Subject: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 25 May 02 - 11:12 AM Well, I've been a bad boy. I made an early trip to the dump this morning and stopped at a yard sale. In the garage I found a T. Haruo 12 String guitar for $70. The neck seems nice and straight, the action seems good and when I played it hard (as hard as I ever play) I heard no buzzing of strings. I saw no cracks in the body. The label inside has the maker's name, T. Haruo, and a serial number and the model number, T-20-12. there are 20 frets and between the 19th and the 20th is a mother of pearl inlay with T. HARUA engraved on it. So I bought it. Now I'd like to know something about the guitar. My internet search located two old bulleting board messages one of which indicated the T. Haruo used to work for Yamaha but left to build guitars on his own. The guitars mentioned in the messages were both purchased in the 70's. The family I bought the guitar from is apparently a Navy family. I believe they might have purchased the guitar while in Japan. So, what do we know about this? |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 27 May 02 - 08:13 PM Refresh. I do have some more information. The guitar was purchased at a Sam Goody in New York about 10 years ago. I still don't know anything about these guitars nor does it appear does anyone else.
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Lonesome EJ Date: 28 May 02 - 12:33 AM Naemanson, a search revealed this comment on Haruo Guitars. If you click the guy's name, you can send him an e mail about his. Maybe he has some info by now. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: little john cameron Date: 28 May 02 - 01:13 AM Not too much to be had.It seems that everyone who has one of these it pleased with it.Here's what I could fine.Maybe the same as fou got.guitar |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Haruo Date: 28 May 02 - 01:23 AM You might PM masato and ask him if he can find anything; my guess is the real scoop is somewhere on the Web, but all written in Japanese. Liland |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 28 May 02 - 03:10 PM Thanks guys, I'll start my Japanese lessons when I finish with Italian [Grin]. This is probably not much of a guitar to those who know guitars but I like it and that is really what it's all about. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Mudjack Date: 29 May 02 - 03:36 PM If you think you might want to sell it, oh! let me have a shot at it. I acquired my six string in the mid eighties. I have searched and searched the web and have no more information that has been previously offered in this thread. My T Harua is made of an African hi-brid rosewood also called jacaranda and trimmed out with abalone inlays. I really get favorable comments when people hear it voiced. Even more impressive is how it feels when played. I think you have acquired a wonderful instrument and like mine will never be monetarily appreciated as well as the well known brand names. Who cares about that kind of value, If it plays and sounds good, Its a keeper to me . Mudjack |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Francy Date: 29 May 02 - 04:31 PM I had a 6-string Haruo in the 80's and it was a wonderful instrument....The only reason I didn't keep it was I got a Martin D35..........Like Mudjack.....If it sounds good, it's it's solid,,,, no cracks or anything....It's a player........My second guitar is an Alvarez solid top and I put the sound of the Haruo as good, if not better than the Alvarez............ Frank of Toledo |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 30 May 02 - 10:28 AM Here is what I have received for information on my inquiries from the people who posted to that bulletin board:
Esmond's message |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 31 May 02 - 10:44 AM Refreshed, not because I think someone is not telling me what they know but because people need to be on the lookout for these guitars. If you find one and it is for sale, buy it! My Haruo is one sweet guitar and the few other owners I have found all agree with me. You will not be sorry. Sure, Martin and Guild are nice guitars but for what you pay for that name you can buy a LOT more guitar if you can divorce yourself from the brand name. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,curcio Date: 18 Feb 04 - 01:58 PM I purchased a T. Haruo 12 string guitar new in 1978 at Sam Goodys in New York for $200. It is model T-10-12 and apprently was the 13th guitar off the line (I was told that the number 13, found under the pick guard which came off many, many years ago was the maker's identifciation for this). I still have this guitar. It is beautiful, well actioned, well toned and seems to get better with age. Never a buzz or bad note. Most definitely one of the most under-valued and under-appreciated acoustic guitars out there. I have no idea how many were manufactered, what the history of the maker is or any of that information. I just know it is a great guitar that I will always keep. I will continue to search for more information on this brand. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 18 Feb 04 - 03:27 PM Wow! You are the only person I've found with another Haruo 12. I'm curious. What is the serial number on the label in the sound hole? As I understand it the serial numbers given to instruments do not follow any set procedure. Some makers serialize all their instruments no matter what they are. Others have specific numbers for specific types of instruments. