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Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English

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Monique 16 Sep 24 - 11:29 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 16 Sep 24 - 11:29 AM

Last Monday, Jim Lucas sang "Ličko Kolo - Pjevaj mi, pjevaj, sokole"

About kolo (dance) Wikipedia.
About ličko kolo (Silent Kolo): Folkdance Footnotes, The Society of Folk Dance Historians (SFDH), Vitrifolk

1 Pjevaj mi, pjevaj, sokole
Šalaj sokole

2 K'o što si sinoč pjevao
Šalaj pjevao

3 Pod moje drage pendžerom
Šalaj pendžerom

4 Moja je draga zaspala
Šalaj zaspala

5 Studen joj kamen podmako
Šalaj podmako

6 Ja sam joj kamen izmako
Šalaj izmako

7 A svoju ruku podmako
Šalaj podmako
an approximate translation

1 Sing for me; sing, Falcon.

2 As you sang last night.

3 Under my love's window.

4 My love was sleeping.

5 Hard was the stone underneath [her head].

6 I took away the stone.

7. And I placed my own arm underneath.

*Google Translate gives the language as Croatian. The translation into Serbian is slightly different but a part of Serbia speaks the Croatian variety of the language. For those interested in the language(s) of the area, read Wiki article about Serbo-Croatian.

Recording by Dobrivoje Pavlica
Recording by Zlatko Pejakovi?
Live rendition by a men choir at 5:30 -a concert well worth to listen (1:05:11)
"Pjevaj mi sokole" Bethsnotes sheet music

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 16 Sep 24 - 02:10 PM

"Sur la route de Dijon" is a military march from the 17th or 18th century, which became very popular in France in the 19th century. It was taken up by the military during the colonial wars.
The children's version generally removes the verse "Parait que tout le bataillon/La belle digue di/La belle digue don/Consola la Marjolaine" because of the bawdy nature of this passage, as you can hear in this rendition
Tradition has it that this is the Sainte-Anne Fountain, which was once outside the Dijon urban area and formed a charming stream that flowed into the Ouche river (tributary to the Saône, itself a tributary to the Rhône).

[Sur la route de Dijon,
La belle, diguedi, la belle, diguedon,] (x2)
Il y avait une fontaine, la diguedondaine,
Il y avait une fontaine, aux oiseaux, aux oiseaux.

[Près d'elle un joli tendron
La belle, diguedi, la belle, diguedon] (x2)
Pleurait comme une madeleine, la diguedondaine,
Pleurait comme une madeleine, aux oiseaux, aux oiseaux

Par là passe un bataillon….
Qui chantait à perdre haleine, la diguedondaine...

Belle, comment vous nomme-t-on ?
On me nomme Marjolaine..

Marjolaine c'est un doux nom,
S'écria-t-un capitaine...

Marjolaine qu'avez-vous donc ?
Messieurs j'ai beaucoup de peine...

Paraît que tout l' bataillon,
Consola la Marjolaine...

Si vous passez par Dijon,
Allez boire à la fontaine...

[On the road to Dijon,
The beauty, diguedi, the beauty, diguedon,] (x2)
There was a fountain, the diguedondaine
There was a fountain, to/with birds, to/with birds

[By it a pretty young girl
The beauty, diguedi, the beauty, diguedon,] (x2)
Was crying her eyes out, la diguedondaine,
Was crying her eyes out, to birds, to birds

A battalion passed by,
Singing breathlessly, the diguedondaine...

Beauty, what do they call you?
They call me Marjolaine

"Marjolaine is a sweet name",
A captain exclaimed…

Marjolaine what's wrong with you/what ails you?
Gentlemen, I am in great sorrow/grief...

People say that the whole battalion,
Consoled Marjolaine...

If you pass by Dijon,
Go drink from the fountain...
"diguedi, diguedon, la diguedondaine" have no meaning.
Recording by Les Quatre Barbus et Lucienne Vernay
Sur la route de Dijon YouTube page.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 23 Sep 24 - 02:32 PM

DAUNA DE LA MAISON (Occitan -Gascon dialect)

Adishatz, dauna de la maison,
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo caudron,
Ont ei la vòsta hilha
Lo topin e la gran' grilha.

Sabètz pas perqué e soi vienut?
Lo topin, la culhèra, lo bisagut,
Pr'evs demandar Catrina
Lo topin e la terrina.

Catrina e's marida pas d'enguan,
Lo topin, la culhèra, lo cuu deu can,
Que n'ei tròp soenhoseta*
Lo topin e l'escauheta.

Ont es lo mèste de la maison
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo caudron
Ont es anat lo mèste?
Lo topin e la casseta

Lo mèste qu'es entau mercat
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo grand plat
Crompar 'n sac de vaishèra
Lo topin e la caudèra

E quan lo mèste qu'es arribat
Lo topin, la culhèra e lo gran plat
Qu'am lo galant de Catrina
Lo topin e la terrina

Li èi dit "Catrina 's marida pas,
Lo topin, la culhèra et lo gran plat,
Que n'es tròp soenhoseta *
Lo topin e l'escauhèta

Era que hèi nòsta foncion
Lo topin la culhèra e lo caudron
Que'ns lava la vaishèra
Lo topin e l'escudèra

Era que hèi nòsta foncion
Lo topin la culhèra e lo caudron
Com' hèi sa prauba mèra
Lo topin e l'escudèra.

Good morning, mistress of the house,
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
Where is your daughter,
The pot and the large grill

Don't you know why I've come?
The pot, the spoon, the adze,
To ask you for Catherine[to marry her],
The pot and the oven dish

Catherine won't marry this year,
The pot, the spoon, the dog ass,
For she's too diligent,
The pot and the bed warmer/warming pan.

Where is the master of the house?
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
Where has the master gone?
The pot and the ladle.

The master has gone to the market
The pot, the spoon and the large dish
To buy a bag of tableware,
The pot and the kettle

And when the master arrived
The pot, the spoon and the large dish,
Here's Catherine's beau, (lit. "we have C.'s beau")
The pot and the oven dish

I told him "Catherine won't marry,
The pot, the spoon and the large dish
For she's too diligent,
The pot and the bed warmer/warming pan.

She does our service,
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
She washes the tableware for us
The pot and the bowl,

She does our service,
The pot, the spoon and the caldron,
Like her poor mother does,
The pot and the bowl.
This is the original word that can be found in a version of the song collected in 1912 in La chanson populaire et la vie rurale des Pyrénées à la Vendée by Sylvian Trébucq and spelled "soignousette". You can hear it sung now as "sen-yausépe" (or the like) as was collected by Félix Arnaudin (1844-1921) in his "Chansons populaires de la Grande Lande, t 2" that was still unpublished when he died and was first published in 1970 (so unavailable online). The words have no meaning per se and can only be the result of a mishearing of "soignousette" (pronounced /swεɲuzεtə/ -something like "swenyoozehteh"), a Gascon diminutive of the French "soigneuse" (diligent, meticulous, careful) written in French spelling norm.
So, the masters wouldn't allow Catrina to get married because they'd have lost a too good housemaid!

