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DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025

Stilly River Sage 31 Dec 24 - 12:27 PM
Stilly River Sage 31 Dec 24 - 12:47 PM
Stilly River Sage 01 Jan 25 - 12:29 PM
MaJoC the Filk 01 Jan 25 - 02:41 PM
keberoxu 01 Jan 25 - 05:46 PM
pattyClink 01 Jan 25 - 08:53 PM
Charmion 02 Jan 25 - 08:07 AM
Stilly River Sage 02 Jan 25 - 12:47 PM
Donuel 02 Jan 25 - 03:02 PM
Mrrzy 02 Jan 25 - 04:24 PM
pattyClink 03 Jan 25 - 09:59 AM
Stilly River Sage 03 Jan 25 - 12:19 PM
Charmion 03 Jan 25 - 02:25 PM
Stilly River Sage 03 Jan 25 - 10:34 PM
Dorothy Parshall 03 Jan 25 - 11:13 PM
pattyClink 04 Jan 25 - 09:54 AM
Stilly River Sage 04 Jan 25 - 12:23 PM
Charmion 04 Jan 25 - 03:40 PM
Stilly River Sage 04 Jan 25 - 05:22 PM
Dorothy Parshall 04 Jan 25 - 10:43 PM
Stilly River Sage 05 Jan 25 - 11:27 AM
Dorothy Parshall 05 Jan 25 - 02:06 PM
pattyClink 05 Jan 25 - 05:57 PM
Stilly River Sage 05 Jan 25 - 08:48 PM
Stilly River Sage 05 Jan 25 - 11:44 PM
Stilly River Sage 06 Jan 25 - 12:17 PM
Stilly River Sage 07 Jan 25 - 11:58 AM
Dorothy Parshall 07 Jan 25 - 07:21 PM
Dorothy Parshall 07 Jan 25 - 07:24 PM
Stilly River Sage 07 Jan 25 - 09:33 PM
MaJoC the Filk 08 Jan 25 - 06:14 PM
Stilly River Sage 08 Jan 25 - 07:47 PM
Charmion 09 Jan 25 - 09:49 AM
Stilly River Sage 09 Jan 25 - 03:28 PM
Charmion 09 Jan 25 - 09:40 PM
Dorothy Parshall 09 Jan 25 - 11:30 PM
Stilly River Sage 10 Jan 25 - 01:07 AM
keberoxu 10 Jan 25 - 09:43 AM
pattyClink 10 Jan 25 - 10:08 AM
Mrrzy 10 Jan 25 - 11:02 AM
Mrrzy 10 Jan 25 - 11:06 AM
Stilly River Sage 10 Jan 25 - 11:38 AM
pattyClink 10 Jan 25 - 11:54 AM
Stilly River Sage 10 Jan 25 - 12:57 PM
Stilly River Sage 10 Jan 25 - 01:41 PM
Charmion 10 Jan 25 - 06:53 PM
Stilly River Sage 11 Jan 25 - 11:55 AM
MaJoC the Filk 11 Jan 25 - 02:16 PM
Stilly River Sage 11 Jan 25 - 06:16 PM
Stilly River Sage 12 Jan 25 - 09:30 PM
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Subject: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 31 Dec 24 - 12:27 PM

Katlaughing started these threads many years ago, as a place where our musically-active members exchange mostly non-musical tips and moral support. By comparison, The Mother of All BS ran for years and years and accumulated over 60,000 posts (not all in one thread – the original has been down for "work" since spammers used it as an impromptu DOS attack.) MOAB also didn't help us clean our guest rooms or garages, though it did have us diving deep into our imaginations to keep the patter moving along. These annual declutter threads may add up to a lot of posts, but don't clog the server. The Sisterhood of Decluttering has thereby spared the 'Cat shutdowns and proved that organizing content, even if only once a year, is efficient.

We've discussed organizing our homes and businesses through articles from Martha Stewart and books of Don Aslett and Marie Kondo and whatever the source was of Swedish Death Cleaning. There have been dedicated declutterers who dropped in for tips for a time, finished their work, and moved on. There are lurkers who rarely say anything, but we're glad to learn of their projects or progress when they do.

Last year we saw accounts of people moving or preparing to move, a much larger project than just the Chinese sliding puzzle most of us do. I suppose some of us who have more than one floor in our houses are doing a large-scale version of Rubik's cube. Moving is harder, especially if you're doing much of the work on your own. Pacing yourself and not beating up on yourself if things need redoing or a big change in plans is part of it.

Health issues for several of us have been working out in real-time over the weeks and months of 2024, and though some former members haven't posted here lately, I've seen accounts of knee replacements and more as we get things treated or fixed and move forward. Cooking and cleaning utensils enter and leave our homes. Hearing aids (they're no good if they aren't easy to operate), vehicles, trailers, snow tires, storage units, clean garages, organizing yards and compost, they're all part of the conversation.

Here is the 2024 thread, for reference, and each one links back to prior threads. If there is some discussion in particular you're looking for, use the Google advanced search, place your terms in the top and Declutter in the "must contain" line and point it at the Mudcat site.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 31 Dec 24 - 12:47 PM

Every time I see some immaculate modern home on a program or film I have to snort; there are people who manage to do that, but I'll never be one. Keeping up with the dog hair and sweeping regularly, dusting on occasion, and mostly just being able to find the things I'm looking for when I need them are my goals.

Having spaces set aside for specific activities means there is a room where I can work jigsaw puzzles and another one where I can sew. There is a fully functional guest room that isn't the recipient of stuff that needs to be put out of the way (my front room, kind of a second living room, is where that happens). My bedroom is the tidiest room (though there is a chair where clothes hang that aren't ready for the laundry yet) and my closet is organized. Years ago I took a hint from my father's closet when I cleared out his estate and have clothes hanging arranged by color.

