Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Georgiansilver Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:31 PM Your input is appreciated Little Hawk, as usual showing great wisdom. Looking at the intentions of some people on the cat..I can't help but fel some sort of worry about how they are in real life. Do they all speak as they are or do we see what they want us to see? mmmmmm Jack the Sailor thank you also for the space and respect you give. Be Blessed all. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:20 PM Yeah. Be blessed, eh? (Canadian version) The route to blessedness in hoserdom is to always have enough beer and back bacon and to be seen as a really cool dude and be popular with girls. Everybody's got their own take on being blessed. Amos, I follow your line of reasoning, but I do not find GS to be condescending, just well intentioned. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:19 PM GS, In your first post, it certainly looks like you are saying that there is some relationship between your Christianity and your civility. You also talk a little like you are a martyr. To me claiming martyrdom is bragging. Perhaps you have another explaination. I apparanty didn't know what you are trying to say, I still don't. I took a guess and said what I hoped you were talking about and what I hoped you were not saying. Fact is you have not been very clear and ambiguity invites misinterpretation. A lot of people have been very frank and informative about the message they think they are getting from you. Since you opened the conversation in the first place, maybe the best course for you would be to address our concerns and clearly tell us what you did mean. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Amos Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:18 PM GS: Let's put it this way: I am already blessed, and if I need more blessing I will seek it in my own way, from my own sources; so waving your wrist and lisping at me about being blessed is entirely superfluous and unnecessary, thank you very much, and something I am able to do without help or instruction -- especially uninvited help or instruction. If Jack is correct, and you are simply overflowing with your own goodwill about being blessed yourself, then I wish you congratulations and joy from it. But I certainly don't want to hear about it, and least of all on an automatic basis. A |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Stilly River Sage Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:17 PM For my friend to suggest that "it's all the same god" even though someone should disagree with her, she is appropriating other religions, and putting HER god above over all others. She doesn't understand that those with other religious beliefs find this rude and uncivil. (I've seen the bumper sticker that perfectly defines her view: "My God is better than Your God.") For her to tell the creation stories of Am. Indian cultures and treat them like cute little stories she can tell at library story hour (when they are considered very important by those Indian cultures), and at the same time, take stories made up by whites to reflect what they think they know about Indians and retell them as if they're Indian in origin is also an insult. I have simply chosen never to discuss these views any more with my friend because she doesn't understand and if I try to make the point I may win the argument but I'd lose a friend who in all other things is wonderful. A bit ditzy, but wonderful. Anyway, you're all speaking as if there is only one god, anyway. Duh. Little you guys know. :) |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:06 PM Bill D, You know you are one of my favourite 'catters and we agree more often than not, but I gotta go against you on this one. Lets give Gerogiansilver credit for believing he is blessed and wanting to share it. He's not saying be blessed or he'll support a constitutional ammendment to make you blessed. :) He's not screaming about "activist" judges who are trying to take the "God given blessings" from us. :D He's not even saying "Be Blessed or you will burn in Hell" :LOL I say give him a break. :) |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Amos Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:05 PM I don't recall mentioning being terrified, LH -- condescension is incivil no matter how thinly garbed, yours or anyone else's. GS is imposing on the courtesy of others by placing his rather bizarre belief system on his sleeve in this manner.. We can ignore it, sure. But let's not pretend that is as purely benevolent as it is presented. There are many reasons why not, which I won't go in to here. Suffice it to say that the courteous thing to do is to leave religion to the individual; as I say nothing to dissuade GS from his path, I would prefer a reciprocal respect. And while you may feel you have elevated yourself to a comfortably superior state of awareness from which you can see how others fear these benign blessings, and do so without grounds, let me just say you are mistaken. There is no fear to it, just a mild sense of irritation at the subterfuge involved. Let's hope that's all I have to say on the issue. A |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Georgiansilver Date: 24 Jul 04 - 03:00 PM Amos. I apologise if there appeared to be an element of "bragging" in my statement, It was unintentional if in fact it is there. Bill D..You say I achieve nothing by offering blessings and sanctimonious defensiveness but perhaps I do, even if it is in my own belief.You say "Your messages implicitly suggest that everyone who does not currently believe like you do would be well advised to change and adopt your ferevently held set of beliefs". I would like to know how you arrive at this understanding. Have I in any instance tried to inflict my beliefs on anyone? If so in what way have I tried to do so? Jack the Sailor. I believe my mesaage was "Be respectful and civil". Was I actually claiming credit for being a Christian? To quote you.."I'm glad you are trying to be civil GeorgianSilver, but I would hope that you are doing so as a member of this community, not as paragon of your faith". Which should I then be in your opinion....a member of the community or a paragon of my faith? and which are you please? You seem to have voiced more of your belief than I have. Can I please re-iterate...The source message is "Respect and civility" NOT Christian belief although Christian belief does affect my personal behaviour...and I don't always get it right!!!!. Be Blessed. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jeri Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:55 PM Bill, I must have missed the proseletizing. I'd love it if people were just freely able to discus what they wanted to, and if others would try to pay attention to what they were actually saying. In this case, Georgiansilver was talking about Georgiansilver. My friends, whoever they are, should know that I'm interested and willing to talk about their beliefs. If those beliefs make them play nicer, and less likely to log out and take a swipe at somebody, it's a good thing. I'd also love it if people would give some thought to what others care about discussing. If all a person seems to talk about is their religion, chances are I'll just avoid them. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Bill D Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:48 PM well, Little Hawk..use the search feature and find Georgiansilver's very first post to is quite evident in that and other posts that his notion of "being blessed" relates to Jesus and the Christian bible, and NOT just general good wishes.....and with the current leaders of my government sounding very much like they intend to make Conservative Christianity the de facto form of relationship to 'higher powers' and exclude anyone from high office who does not agree, I am pretty durn sensitive to the matter these days. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:47 PM That's my point LH, People always think of things like that after they have gone. They store up all the clever things they would have said at their door if they weren't so hung over, then they dump them on the first person who says something religious on the Internet. (WARNING I may be exaggerating for humourous effect!!) |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:45 PM Right on, Jack. And that appears to me to BE all that they are really complaining about. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:44 PM And you can also put a little black sign out front saying "Satanic Church of Atheism and Nihilistic Practices". That stops 'em dead in their tracks. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:43 PM hmmmmm If anyone is seriously complaining about is the salutation "Be blessed" then I suggest you be grateful how little you have to complain about. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:40 PM Yes, Jack, but there is a simple remedy tp the doorknockers. Just strip down to your briefs, then answer the door with a big grin on your face and say, "Hi! Are you here for the orgy?" It works like a charm. They NEVER come back. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:38 PM I don't think people are "terrified" of being preached at just weary and frustrated. You must admit it is tempting to take out all of our frustrations with saturday morning, doorknockering, get us out of bed while we are bleary eyed and cranky, gone before we think of a suitable comeback, door to door, bright eyed, bushy tailed cultists on a "mission", on the people who say they are friends and try to preach to us on an Internet forum. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:37 PM May your red convertible always shine, saulgoldie. :-) |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:36 PM By the way, I had an acquaintance who was a born-again atheist! What I mean is, he was obsessed with his sacred mission which was to convert all other people to atheism, thus "saving" them, I assume, from the folly of their ways. God, was he annoying. He was just as annoying as some born-again Christians I have run into from time to time. What was really ironical was that he had previously BEEN a born-again Christian, but had changed his mind, because it didn't solve all his problems the way he thought it should have. Thus he got "saved" twice. :-) Once by accepting Jesus, once by rejecting the whole thing as a crock of shit. I understand he was equally pestiferous AS a born-again Christian. In both phases he was utterly convinced that he had the ONE and ONLY WAY to sanity, truth, and salvation. In both phases he showed no regard for other people's right to be who they were. In both phases he pestered the life out of everyone he met. Obviously this guy had a psychological problem that overshadowed the effects of religion or not/religion. He was obsessive and intolerant of those who were different from him. You can err this way quite thoroughly on either side of the divide, folks. It doesn't hurt you if someone says "be blessed", it doesn't hurt you if they don't. But if it really bugs you, then it's a clue to something you could work on in yourself...and I don't mean you have to become religious when I say that. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: saulgoldie Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:35 PM Is it not fair to accept that there are sensibilities on BOTH sides of the communication who are each deserving of respect and civility? I accept that GS's BB signature is meant in a positive way. But I can also see that some may prefer not to have it directed at them. Why does his "right" to sign off that way supercede their right to not have "his" religion thrust their way? Is that not a reasonable courtesy to ask? Change it around a little: What if someone (say me, for example) genuinely felt that "May a flock of geese make a deposit on your red convertible when the top is down" conoted the same sentiment as "BB?" Would we all just say, "Oh, that is just Saul with his typical, good-natured salutation."? I think not. I am not busting GS in this case. If he wants to bless me, I take it in the spirit that I think he means it. I do suggest, though, that those unwilling recipients of his blessing have a legitimate point, and they deserve respect for their feelings, too. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:30 PM A friend of mine with a fledgling "Gospel Ministry" who claims to respect a certian songwriter, has taken a very secular song and rewritten the words as a testament. I urged my friend to get permission from the songwriter before he performed it publically. That's wrong. SRS. Rewording a folk tale with a Christian message is not a violation of copyright it is not a perversion of the original authors intent. Is it not part of the folk process to change a song or story for the audience? I guess if your friend is acknowledging the sources she isn't doing anything wrong. If she isn't, then it is kind of sleazy. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:25 PM If people are this terrified of being preached at (as they see it) they must not be very secure in their own faith (whatever it happens to be based on). :-) OR...they must be very strong believers in conformity. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Jack the Sailor Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:21 PM I'm a Christian, Heres what I feel about spreading the "Good News." If I think a person is open to the message, if I think it will do you some good, I'll politely and humbly try to tell them about what my faith has done for me. When I'm witnessing is about the only time you'll see me being humble. I don't want credit for being Christain, It isn't my credit to claim. I don't want praise because I was lucky enough to receive God's gifts. Its not something to brag about. Its not something to Lord over people. It is something to share. While Christians should be civil, civility is not a trait unique to Christians. In fact Christains aren't any more civil than anyone else. I'm glad you are trying to be civil GeorgianSilver, but I would hope that you are doing so as a member of this community, not as paragon of your faith. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:19 PM It is all the same God, and it must be...if "God" means what it is supposed to mean...God, by definition being the infinite, the unlimited, therefore omnipresent. How could it not be the same God, except in someone's fractured understanding. To recognize that is all the same God is wise, and it leads to tolerance of differing faiths. The problem arises when people think that someone else's limited view of what they think that someone else thinks God being pushed down their throat. But is it? It may may not be. I would take the comment "be blessed" as a general form of good wishes being sent in my direction, not as an attempt to recruit me into an organized religion...but that would depend on who said it to me and how they said it, and where I assumed they were coming from when they said it. I don't see any reason why GS should not end a post with "be blessed". Muslims and people of many other faiths have used expressions of the sort in common vernacular without giving it a second thought. Examples: Spanish - "vaya con Dios" (go with God) Would you be insulted if a Latin American said that to you in parting? I hope not. I don't get the feeling that GS is proselytizing, just that he is extending good wishes. Now, like I say, when I was younger it would have bothered me no end. Georgian Silver is just being who he is. Why is this seen as threatening or condescending? Just because it's different from what you would do? Well, if GS was inclined to react like you, I could guess he could get all upset that you are different from HIM and start suggesting that you do things the way he does (and say "be blessed" at the end of every post), couldn't he? How would you like that? Give it a rest. He isn't hurting anyone by saying "be blessed". |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Amos Date: 24 Jul 04 - 02:16 PM I think it is disrespectful, but, like many forms of disrespect, I can ignore it by considering the source. A |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Stilly River Sage Date: 24 Jul 04 - 01:57 PM A friend of mine blithely dismisses my complaint that she not appropriate the stories from other cultures into her christian-focus storytelling business. "It's all the same God anyway," she says. No, it's not. But she was raised by a culture with this over-arching view of the world, the "Enlightenment" as it has been called since centuries past by christian practitioners of science and the humanities. Drives me nuts, this christian and eurocentric view of the world. . . it's so narrow minded in the long run. I ignore her "blessings," but instead understand that my friend wishes me well and that the positive energy is enough, even if she never quite understands why I don't wished to be burdoned by her god. SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Bill D Date: 24 Jul 04 - 01:56 PM one is trying to "change your way" but some do weary of proselytizing coloring many discussions. religion is something which should be personal and NOT inserted in almost every issue and post. In a forum like this it serves as a lightning rod and divisive issue (others have discovered this...some adapted, some left). It is fine for others to be 'aware' of your particular orientation, but you accomplish **NOTHING** by offering blessings and sanctimonious defensiveness about it all. If your entire personality is so permeated with your religious beliefs that you can barely communicate without incessant 'witnessing', you MUST be prepared for the remarks by those with other belief systems. It is good to live in society with ALLOWS "freedom of religion" so you can go to church and live your life as you please...but PLEASE understand .... "freedom of religion" MUST include "freedom FROM religion" for those who choose. Your messages implicitly suggest that everyone who does not currently believe like you do would be well advised to change and adopt your ferevently held set of beliefs....and that just plain irritates some folks who feel that they can decide for themselves what (and whether) to 'believe'. You MUST know that there are forums devoted to sharing and comparing ideas on would be a pretty good idea to see if you might be better advised to express certain aspects of your concerns in some of those........ |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 01:31 PM But that's because it's a custom they associate with certain past events or circumstances they didn't like, isn't it? When I was 17 it would have freaked me out if someone was blessing me all the would have seemed creepy. When I was 22 it would have irritated me. Now I'm fine with it. |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Amos Date: 24 Jul 04 - 01:24 PM Georgian: Some of choose not to be blessed in the sense you use the word. I think it would be more courteous of you to keep your blessings between yourself and God, instead of using them to brag about your religiosity. It may seem unlikely to you that anyone would not want blessings from you, but I assure you it is so. A |
Subject: RE: BS: Respect and civility From: Little Hawk Date: 24 Jul 04 - 01:24 PM A very wise attitude, GS, but it drives certain people crazy. (and I think you know who they are...:-) The reason for that is that certain frequencies just naturally clash with other frequencies, that's all. Remember in the Bible where it advised not to cast your pearls before swine? On the Internet, of course, you can do it without danger. In real life, that's not always the case. |
Subject: BS: Respect and civility From: Georgiansilver Date: 24 Jul 04 - 01:16 PM I am a Christian and intend to treat all I meet with respect and civility but sometimes fail to do this as a result of a human failure.... which is not taking time to think!!!. I love all Gods kids(even those who don't know Him personally) and think that each of us....however brought into the world...however brought up...should be given the benefit of the doubt. You can chastise me for my can call me whatever names you wish (as Martin does often) but nothing will change my way. Respect and civility for all....even those who like to think of themselves as my enemies. Be Blessed all of you. |