Recording by Rosina de Pèira e Martina

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 30 Sep 24 - 02:30 PM

LILY (French)
© 1977 Pierre Perret (1934 - )

On la trouvait plutôt jolie, Lily
Elle arrivait des Somalies, Lily
Dans un bateau plein d'émigrés
Qui venaient tous de leur plein gré
Vider les poubelles à Paris

Elle croyait qu'on était égaux, Lily
Au pays d'Voltaire et d'Hugo, Lily
Mais, pour Debussy, en revanche
Il faut deux noires pour une blanche
Ça fait un sacré distinguo

Elle aimait tant la liberté, Lily
Elle rêvait de fraternité, Lily
Un hôtelier, rue Secrétan
Lui a précisé, en arrivant
Qu'on ne recevait que des Blancs

Elle a déchargé des cageots, Lily
Elle s'est tapée les sales boulots, Lily
Elle crie pour vendre des choux-fleurs
Dans la rue, ses frères de couleur
L'accompagnent au marteau-piqueur

Et quand on l'appelait Blanche-Neige, Lily
Elle se laissait plus prendre au piège, Lily
Elle trouvait ça très amusant
Même s'il fallait serrer les dents
Ils auraient été trop contents

Elle aima un beau blond frisé, Lily
Qui était tout prêt à l'épouser, Lily
Mais, la belle-famille lui dit
"Nous n'sommes pas racistes pour deux sous
Mais on veut pas de ça chez nous"

Elle a essayé l'Amérique, Lily
Ce grand pays démocratique, Lily
Elle aurait pas cru sans le voir
Que la couleur du désespoir
Là-bas, aussi ce fût le noir

Mais, dans un meeting à Memphis, Lily
Elle a vu Angela Davis, Lily
Qui lui dit "viens, ma petite sœur"
"En s'unissant, on a moins peur"
"Des loups qui guettent le trappeur"

Et c'est pour conjurer sa peur, Lily
Qu'elle lève aussi un poing rageur, Lily
Au milieu de tous ces gugus
Qui foutent le feu aux autobus
Interdits aux gens de couleur

Mais, dans ton combat quotidien, Lily
Tu connaîtras un type bien, Lily
Et l'enfant qui naîtra, un jour
Aura la couleur de l'amour
Contre laquelle on ne peut rien

On la trouvait plutôt jolie, Lily
Elle arrivait des Somalies, Lily
Dans un bateau plein d'émigrés
Qui venaient tous de leur plein gré
Vider les poubelles à Paris

They found her quite pretty, Lily
She came from Somalia, Lily
In a boat full of immigrants
Who all came of their own free will
To empty the trash in Paris

She believed we were all equal, Lily
In the land of Voltaire and Hugo, Lily
But, for Debussy, on the other hand
Two black (notes) are needed to make a white (note)
That's quite a difference

She loved freedom so much, Lily
She dreamed of brotherhood, Lily
A hotelkeeper on Secrétan street
Made it clear to her upon arrival
That only white people were accepted

She unloaded crates, Lily
She took on the dirty jobs, Lily
She shouts to sell cauliflowers
In the street, her brothers of color
Accompany her with a jackhammer

And when they called her Snow White, Lily
She fell no more for the trap, Lily
She found it very funny
Even if she had to grit her teeth
They would have been too happy

She loved a handsome curly blond, Lily
Who was ready to marry her, Lily
But the in-laws told him
We're not racist in the slightest
But we don't want that in our family.

She tried America, Lily
This great democratic country, Lily
She wouldn't have believed if she hadn't seen it
That the color of despair
Was black there too

But, at a meeting in Memphis, Lily
She saw Angela Davis, Lily
Who told her 'come, my little sister
By uniting, we are less afraid
Of the wolves that stalk the trapper

And to ward off her fear, Lily
She also raises a defiant fist, Lily
In the midst of all these clowns
Who set fire to buses
Forbidden to people of color.

But in your daily struggle, Lily
You will meet a good guy, Lily
And the child who will be born, one day
Will have the color of love
Against which nothing can be done

They found her quite pretty, Lily
She came from Somalia, Lily
In a boat full of immigrants
Who all came of their own free will
To empty the trash in Paris
1979's live rendition by Pierre Perret
2015's live rendition by Back to Index

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 07 Oct 24 - 02:16 PM

Guy Thomas (1934 – 2020) / Jean Ferrat (1930 - 2010)

Mon marmouset, mon nouveau-né,
Tu mériterais qu'on te gronde
Tu brailles comme un forcené,
T'as pas l'air content d'être au monde
T'as le minois tout chiffonné,
Pourtant, tu devrais rire aux anges
Avec ton lange enfariné
Pour engraisser monsieur Morhange*

Fais dodo, Colas mon petit frère,**
Fais dodo, mon petit loupiot

Si tu savais combien qu'c'est doux
De vivre et pis comment qu'c'est rose
Tu boirais ton biberon d'un coup
Pour engraisser monsieur Guigoz*
Car si tu bois bien ton lolo,
Si tu veux la mettre en sourdine
On te paiera bientôt des petits pots
Pour engraisser monsieur Blédine*

On fera ton éducation,
Ça m'étonnerait pas qu'on t'achète
Les mémoires du roi des cons
Pour engraisser monsieur Hachette*
T'auras pas le phylloxéra,
Grâce aux vaccins systématiques
Pour engraisser les scélérats
De l'industrie pharmaceutique

T'auras plus tard ta limousine
Pour engraisser monsieur Peugeot*
Alors t'achèteras d' la benzine
Pour engraisser monsieur Esso*
T'auras ton coin de serpolet,
On t'y permettra des culbutes
Avec ta tente et ton duvet
Pour engraisser monsieur La Hutte*

T'auras beau crier "Les fachos
Et les canons, c'est dégueulasse !"
Un jour, c'est pas du gibier d'eau
Qu'on te dira de prendre en chasse
Tu f'ras la guerre à ceux d'en face,
Vous vous offrirez des pruneaux
Pour engraisser monsieur Douglas*,
Pour engraisser monsieur Dassault*

My little young'un, my newborn,
You'd deserve to be scolded
You're bawling like a madman,
You don't seem happy to be born
Your face is all crumpled,
Though, you should be laughing blissfully
With your powdered (lit. floured) diaper
To enrich Mr. Morhange

Go to sleep, Colas my little brother,
Go to sleep, my little kid

If you knew how sweet it is
To live and also how rosy it is
You'd drink your bottle in one go
To enrich Mr. Guigoz
Because if you drink your milkies well,
If you want to tone it down
They'll soon buy you baby food jars
To enrich Mr. Blédine

