streets back when we were youngsters. Those skills are going to come in handy as we go down fighting. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Little Hawk Date: 18 Feb 10 - 05:30 PM Right on, Bob. The extraordinary affluence of North America was built by exploting a vast area of incredibly rich geography most of which had barely been affected at all yet by the millions of Native people who were living here before the Europeans came. Even the wildlife had not been seriously affected (other than the possible extinction of North American elephants in prehistoric times, presumably due to predation by bands of humans). As you say, the frontier is gone now (except for the rapidly vanishing Amazon rainforest). The free stuff given by Nature is almost all gone. Yet the game goes on, as if nothing had changed. The people playing it now don't seem to know how to get off the hamster wheel that their recent ancestors set into motion...and what's that wheel really about? It's about making money. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 18 Feb 10 - 06:19 PM True. Sad, but true. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 19 Feb 10 - 04:18 PM IF anyone is interested... Service New Brunswick provides aerial photos online. If you look at the ones of the bog country of Kent County, you can see "trail lines". These are lines that still exist. They were made by caribou over thousands of years. I have never seen a caribou. My gramma Owens told me of them. Back in the 1890s, the caribou would migrate past their farm, nose to tail during daylight, for over four days. I have walked such trails... two to four feet deep. I have a set of antlers. Gramp Owens' father shot one in spring when the rivers and fields stayed frozen late. He didn't want to take a moose because he knew the meat would be near as bad as caribou after the hard winter. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Ed T Date: 19 Feb 10 - 04:44 PM In most cases, ther are no benefit seen by not developing a resource, because economists, planners and regulators only see economc development as having a measurable public value. This has led to a " prospector mentality", giving you access to public resources If you propose a use and can show an econimic gain (even though it is yours). This still exists .even though resources are fewer and threatened from nonsustainable use. In most cases these resources are harvested with no concern for other resources or species harmed (beyond the target interest) . Leaving the harm to someone else, or a future generation to deal with. There are a multitude of examples on land and in water. Governments use the words sustainable as buzz words,,often only meaning the sustainable economic interests of the user. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Little Hawk Date: 19 Feb 10 - 05:06 PM Yes, our governments and business community and financiers have sold themselves to an insane religion (or philosophy)...one that sees humanity and humanity's concerns as separate from Nature. This is sheer lunacy, because we are in no way separate from Nature, we are one small part OF nature, and it cannot be otherwise. We either work in harmony with Nature or we eventually perish in war and misery, after having ruined just about everything else around us, and after having wiped out many other species. The movie Avatar made a very strong point about that, and that's one of the many excellent things about that movie. It could hardly be more appropriate a lesson for our times. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 19 Feb 10 - 07:28 PM I posted this more than once, years ago... When I did my master's degree, an economics prof taught us a post-grad course. One lecture was on engineering public projects under differing social policies... I will shorten it up... Railroad. A to B is around or through the mountain. Communist tunnels because it takes less life cycle resources. Captalist goes around mountain because it costs less up front and he can begin making money sooner. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: GUEST,ollaimh Date: 19 Feb 10 - 10:19 PM refugees DO NOT get 2400 a month. thats total bullshit.they get welfae and have to pay the $1600 entrance fee them selves. the tories for those who pay attention, increases spending , before the recession by about fourty billion and reduced taxes by about the same amount. they put us in deficit a full eighteen months before we wouold have been if they had stayed the liberal course. the liberals left them a ten billuion surplus and they squandered it. just like mulroney did. he almost doubled our national indebtedness in nine years. the tories have been a financial disaster for canada just as the republicans have been for the us. clinton left a balanced budget and future surplusses and the bush adminstration spent the potential surplusses before they actually became surplusses. its time for american and canadians to wake up and realize that they are selling snake oil and driving us into penury |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: Bob the Postman Date: 20 Feb 10 - 11:12 AM And what's really annoying about the Tories' squanderthon is the fact that the ten billion (a bit of it, anyway) came out of MY hide in the first place. Martin spread a lot of pain around in order to kill the deficit. I didn't agree with it at the time, but having endured the cutbacks, it is galling to see it all spent on buying votes and implementing an ideological agenda. |
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions From: gnu Date: 20 Feb 10 - 12:59 PM Dearest guest. When will you provide us with the government links to your information in support of your hypothesis? |