To put away the holiday decorations on shelves using a sturdy step ladder mean's I'm going to have to temporarily evict the dog and her bed that now occupy my office closet. It's almost noon on New Year's Eve and I'm still puttering in my bathrobe so I will dress and get a few things done. Since the start of the New Year tends to be a depressing time (even moreso this year) I try to have the holiday stuff put away so it isn't there as a reminder of something that needs doing. I'll take down the outside stuff when I get around to it (simply unplug for now). The new LED up lights on the mantle will stay there and I'll enjoy using them, now that they don't present a fire hazard.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 01 Jan 25 - 12:29 PM

A grim start to the New Year, news channels covering an assassination-by-pickup of revelers in New Orleans instead of what they probably planned, looking at the magical setup for the Rose Parade in Pasadena. The local fireworks and gunfire last night were noisier than any July 4th I've heard in recent memory. Is this a celebration for the year they think will be better under Trump? I hate to rain on their parade so soon, but with their votes they drilled holes in their own boat below the water line. We will all sink with this one if we don't work hard to keep Democracy afloat.

I have a fresh notepad next to the computer to keep track of letters and emails I'll be writing to my representatives and others in positions to make a difference. This is starting before the inauguration because in Texas it's all GOP hardliners who were re-elected. I may need to start a spreadsheet at some point, those being more easily searchable and use for cut-and-paste.

Meanwhile, locally, this is the year when the front room gets emptied out. I've planned it for a while, have the boxes I need to ship things, now to list them and get them out the door. My bullet journal is set up for January and I've used an earlier blank page to start a list of eBay items, to be able to see progress as things sell (versus them just disappearing from the eBay page itself). A visual aid.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 01 Jan 25 - 02:41 PM

Comment from Herself (who's a dinkum cook) about air fryers: "If it cooks hotter, you'll need better cuts of meat."

Here's the air fryer post from yesterday (but also from last year). ---mudelf

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: keberoxu
Date: 01 Jan 25 - 05:46 PM

Sometime this month I must complete one task,
summoning to my apartment
the 1 800 GOT JUNK people.
There are some items that are no use and I need to get rid of them.
It will be an important step in preparing for an eventual move.
So that declutter task is ahead.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: pattyClink
Date: 01 Jan 25 - 08:53 PM

So what's the breakdown on that, keb? Will you need a central staging area where all the 'take this stuff' sits, or will each room have a go-pile, a stay-pile? Sounds like a big task to get that ready.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Charmion
Date: 02 Jan 25 - 08:07 AM

I have done something unwise, and my lower back is in spasm. Oh, well, so it goes. This is why I keep Advil in the pantry.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 02 Jan 25 - 12:47 PM

Back strain - one of those things that is so easy to re-injure when you try to work too soon. Give the cats a lap to hang out on as long as it takes to get better! And Keb, let the beefy got junk guys do the heavy lifting!

Shredding paper this morning as I looked around the office for digital journal logon information for my tablet. I keep a couple of 3-ring-binders of account information, one for the free stuff, one for the paid. I print out the pages for the binders but they tend to sit for a while before getting filed. The search for one page means I find a couple of dozen others that need filing or shredding.

Today the blue heeler's coat was brushed to remove the sticky tangles from the baldcypress. As the dogs play and roll they pick up sap from the cones the tree drops. She's not a breed of dog that goes in for grooming, but still needs attention periodically. I also have to go through the entire house with broom and vacuum to round up all of the loose hair she has shed. It's amazing how much hair comes off of one 45-pound dog.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Donuel
Date: 02 Jan 25 - 03:02 PM

I haven't had a cold in four years, but today, I am decluttering my body big time. I have bags of used Kleenex, etc.
On this side of the cold, I can almost say it's good for me now and then, but it was challenging for my rib muscles at its peak.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Mrrzy
Date: 02 Jan 25 - 04:24 PM

We might get a winter storm, so I shall be re-cluttering my fridge, I think...

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: pattyClink
Date: 03 Jan 25 - 09:59 AM

Surprising to hear the new year can be depressing to some, I'm pretty invigorated at the thought of new starts and new adventures.

Going on a road trip starting tomorrow, and am taking time to methodically get ready to go. Much less anxiety than a rushed push, so far.

This morning a redditor polled the older people on how to keep things clean, and there were well-earned bits of advice given. Same old stuff but it works; clean as you go in the kitchen, place for everything, put everything back in its place when done. Clean the way you like; if you like dedicating a day to it, fine. If not hit one room at a time, or one task at a time. Maybe this is the year I finally get into some kind of rhythm along these lines.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 03 Jan 25 - 12:19 PM

Patty, you'd think new starts would be forward-looking and cheerful, but I believe it's a combination of dark days plus the end of events and ornamental lights, etc., that set people back. They see nothing to look forward to. I had a mother and grandfather in the mental health field so grew up with lots of observations about times of year to do with holidays, length of sunlight, full moons, etc. The social worker always observed that client crises happened most often at the full moon.

While skimming Instagram this morning I saw a short video about a nonprofit group of women helping women with cleaning projects called Hot Mess Express. Their slogan is "not a handout, just a hand." I see a branch in the town west of me. I'd rather volunteer there than have them over to the house, so I need to get my stuff taken care of first.

Whether we already exercise or for those who have thought about doing more, a PBS News report from January 1 might help inspire more activities at the gym, via fitness classes, or just walking. (Bonus - the Stanford doctor has a nice Scottish accent to listen to during the report). More power to the consortium of researchers, they've decided to look at exercise for both men and women. Duh. While you're at it, does anyone else see what looks like a large boulder emerging through the floor behind the doctor?

