Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Felipa Date: 01 Mar 21 - 06:08 PM 1 March - Teannaibh Dlùth is Togaibh Fonn Scottish Gaelic Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 02 Mar 21 - 03:34 AM
Translation of the two verses not included in the song sung by Paco Ibáñez
Live rendition in Alcázar de San Juan on 2018/08/21. You'll find a rhyming English version on the Antiwar Songs site Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 04 Mar 21 - 04:05 AM Sung by Steve Belsey NEPUDEM DOMÚ (Czech) Nepudem domú, Až bude ráno, Až bude na nebi Hvĕzdiček málo Nepudem domú, Budeme tady Až bude slunéčko Nad napajedly Nepudem domú, Až bude svítat Až budú tatíček Palicú smýkat Čechomor live rendition Sheet music Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 08 Mar 21 - 04:16 PM Monique, this is the best translation I've found...
Reading 1, reading 2, YouTube page with many renditions and recordings. Gabriel Fauré composed Les Djinns op. 12 (1875) for mixed choir, César Franck composed a symphonic poem Les Djinns (FWV 45) in 1884 and Louis Vierne composed Les Djinns op. 35 in 1912. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 10 Mar 21 - 03:35 AM
Françoise Hardy's rendition Sheet music Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 15 Mar 21 - 05:09 PM Sung by Jim Lucas
Transliteration (not pronunciation!!!) METELITSA
French Wiki entry about the song reads (Translated by Google)... "'s a Russian folk song from the late 18th century. The music dates from the 1840's by Alexander Varlamov. The lyrics of the song were first published in 1790 under the name 'What Boredom, Mother, to Spend Spring Alone' (Скучно, матушка, весной мне жить одной in Russian). In 1817, the poet Dimitri Glebov [Дмитрий Глебов 1789-1843, (link in Russian only)] reworked them somewhat, and republished them under the name 'How Boring, Mother, To Live as a Lonely Heart' (in Russian Скучно, матушка, мне сердцем жить одной). After the text was set to music in 1842, various versions followed, close to varying degrees to that of Glebov. The Metelitsa appears in the repertoire of many artists, including Yossif Kobzon, Sergei Lemechev, Anna German and the Red Army Choir." Back to Index
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 15 Mar 21 - 06:10 PM
You can listen to a nice recording here, to another there… There are more -(but I wouldn't say "everywhere"). Bernat de Ventadorn (or Bernart de Ventadorn or French 'Bernard de Ventadour') is our greatest and best known troubadour. Wiki entry about the song Note that troubadours' songs didn't reach us by any folk process, they've been "buried" for centuries and were "exhumed" by scholars only a few decades ago. They weren't folk songs. There were 3 styles of songs: "trobar lèu" (light form) accessible to anyone, "trobar ric" (rich form) accessible to more literate people and "trobar clus" (closed form), complex and obscure, you needed to belong to the elite to access it. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 22 Mar 21 - 05:59 PM
You can also find a recording and an Italian translation on the Italian Chambra d'òc site as the Occitan Valleys are a part of Italy where Occitan is still spoken. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Felipa Date: 23 Mar 21 - 09:48 AM Zog, Maran; a song in Yiddish sung at the 22 March 2021 Mudcat singaround is already posted on Mudcat Zog, Maran Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 23 Mar 21 - 07:44 PM sung by Fred Maslan
Study about the song Some songs for Passover in this PDF. Live rendition Felipa's comments have been moved to the Ehad Mi Yodea thread. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 25 Mar 21 - 09:30 AM
Another live rendition by An Conasg music trio Recording by the Glasgow Gaelic Choir Recording by Fiona J. McKenzie If you want a Gaelic lesson and to learn it "little by little", go see the Learn Gaelic website! -Their translation is slightly different from the one above. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: learn some Gaelic songs via From: Felipa Date: 25 Mar 21 - 10:12 AM I think it can be a bit hard to navigate the Learn Gaelic site to find songs. On the beginners section, it is listed within the Little by Little menu and in the Intermediate section it is listed directly in the menu for Intermediate B1. Both routes bring you to |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: leeneia Date: 25 Mar 21 - 01:14 PM Hello, Monique. I really enjoyed your song Devinhola with its riddles. Do you think that is an old song? |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 25 Mar 21 - 03:47 PM Leeneia, the recording is from 2000 but I don't know how old the song is, if it's an old song or if it was written when it was recorded. I can ask if someone around me knows the answer but I'm not sure I'll get one. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 29 Mar 21 - 03:40 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 29 Mar 21 - 04:25 PM