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 18 Feb 04 - 10:47 PM CLICK HERE for a picture of same model Haruo 12 as Brett's. Just judging by the headstock inlay on the guitar in the above link, I think Sam Bush has (or at least had) a Haruo 6-string D. I got to do a little backstage jamming with Sam and Bela Fleck back toward the end of the New Grass Revival days and Sam was playing what I thought was a Randy Woods guitar. I was familiar with Randy's guitars because a friend has one and the headstock inlay was very similar. When I asked Sam about the guitar he said that it was just a cheap thing he had picked up while on tour in Japan but he liked the sound so much that it had become his regular "road" guitar. If Sam's guitar isn't a Haruo, there's more than one Japanese builder using the same headstock inlay. Bruce |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,curcio Date: 20 Feb 04 - 09:51 PM In response to your request, my T-10-12 12 string has serial number 57935 and the number "13" on the front under the place where the pickguard used to be. How about yours? Have you been able to find out anything else about these guitars? I think mine just keeps getting better with age and I would never part with it at this point. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 21 Feb 04 - 03:40 AM I used to have the number memorized. I think it is number 212,5something. I cannot check it because I am in the office but I will try to get the right number on the thread. Nice guitar, isn't it? |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Mudjack Date: 28 Feb 04 - 01:28 AM Okay Bee-dubya-ell, You would have to post a clicky thing up there for me to go see. I bought the guitar pictured, expect delivery Wed. I need another guitar like I need another leg. But I really have to say "Thanks" for alerting me to it. It is a good price for any 12 stg guitar. To buy off the internet is not my recomendation. I always tell folks they should listen to the guitar and hear how it voices before buying. If it barks like a dog, I'll just have to let it go to the next " I just have to have a twelve string guitar", guy or gal. Steve at his shop is really easy to work with. Answered any and all questions and was very quick to respond. Mudjack |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Bee-dubya-ell Date: 28 Feb 04 - 12:32 PM Sorry about that, Mudjack. It wasn't my intention to give you a GAS attack. *G* Hope you enjoy it. Bruce |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 24 Mar 04 - 07:53 PM I've been away and haven't followed the thread. Did you receive the guitar Mudjack? Do you like it? |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Don Date: 08 Mar 07 - 10:48 AM I am looking to buy or Trade for a T.Haruo 12 string Acoustic, I have to sell or Trade a Alvarez Yairi Dy76-12 string. Interested Parties contact: Thanks Don |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 09 Mar 07 - 05:43 PM Sorry Don, but you can have one of my children but not my Haruo. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Steve Blakeley Date: 12 Apr 07 - 02:13 PM I also have a model 100 6 string Harou, I am in Arizona and acquired the guitar from my ex-wife's relative in the 1980's. Just wanted to be included in the collection of people who own one. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 12 Apr 07 - 06:44 PM Welcome to what must be a pretty exclusive club. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Mudjack Date: 13 Apr 07 - 02:00 PM Here is a really belated answer to Naemanson, I got the 12 stg guitar and tried playing it for about six months. It sounded great but the extra width was more than I could deal with. So I let my neighbor have it for the same amount I had paid.She loves the 12 stg but I think she is not playing it as much as it deserves. Let's face it, guitars need our constant attention and care. I still have my T.Harua 6 string and it has me spoiled. Sorry about not responding way back in 04. Mudjack |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST Date: 22 Apr 07 - 08:09 PM I just got a t-20-12 Love it Rajesh |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,mmurbach Date: 27 May 07 - 10:27 PM I have a six string model #40 that will be going up for sale as soon as I can get a value for it. Right now its between $1500-3500. You guys aren't alone in owning these. I was at another forum ( until the moderator there thought it was a ploy to sell these on ebay and shut the thread down. Funny thing is, nobody was offering to sell theirs. I'm only considering selling mine because of a neurological disease that causes me to shake violently, therefor I can no longer play. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Jeff Remender Date: 14 Jun 07 - 07:26 PM I have a model T-30 6 string that my family gave me 27 years ago for my high school graduation. I've looked all over the web, & found little just like everyone else. I have since bought a Takamine that I've played more in recent years. I just re-strung the old girl last night, cleaned it up, and played it. Wow, it sounds great! Like everyone who has one, I will never part with it. One of my kids will probably take it to the Antiques Road Show someday. I'm very curious as to it's value.....anyone? |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 17 Jun 07 - 06:01 AM A luthier once told me my 12-string would go for about $700-$900. I paid $70 for it. I have the feeling you could get a Haruo guitar for pennies and once you did you'd never let go of it... which is why you can't find any out there. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Roughyed Date: 17 Jun 07 - 01:50 PM It's noticeable if you look at the not very many threads around the net on Haruo guitars the number of owners who add 'and mine's not for sale'. I think you're right Naemanson, no one is letting them go. And mine's not for sale either. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,David Fishel Date: 17 Jul 07 - 11:23 PM Howdy all -- I thought I'd throw in my little Haruo history -- it reads much like everyone else's.... I've always wanted to find out more about its history and the craftsman that made it. I found my Model 50 in a pawnshop in Provo, UT somewhere around 1983-ish. Think I paid $200 for it with hardshell case -- but I loved the way it sounded. Still do. (Like pretty much everyone else on this thread, it's NOT for sale!) It was WAY less than a third the price of the comparably built Martins. I think the Model 50 is basically a D-28... A couple things that make it rather unusual are 1) it has brass nut and brass saddle, which makes it both loud and bright (as one fellow I used to play gigs with said "man,that thing really BARKS!" (in a good way of course) and 2) unlike the pictures I've seen with all the mother of pearl inlay, mine is pretty plain, except for the joint on the back. The back seems to be book-matched rosewood with an intricate multi-color wood mosaic inlay running up the seam. If I can figure out how to link a pic I will. Never seen anything like it. This guitar has seen a lot of miles, and now my teenage son has learned to play on it. I cannot imagine what it would cost to replace it with something comparable (I keep playin' 'em and I just don't find anything that is truly comparable -- even the Martins don't have the same voice. Must be 25 years of playing it, eh?) Best regards to all you fellow Haruo-people. And absolutely best regards to T. Haruo, wherever & whoever he may be. Dave |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 18 Jul 07 - 10:58 AM Great guitars. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Abu Date: 20 Aug 07 - 12:51 AM I have a Model #50 Haruo that I am going to attempt to learn on. It is my mom's guitar that my dad bought for her back in the late 70's. Story is that my dad bought it from a guitar shop in San Diego for $500. This one has the flower pot inlay and brass tuners. My mom has the original case, athough it needs to be replaced because it didn't hold up too well. The guitar however is in perfect condition and I am told it has great sound. Nice to read about other owners. This guitar will never be for sale, but it is interesting to read about its history. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Amos Keene Date: 27 Aug 07 - 06:06 PM I'm in the process of buying a t-30 6 string off of a 72 year old that is a dictionary on gutairs and he knows nothing about it what should i pay for the guitar? |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 28 Aug 07 - 06:31 AM Anything he asks and then treasure it forever. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Amos Keene Date: 28 Aug 07 - 05:12 PM I've heard that but how much are they worth i dont want to get burnt |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Amos Keene Date: 29 Aug 07 - 01:11 PM Im just learning to play and this will be my first guitar.I know nothing about guitars thats why I'm asking these questions.I know you said to pay him whatever he wants but how much would you pay for one in good condition. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 30 Aug 07 - 05:56 AM I can't answer that myself. As I said in my first post i only paid $70 for my 12-string. A friend, who is also a luthier, looked at it, played it, and suggested a selling price of $900. Compare the guitar to new Martins. If the price is similar or lower take it, you are not getting burned. Take an electronic tuner and tune it up. Just pick individual strings. Listen for the sweetness of the sound. If it appeals to you, go for it. Press the strings as you would if playing it. Are they easy to hold down? Can you spread out to the frets you usually use (for those of us who do not play well that is usually only three or four frets)? If so take it. Your best bet is to compare the guitar with other used guitars in music shops. I'm guessing this is a pretty good deal. If not you still will not regret it. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Amos Keene Date: 30 Aug 07 - 05:09 PM Thanks for the info.Do you know how many of the t-30's were made?I can't figure out why the man selling the guitar dosen't know anything about it.He has traded and sold guitars his whole life and any guitar you ask him about he can tell you everything about it.All the way to who first designed them.Evrything you ask him he can answer except for the t.haruo.It just dosen't make any sense to me.Have you seen any sold on ebay?If so how much did they go for?Again I appreciate the info. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 31 Aug 07 - 02:39 AM Don't worry about lack of knowledge. Nobody knows anything about these guitars. I started this thread to find out something. Notice the date on the first post. May 25, 2002. I believe this thread contains all the condensed knowledge of these guitars. If you find more please post it here. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST, Amos Keene Date: 31 Aug 07 - 05:19 PM I'll post any info I find here but you never told me how much you would pay for one.I just don't want to pay a price that I regret later.Again thanks for the info. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 01 Sep 07 - 03:46 AM For me paying price is dependent on a lot of variables including how much I have in my wallet at the time. I really hesitated on paying $70 for the 12 but have never regretted it. Other factors include what I have in the current stable of guitars, what music I'm playing at the time, and, yes, what my wife will say if I bring another home. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Roughyed Date: 01 Sep 07 - 05:07 PM I think you need help to value the guitar. The problem is that they are literally priceless to the people who have them, in that they won't sell them but they are not a 'name' guitar so there is no real market to compare them. If you can find someone who plays and you can trust, get them to play a few Martins and other quality guitars and note the prices, then try the Haruo. I suspect you'll find it's a bargain. Naemonson is right, I don't think there is any other significant information about them that isn't included in this thread. Good luck, I hope you can buy it and you get as much pleasure from it as I have from mine. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Amos Keene Date: 02 Sep 07 - 01:31 AM Thanks,I'll keep in contact |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 03 Sep 07 - 03:52 AM Let us know what you do. If you choose not to buy the guitar you could give us the contact number so we can make a run at it. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Amos Keene Date: 03 Sep 07 - 09:57 PM I decided not to buy it the guys number is (276)964-4334 it's a t-30 well that what he told me his name is dwayne |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 12 Oct 07 - 09:07 PM Check this out! It's an auction for an advertisement for T. Haruo Guitars! |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,REA Date: 22 Dec 07 - 08:51 PM I just found this thread and was reading thru the posts and I'd thought I'd put my 2 cents worth of what I know. Back in '82, I taught guitar at a small studio in Roy, Ut. The owner had connections to the distributors for all kinds of musical instruments. We got this flyer from Pennino Music, Ca..about a sale on handmade guitars..I looked and on the spot ordered a T-100 12 & a T-150 6 ... $500 for both guitars with hardshell cases. What a deal!! Within 6 months, the 12 string (which had the 'tree of life' inlayed on the neck) front started cracking and then went off. Ruined the guitar. I contacted Pennino, and they said that all they had was a T-50 12 to replace the cracked one. They sent it to me and a $100 check. Essentially paying $100 for the 12 and $300 for the 6, and the T-150 if I remember right, was listed at around $1200 back then. So that is what I have now. The T-150 is beautiful, plays wonderful and sounds better and richer than guitars 3x as much. Go to myspace page and click in my pics to see some shots of it... REA . Bookend matched, pearl inlay. The T-50 12 is one of the best 12 strings I've ever played, but pretty plain compared to the T-150. Both guitars just seem to have gotten better sounding with age. As with others on this thread, I will never sell mine. They are my work-horses.. I just wish someone would own up to these guitars. Must be some real money involved to keep this quality of a guitar under wraps. Probably part of the Martin suit settlement....??? REA T-Haruo T-150 signature 6 T-Haruo T-50 12 Takamine 98 LTD 6 |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,REA Date: 22 Dec 07 - 09:05 PM Sorry...I didn't realize you had to be signed up for a myspace acct. to get into my pics. Still love my T.Haruos!! |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,Paulo Gusmao Date: 03 Jan 08 - 11:20 AM Hello. One more T.Haruo owner here, from Portugal. Mine's a 6-string model 80 (1976), and I can't remember exactly how much I payed for it almost 30 years ago (but I guess around $100-150). Only had a small fret job done on it. I love the delicate sound and the elegant looks, and don't intend to sell it. |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: Naemanson Date: 04 Jan 08 - 07:35 PM There seems to be a high degree of loyalty to the Haruo guitar. I wonder how many other makes inspire such loyalty. I can understand someone who is loyal to a particular guitar because of its sound, its age, or its sentimental value. Do any of us know a Haruo owner who doesn't really care about his/her instrument? Is this sample only those who are loyal? |
Subject: RE: Haruo 12 String - What do we know? From: GUEST,sanka Date: 07 Jan 08 - 04:48 PM i read all these postings and bought one...a T-30-12 string. beautiful...strung it left handed...still sounds great.Thanks for all the info. sanka |
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