Yesterday I offered several items through the free groups and today is eBay stuff.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Charmion
Date: 03 Jan 25 - 02:25 PM

The back is better, thanks to Advil and pool class.

In the locker room today, a plump woman well younger than me said that her goal for this year is what I did last year. Some months ago, this same woman scoffed at the notion of low-low-carb ketogenic eating. I blushfully accepted the compliment and forebore to remind her of her previous scorn. She who laughs last, etc.

I just ate the most wonderful stew: bigos, a Polish dish of hunter’s sausage, pulled pork, onions, carrots, mushrooms and sauerkraut in a tangy broth. Delicious! I got it from the nose-bleedingly expensive fancy grocery-cum-deli downtown, where they sell frozen soups, stews casseroles and curries among the virtue-signalling grass-fed this and organic that. Their chef is a genius with slow-cooked meats, and, although a litre of her bigos costs $16.95, it tastes worth the price.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 03 Jan 25 - 10:34 PM

Some items in the garage have been moved out of the way so I can drag several small potted trees and shrubs inside tomorrow in preparation for a late Sunday hard freeze. A Freeze Miser device has been installed on the back yard faucet so I can still use the hose in the winter (between cold snaps).

A potting stand and cart in the sunroom were both piled high with stuff that is now in the recycle bin. A few things were added to the donation box in the garage for teacher art supplies. I was able to unload some of my recycling at the village bins this afternoon but they hadn't been emptied yet this week so hopefully tomorrow they'll be cleared out and I can get rid of the rest.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 03 Jan 25 - 11:13 PM


WEll, I again picked up "too heavy" groceries - then spent 3 days hoping I did not fracture vertebrae - as in Feb.I have stopped holding my breath and will remember to take more bags into store and only lift them one at a time! That trip to the ER was one of the worst nightmares of my life - prob The worst.

So ... It is already Friday - 3rd day of the new year! Today, I ascertained that my back is OK but energy level was barely up to get out and push level. until about 6 pm when I put cranberries on to cook - Taun's way! Watching them every few minutes lest they burn - YAY! Did a batch of apple sauce as well! There is still cauliflower soup and cooked carrots, and turkey/gravy from the bakery. Cleaned up yesterday's singed pot and accumulated cutlery and a few dishes. R helps but I need to do my share when I can.

A comment here reminded me of a visit to a couple about my age some years ago; The wife showed me around their lovely - looked like a model house ready for resale! I was stunned. Never in my wildest dreams! WE LIVE in this house!

The wedding was a bit chaotic - the tech expert may have been a bit excited about getting married! But it was a small gathering on FT, decided up and "planned" between leaving here on Sunday, getting back to Philly, getting the license and sending out lovely invitations... They did have a nice Quaker wedding - once they remembered what they had planned to say! Quaker wedding - no one officiating (as in minister) - kind of a do-it-yourself project! Attenders in person were Tenley's adult son, my ex and his 3rd wife, and the cat. On screen were R and I, T's parents and an aunt and uncle, Jeff and Agata and a couple other friends. WE did not exchange many words though I think I made an appropriately Quakerly remark.

The next morning, I pulled a notably crazy faux pas - I inadvertently hit the FT button on my phone and caught almost everyone at BF! Kind of neat actually! My son on Whidbey said a cheerful hi! Figured out what mother had done and said, "I'm going back to bed!"

And back to bed is what I am going to do!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: pattyClink
Date: 04 Jan 25 - 09:54 AM

Had to cancel my trip, hard freezes predicted every night now for who knows how long. Have to hang around and be sure the pipes don't freeze. I thought I could just drain the pipes, but would also have to drain hot water tank, pressure tank and cut the pump off, and I'm just not comfortable with all that yet.   There is someone coming to check on the air in the pipes problem by Monday. Hopefully they can fix the issue and tell me exactly how to set things up so I can leave here on winter trips. But I'm afraid by the time a new decent pumphouse is built it'll be spring.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 04 Jan 25 - 12:23 PM

Patty, that Freeze Miser device I linked to is one way to avoid the frozen pipes - when the water temperature reaches ~37 it releases a small amount to keep water moving in the pipes (once in place the water must be turned on). There are also Thermo Cube electric plugs that detect the temperature and I use one of those in the greenhouse (except I gave my extra oil radiator heater to my daughter last year for her pump house). Plug in the heater and turn it on; only when the air reaches something in the high-30s does the plug power the heater.

But like you, I'm preparing for several days of very cold weather. This morning I have floor mats and the cover of a dog bed in the wash, and will build a cocoon enclosure for Cookie, who doesn't have Zeke to sleep on this winter. That old lab really put out the heat! Pepper has never let her cuddle, so in lieu of that (and she's not going to sleep on my bed!) I'm thinking zip ties and a couple of things set up on two sides of the kennel will work. She also has a little jacket but getting her into it is a colossal struggle.

Going shopping for a few basics and some pecan halves to make the Crispy Pecans my friend shared a week ago - without being careful, those are one way I could find myself gaining weight! I'll vacuum seal them in small jars. I've realized his recipe uses a Worcestershire sauce substitute with coconut aminos (it didn't bother me but I avoid it when I can). Regular Lea & Perrins is made with HF corn syrup, and others don't have the anchovy that adds great flavor. After a search I've found one that I can pick up locally (Bear & Burton's W Sauce).

I'll drop office paper and junk mail at the recycling bins, though I've put a bunch of old holiday cards into a paper bag for a pyre in the burn barrel. They need a more dignified departure. I need to revisit some of them first, sent by now-deceased loved ones. I'll keep a few choice letters from them, but I must keep thinning out the paper around here.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Charmion
Date: 04 Jan 25 - 03:40 PM

It’s snowing again in Stratford, now officially kinda deep. Lake-effect “streamers” — ribbon-shaped storm systems — have been blowing in from the west for three days now, and I have dug out my front walk twice, sore back and all. Today I decided to let it be, and just sit at home and read.