Recording from 1972. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: GUEST,Felipa Date: 29 Mar 21 - 06:18 PM "Je ne regrette rien" is posted Mudcat but I don't think it has its own discussion thread, so I will copy the lyrics from songs about remembering here
Édith Piaf live rendition. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 03 Apr 21 - 01:32 PM Evening Bell (Вечерний звон) is a popular Russian song written in 1828 by Ivan Kozlov and Alexander Alyabyev. The lyrics are adapted from a Russian-themed verse by Thomas Moore. (Some more background by Wikipedia)
vecherniy zvon, vecherniy zvon! kak mnogo dum navodit on o yunykh dnyakh v krayu rodnom, gde ya lyubil, gde otchiy dom, i kak ya, s nim navek prostyas', tam slushal zvon v posledniy raz! uzhe ne zret' mne svetlykh dney vesny obmanchivoy moyey! i skol'ko net teper' v zhivykh togda veselykh, molodykh! i krepok ikh mogil'nyy son; ne slyshen im vecherniy zvon. lezhat' i mne v zemle syroy! napev unyvnyy nado mnoy v doline veter razneset; drugoy pevets po ney proydet, i uzh ne ya, a budet on v razdum'ye pet' vecherniy zvon! Translation borrowed from Natalia Chernega website where you can listen to a rendition by the Sretensky Monastery Choir Some renditions: 1st verse only: Ivan Rebroff , Red Army Choir, soloist: Борис Дьяков (Boris Dyakov), Сергей Захаров (Sergey Zakharov) A rendition of the full set of lyrics by Юлия Зиганшина (Yulia Ziganshina.) (totally different!). And if you want to have a look at some paintings while you listen to the Patriarchal Choir, Moscow or at some photos while you listen to soloist Гедда Николай (Nicolai Gedda), here you are! Two scores and lyrics (Russian site), Lyrics and chords (Russian book from Google) Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 05 Apr 21 - 06:57 PM The first two lines of each verse are repeated. As often happens in French folk songs the last line(s) of a verse become(s) the first line(s) of the next one.
You'll find the lyrics and the references above in Les chants populaires français. You'll also find a shorter version on Mama Lisa's World with two slightly different tunes and scores. Recording by Nana Mouskouri (same tune and lyrics as what I learned as a child) Recording Les 4 Barbus & la Chorale Fédérale du Scoutisme Français Recording by Jacques Douai. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 12 Apr 21 - 03:24 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 12 Apr 21 - 03:30 PM
Here is Odysséas Elýtis's full poem. Only the 1st, 4th and last verses can be sung to the tune. I don't have a reliable translation so far. Με το λύχνο του άστρου στους ουρανούς εβγήκα Στο αγιάζι των λειμώνων στη μόνη ακτή του κόσμου Που να βρω τη ψυχή μου το τετράφυλλο δάκρυ Λυπημένες μυρσίνες ασημωμένες ύπνο Μου ράντισαν την όψη φυσώ και μόνος πάω Που να βρω τη ψυχή μου το τετράφυλλο δάκρυ! Οδηγέ των ακτίνων και των κοιτώνων Μάγε Αγύρτη που γνωρίζεις το μέλλον μίλησέ μου Που να βρω τη ψυχή μου το τετράφυλλο δάκρυ! Τα κορίτσια μου πένθος για τους αιώνες έχουν Τ’αγόρια μου τουφέκια κρατούν και δεν κατέχουν Που να βρω τη ψυχή μου το τετράφυλλο δάκρυ! Εκατόγχειρες νύχτες μες στο στερέωμα όλο Τα σπλάχνα μου αναδεύουν αυτός ο πόνος καίει Που να βρω τη ψυχή μου το τετράφυλλο δάκρυ! Με το λύχνο του άστρου στους ουρανούς γυρίζω Στο αγιάζι των λειμώνων στη μόνη ακτή του κόσμου Που να βρω τη ψυχή μου το τετράφυλλο δάκρυ! 2022/10/19 UPDATE: Mikis Theodorakis passed away on Sept 2nd 2021. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: rosma Date: 12 Apr 21 - 08:04 PM I sang Chevalier de la Table Ronde which already has a link here. I also sang Mon Beau Sapin before Christmas.
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: GerryM Date: 12 Apr 21 - 11:30 PM Teresa and I sang "Eli, Eli" at the singaround today, also known as "Halicha L'Kesariya", which is Hebrew for "A Walk to Caesarea". A poem by Hannah Senesh (1921-1944), set to music by David Zehavi (1910- 1977). Borrowed from this blog: The poem of 14 words and six lines was written in Hebrew by Hannah Senesh, at Sdot Yam, Caesarea, on November 24, 1942, as a prayer to God—a prayer with overtones of Psalm 22. The poem was set to music by David Zehavi in 1945, after Hannah Senesh’s death by a German firing squad on November 7, 1944. She was 23.
