Subject: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: ChrisJBrady Date: 24 Mar 11 - 07:47 AM The idiot cycle: What you aren't being told about cancer. Parts 1 & 2 The Idiot Cycle, a French-Canadian documentary, alleges six major chemical companies are responsible for decades of cancer causing chemicals and pollution, while also developing cancer treatments and drugs. It also argues these companies own the most patents on genetically modified crops that have never been tested for long term health impacts like cancer. The film was shot in Canada (Sarnia, Ottawa, Toronto, ON and Saskatoon, SK), the United States (Memphis, TN, Midland, MI, and Washington DC), The Netherlands (Amsterdam), France (Agen, Paris), Italy (Bologna), Germany (Weilheim, Frankfurt, Bad Neihum, Burladingen, Tübingen), Belgium (Brussels), England (London, Hemel Hempstead), and Northern Ireland (Coleraine). It was an official selection at eight international film festivals including RIDM in Montreal, IDFA in Amsterdam, OXDOX in Oxford and the International Health Film Festival in Greece. In 2010 it was awarded the "Green Report" Award at the Romanian Film Festival Document.Art Directed by Emmanuelle Schick Garcia Produced by Emmanuelle Schick Garcia and Laila Tahhar |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: ChrisJBrady Date: 24 Mar 11 - 07:53 AM As one viewer comments: It's a very good film, thank you for letting us see it! Not only these companies want us to be fed by their GMOs, get cancer by their chemicals and GMOs, then be treated by their pharma products and get profit the whole way down. They also want us to have NO access to herbs for self-treatment, and they are winning! Just now a petition is open against one of these directives in the European Union. The directive is called The Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive, just google it. We have until April 30th, after herbs like chamomile, fennel, peppermint will be considered like drugs and must pass the expensive pharmaceutical type of testing to be proved SAFE for use in Europe. Madness! I hope RT will make some report about what's happening to alternative medicine in the USA and Europe. Homeopathy and herbs are in constant attack and health promoting herbs like stevia already considered illegal for sale and consumption. Stevia sweatens without worsening diabetis, it even helps diabetics, and without the cancerigenous [carcinogenic?] effect seen in most sweeteners. You can't find stevia in the natural shops as it is illegal!! What kind of mad world are we in? Anyone suspect sugar industry and pharma might be involved? |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: artbrooks Date: 24 Mar 11 - 09:04 AM Please feel free to come to the US, go to the grocers, and buy all the stevia you want. |
Subject: : What You're Not Told About Big Pharma From: Donuel Date: 24 Mar 11 - 09:58 AM BIG Pharma has hired some veteran Wall St. and Enron executive types to help maximize profits. Get a load of their latest scheme. When one of their best selling brand name drugs are about to qualify for generic pricing, they secure government money to research a re-formulation of the drug. They then register the reformulation as a new drug but retain the old name. They destroy the original formulation and then register the brand new drug, rendering any generic priced form of the drug illegal and impossible to produce. The government never gets their money back, the generic distribution of the drug is abolished and the new reformulation under the old name does not get tested for any dangers. The only cost to BIG Pharma are the salaries of the veteran Enfon genius'. !!! They raise the price of the drug to $35,000 for two injections per year. Pig Dharma defends their practice by saying they are offering it for pennies on the dollar to ANYONE on Medicare. HOWEVER THE DRUG IS ONLY LIFE SAVING ONLY FOR PREGNANT WOMEN ! Medicare patients are over 62 and are seldom pregnant. technically, my telling you about this scheme is questionably illegal. I suspect that we will see very few drugs in the future that will become generic priced alternatives now that the expiration of original patents can be by passed, loopholed and juryrigged as explained above. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: ChrisJBrady Date: 24 Mar 11 - 12:08 PM There are bonus clips on YouTube at: The Idiot Cycle - Trailer - English Trailer: The Idiot Cycle The Idiot Cycle - Bonus Clip "Monsanto Investigators" The Idiot Cycle - Bonus Clip "Chemical Workers" The Idiot Cycle - Bonus Clip "Dr. Davis The Idiot Cycle - Bonus clip "GM Golden Rice" The Idiot Cycle - Bonus Clip "Clean Water" |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: harmonic miner Date: 24 Mar 11 - 12:12 PM "get cancer by their chemicals and GMOs" Sigh, more nonscience. I'm referring specifically to the bit about GMO's. I assume this means Genetically Modified Organisms? Some of them could give you cancer but theres no reason to suppose that they are more likely to do so than non-genetically modified ones. Selective breeding has resulted in cattle being genetically modified i.e. having different genes to those of their original wild ancestors. But they are not necessarily more likely to cause cancer. There are varieties of wheat ganetically modified to make them disease resistant. They are not necessarily more likely to cause cancer either. But they might reduce the use of carcinogenic pesticides. I'm not saying that all Genetic Modification is good but there is no particular link to cancer. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: GUEST,VaTam_I told you I was ill Date: 24 Mar 11 - 12:45 PM I noted in 1998 when my youngest fell ill with autoimmune liver disease, in my research that the largest grossing industry was petro chemicals and second largest was health care including disease research and pharamceutical research and production. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Mar 11 - 01:16 PM Yup. It's an old story by now, CJB. There are plenty of reference books out there in the alternative health field, and books written by courageous MDs to confirm what Big Pharma and the Cancer Industry and the food industry are doing....but all those conventional sleepwalkers out there who wish to pooh-pooh, dismiss, and deny any such claims that challenge the medical and corporate mainstream are as impervious to such information as a Jehovah's Witness is impervious to anything outside his little belief cage. Accordingly, I don't waste my time debating with them about it any longer. It's like debating with a wall. They are welcome to submit themselves to the not so tender mercies of surgery, chemotherapy, drugs, and radiation when they get sick, and I will not stand in their way. No sir. I will take care of my own health, and leave them to their accustomed mental comfort zone and their drug-poisoned lifestyle. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: GUEST,Lilyfestre Date: 24 Mar 11 - 03:25 PM LH.... I know a guy who subscribed to that and now he is dead. Cancer. I think there is a balance and everyone is entitled to do as they wish. I, for one, am thankful for the surgery, chemo, and meds that saved my life. Michelle |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 24 Mar 11 - 03:41 PM Evolution and selection through time has genetically modified every organism, including ourselves. Current efforts are modern variation on an old continuum. (As the google advert that keeps reappearing says- "Don't eat bananas" -if you don't agree with their evolutionary pattern). |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Greg F. Date: 24 Mar 11 - 03:52 PM Yeah, the world would be a boring place without the Conspiracy Of The Day (Hour?) and the loonies willing to believe things in the absence of any and all scientific evidence. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: JohnInKansas Date: 24 Mar 11 - 04:51 PM ERROR: Medicare patients are over 62 and are seldom pregnant. Anyone receiving a disability benefit from the Social Security program is required to sign up for Medicare beginning 6 months after payment of the first benefit. Additional persons receiving "social welfare" benefits from other (State, etc) programs frequently are eligible for Medicare, sometimes as an option and sometimes as a requirement of the programs. In most states this includes the majority of children in foster care. Children of persons receiving some kinds of welfare benefits may be eligible even when the parents are not. As a consequence, nearly 50% of MEDICARE eligible persons in the US are less than 62 years old. Payments by Medicare for medical treatment of persons under retirement age has hovered near 50% of all Medicare costs in recent years, including large numbers of females of child-bearing ages. US Specific: In the US there is a move to require validation of herbal medicines for medical uses, with prohibitions on advertising herbals as having medical benefits without proof of effectiveness, control of dosage and purity, and verification of "freedom from harm." The Physicians Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines is just as easily available as the Physicians Desk Reference for prescription meds - both from the same FDA/AMA supported and approved publisher. There are few prohibitions on sale, but claims of medicinal value need to be examined and have in some cases been disputed. (Some states prohibit sale of sassafras roots and bark, and some restrict licorice (but not necessarily anise) due to carcinogenic properties demonstrated by tests and known to my grandma 100 years ago.) John |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: VirginiaTam Date: 24 Mar 11 - 04:52 PM The last 3 generations of my maternal grandparents family have grown more and more ill. Hopewell Virginia (once touted as the Chemical Capitial of the south) is where we were all born and raised. My mother has had serious breathing difficulties since she was a teen, her twin suffers from Crohns and recurring diverticulitis and was only able to bring one child to term, their older sister passed away in her early 60s after suffering numerous random illnesses, their older brother died in his 40s cancer, my cousin (64) has been in hospital for over a month, they cannot figure out what is wrong with her, her daughters and grandson have numerous health conditions ranging from bipoloar to ADHD, my sister and her daughter number of autoimmune related illnesses, I have autoimmune hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis (no one on either side of my family has this) and sjogrens and now something happening with my heart and lungs, my son ADHD and bipolar, my younger daughter hyperthyroid, poly-ovarian cyst syndrome, liver disease, enlarged spleen, kidney stones, my older daughter now dead from autoimmune adrenal dysfunction. My maternal grandparents who moved to Hopewell from West Virginia and Pennsylvania were healthy and lived into their late 80s. Don't tell me the chemicals we were exposed to in Hopewell did not contribute to deteriorating health of my extended family. Conspiracy theory? Maybe no conspiracy to make us all ill and then profit by creating treatments. Perhaps just a fortuitous afterthought. It does not profit any company making medicines to do their job too well, does it? And it sure as shit don't sit right with me that the big pharmaceutical companies are bound up with the chemical companies. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Greg F. Date: 24 Mar 11 - 05:06 PM Correlation does not imply causation. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: VirginiaTam Date: 24 Mar 11 - 05:57 PM Big corporate gluts lobby to protect themselves from scientific evidence, don't they? Who controls the funding for research? What mechanism makes it possible for them to continually change the chemical composition of the things we consume (and I don't just mean ingest) without having done a risk study and without having to tell the consumer that the product has changed and how it has changed. I remember one of my professors, trying to get a grant to study women and babies living in the apple growing region of Virginia. He grew up in the area and noted a high incidence of spontaneous abortion and deformities in the region and suspected it was to do with something the growers were spraying on the apples. This was about 12 years after the EPA finally got the stick out on Alar (Daminozide). His application to do the research was repeatedly rejected. Is it a coincidence that there was a Uniroyal Plant in the area he wanted to do his research? Uniroyal made Daminozide. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: harmonic miner Date: 25 Mar 11 - 12:08 PM "Evolution and selection through time has genetically modified every organism, including ourselves. Current efforts are modern variation on an old continuum. (As the google advert that keeps reappearing says- "Don't eat bananas" -if you don't agree with their evolutionary pattern). " Actually, bananas ar a good example. The wild ones have seeds in them and so are crunchy. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: ChrisJBrady Date: 25 Mar 11 - 12:17 PM The added risk is that in pricing pharmaceuticals too high folks are going to seek alternative sources and that means on the Internet. But much of the cr*p sold there originate from that great powerhouse of 'fake-just-about-everything' - to wit China. There is a crisis in Africa from the widespread use of fake Chinese medicines. And these have even found their way into the NHS in the UK via unscrupulous importers. Next time you get prescribed a bunch of pills and ointments ask your Dr. if he can guarantee that they are authentic. He wont know. And for many - certainly in the UK - viable and affordable alternative sources of self-medication are frequently from natural sources or homoeopathic treatments of many kinds. But these are now being actively banned by the EEC kow-towing to the greedy pharmaceuticals. On April 1 most of these become illegal throughout Europe. However the UK is holding out for the present. The film The Idiot Cycle states that in Washington there are more lobbyists from the pharmaceutical industry than there are congressmen/women. I guess the same applied to Brussels. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Dorothy Parshall Date: 25 Mar 11 - 01:12 PM I was poisoned by walking up one flight of stairs that has just been carpeted. My life will never be the same. The brain damage plagues me daily. The surgeon at the cancer clinic looked at my history and we wondered how I got cancer: from 17 years in an area with uranium mines all over? The nurse at the clinic immediately responded to the rise in breast cancer: It's the environment. I looked at the warnings on the cancer-related prescription before I left the pharmacy ---and returned it. It MIGHT prevent cancer; it also might cause...................... Forget it! The drug companies do their own research and studies and the FDA lets things be approved that later are found to be causing multiple problems, including death. Sixty seconds of diesel fumes and my brain goes to mush. More and I have to pull off the road to recover. I was poisoned by an organophosphate; would not wish it on my worst enemy. I was poisoned by Roundup; sick for a month. I didn't use it. It had been sprayed on a garden I was helping with - a month previously by some stupid idiot. Yeah, it killed the weeds but then someone had to pull out the dead weeds. Gardening gloves and long sleeves and I still got sick. What LH said and more. The true criminals in this world are making millions and making us all sick. I have a friend/health consultant whom I trust with my health. She managed to help me recover most of it. So far, I am able to maintain good health, even if not so great brain function sometimes, without the poisons spewed out by drug companies. Herbs are not generally harmful unless greatly overdone. Supplements are generally eliminated by the body if not needed; we may waste some money but not our health. I pay no heed to the big alternative health folks, especially those who are making money selling fancy stuff. I listen to my friend; I do my own research; I listen to my body. When I broke a rib, I went to the hospital. Nothing they could do but give me pain killers. The doctor looked at me strangely when I said I did not need them. There are enough poisons in the environment. I put as few as possible into my body knowingly. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: gnu Date: 25 Mar 11 - 02:54 PM Gee, I guess I won't... and you shouldn't. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Greg F. Date: 25 Mar 11 - 06:21 PM Hmmmm.... quite the collection of Christian Scientisits. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: ChrisJBrady Date: 26 Mar 11 - 08:43 AM The Idiot Cycle - film banned in the US !!! and more ... |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Greg F. Date: 26 Mar 11 - 10:39 AM Idiot something, for sure. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: catspaw49 Date: 26 Mar 11 - 11:08 AM I can see this is the place to come to get my supply of life giving, holistic and natural, horse shit. So nice it is in such abundance here! Give me a big ol' wad and a glass of Gofuckoff to wash it down. Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: DrugCrazed Date: 26 Mar 11 - 11:15 AM You've used the term alternative medicine, and mentions are made of natural remedies. By definition, alternative medicine has been proved not to work, or not been proved to work. You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proven to work? Medicine. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: DrugCrazed Date: 26 Mar 11 - 11:19 AM That might sound harsh, but I have no time for people telling me that herbs will solve everything. Most people here have taken the bark of a Willow tree, but they called it aspirin. Don't get be starting on Homeopathy either. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: catspaw49 Date: 26 Mar 11 - 11:30 AM Why how dare you bring reason into the discussion? I tell you that once I went up some icy steps that had just had salt applied and ruined my blood pressure forever. Then there was the time that I almost ruined my health by changing the kitty litter to the clumping type! Before you condemn herbal and natural approaches, why not join Greg and I in some some warm horse shit with a Gofuckoff chaser? Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: bobad Date: 26 Mar 11 - 11:32 AM Alternative medicine is a four billion dollar industry. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Greg F. Date: 26 Mar 11 - 11:40 AM Yeah, Spaw & we should all imbibe inside crystal pyramid, too. I once seriously endangered my blood pressure by reading new-age lunatic drivel- which is something that can ACTUALLY ruin your health, both mental & physical. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: LilyFestre Date: 26 Mar 11 - 02:13 PM Spaw.... Welcome back my friend....thanks for a good belly laugh!!!!! WOOOO...I needed that!!!! XOXOXO Michelle |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: gnu Date: 26 Mar 11 - 05:17 PM Maybe I will tonight though. It's Saturday night and I'm feelin lucky. I think I'll tempt fate and eat an apple. Although, given the Eden Syndrome... fuck it, I'll have a few beers. I KNOW they will kill me but I won't give a shit. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 26 Mar 11 - 05:24 PM A good single malt will cure you. Or Hadacol will do. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: gnu Date: 26 Mar 11 - 06:14 PM Haddockol? Fish and booze? That might be lost on ferriners so here. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Don Firth Date: 26 Mar 11 - 09:12 PM No, those are not liver spots! That's where I drooled my Geritol. Don Firth |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: gnu Date: 26 Mar 11 - 09:16 PM Liver spots and carrotosis. Pour me some Geritol... in a dirty glass. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: Donuel Date: 29 Mar 11 - 11:26 AM The washington post today printed the story I related above Critics slam cost of FDA-approved drug to prevent preterm births Text Size PrintE-mailReprintsBy Rob Stein, Monday, March 28, 9:07 PM When a drug to prevent babies from being born too early won federal approval in February, many doctors, pregnant women and others cheered the step as a major advance against a heartbreaking tragedy. KV Pharmaceutical Co./ - Makena, a recently approved drug to prevent preterm births. Then they saw the price tag. The list price for the drug, Makena, turned out to be a stunning $1,500 per dose. That's for a drug that must be injected every week for about 20 weeks, meaning it will cost about $30,000 per at-risk pregnancy. If every eligible American woman were to get Makena, the nation's bloated annual health-care tab would swell by more than $4 billion. What really infuriates patients and doctors is that the same compound has been available for years at a fraction of the cost — about $10 or $20 a shot. "It's outrageous," said Helain J. Landy, chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Georgetown University Hospital. "Raising the cost of each injection from around $20 to $1,500 is ludicrous." The company that owns Makena, KV Pharmaceutical of St. Louis, says the price is reasonable, given that it is spending more than $200 million to develop the drug and conduct follow-up studies that the Food and Drug Administration demands, and because of the savings resulting from preventing preterm births. Through a subsidiary, Ther-Rx Corp., the company created a program to help women who can't afford it. "Ther-Rx is fundamentally committed to the community of women, children and families it serves and has been carefully listening to all stakeholders following the announcement of the list price for Makena," the company said in an e-mail. Critics are challenging that claim, noting that the main study used to demonstrate the drug's effectiveness was a $5 million project conducted by the National Institutes of Health — paid by taxpayers. "It's not like this drug is something they invented," said George Saade, president of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, which, along with the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American Academy of Pediatrics, sent KV a letter protesting Makena's price. "I think the company is taking advantage of their FDA approval and their monopoly to make money." In addition to making the drug unaffordable for some women, experts fret about the added costs for