They'll educate you,
I wouldn't be surprised if they bought you
The memoirs of the king of jerks/morons/assholes…
To enrich Mr. Hachette
You won't have phylloxera,
Thanks to systematic vaccinations
To enrich the scoundrels
From Big Pharma (lit. the pharmaceutical industry)

Later you'll have your limousine***
To enrich Mr. Peugeot
Then you'll buy gasoline
To enrich Mr. Esso
You'll have your corner of wild thyme,
There you'll be allowed to frolic around/do hanky panky
With your tent and your sleeping bag
To enrich Mr. La Hutte

You may well shout "Fascists
And cannons, they're disgusting!"
One day, it's not waterfowl
That you'll be told to chase
You'll wage war on those opposite,
You'll exchange prunes (= bullets) as presents
To enrich Mr. Douglas,
To enrich Mr. Dassault
*All these names refer to trade brands, be them actual men's name or not (there was/is no Mr. La Hutte or Mr. Esso). More about these brands on Lyrics Translate notes below the lyrics and translation.
Also note that "engraisser" literally means "to fatten".
**"Fais dodo, Colas mon p'tit frère" is the title and first line of France most well-known lullaby.
*** "Limousine" doesn't refer to a limo but a large family car (like this)

1976 live rendition by Jean Ferrat

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 14 Oct 24 - 02:37 PM

LO CASTÈU DE PERPINHAN (Occitan - Provençal)

Au camin de Perpinhan (x2)
Cu l'i perde, cu l'i ganha,
Tra de ran la, de ran la, lo gue!
Cu l'i perde, cu l'i ganha.

Ieu l'i_ai jamai rèn ganhat
Que l'i_ai perdut ma companha…

La siáu anada cercar
Au plus aut de la montanha

Mai ieu, l'i_ai rèn rescontrat
Qu'un castèu cubèrt de sanha

L'i_aviá tres damas dedins
Totei tres s'apèlan Joana

M'an convidat de sopar
E de cochar dins sa chambra

De sopar, si soparai
De cochar me n'en chau gaire

Cocharai au pè dau fuec
Sus un paqueton de palha

Quand ne'n ven la mieja-nuech
Lo fuec s'es mes a la palha;

Oh, servanta, leva-te
Vese lo soleu que raia!

Non, ne'n es pas lo soleu
Que treluse dins la sala

Es leis braias dau galant
Que flamián ambe la palha

Oh servanta, cocha-te
Laissa flamiar çò que flamba

S'aguèsse cochat 'me ieu
Auriá pas brutlat sei braias!

Ata, pèr ma fistra, non
Amo mai anar sens braias!

Que maugrabieu, lo fotrau!
Qu'ama mai anar sens braias

On Perpinhan way/road,
He who loses there, he who wins there
Tran de ran la, de ran la, lo gue!
He who loses there, he who wins there.

I never won anything there
I lost my companion

I went to look for her
At the top of the mountain

But I didn't find anything
But a castle roofed with reeds

There were three ladies inside,
All three called Joan

They invited me to dine
And to sleep in their bedroom

To dine, yes, I will,
To sleep, I don't care much,

I'll sleep by the fireplace
On a bunch of straw

When midnight came
The straw was set on fire

Oh, servant, get up,
I see the sun shine

No, it's not the sun
That shines in the room

It's the young man's breeches
That blaze with the straw

Oh, servant, stay in bed
Let what blazes blaze

If he'd slept with me
He wouldn't have burned his breeches!

Really, my word, no!
I'd rather go without breeches!

The plague on the idiot
Who prefers to go without breeches

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 19 Oct 24 - 10:36 AM

On Monday David sang...

Le capitaine de Saint-Malo
Ali alo
Qui fait la pêche aux cachalots
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

Il donne la goutte à ses matelots
Ali alo
À grands coups de barre de guindeau
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

Il mange la viande, nous laisse les os
Ali alo
Il boit du vin et nous de l'eau
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

Et son second, qui est un salaud
Ali alo
Il fume le cigare et nous laisse les mégots
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

Il a trois filles qui font la peau
Ali alo
À Nantes, au Havre et à Frisco
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

À la manœuvre le bosco
Ali alo
Te dresse à coups de cabillot!
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

Le lieutenant t'envoie là-haut
Ali alo
À coups de bottes dans le dos
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

Et le second qui est le plus beau
Ali alo
Si tu groumes, te fout à l’eau
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

(Repeat first verse. … ho!)

The Captain of Saint-Malo
Ali alo
Who fishes sperm whales,
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

He gives brandy to his sailors
Ali alo
With great strokes of windlass bar
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

He eats the meat, leaves us the bones
Ali alo
He drinks wine and we (drink) water
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

And his second, who is a bastard
Ali alo
Smokes cigars and leaves us the butts
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

He has three girls who whore
Ali alo
In Nantes, Le Havre and Frisco
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

When maneuvering, the boatswain
Ali alo
Trains you hitting you with a belaying pin!
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

The lieutenant sends you up there
Ali alo
With kicks in the back
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

And the second who is the most handsome
Ali alo
If you grumble, he throws you in the water
Ali ali, ali alo, Ali alo

(Repeat first verse. … ho!)
Recording by Chœur Montjoie Saint-Denis
Live rendition by the Tri Yann and Les Marins d'Iroise-The beginning is missing. It's a quite bawdy one. The lyrics are on this Mudcat post from May 2001.
Le capitaine de Saint-Malo YouTube page

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 21 Oct 24 - 02:28 PM


Et le premier, c’est un marin,
Et le premier, c’est un marin,
Il a toujours l' verre en main, la bouteille sur la table,
Jamais il n’aura ma main pour être misérable.

Et le deuxième, c’est un barbu,
Et le deuxième, c’est un barbu,
Il est barbu par devant et barbu par derrière,
Jamais il n’aura ma main, barbu de cette manière.

Et le troisième, c’est un bossu,
Et le troisième, c’est un bossu,
Il est bossu par devant et bossu par derrière,
Jamais il n’aura ma main, bossu de cette manière.

Le quatrième, c’est un boiteux,
Le quatrième, c’est un boiteux,
Quand j’ le vois venir de loin avec sa p’tite jambe courte,
Jamais il n’aura ma main, sa démarche me dégoute

Et le cinquième, c’est un sonneur,
Et le cinquième, c’est un sonneur,
C’est lui qui aura ma main, mon cœur et ma boutique,
Nous irons par les chemins en jouant d' la musique.

And the first one is a sailor,
And the first one is a sailor,
He always has a glass in his hand, the bottle on the table,
He'll never have my hand to be miserable.

And the second is a bearded man,
And the second is a bearded man,
He's bearded on the front and bearded on the back,
He'll never have my hand, bearded like that.