(הליכה לקיסריה) אלי, אלי ,אלי, אלי ,שלא יגמר לעולם החול והים ,רשרוש של המים ,ברק השמיים .תפילת האדם Live rendition by Kol Rina Ensemble ; by Sophie Milman ; by the Maayan Band |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 19 Apr 21 - 02:22 PM This song is the 7th piece of the "Cantata de Santa María de Iquique" that Luis Advis (1935-2004) composed for the group Quilapayún. The theme of the cantata is a historical industrial dispute that ended with the massacre of miners in the northern Chilean city of Iquique in 1907. The work was premiered in July 1970 and recorded about 2 months later. The master tapes were destroyed during the coup and the work was recorded again in 1978. The Cantata is structured in eighteen parts, which include five stories without music, a prelude and three interludes with music only, two announcements and seven songs, whose rhythms and instrumentalization vary notably to emphasize the theme treated in each song.
Live rendition 1981, soloist Guillermo García Live rendition 1997, soloist Guillermo García Live rendition 2003, soloist Guillermo García Live rendition Dos Cantatas - Teatro Caupolicán - 25.05.2017 Soloist: Rubén Escudero (the song starts at 1:25) The background and the lyrics of the whole work can be found in this PDF (all in Spanish). You can listen to the whole cantata in this 2003 live rendition (40 min). There are many videos with the recorded version of it. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 26 Apr 21 - 02:24 PM
As sung by La Meute Rieuse , as sung by La Mal Coiffée , as sung by Dubartàs , as sung by Chœur occitan Rosamonda, Gérard Zuchetto Here is a version of the song in the Gascon dialect of Occitan:
*"lo cap de l'an" (lit. the head of the year) can be understood as "New Year" but also as "the end of the year" (at the end of your 1st year of marriage) **In this version as in the one above, it's hard to tell if "mal cofada" means that she/they won't keep her/their hair well combed/tidy or if her/their coif won't be put properly. In Òc as in French "cofada/coiffée" can be about hair or about a coif. Here is a slightly different version:
Recorded by La Talvera. Version collected in 1993 Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 27 Apr 21 - 12:30 PM Here is the song Lois sang
As sung by Dewey Balfa, Mark Savoy, D.L. Menard , as sung by D.L. Menard , as sung by Charlie 'Wine' Thibodeaux, Popa Robin (Robin Bruck) and Beth Fontenot (Fogleman) , as sung by Lee Benoit- accordion/vocals, John Pronk – guitar. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: SPB-Cooperator Date: 03 May 21 - 09:37 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 03 May 21 - 01:16 PM I am so sorry I missed Chevaliers de la table ronde! |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 10 May 21 - 01:47 PM
*La finforleta and la finforla have no meaning. **Nobody knows what/who "Guirlan" is/was Recording by Mont-Jòia Recording by Forró e Raffut Recording by Savina Yannatou Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: leeneia Date: 11 May 21 - 11:48 AM Here are the lyrics to 'Wie Lieblich ist der Maien', which I sang May 3rd. The melody is from 1575, and the words 1604. There are some lines I didn't understand, so I didn't even try to translate them. WIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIEN 1. Wie lieblich ist der Maien aus lauter Gottesgüt, des sich die Menschen freuen, weil alles grünt und blüht! Die Tier sieht man jetzt springen mit Lust auf grüner Weid, die Vöglein hört man singen, die loben Gott mit Freud. ====================== How lovely is May by God's goodness. People rejoice while everything turns green and blossoms. We see the animals springing with joy over green meadows. We hear the birds sing, who praise God with joy. 2. Herr, dir sei Lob und Ehre für solche Gaben Dein. Die Blüt zur Frucht vermehre,lass sie ersprießlich sein. Es steht in Deinen Händen,Dein Macht und Güt ist groß, drum wollst Du von uns wenden Mehltau, Frost, Reif und Schloss. ============================ Lord, to Thee be praise and honor for such gifts. The blossoms proceed to fruit, ------------------ It's in your hands, your power and goodness are great. 3. Herr, lass die Sonne blicken ins finstre Herze mein, damit sich’s möge schicken,fröhlich im Geist zu sein, die größte Lust zu haben allein an Deinem Wort, das mich im Kreuz kann laben und weist des Himmels Pfort. ============================= Lord, let the sun shine into my dark heart that I may become happy in spirit, that the cross might cleanse me and show me heaven. 4. Mein Arbeit hilf vollbringen und lob dem Namen Dein, und lass mir wohl gelingen, im Geist fruchtbar zu sein; die Blümlein lass aufgehen von Tugend mancherlei, damit ich mög bestehen und nicht verwerflich sei. =================== Help my work to succeed and to honor your name and let me be fruitful in spirit. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: GUEST,Felipa Date: 12 May 21 - 07:28 AM Tha Mo Ghaol air Àird A' Chuain is now posted at Tráthnóna Beag Aréir |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Felipa Date: 17 May 21 - 07:34 PM Bríd Óg Ní Mhaille (Irish Gaelic) Hine Ma Tov |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 24 May 21 - 10:55 AM This song has been posted on the Songs of Victor Jara thread but had no translation.