I intend to go to church tomorrow morning. There’s no point digging out again until then.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 04 Jan 25 - 05:22 PM

After my online search for Worcestershire sauce without HFCS and with anchovies, I looked at the bottle in my cupboard - it had exactly what I wanted and came from Family Dollar. It has a few ounces of sauce still but is six years old and was supposed to be refrigerated after opening, so I got a new bottle of each, and the Family Dollar product still has the same ingredients. I'll compare them.

Now to the yard to take down the all of the light strings before dark.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 04 Jan 25 - 10:43 PM


That Thermo cube has been great at Beaver. Has to be plugged into a special Bathroom type outlet. Keeps the bathroom above freezing - as long as the electric is working!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 25 - 11:27 AM

My Thermo cube was doing a great job in 2021 until the power went out for 4 days, and I lost everything in the greenhouse. Now I have it in the garage and the heater set up so it turns on if it gets super cold. Holiday lights are all taken down, a good move because if the power were to go out in this upcoming cold snap the nextdoor neighbors plug my longest line into an unused bank on their generator. This removes the need to retrieve it from the tree light display out front. Potted plants that might suffer from 20o are in the garage now. Some potted plants out front are tucked up on the porch beside the back wall.

I have a test batch of the crispy pecans in the oven. They're a bit spicier with the fancy Worcestershire sauce, but I think that will be fine.

The guest room is ready in case the friend who usually stays with me decides that the bed at her daughter's house isn't comfortable enough. At 90 she doesn't mince words, so won't suffer a bad night's sleep. Being ready probably means she won't need it, but that's ok. (Her daughter's daughter and family moved out recently after finally getting their own place. Now there's a guest room again. This is a common story these days.)

Yesterday when I was shopping I realized I wasn't tempted by the bulk chocolate when I was buying pecans, but at the dollar store I looked to see what kinds of snacks were borderline in my low-carb diet. (Research - if a day comes when I really do need something to eat quickly, what do they have?) The point-of-purchase stand had really salty nuts, really salty jerky, tons of sugar, and then there are peanut m&ms. If I haven't eaten many other carbs during the day I could get away with those, but after all of these low-sugar months they were way too sweet. Savory snacks are more appealing - so this afternoon after the nuts are finished I'll also make another batch of the smoky gouda cheese and pecan spread. I use it with gluten-free crackers.

Amazon delivered some of the King Arthur gluten free flour to try, my first attempt will be making white sauce with lots of cheese to make a small batch of macaroni and cheese (with rice or chickpea pasta).

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 05 Jan 25 - 02:06 PM

SRS: You could have a small propane heater on hand for outages in the GH! Out of the house, the fumes would not do harm. On Whidbey, I bought a "Mr Buddy" (I think). and used it in the greenhouse turned pottery studio. The info said "No fumes"; there were. I phoned tech support and was told to return it for a replacement. No fumes! Worked wonderfully well. Wish I had remembered that when you were cold in Texas! Even if you had to let some fresh air in, it would have kept you warmer.

Sunny afternoon! -10C

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: pattyClink
Date: 05 Jan 25 - 05:57 PM

Thanks for the ideas on fighting freezes, all.

I have a friend who uses one of those propane 'Buddy' heaters to keep a large 5th-wheel cozy, and we've used them to play cards in a huge tent on a cold evening. Basically an apparatus on top of the propane tank size of your choice. Just would have to be darn sure the thing was not tippable by pets.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 25 - 08:48 PM

Dorothy, that suggestion would be great in places further north, but it isn't very cold for very long here, so most of the year that Buddy device would be parked. For now, the garage is large enough that it won't freeze in the few days we're below freezing, and if it gets warm during the day I can open the door and let in sun or water the plants.

This kind of cold snap is a reminder to charge all of the various devices around the house. The Stanley power supply sits in the sunroom and is charged several times a year. I carry a pouch in my shoulder pack (in lieu of a purse) with a 6700mAh power supply that works with the phone or tablet. The bright "million candle" flashlight also gets charged (and it can run a smaller LED unit on the back as a lamp in the house). I probably won't need any of them, but charging ahead of possible events is a good exercise.

The grim dark days of January are brightened by a house across and up the street that seems to be going for the full 12 days of xmas. And my little string is twinkling over the porch to cheer up passersby.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 05 Jan 25 - 11:44 PM

There was a nice surprise this afternoon - two items listed for a while on eBay sold and are now franked and ready to hand to the mail carrier in the morning. That is two good-sized boxes out of the house.

Patty, that warm tent sounds like a nice social setup for dining or playing cards or playing music. There's something charming about taking an empty space that with a simple cover and heat turns into a comfortable event. I've been to places that had big outdoor heaters and it's remarkable how well they work, but as you say, you don't want one of those toppling over.

Today was a big travel day for folks heading home after the holidays. I didn't go anywhere, but I'm also treating this as the end of the holidays and tomorrow will get back to business as usual. Here's hoping that from this point forward we can snatch victory from the mouth of defeat in 2025.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 06 Jan 25 - 12:17 PM

Two boxes out the door this morning with my tiny Vietnamese mail carrier who looked more like an eskimo with his heavy jacket and faux fur lined hood. I know I lost money on one of the items, something I bought deeply discounted years ago then decided not to use myself. But after a while it isn't about the money, it's about getting it out of the house.

I've tried several versions of a new recipe for crispy pecans and made notes. Now to see if the Interwebs offer any interesting variations.