And the third is a hunchback,
And the third is a hunchback,
He's hunchbacked from the front and hunchbacked from the back,
He'll never have my hand, hunchbacked like that

And the fourth, he's a lame man,
And the fourth, he's a lame man,
When I see him coming from afar with his short little leg,
He'll never have my hand, his gait disgusts me

And the fifth, he's a "sonneur" (Breton trad music player),
And the fifth, he's a "sonneur",
He'll have my hand, my heart and my store,
We'll go down the roads playing music.
Live rendition by Guillaume Yaouank with the Nordet group and as guest the Bagad of Lorient. Sunday August 18, 2024. Closing of the Lorient Interceltic Festival. (The first verse is missing)
Recording by Mikaël Yaouank
Recording by Les Tribordais
"Et le premier, c'est un marin YouTube page

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 04 Nov 24 - 02:26 PM

LO FANTAUME PELLEGRIN (Occitan - Nissart [Nice dialect])

Quora la nuèch es negra e longa
E s’àude au luen, e s’àude au luen soufflà lo vent,
Se un crit, un plour que si prolonga,
Lo cuor vou glaça d’espavent ;
Non v’arrestés en la montagna,
De maïon cercas lo camin,
|:Qu’es la terrour de la montagna,
Es lo fantaume, lo fantaume Pellegrin ! :|

Lo veires fà de cambarota
Soubre lu pin, soubre lu pin de la foré,
Dei roc s’en faire de pelota
E lu v’abrivà per darrié !
D’autri fes, quora lo tron peta,
Su li nebla, au gros dou bousin,
|:Scriéu emb’au fuec de li saèta :
"Siéu lo lo fantaume, lo fantaume Pellegrin !":|

Berta, la nobla domaïsela
Dou buon signour, dou buon signour de Casternou,
Filha ben sagia e touplen bella,
Per l’avé vist, mouré d’un còu !
Despi, su l’arida montagna,
Plu de maïon, ni gran, ni vin ;
|:Ma courre un’ombra en li baragna,
Es lo lo fantaume, lo fantaume Pellegrin !:|

Se l’average si deguola,
Se la gragnola, la gragnola pista tout,
O se la mula fa la fuola
E dei plantun mangia lu brout,
S’ai enfan li ven la magagna
E se la frema fa de trin,
|:Es la terrour de la montagna,
Es lo lo fantaume, lo fantaume Pellegrin !:|

When the night is dark and long
And the wind can be heard in the distance, and can be heard in the distance,
If [because of] a cry, a cry that goes on and on,
Your heart freezes with fear;
Do not stop in the mountains,
Look for the way home,
|:How terrifying the mountains are,
It is the ghost, the ghost Pellégrin!:|

You will see him do somersaults
On the pines, on the pines of the forest,
[You'll see him] make rocks into balls
And throw them vividly at you from behind!
Other times, when thunder rumbles,
On the clouds, at the loudest of the racket,
|:He writes with the fire of lightning:
"I am the ghost, the ghost Pellégrin!":|

Berthe, the noble young lady
Of the good lord, of the good lord of Châteauneuf [-de-Contes],
A very well-behaved and very beautiful girl,
For having seen him, died suddenly!
Since then, on the arid mountain,
No more house, nor wheat, nor wine;
|:But a shadow runs in the bushes,
It's the ghost, the ghost Pellégrin!":|

If your herd tumbles down [into the valley],
If the hail, the hail crushes everything,
Or if your mule acts crazy
And eats the [young] shoots of the plants,
If your children are afflicted with mischief/roguishness
And if your wife makes a scene,
|:It's the terror of the mountain,
It's the ghost, the ghost Pellégrin!":|
*"magagna" can be either of these words. The band "La Ciamada Nissarda" recorded a version with "cagagna" instead = If the/your children get the runs"

Recording by La Ciamada Nissarda (= "The Dawn Serenade from Nice")
I found the lyrics on Musique Traditionnelle du Comté de Nice

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 25 Nov 24 - 02:36 PM


1. Habitants de tout âge
À l’heure du repos,
En attendant l’ouvrage,
Écoutez quelques mots
D’un jeune militaire
Revenant de la guerre,
Content, plein de bonheur.
Ce soldat doux et sage
Rentrait dans son village
Avec la Croix d’Honneur (x2)

2. En allant à la fontaine
La femme de Perrier,
A reconnu sans peine
Cet aimable guerrier.
Elle dit “Voilà cher frère,
Voilà notre chaumière,
Daignez voir mon époux !
Perrier, la bonté même,
Autant que moi vous aime !
Allons, rentrez chez nous !" (x2)

3. "Perrier, voici mon frère
Comment le trouvez-vous ?
-Fort bien, dit-il, j'espère
Qu'il va souper chez nous.
-Perrier, laissez-moi faire,
Je m'en vais chez mon père
Car j'aime bien à le voir
Ainsi que ma vieille mère
Qui m'est toujours si chère
J’irai souper ce soir.(x2)

4. Avec vous, mon cher frère
J’irai voir ma maison
N’y venez pas ma chère,
Je veux taire mon nom
Je veux voir si mon père
Sous l’habit militaire
Reconnaitra son fils.
Je parlerai d’Afrique
Et mon père Dominique
En sera tout surpris.(x2)

5. Frère et sœur, le temps presse,
Embrassons-nous, bonsoir,
Demain après la messe
Tous deux, venez me voir !
Nous ferons une fête,
Elle sera parfaite
À celle des beaux jours !
Avec mon père et mère
Pour trinquer au Madère
Et fêter mon retour.(x2)

6. "Bonjour, maître aubergiste,
Pourriez-vous me loger ?"
-Mon ami j’en suis triste,
Rien de prêt pour manger !
-Si cela vous chagrine,
Du pain, une chopine,
C’est suffisant pour moi !
Sur une vieille paillasse,
Daignez me faire place,
Car il fait déjà froid ! (x2)

7. -Si cela vous contente
Monsieur, rentrez chez nous
Que rien ne vous tourmente
Vous coucherez chez nous
J’aime bien qu’on m’explique
Les affaires de l’Afrique,
Où mon fils est soldat.
-En savez-vous des nouvelles?
-Oui des bonnes et des belles
Quelquefois l’on s'y bat (x2)

8. Les fils de la victoire
Sont couverts de laurier
Au chemin de la gloire
Arrivant les premiers
Ils valent plus en somme
Car l’enfant de Belhomme
A mérité la croix (x2)

9. S'il fallait tout vous dire
Je n'en finirais pas
Partout la France admire
Nos courageux soldats
Sur la terre et sur l'onde
De l'un à l'autre monde
Nous les verrons marcher
Mais terminons la veille
Je sens que j'ai sommeil
Je veux m’aller coucher? "(x2)

10. À la chambre de grâce
Sa mère le conduit
Il mit son sac en place
Sur la table de nuit
Il dit voilà ma bourse
Qui sera ma ressource
Des auteurs de mes jours
C’est pour mes père et mère
Qui sont encore sur terre
Que j'aimerai toujours (x2)