insurers that choose to pay for it, especially Medicaid programs already being slashed in states struggling with deficits. "I'm worried about the patients not being able to afford the medication. I'm worried about our health-care system not being able to afford to pay this kind of price for a medication. And I'm worried about a process that enabled a drug that was readily available to go on to be become very expensive," said Hal C. Lawrence III, vice president of practice activities at ACOG. The case has put a spotlight on the March of Dimes, which has received about $1 million in donations from Ther-Rx and praised Makena when it was approved, only to later criticize the price. "They were clearly holding back the price until after the FDA approval process," said Alan R. Fleischman, March of Dimes's medical director. "When we found out, we were as outraged as everyone else." More than 500,000 of the 4.2 million women who have babies each year give birth prematurely, and many of the babies don't survive. Those who do are at increased risk for many health problems, including mental retardation, cerebral palsy and autism. A form of progesterone known as 17P was used for years to reduce the risk of preterm birth, but it fell out of favor after the manufacturing company stopped making it. In 2003, the NIH study showed that 17P could cut the risk of preterm delivery if given in the first 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. That led to a resurgence in the use of 17P. Because no companies marketed the drug, women obtained it cheaply from "compounding" pharmacies, which produced individual batches for them. Doctors and regulators had long worried about the purity and consistency of the drug and were pleased when KV won FDA's imprimatur for a well-studied version, which the company is selling as Makena. The approval of Makena gave the company seven years of exclusive rights, and KV immediately fired off letters to compounding pharmacies, warning that they could no longer sell their versions of drug. "Continuing to compound this product after FDA approval of Makena renders the compounded product subject to FDA enforcement for violating certain provisions of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, as well as FDA guidance," the letter says. After word of KV's actions began to spread, Internet sites for pregnant women became filled with angry commentary. Some created Facebook pages lambasting KV. "I think it's disgusting," said Della Leahy, 34, of Fairfax, who is taking 17P to prevent her fourth pregnancy from ending prematurely. Leahy has two children but lost a son in 2008 who was born prematurely. "It just seems like the company is out for a huge gain of money. It's very upsetting." Each insurance company and state Medicaid program must decide whether to cover the drug. But even women whose insurance will pay could face thousands in out-of-pocket costs to satisfy co-payments and deductibles. FDA officials said that they had no idea how much the company planned to charge for the drug and were surprised by the cost but that the agency has no power over pricing. In an interview with The Washington Post on Friday, an FDA official said that, if requested, the agency could approve a lower-priced generic version of the drug for another use that doctors could prescribe "off label." In addition, the official said the agency would not prevent compounding pharmacies from continuing to provide 17P unless patient safety is thought to be at risk. "We have our hands full pursuing our enforcement priorities," said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the issue. "And it's not illegal for a physician to write a prescription for a compounded drug or for a patient to take a compounded drug. We certainly are concerned about access of patients to medication." Several members of Congress have sent letters to KV complaining about the price and demanding justification and have asked the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Federal Trade Commission for investigations. Outside experts said the FTC could sue KV if it concludes the company is illegally impairing competition. "It threatens to extract significant competitive harm on extremely vulnerable pregnant women, and it threatens to significantly inflate health-care costs at a time when controlling health-care costs is a critical national priority," said David Balto, a Washington antitrust lawyer who worked at the FTC. |
Subject: RE: BS: What You're Not Told About Cancer From: VirginiaTam Date: 29 Mar 11 - 03:27 PM The bark of willow tree could not be patented. After scientists isolated the pain killing component, Bayer patented and sold a synthesised form of salicylic acid as aspirin. White willow bark can be used in place of aspirin, in order to avoid some serious side effects associated with aspirin such as, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. However it is not recommended for people who show sensitivity to aspirin. Just saying that the pain killer in its natural form had properties which made it less problematic and sometimes more effective than the patented, profitable medicine the last hundred+ years of users have seen. Simple example of what could be a huge problem. Exactly what is produced and what are the effects of consuming products that have been broken down and reformulated, we may never know. I do know that certain smells, like air fresheners make me very ill for hours after exposure. I know that if I eat one Certs breath mint sweetened with aspartame it will give me an instant and debilitating headache. MSG does the same thing to me. Aspirin caused disfiguring facial swellings since I was a child. |