Cold weather forecast through the rest of the week, snow or something equally slick forecast for Thursday.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 07 Jan 25 - 11:58 AM

Yesterday was a slap-my-forehead moment. For a few days the light in my dressing room has flickered and gone out when I flip the switch. Since that switch has been problematic in the past (replaced at least twice) I was fussing about doing that again: I'd have to turn off power in the room at the breaker box. . . But wait! First check the bulbs! Duh. I have one down to take with me to buy a set today and see if that's the problem. They are the older long fluorescent ones that do burn out (I've replaced the bulbs in two other similar fixtures with LED versions and they last a long time. But not in this one.)

Along the same lines, it's time for changing batteries in devices that use them for memory backup. A couple of radios seem to be losing their pre-sets. Don't replace the radio, check the batteries.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 07 Jan 25 - 07:21 PM


I suspect this is very good news: the oncologist, a very nice person, does not feel the need to see me until April; Then we will look at a lesser dose of the heavier med that made me sick in late October. We feel I have recovered. I wonder if the blood tests show improvement of some sort; we never think to ask. I am having positive thoughts about making it to the wedding in June- even if we have to take a week to do a two day trip.

I spent much of yesterday's "grief group" trying to get the hearing aids to work better - which requires use of phone. I was jumped on for "fiddling with my phone" indicating that the person had not even paid enough attention to realize that I have been having a really hard time hearing; Some of that is because no one seems to have the concept of listening. When more more than one person is speaking, I cannot tell what anyone is saying! The "leader" does not think it is necessary for everyone to listen. Why then bother speaking? She also noted that this was a first session after a break - it should be social. I did not say that Christmas can be very stressful; the group could have been very helpful. We won't be meeting for two weeks; I will be thinking about how to address this --- with whom.

Now, I want to cook some veggies as we are out again!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 07 Jan 25 - 07:24 PM

PS: I spent time with Apple Help and hope the help has sorted out the hearing aid problem! When I tried, I ended up with a black screen- totally black! When I got through to A.H. I was Whimpering, "Help, please help!"

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 07 Jan 25 - 09:33 PM

Dorothy, are the people in that "grief group" strangers to each other, that they don't know about things like who is hard of hearing or who is reluctant to speak up, etc.?

I picked up LED replacements for the fluorescent bulbs and only two of the four worked, and as I thought about it, I could smell those two getting hot so took them all out again. They're not the right type, so either I stay with fluorescent bulbs or get a new fixture. One more thing on my list for the electrician who I will probably call this spring (there's some outdoor work so I'll wait till weather's nicer.)

The 55-gallon rain barrel was transferred from my SUV to my daughter's in the garage at her workplace, under the interested gaze of the security guy. I in turn accepted a large bag of glass recycling since her local recyclers won't take it. The glass was dropped off at the village bins on my way home.

There is a growing stack of solved jigsaw puzzles that may go to the library or the thrift store soon. I found some children's puzzles in the garage that can go in the donation stuff for the art teachers.

This week I realized the elastic waist of a favorite pair of fleece pajama pants has disintegrated. The existing drawstring is puny so I'll work on a more robust cord to run through the channel. No point in removing the elastic, it would mean taking the top of the pants completely apart.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 08 Jan 25 - 06:14 PM

Problems with lights: We once came back from holiday; the weather was cold, and I'd had the bright idea to save fuel (and reduce fire risks) by turning the heating off. When we got back, three of the ceiling lights, erm, wouldn't, so I worked out which circuit breaker to turn off to isolate them, and we called the electrician. When he came, much to my surprise, all the failed lights worked.

When the electrician stopped laughing, he explained that LED lights, and some compact flourescents, don't work properly when they're cold (by then, the house had warmed up). He wouldn't take monies for the visit, but we funded his next pint for the call-out.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 08 Jan 25 - 07:47 PM

LED lights are cool to the touch, but if they fail they can get hot and be a big problem. Generally I've found that the inexpensive odd-name brands don't last long, just stopping instead of any catastrophic failure.

I returned the LEDs and brought home fluorescent, but only two of them light. They're on circuits so two must be in place to light, and no tinkering got the second pair to light. For now I have two dead ones in the back rows and will look into replacing that ballast. I'll keep the receipt with the two unused lights to return if not much time has passed if I end up having the fixture replaced.

The visiting friend is comfortable at her daughter's so my guest room will stay empty, and with the possibility of snow, we'll confine our visits to phone calls. Will I be organized enough to do more around the house instead?

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Charmion
Date: 09 Jan 25 - 09:49 AM

I have reduced my music CD holdings to very few, with the rest packed up in book boxes and ready to go. That leaves me with a full-height 60-cm IKEA Billy bookcase to unload, along with six shelf inserts for CD storage.

At one level, I’m still a bit amazed that it’s come to this. Until about four years ago, my habit was to accumulate all the recorded music I could, and never let go of anything. In the aftermath of Edmund’s death, a switch flipped, and I realized that I wanted much of it gone — just out of the house and off my hands. A wide range of music that I love was no longer appealing in recorded form; I would happily pay to hear it live, or listen with someone else, but it doesn’t appeal when I’m alone.

Also, my tastes have changed. I literally don’t care if I never hear the voice of Bob Dylan ever again.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 09 Jan 25 - 03:28 PM

That's kind of sad, Charmion. The whole music out thing, not the Dylan thing - that's a point of personal preference. There's another Mudcatter, who I won't name here, a family friend, who so reduced her personal holdings that I think she could happily live in the space of a modest dorm room. I don't know if she streams or gets everything from the library, but it was a choice to make life easier and less expensive.