11. Et à l'heure ténébreuse,
Le soldat dort bientôt.
L’hôtesse curieuse,
Visita son ballot.
De sa main téméraire, du jeune militaire
Veut chercher de trouver le trésor,
En y fouillant sans honte
Et cette femme elle y compte
Cent-dix-huit pièces d’or. (x2)

12. "Oh, mari, quelle somme,
Pour nous c’est un trésor !
Assassinons cet homme,
Nous aurons tout son or !"
Jamais aucun indice
Auprès de la justice
Il saura nous trahir
Un jour à notre guise
Cette bonne valise
Nous fera réjouir (x2)

13. Descends donc à la cave
Près de ce grand tonneau
Va préparer au brave
L'endroit de son tombeau.”
Mais cette furie
Va arracher la vie
Au soldat décoré
Et sans le reconnaître
Le portèrent, les traitres,
À l'endroit préparé (x2)

14. Le matin dès l’aurore
L’estimable Perrier,
Avec Éléonore
Viennent voir le guerrier.
“Ah, parlez-nous, ma mère
De ce beau militaire
Que vous avez logé?
-Il est sur la grande route,
Bien loin déjà sans doute
Qui retourne en congé." (X2)

15. -Maman, c’est une fable
Que vous me dites ici !
Ce soldat estimable
N’a pas sorti d’ici !
Réveillez-le de grâce,
Afin que je l’embrasse,
Je l’aime tendrement !
-Le connais-tu ma chère ?
-Mais, maman, c’est mon frère,
Qui vient du régiment." (x2)

16. -Oh ciel! Je sens mon crime
Qui m’entraîne à la mort !
Mon fils est ma victime,
Grands dieux, quel triste sort !
Hier soir après la brune
Pour avoir sa fortune,
J’ai pris un grand couteau.
Et de cet enfant aimable
Moi, mère abominable,
J’en deviens le bourreau !" (x2)

17. Dans sa douleur amère
La femme de Perrier
Va dénoncer sa mère
Devant le brigadier
Et la gendarmerie
Saisit cette furie,
Qui ne dit pas un mot.
Il est bien véritable
Qu’on mît cette coupable
Au fond d’un noir cachot.(x2)

18. La justice réclame
Avec juste raison
Que tout comme la femme
On mette l'homme en prison
N’est-il pas moins coupable.
Ce père détestable?
Et d’un commun accord,
Pour les punir du crime
Pour venger la victime
Ils subirent la mort (x2).

1. People of all ages,
At rest time,
While waiting for work,
Listen to some words/lines
About a young military man
Going back from war,
Happy, full of bliss.
This sweet and nice soldier
Was going back to his village,
With the Cross of Honor (x2)

2. A-going to the fountain
Perrier's wife
Recognized easily,
This lovable warrior.
She told him "Here, dear brother,
Here is our cottage,
Deign to meet my husband,
Perrier, goodness itself,
Loves you as much as I do!"
Come on, enter our house! (x2)

3. "Perrier, here is my brother
How do you find him (What do you think of him)?"
"Very well, he said, I hope
That he will dine at our place."
"Perrier, leave it to me,
I am going to my father's
Because I like to see him
Along with my old mother
Who is always dear to me
I’ll go and dine [there] tonight (x2)

4. With you, my dear brother,
I’ll go and see my home.
Don’t come, my dear (sister)
I want to keep my name secret
I want to see if my father,
Under the (my) military outfit
Will know his son.
I’ll talk about Africa
And my father Dominic
Will be very surprised. (x2)

5. Brother and sister, time is running out
Let’s kiss, goodbye,
Tomorrow after mass
Both of you, come see me!
We will have a party,
It will be perfect
Like the one of the beautiful(fine) days!
With my father and mother
To toast with Madeira wine
And celebrate my return" (X2)

6. "Good evening, master innkeeper,
Could you accommodate me?"
"My friend, I'm sad about it
No food is ready/prepared !"
"If it worries you,
Some bread and a glass [of wine or anything else]
It's enough for me!
On an old straw mattress
Deign to make me some place
For it's already cold!" (x2)

7. "If you make it do,
Sir, come on in
Let nothing trouble you
You will sleep at our place
I like to be explained
Matters of Africa,
Where my son is a soldier.
Do you know any news about it?"
"Yes, I know good ones and fine ones,
Sometimes they fight there" (x2)

8.The sons of victory
Are covered with laurel
On the path to glory
Arriving first
They are worth more in short
Because the child of Belhomme
Has deserved the cross

9. "If I had to tell you everything
I’d never be finished
Everywhere France admires
Our courageous soldiers
On the earth and on the water(sea)
From one world to the other
We’ll see them marching
But let’s finish the vigil
I feel that I am sleepy
I want to go to bed." (x2)

10. To the grace (fate?) bedroom,
His mother leads him
He put his bag in place
On the night table
He says here is my purse
Which will be my resource
Of the authors of my days
It’s for my father and mother
Who are still on earth
Whom I will always love (x2)

11.And at the dark hour,
The soldier soon sleeps.
The curious hostess,
Visited his bundle.
With a bold hand, of the young soldier
She wanted to find his treasure
She searched without shame
And this woman counts there
One hundred and eighteen gold coins*. (x2)

12. "Oh, husband, what a sum of money,
For us, it’s a treasure!
Let's murder this man,
We will have all his gold!"
Never any clue
To justice
Will be able to betray us
One day at our leisure
This good suitcase
Will make us rejoice (x2)

13. Go down to the cellar
Near that big barrel
Go and prepare for the brave
The place of his tomb/grave.”
But this fury
Goes and tears away the life
Of the decorated soldier
And without recognizing him
The traitors brought him,
To the prepared place (X2)

14. In the morning, at dawn,
The worthy Perrier
With Eléonore
Go to visit warrior.
"Ah, tell us, mother,
About this fine military man
You accommodated!"
"He's on the highway,
Probably already far away,
Going back to his leave" (1). (x2)

15. "Mother, it's a tale
You're telling me now!
This worthy soldier
Didn't go out from here!
Please wake him up
So that I kiss him
I love him tenderly!"
"Do you know him, my dear?"
"But, Mom, he's my brother
Who comes back from the army." (x2)

16. "Oh, heavens! I feel my crime
Dragging me to death!
My son is my victim,
Great gods, what a sad fate!
Yesterday evening after dusk
To get his wealth
I took a big knife.
Oh, of this lovely child,
I, an abominable mother,
Have been the executioner." (x2)

17. In bitter pain
Perrier's wife
Goes to denounce her mother
Before the sergeant
And the gendarmerie
Seizes this fury,
Who does not say a word.
It’s very true
That this guilty woman was put
Into a dark jail (x2)

18.Justice demands
With good reason
That in the very same way as the woman,
The man be put in prison
He is no less guilty.
This loathsome father.
And on a mutual agreement
To punish them for the crime
To avenge the victim
They suffered death (x2).
*Note that the young man has 118 gold coins in his bag, which would make a quite heavy bag. In French 118 is worded "cent-dix-huit" (lit. hundred-ten-eight = hundred eighteen). In some versions the digits have been swapped as "dix-huit-cents" = lit. "eighteen hundred" which would have needed a wheelbarrow to be carried!
A version can be found on Fernand Guériff’s collection.
For those who read French: A blog post on Dastum.
The longest version has 18 verses (Cf. lyrics above) and is available to listen to on the Haute-Loire archives (Haute-Loire is located in the Massif Central) (Click on the green arrow)
Recording by the band La nòvia.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 02 Dec 24 - 02:11 PM

LO VIATGE (Occitan)

Sant Josèp ambe Maria
Totis dos van viatjar.
Demandan la retirada,
Degun los vòl pas lotjar
Degun los vòl pas lotjar.