Víctor Jara's recording Live rendition by Mercedes Sosa 1983 live rendition by Quilapayún (Soloist Guillermo García) 2013 live rendition by Quilapayún (Soloist Fernando Carrasco) Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 24 May 21 - 03:39 PM
Recording by Rosalie Dubois Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 31 May 21 - 02:08 PM
**The Altiplano (Spanish for "high plain"), in west-central South America, is the area where the Andes are the widest. The bulk of the Altiplano lies in Bolivia, but its northern parts lie in Peru, and its southern parts lie in Chile and Argentina. (Wikipedia) 1970 live rendition by Paco Ibáñez in the Paris Olympia. 2018 live rendition byPaco Ibáñez 1997 live rendition by Ángel Parra -a very different tune. Back to Index |
Subject: ADD: Amore Grande Amore Mio From: Joe Offer Date: 02 Jun 21 - 12:56 AM Gayle Wade sang this one on May 31
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 03 Jun 21 - 05:22 PM
*It's a game of words, for "stones in the hand" may also mean agressivity. **When the artist says "cantador" he doesn't mean an ordinary professional singer, but a traditional profession from the Northeast of the country, when men sing lines as they compose it, and usually defy each other, like some kind of rap battle. The cantadores also have social prestige, and have some mystical air around them. The translation and notes by Julia Alvares have been borrowed from Original clip by Zé Ramalho Recording by Zé Ramalho Live rendition by Zé Ramalho and his cousin Elba Ramalho Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 07 Jun 21 - 03:31 PM
Recording by Félix Leclerc and Beau Dommage 1969 recording by Félix Leclerc 1979 recording by Félix Leclerc Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Felipa Date: 07 Jun 21 - 08:38 PM relevant songs I heard on the 7 June singaround were Sheòl am Bàta Fairis a-null (Gaelic) and Tzena Tzena (Hebrew) I missed the first 2 hours of the singaround, so I expect Monique may add another song or two for this week. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 08 Jun 21 - 03:12 AM Laura Martin sang... ЛЕТЯТ УТКИ (Russian) Летят утки, летят утки и два гуся. Ох...Кого люблю, кого люблю — не дождуся. Приди, милый, приди, милый, стукни в стену, Ох...А я выйду, а я выйду, тебя встрену. Мил уехал, мил уехал за Воронеж. Ох...Теперь его, теперь его не воротишь. Когда, милый, когда, милый, бросать станешь, Ох...Не расска... не рассказывай, что знаешь. Ох, как трудно, ох, как трудно расстаются — Ох...Глазки смотрят, глазки смотрят, слёзы льются. Цветёт колос, цветёт колос, к земле клонит, Ох...По милому, по милому сердце стонет. Here is a Russian page with 3 very slightly different set of lyrics and 2 scores (one in D, one in E). Beautiful rendition by the Voronezh Russian State Folk Choir. Online recording Live rendition (in traditional outfits!) Many more! Back to Index
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 14 Jun 21 - 02:51 PM
* Zacatín: "clothes market" from Spanish Arabic "saqqaṭtín", plural of saqqáṭ, from classical Arabic saqqāṭ, old clothes seller. **Moorish trumpets, buisines ***Alfaquí: Muslim priest, wise man. Here is the full romance:
original lyrics + a rhyming, embellished translation with many additional verses in English (there's a note at the bottom of the Spanish text saying "Here stops the original text. I wonder what the translator was smoking") A small blurb about Alhama with photos and the text of the romance two Spanish versions, a Portuguese one + 4 lines in Portuguese, a score. An educational pdf document in Spanish about the historical and geographical background with many pictures. Recording by Paco Ibáñez Recording by Carmela (Carmen Requeta Dideo) in "Chants d'Espagne et d'Amérique Latine" Vinyl LP (Paco Ibáñez's version) Recording by Joaquín Díaz Lyrics + chords Bolero flamenco by Fernando Barros Lirola. Recording by HADIT ("Por las dos caras" -1987) Modern versión performed in the 2010 Alhama "comarca" (~county) festival Eduardo Paniagua La Conquista De Granada The Orchard Music Concert by Axivil Aljamía that took place on 2013/06/13 in the patio of the Batha Museum in Fes (Morocco) during the 19th World Sacred Music Festival You can find more recordings/renditions searching these YouTube pages Romance de la pérdida de Alhama, Ay de mi Alhama Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 21 Jun 21 - 03:41 PM (Macho!) folk song from Macedonia in Bulgarian