I'm watching the horror, but now also, the navel gazing following the fires wiping out homes and communities all around Los Angeles. They've charred rich and poor alike, though we seem mostly to be hearing about the rich neighborhoods. When so many there work with broadcast media, they are exploring the loss microphone in hand, experiencing the shock on camera, people figuring out whether to move or rebuild, it's all on view (mostly on streaming/cable). But I'm thinking about Mudcatter open mike (Laurel Paulson-Pierce) who was in different parts of the state but has been burned out of two different homes in California. I remember the discussions of replacing destroyed musical instruments. I mailed her a cookie press a few years ago when the holidays came around and she wanted to make traditional cookies a few months after the most recent loss of her home. The point is that for those wishing to clear out extra stuff, there will be a lot of people working to replace a supply of the basics, to furnish their lives with books and music and a few attractive objects along with the basics. I suspect those who will be looking for good used items aren't the same ones whose burned foundations are in view right now. Those with the big houses will itemise and use insurance to replace stuff. It's incredibly lucky that so few lives (so far) have been lost. They can move forward and perhaps figure out what is really important when doing the replacement thing.

We have freezing rain and slick sidewalks here today so after slithering to the curb to deposit my trash bag (that may not get picked up until tomorrow due to weather), I'm inside and think I'll switch to music instead of TV to accompany my online work. I watched Carter's funeral, that was the important thing to see today.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Charmion
Date: 09 Jan 25 - 09:40 PM

We were early users of iTunes, copying the contents of those myriad CDs to our desktop computer so it could be loaded on iPods. So most (if not all) those CDs are still available to me on Apple Music. Now I listen most to classical music, and I’m a committed subscriber to SiriusXM satellite radio so I’m spoiled for choice.

I’m not quite in the class of your dorm-room friend, Stilly, as I still have seven full-height bookcases stocked with books, but I understand her. I have days when I imagine unloading everything and settling in a bed-sit with a microwave, but there’s no danger of that as long as I’m hanging onto sterling silver flatware and Waterford crystal for eight.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Dorothy Parshall
Date: 09 Jan 25 - 11:30 PM


I am gradually realizing that I am feeling almost like my previous self - a moderate amount of energy and more positive attitude. I really did think I was going to die soon and felt OK, in fact, good about it. Tired of struggling and wanting the end of it. My son was having none of it - hence the family Christmas!

I surmise that it has taken my bod since November to recover from the heavier meds. A relief to know I won't be dealing with that again - at least until April, and a lower dose!

The "grief Group" hit the wall on Monday. 1. The room smelled of perfume when I arrived - a major possible problem for me. I commented and received no question/no response. Then the "leader", nice but lacking, let go of the whole thing and it was a gab session with several separate gabs occurring around the table. I kept trying to get the phone to do its thing with the hearing aids tho nothing would have helped in that chaos. As we neared the end of the time, nothing meaningful had occurred and I was fairly fed up when one of the women made the pronouncement that it was a wonderful session - as though she were making a group pronouncement. I said that it was not that for me. I got royal what-for from the woman next to me for playing with my phone - it should not be allowed! Nope! She was unaware of my hearing problem. And I had only just realized she is going blind - and just learned her name as I have only seen her a very few times. The "leader" said firmly that I had no right to believe that people should listen when others are speaking. And, anyway we had just been through the holidays ... I did not inform her that the holidays are known to be highly stressful - all the more reason to check with how people were doing....... She was all upset -"all my fault!" I gave her a hug and told her it had nothing to do with her.

There are a few people I like and would like to get to know better. I keep telling people they are welcome to visit. I am ready to give it up. But wonder if I have a responsibility for explaining the why of it - How to improve the group for those who need it. She is a volunteer. She is suffering from loss of husband and has shared her own pain.

Everyone just left so I went out to the parking area and told the woman going blind that I was trying to use my phone to hear better. and expressed concern for how it must feel to be going blind.   

On the home front: I did major grocery shopping today "(four dif shops) - very careful not to put too much in one bag and only pick up one at a time! Took me a while to get it all in the house. Then have a bite to eat and put a roast/potatoes/carrots, in the oven along with a pan of cabbage rolls from M&M. Opened a can of yellow beans- too tired now to do up the fresh ones! Fell asleep in my chair and woke to cooked cabbage rolls and a roast needing more heat/time. Then woke up to some of the pot/car burned on the bottom but the beans and roast were fine,

However: watching the FB page for the bridge, I sent R notices of how dangerous it was - NO lights at all on the entire bridge and dreadful slush and those dreadful new fangled headlights that make it harder to see! So he decided to stay in town.

Now! to bed, and so to cogitate... and sleep...

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 01:07 AM

Charmion, every year I call SiriusXM to cancel because the introductory rate is fine but the monthly rate is too high. And every year they offer to extend the introductory rate for another year. I also listen to a lot of classical: "Alexa, play Symphony Hall on SiriusXM for 2 hours" is heard here often. I have my Echo dot next to the big receiver and a Bluetooth adapter plugged into it, so Alexa sends some mighty-fine sounding music through the system. In the car I switch around more between blues and classic rock and news. I don't think they're losing money on me, I don't go for the celebrity talk shows or sports.

Dorothy, sleeping while stuff is on the stove. Oy. I applaud you for how you generously spoke with those other members of the group. They're lucky to have you there.

Finished a big html coding project that must be done every January. I stopped part-way through to get moving by doing an Essentrics workout since PBS is broadcasting one of the older seasons this month. I subscribe and can do any of them, but I figure what the heck, do this because it's right here in front of me.