"Ont anatz tant bèla Dama?
E l'enfant que vos portatz?
- Vòli l'amagar, brave òme,
Digatz s'aquò se pòt far?
Digatz s'aquò se pòt far?

- Aquí dejós ma capòta,
Degun li vendrà cercar!
- Pren-te lo faucil, brave òme,
Ton blat prèssa de copar!
Ton blat prèssa de copar!

Coma se farià, Madama?
Totara l'ai semenat!
- Vai t'en véser sus l'arada
Anem ! Vai segar ton blat!
Anem ! Vai segar ton blat!"

La palha dins un quart d'ora
Avià grandit, espigat,
E dins un autre quart d'ora,
L'espic s'èra amadurat
L'espic s'èra amadurat.

La primièra gabelada
Ne fasià un plen braçat,
Mas aquí la bona armada
Dels Josieus emmalierats
Dels Josieus emmalierats.

"Vèni viste, vièlh segaire,
Quita de segar lo blat!
Ont es passada la maire
Que portava un novel nat?
Que portava un novel nat?

- Passèt pel temps de cobrida
Quand semenavi mon blat
- Anem partiguem brigada,
Aquò'z èra l'an passat!
Aquò'z èra l'an passat!"

Saint Joseph with Mary
The two of them are going to travel
They ask for a shelter
No one wants to accommodate them,
No one wants to accommodate them.

"Where are you going, beautiful Lady
And the child you are carrying?"
"I want to hide him, good man,
Tell me if it can be done,
Tell me if it can be done."

"Here, under my cloak,
No one will come looking!"
"Take your sickle, good man
Your wheat is ready to reap,
Your wheat is ready to reap!"

"How could it be, Madam,
I sowed it just now!"
"Go and see it on the ploughed fields,
Come on, go and reap your wheat,
Come on, go and reap your wheat!"

The straw in a quarter of an hour
Had grown, made the ear
And in another quarter of an hour,
The ear had ripened,
The ear had ripened.

The first sheaf
Made a good armful
But here is the good army
Of angry Jews
Of angry Jews.

"Come quickly, old reaper,
Stop reaping your wheat!
Where has the mother gone
Who was carrying a newborn,
Who was carrying a newborn?"

"She passed by at sowing time
When I was sowing my wheat."
"Come on, let's go, fellows,
That was last year,
That was last year!
The song was recorded by La Talvèra.
Recording by Charles Tyssandier (4 verses only)
A slightly different version of it was collected by Damase Arbaud (1814 – 1876) in Chants populaires de la Provence v.1 (1862)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 04 Dec 24 - 05:15 AM

On Monday Joan sang "Le carillon de Vendôme".
This song talks of the situation of the Dauphin Charles VII at his father's death in 1422 when he inherited the kingdom of France reduced to the town of Bourges and some less important ones such as Orléans, Beaugency…, the rest of the kingdom being occupied by the English and their allies during The Hundred Years' War. (The "dauphin" is the France throne's heir, usually the king's eldest son.)

Mes amis que reste-t-il
À ce Dauphin si gentil ?
Orléans, Beaugency,
Notre Dame de Cléry,
Vendôme, Vendôme !

My friends, what is left
To this so nice Dauphin?
Orléans, Beaugency,
Notre Dame de Cléry,
Vendôme, Vendôme!
You also have it in this Mudcat thread. along with other French canons.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 09 Dec 24 - 02:21 PM

CHUT, CHUT, CHUT (Occitan)
Languedoc version

Dins un establet aval
Es nascut polit Nadal
Dins una grèpia de rocada
Ame de palha per flaçada…
|:Chut, chut, chut
Que l’enfant dòrm
Pas tant de bruch.:|

Lo cordonièr ven exprès
Per li faire de solièrs.
Pim, pam, pom, pica la semèla
Mas Sant Josèp lèu l'interpèla…

L’amolaire qu'a pas set
Vòl li faire un cotelet.
A virar la mòla s'aprèsta
Mas Sant Josèp viste l'arrèsta…

Puèi es vengut un fustièr
Li faire un brèç de noguièr.
N'es a la primièira vireta
Que Sant Josèp li ditz "pauseta"…

Tres femnòtas per lo mens
Pòrtan ensemble de presents.
Caduna vòl parlar primièira
Cridan coma de peissonièiras…

Aquí los mages Gaspard
Melquiòr e Baltasar.
Tanlèu lo pòble los aclama
E Sant Josèp solet s'exclama…

In a little cowshed down there,
The pretty Child was born
In a stony manger
With some straw as a blanket…
|:Shush, shush, shush,
The child's sleeping,
Don't make so much noise.:|

The shoemaker comes on purpose
To make him shoes.
Pim, pam, poom, he hits on the sole
But Saint Joseph soon calls out to him…

The grinder who's not thirsty
Wants to make a penknife for him.
He's about to spin the grinding wheel
But Saint Joseph quickly stops him…

Then a carpenter came
To make him a walnut wood cradle.
He's doing the first turn
When Saint Joseph tells him "Break!"…

Three little women at least
Bring presents together.
Each one wants to speak first,
They shout like fishmongers…

There comes the Magi Gaspar,
Melchior and Balthazar.
At once the people cheers them
And Saint Joseph, alone, exclaims…
You can find more verses and a link to the Gascon version on Mama Lisa's World Chut, chut, chut page - Languedoc version

Rendition by La Tireta Duberta
Recording by Maria Roanet at 7:29.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 16 Dec 24 - 02:15 PM

TURA LURA LURA (Occitan -Provençal)
Early 1600's – Micolau Sabòli (Nicolas Saboly)

Tura, lura, lura, lo gau canta*
E n'es pas encara l'auba!
Tura, lura, lura, lo gau canta
E n'es pas encara jorn!
Voes-ti venir? Nanni, nanni!
Vendràs pron ben! Ne 'n farai ren!
Guilhaume, Guilhaume
Au mens se non tòrni pus
Mi farai dire un sant-saume!
Ailàs mon Dieu! Que farai ieu?
Sieu malurós coma un polet
Quand sieu solet, quand sieu solet!