Live performance + dance Live performance Dance Here is a link to Folk Dance Musing where you'll find the steps, a transliteration of a version of the verses 1, 2, 4 and 5 here above + a translation and some videos. Note that "баби" (babi) is in plural -the singular is "баба"), so their translation should be "Do you have grandmothers". It's the version I sang yesterday in which I included the verse about the brides. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Mrrzy Date: 21 Jun 21 - 05:24 PM
Live rendition by Magyar Rózsa Variation by Folkfonics feat Csemer Boggie & Accord Quartet Recording by Gémes trió Wiki's Hungarian folk songs list Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Felipa Date: 22 Jun 21 - 03:29 PM At the 21 June 2021 singaround, Dawn Berg sang Cha Bhí Mí Buan in Scottish Gaelic. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Felipa Date: 23 Jun 21 - 03:31 PM "'S trusaidh mi na coilleagan", I will gather the cockles, was sung in Scottish Gaelic at teh 14 June singaround. A Mudcat thread gives both English and Gaelic words for the song "Origins: The Cockle Gatherers" An Irish Gaelic song was sung at the same singaround: Seán Ó Duibhir a' Ghleanna Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: GUEST Date: 26 Jun 21 - 05:45 AM What a wonderful thread! When I was a student (in the 60s), we sang several songs in French: Chevaliers de la table Ronde Jeanetonne A la claire fontaine En passant par la Lorraine And in Spain picked up several ditties: Eres alta y delgada La Fuente del Cacho Caminito del Aviles and others I can't recall. Tradsinger Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 29 Jun 21 - 02:58 PM Songs mentioned by the anonymous GUEST above FRENCH Chevaliers de la table ronde (Drinking song): Lyrics: Digitrad Lyrics in this Mudcat thread Live rendition by Les Rats d'Swompe (Canadian band) Recording by Les Quatre Barbus Jeanneton aka "La Rirette"/"Larirette" (Bawdy song): Recording by Les Bostonnaises (Lynn Noel & Diane Taraz). Note that I never knew this was a kids' song!!!! It may be the first bawdy song we learn because it's not hardcore but it's no kids' song nevertheless! À la claire fontaine: Lyrics: Digitrad Lyrics in this Mudcat thread As sung by Nana Mouskouri En passant par la Lorraine: Lyrics in this Mudcat thread Lyrics + English translation + sheet music + YouTube videos on Mama Lisa's World SPANISH Eres alta y delgada (Song from Cantabria - Santander) Mudcat thread Recording by Joaquín Díaz La fuente de Cacho (Song from Cantabria -Santander) Wikipedia entry Live rendition by Los Carabelas Sung by Racing of Santander football/soccer club fans before a match. Caminito de Avilés (traditional song from Asturias): Live rendition by El Trío Llocántaru (Cantabrian band) Live rendition by Chus Pedro Lyrics on Fundación Joaquín Díaz + recording by Joaquín himself. NOTE: The Fundación Joaquín Díaz (Joaquín Díaz Foundation) is a very valuable ressource for Spanish tradtional songs and musical material. The whole site is in Spanish except for the home page that has been translated into a few languages. Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 01 Jul 21 - 06:34 AM Call and Answer song. All the verses follow the same pattern as the first.
Live rendition by L’AIRHALEUR (Sea shanty band from Brittany) Recording by the Breton band Maliorne Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English From: Monique Date: 08 Jul 21 - 10:21 AM Sung by Steve Belsey
Čechomor's live rendition Live rendition by Codex Live rendition by Pomněnky (band from Děčín) Video by Shot C + Čechomor Back to Index |
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Fairy Tale of New York (as Gaeilge) From: Felipa Date: 23 Jul 21 - 02:09 PM Monique told me that Fairy Tale of New York translated to Irish Gaelic was on this singaround list, so I searched for the lyrics and added them to one of the existing Fairy tale of New York threads. Incidentally, the version of "Bheir Mi O" (aka Eriskay Love Lilt) sung this week was in English, with only the vocables from the original included. |
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