Streets are crusty, tomorrow is supposed to hover in the low 30s, then a real cold dip into Saturday morning. I don't have to go anywhere till Sunday, so will just bide my time here at home.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: keberoxu
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 09:43 AM

Stilly, freezing rain is the worst.
But at least the freeze will de-clutter any bugs around.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: pattyClink
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 10:08 AM

So we've had a couple of snows during this deep freeze. One lovely walk in it. The pump & well people came out and charged up the pressure tank, so the problem is solved for now, we'll keep an eye out for a slow leak.

Carpenter insists on working through the bad weather but keeping key equipment in my house, dry and charging. Really wish I had just put a tin patch on the veranda roof and gone about my business, this rebuild is taking forever.   

The weedeater refund finally came through, and I filled out the survey about how much I loved twisting in the wind for 3 weeks.

Tending to lots of address and bank changes. Astonished to find the new credit card is not only unusable but so is their website; you fill in sensitive info then it says 'we can't process, come back another time'. 2 days later, same thing. The phone line is solid static at all times and ridiculous wait times, and I suspect I would be told 'try again later' anyway. I'll attempt to turn the card in today at the bank which 'issued' it.

Tried to set up online access at said bank, got through their process, and was told they would review it for security and contact me in 1-2 days. I think this is day 4.   

I already tried the credit unions in town, all my documents in hand. One told me to go away for 1.5 hours because the officer was going to lunch soon, and no they wouldn't give me an appointment for another time 'it's on a first-come-first-serve basis'. The other has a dizzying array of nuisance fees.   

I guess I'll cling to old out of state accounts that at least are designed to work.

Bev Praver did a great song at the Singaround about automated phone systems, something about 'whatever you do, don't press 9'. Ironically 9 was my assigned choice on the credit card line.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Mrrzy
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 11:02 AM

Our snow is solid ice. I walk on top like a polar bear on roller skates.

Meanwhile, The Chair is back. I had it down to actual chair surface at some point recently...

But the spare room is spare, again. So, good news bad news.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Mrrzy
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 11:06 AM

In another vein, as it were, went through about 17 little bags of pot of various kinds and consolidated into one bag of daytime, one bag of nighttime, and one bag of who knows what weed this is, but it's weed.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 11:38 AM

Mrrzy, good luck sorting that out. I'm told that what is produced these days is so much stronger than the weed of our youth that one has to be careful using it. I was a chicken, I never used it, and now it sounds like it's a riskier product than I'm interested in. Alcohol is the drug of choice here (though I'm off of that for a while also, just because.)

Patty, congratulations on the eBay refund! Did you try the CUs in the city that is on your mailing address? Las Cruces is larger and has a university, it is bound to have better functioning credit unions. There are some linkages between different credit unions (you'll have to ask your distant one how to connect with something closeby). Plus there are surcharge-free ATMs that seem mostly to be set up in 7-Eleven convenience stores and other credit unions. That said, my remote CU won't let me use their online form to link it to my nearby CU. I have to call them to do it (and I'll avoid "9"!) I can write myself a check and deposit it via a phone app, and that said, the phone apps are pretty robust.

There must have been reasons why you chose to rebuild the veranda versus patch it. Was the wood weak? You would have had to do regular repairs on it? Living in a construction zone is never fun but I bet you'll enjoy the outcome. When I moved into this house I had remodeling done, but I had a new garage built in the back when the existing one was enclosed in the house. I always enjoy puttering around the garage; it may be 500sf, but it's something I had built.

A friend who lives in the Davis Mountains of West Texas is at the point of replacing the furnace and AC in her home, and the local AC shop recommended five "mini-splits." That's what you're using now, right? Do you like their performance? Any tips I can pass along?

More snow fell on the icy crust overnight so it's pretty, but this morning is 33o, so drippy. Yesterday was a national day of mourning so may be the reason for no trash pickup (and no mail and a delay on your CU paperwork); we'll see if the bag at the curb goes away today. There's enough greasy stuff in it that raccoons or coyotes will eventually tear it up if it stays out too long. Unless I have so much stuff that the large Rubbermaid can makes sense, I put a bag out to save myself having to retrieve the can later.

A damp dog has decided to hang out next to my computer chair. Time for a towel to use on these two as the snow melts. For those of you who use FB, yesterday I posted a photo of the red cap my daughter crocheted on a whim for one of her chickens. I'd seen a photo of a different hen with a hat and sent it to her, and she decided to whip up a little one. The result? "She was quite offended." But it's a lovely photo.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: pattyClink
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 11:54 AM

The mini-splits are a huge step forward if you have an older home that wasn't set up for central heat. They are quiet and efficient at cooling, and offer a dehumidify setting in addition to just fan or heat options.

But in winter you're using electricity rather than gas for heating, which isn't ideal unless you have solar power.

When the weather is changeable, you can't run a bit of heat in the one cold room and leave the A/C set to 78, all the units have to run on the exact same 'mode' although you can fine tune the temp. Apparently the main air handler that sits on the roof has to be working in one mode only. There's a little too much running around resetting each units temp morning and evening. Though you theoretically can program that with the remotes (1 for each unit).

Not excited about maintenance. Though they look sleek and simple, they sit very high on my walls, and it seems difficult to clean filters and troubleshoot. The Youtube videos I've seen involve ladders and plastic sheeting enclosures, yikes.

If she's already got ductwork set up for central heating and a/c, I'd be inclined to keep a central system going, unless the new units are crazy expensive.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 12:57 PM

That is good to know, thanks - I'll send these remarks along.

This morning I've completed most of my employment work so the afternoon is for sewing and jigsaw. And I may get dressed; everyone I've spoken to this morning is still in robe and pjs. In northern parts of the world cold weather is common and getting dressed each morning is typical. Here it's a snow day and lounging around the house.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 01:41 PM

A radio show on now will be a podcast later - Think on KERA has the topic Tech has outpaced evolution. There will be a link to the program and you'll find a link to the book if you're interested.