Tura, lura, lura, l'aura mena
E mi fai bofar lei dets!
Certa ieu sieu ben en pena
Ai paur de morrir de freg!
Où! De l'ostau! Cu pica avau?
Vòli logar! Siam toei cochats!
Granjiera, granjiera**
Duerbes mi, sieu tot jalat
Bota mi dins la feniera
Ailàs mon Dieu! Que farai ieu?
Lo paure vonte tirarai?
Benlèu morrai, benlèu morrai?

Tura, lura, lura, lei ribieras
An deja tot inondat!
Vèsi plus ren lei brotieras
Benlèu mi faudrà nedar!
Quauque barquet! N'i a pas dequé!
Ont passerai? Certa non sai!
Sauvaire, sauvaire!
Tu n'as ges de caritat!
Es pas ansin que fau faire!
Ailàs mon Dieu! Que farai ieu?
Lo paure vonte passerai
Mi negarrai, mi negarrai.

Tura, lura, lura, per fortuna
Sieu sortit d'un michant pas!
La pòdi comptar per una
Enfin ai trobat lo jas!
Bonjorn a tos! Emai à vos!
De que fasètz? Vos lo vesètz
Maria, Maria
Sies la maire d'un bèu fièu
As ganhat la loteria!*
Ailàs mon Dieu! Que farai ieu?
Sieu malurós coma un polet
Quand sieu solet, quand sieu solet!

Tura, lura, lura, the roosters sings
And it's not dawn yet
Tura, lura, lura, the roosters sings
And it isn't daylight yet.
Do you want to come? Nay, nay!
You will come, sure! Certainly not!
William, William,
If I were not to come back,
Have a psalm said for me!
Alas, my God! What will I do?
I'm as unhappy as a chicken
When I'm alone, when I'm alone!

Tura, lura, lura, the North wind is strong
And has me blowing on my fingers
I'm suffering, for sure,
I fear I'd die from cold!
"Ahoy to the household!" "Who's knocking downstairs?"
"I want to stay here!" "We're all in bed!"
"Farmer, farmer,
Open to me, I'm all frozen,
Accommodate me in the hay barn!
Alas, my God! What will I do?
Woe is me, where will I go,
Maybe I'll die, maybe I'll die?

Tura, lura, lura, the rivers
Have already flooded everything
I don't see the wicker bushes any more,
Maybe I'll have to swim.
"Some boat!" "There aren't any!"
"Where will I pass through?" "I surely don't know!"
Savior! Savior!
You have no charity!
This is not to be done!
Alas, my God! What will I do?
Woe is me, where will I pass through?
I will drown, I will drown.

Tura, lura, lura, by fortune
I got out of a bad situation,
I'll remember this event,
At last I've found the stable
"Good morning you all!" "And to you too!"
"What are you doing?" "You well can see it!"
"Mary, Mary,
You're the mother of a beautiful son,
You won the lottery!
Alas, my God! What will I do?
I'm as unhappy as a chicken
When I'm alone, when I'm alone!
*Cf. below
**feminine form
The original lyrics have the first verse and the very last 5 lines as…
1 Tura lura lura lo gau canta
E n'es pas encara jorn
Ieu m'en vau en Tèrra Santa
Per veire nòstre Senhor
Voes-ti venir? Nanni, nanni!
Vendràs pron ben! Ne 'n farai ren!
Guilhaume, Guilhaume
Au mens se non tòrni pus
Mi farai dire mei Sèt-Saumes!
Ailàs mon Dieu! Que farai ieu?
Sieu pavorós coma un polet
Quand sieu solet, quand sieu solet!
4 Maria, Maria, vos estrugue d'un bèu fieu
Lo veritable Messia,
Bon Sant Josèp
Se me cresètz
Me fairetz vèire aquel Enfant
Qu'ieu ame tant, qu'ieu ame tant.
1 Tura lura lura, the rooster sings
And it isn't daylight yet
I'm going to the Holy Land
To see our Lord
Do you want to come? Nay, nay!
You will come, sure! Certainly not!
William, William,
If I were not to come back,
Have my Seven-Psalms* said for me!
Alas, my God! What will I do?
I'm as frightened as a chicken
When I'm alone, when I'm alone!

4 Mary, Mary, I congratulate you for your fine son,
The true Messiah.
Good Saint Joseph,
If you believe me,
You'll show me this Child
Whom I love so much, whom I love so much
*On the collection of his carols (link below), there's a note saying, "It was the custom, on All Souls' Day, and this custom is still maintained today, to have children recite, for a small fee, the seven Penitential Psalms for the deceased."
NOTE: the lyrics above are written in standardized modern spelling. You'll find other material with the title and lyrics written in their original spelling as "Touro louro louro" as you can see on the documents at the links below.
You can see the original lyrics and score on this page on the BNF website or this Google book (p. 70).
Recording by Leï Bramaïre
Recording by Jean-Bernard Plantevin

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 18 Dec 24 - 11:05 AM

On Monday, Steve sang "Půjdem spolu do Betléma".
We have a version of it on Mama Lisa's World along with an English translation, a midi, a sheet music and YT videos.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 23 Dec 24 - 02:31 PM

Christmas carol from the 1500's

Nous étions trois bergerettes
Auprès d'un petit ruisseau
En gardant nos brebiettes
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau
Qui paissaient dans le préau
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

En gardant nos brebiettes
Auprès d'un petit ruisseau
Nous vîmes voler un ange
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau
Plus reluisant qu'un flambeau,
Naulet, Nau, Nau, Nau.

Nous vîmes voler un ange
Plus reluisant qu'un flambeau
Qui donnant à Dieu louange…
Chantait ce bel air nouveau…

Qui donnant à Dieu louange
Chantait ce bel air nouveau
Le Rédempteur vient de naître…
Plus doux qu'un petit agneau…

Le Rédempteur vient de naître
Plus doux qu'un petit agneau
Laisse là tes brebis paître…
Va-t'en le voir, pastoureau…

Laisse là tes brebis paître
Va-t'en le voir, pastoureau
Il est né dans une étable…
Où n'y a lit ni berceau…

Il est né dans une étable
Où n'y a lit ni berceau
Sa mère, Vierge admirable…
L'emmaillote d'un drapeau…

Sa mère, Vierge admirable
L'emmaillote d'un drapeau
À cette douce nouvelle
Nous quittâmes le fuseau

À cette douce nouvelle
Nous quittâmes le fuseau
Pour aller voir la Pucelle
Et le petit Messiau

Pour aller voir la Pucelle
Et le petit Messiau
Ô quelle douce merveille!
Ô agréable Enfanteau!