So far their conversation has covered brain health, nutrition needs, brains of babies, parts of the brain that respond to screens, and habits and addictive behavior, spectrum tendencies versus poor social skills based on poor socialization due to screen time.

Laundry needed folding because I was out of clean underwear. A lot of what was in that load was yardage that came from the friend with the yard full of plants I'll be digging; she also has art supplies and I'll be folding and adding these to the donations to the Welman Project (mentioned before). With the cold weather keeping me indoors I should poke around and see what else I have here I can donate next week. My sewing room was once my daughter's bedroom, and the closet is still stuffed with things of hers. Perhaps it's time to go through and have a call later asking what she does and doesn't want.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Charmion
Date: 10 Jan 25 - 06:53 PM

Three cubic feet of music CDs and a wine box of books have left the building — gone down Highway 7 to the Goodwill bookstore in London. Now I have to figure out how to move the empty bookcase from the music room downstairs to the garage.

No, I won’r try to do it alone. I have some respect for my neck.

Yesterday I received a visit from one of my fellow choristers, Marco of the bass section, who paints houses for a living. He came to measure the music room, which is enormous — two thirds the size of the two-car garage upon which it was built. I’m bracing myself for his quote. I must get that job done this year; the current purple-and-puce colour scheme has got to go!

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 11 Jan 25 - 11:55 AM

I need to repaint the hall bathroom (where I went through a bright yellow phase a few years ago.) And the halls. And take down wallpaper in the kitchen. And the popcorn on the upper walls in the den. New windows and doors. So much stuff to do, but has been ignored for years.

Poking around for extra small things to tuck into a box going to my son I came across a #2 can full of art pencils, nothing precious, that is now going in the Welman donation box. I need to go through his dresser drawers and see what else can go because I remember just packing things in that would fit, not necessarily things that go in a dresser.

This morning I woke to what feels like the beginnings of a bladder infection. I haven't been drinking as much fluid in the colder weather, mostly cups of tea, and some of the carbs this week had more sugar than usual. Low compared to how much I got before going low-carb, but still there to grow an infection. This morning I put two frozen bags of cranberries in the steam juicer, and when it's cool I'll mix a batch of cran-apple juice, heavy on the cran. (I keep frozen apple juice for this reason).

Outside it is now above freezing so the ice should be gone by mid-afternoon. The special quality of mud after a freeze means I'll be washing floors this week, there are dog footprints in view everywhere.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: MaJoC the Filk
Date: 11 Jan 25 - 02:16 PM

We've just had our back fence replaced. Now to put back the vine eyes, and wire up the wysteria which pulled the previous fence over .... but can I get sufficiently beefy wire? can I microsoft :-( . Double thickness of the thinner galvanised wire will have to do For Now, but I fear it'll go Ping.

Meanwhile, the quote is in to replace our big back window: when I went out for firewood the other week, I found the windowsill on the floor, where it had finally rotted through. And I found parcel tape doesn't stick well to rough stone or wet wood, so the plastic bag over the gap is about as much use in stopping water getting in as a G-string.

Grumpissimo (*sigh*).

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 11 Jan 25 - 06:16 PM

During this wet weather I got a good look at the standing water near the patio and figured out how much closer to it the new French drain will have to start. Last month I sketched out the route about six inches deep and 12' long. From the far end of that trench to the spot where the water still stands it'll need to be about 20' long and 10" deep. I'll finish it this month so when the plum tree blossoms in March it won't be too wet. And if it doesn't blossom in the spring I'll take it down and whatever replaces it won't suffer the same fate.

Apple juice with my home-juiced cranberry added blew today's carb count out of the water, but a glass of that plus a couple of the cranberry capsules (buried in the pantry) and drinking a lot of water should clear any bugs. I'll take the capsules all week. I've had this happen before if I wasn't drinking enough water and was inactive.

While working the latest jigsaw puzzle I finished an audiobook and then set up a spare Roku stick on the TV on that table. This way I can listen to books or TV streaming stuff (I have a lot of PBS programs to catch up on) while I work puzzles.

It's a stay-home day. Laundry is in. Leftovers for lunch and dinner. I am dressed in fleece pants and a layered shirts. This is flannel season.

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Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 12 Jan 25 - 09:30 PM

There is a growing stack of craft items on the bench near the back door to be donated on Tuesday. Last night I pulled out three bags of fabric scraps from my daughter that I'd stuffed into a bin until I could look through them. I am keeping just a few. Along with other art materials and storage containers this will be a nice clear-out. Interestingly, a couple of hours after that task I had an email from a friend offering quilting scraps, so I described the place where I'm donating and she's going to see if there is something similar in her community.

Today's museum tour was in a dressier pair of black jeans, size 10. I haven't worn these in ages. I think these weekend tours stay open because the other docents know there is a chance the tours won't make. They wait and see if anyone is interested; I promote the tour as people come in and can usually talk at least one or two people into going with me, as I did today. That's ok - I get credit for the time spent whether I speak to 3 or 30.

Another pants observation - while we had a few cold days I was wearing regular jeans and later fleece sweatpants but I forgot about the pair of LL Bean flannel-lined jeans. Those are size 8 tall but are roomy so will fit ok now. We have another arctic blast headed this way in about seven days so I'll move them to the front of the rack. In the meantime, maybe I can get the waistband restored in my favorite fleece pj pants. I think there is another pair of flannel pants in the sewing room; I remember a pair that wasn't in my dresser drawer where I expected them to be so they're probably needing work.

Lots of water and cranberry seem to have helped turn the tide on the nascent infection. That's always better than antibiotics, because they come with their own set of problems.

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