Ô quelle douce merveille!
Ô agréable Enfanteau!
Sa joue était plus vermeille
Qu'une rose au renouveau

Sa joue était plus vermeille
Qu'une rose au renouveau
Jamais en jour de ma vie
Je ne vis Enfant si beau

Jamais en jour de ma vie
Je ne vis Enfant si beau
Je lui fis de la bouillie
Avec un peu de gruau

Je lui fis de la bouillie
Avec un peu de gruau
Robin a pris des sonnettes
Et Colin son chalumeau

Robin a pris des sonnettes
Et Colin son chalumeau
Dîmes maintes chansonnettes
Des plus belles du monceau

Dieu sait comme nous dansâmes
À l'entour du treffouau
Puis nous nous en retournâmes
Chacune vers son troupeau

We were three young shepherdesses
Near a little brook
We were keeping our little ewes
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
that were grazing in the small meadow
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.

We were keeping our little ewes
Near a little brook
We saw an angel fly
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas
More shining than a torch
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.

We saw an angel fly
More shining than a torch
Who, praising God…
Was singing this new, beautiful tune…

Who, praising God,
Was singing this new, beautiful tune,
The Redeemer was just born…
Sweeter than a little lamb…

The Redeemer was just born
Sweeter than a little lamb
Leave your sheep there to graze…
Go and see him, little shepherd…

Leave your sheep there to graze
Go and see him, little shepherd
He was born in a stable…
Where there is neither bed nor cradle…

He was born in a stable
Where there is neither bed nor cradle
His mother, admirable Virgin…
Swaddles him in a piece of fabric…

His mother, admirable Virgin
Swaddles him in a piece of fabric
At this sweet news
We left the spindle

At this sweet news
We left the spindle
To go and see the Maid
And little Messiah

To go and see the Maid
And little Messiah
Oh what a sweet wonder!
Oh pleasant little Child!

Oh what a sweet wonder!
Oh pleasant little Child!
His cheek was rubier
Than a rose in Spring

His cheek was rubier
Than a rose in Spring
Never in a day of my life
I saw Child so beautiful

Never in a day of my life
I saw Child so beautiful
I made him some porridge
With a little gruel

I made him some porridge
With a little gruel
Robin took some bells
And Colin his pipe

Robin took his little bells
And Colin his pipe
We said many ditties
From the prettiest of the lot

God knows how much we danced
Near the yule log
Then each of us went back
Towards her flock
Recording by Ensemble vocal L'Alliance
Live rendition in Barberey Saint Sulpice church in 2014.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 23 Dec 24 - 04:48 PM

Joe sang Still, still, still in German.

Live rendition by Cologne Cathedral Girls Choir.
Live rendition by Vienna Cathedral Boys Choir

Melissa sang "Stille Nacht" in German. Silent Night web
Philippa sang Don oíche úd i mBeithil in Irish Gaelic.
Gayle Wade sang Thula Baba in Zulu.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 28 Jan 25 - 07:49 AM

Yesterday Gerry sang "Szól a kakas már" in Hungarian

SZÓL A KAKAS MÁR (Hungarian)

Szól a kakas már
Majd megvirrad már
Zöld erdőben, sík mezőben
Sétál egy madár.
Zöld erdőben, sík mezőben
Sétál egy madár.

Micsoda madár
Micsoda madár
Sárga lába, kék a szárnya
Engem odavár.
Sárga lába, kék a szárnya
Engem odavár.

Várj, madár, várj
Te csak mindig várj
Ha az Isten néked rendelt
Tiéd leszek már.
Ha az Isten néked rendelt
Tiéd leszek már.

The rooster is already crowing
Sun is rising now
In green forest and open fields,
Walks a little bird-
In green forest and open fields,
Walks a little bird-

But what a bird is it?
But what a bird is it?
Its feet are yellow, blue are the wings,
Waiting for me there-
Its feet are yellow, blue are the wings,
Waiting for me there-

Wait, bird, wait a bit
You must always wait
If G-d gave me only to you
Yours I will be then
If G-d gave me only to you
Yours I will be then
A sheet music
Live rendition by Palya Bea Szefárd Trio (Beáta Palya's Sephardic Trio)
Recording by Márta Sebestyén
Live rendition by Sabbathsong Klezmer Band.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 03 Feb 25 - 02:25 PM


La mariée avance en tête,
Baissant les yeux levant la tête,
Le ménestrier s'en va devant,
Adieu la joie et le bon temps !

Aux filles du roi elle ressemble,
Elle a couronne sur sa tête,
Ne l'aura qu'une heure tant seulement,
Adieu la joie et le bon temps !

Tout en passant sous cette porte,
Elle reçoit un beau pain d'orge,
Mais à votre époux présentez-en,
Adieu la joie et le bon temps !

En traversant cette prairie,
Elle voit danser des jeunes filles,
Ah si j'étais fille à marier,
J'aurais encore cœur à chanter !

Belle épousée on vous demande
D'être bien sage, obéissante
Et dans la maison où vous allez,
Tâchez de bien nous contenter !

Adieu cousins, adieu cousines,
Adieu voisins, adieu voisines,
Adieu à tous les gens de chez nous,
Adieu les plus beaux de mes jours !

The bride goes ahead,
Lowering her eyes raising her head,
The musician goes ahead,
Farewell joy and good times!

She looks like the king's daughters,
She has a crown on her head,
Will only have it for an hour,
Farewell joy and good times!

While passing under this door,
She receives a beautiful barley loaf,
But present some to your husband,
Farewell joy and good times!

Crossing this meadow,
She sees young girls dancing,
Ah if I were a girl to marry,
I would still have the heart to sing!

Beautiful bride we request from you
To be very good/well-behaved and obedient
And in the house where you are going
Try hard/make sure to please us well/to give us satisfaction!

Farewell (male) cousins, farewell (female) cousins,
Farewell (male) neighbors, farewell (female) neighbors,
Farewell to all the people of our area,
Farewell to the most beautiful of days!
Recording by Malicorne

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 10 Feb 25 - 12:37 PM

Last Monday Robbie sang Lermontov's Cossack Lullaby.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 10 Feb 25 - 01:13 PM


Quand Pierre est parti pour la guerre
Sept ans y est resté
L'a laissé sa mie à Grenoble
S' mourant de regrets

La première lettre qu'a reçue Pierre
L'était pleine de fleurs
La deuxième lettre qu'a reçue Pierre
L'était pleine de pleurs

S'en fut trouver son capitaine
Donne-moi mon congé
pour aller voir ma mie à Grenoble
Qui s' meurt de regrets

Mais quand il fut sur ses collines
L'entendit sonner
À ceux qui la portaient
En terre laisse-moi l'embrasser

La première fois que Pierre l'embrasse
Pierre a soupiré
La deuxième fois que Pierre l'embrasse
Pierre a trépassé

Qu'en pensez-vous gens de Grenoble
De cet amour-là
Se sont couchés l'un contre l'autre
Ils dorment tous les deux

When Peter left for war,
He stayed there seven years.
He left his sweetheart in Grenoble,
Dying of regrets (sorrow).

The first letter Peter received
Was full of flowers,
The second letter Peter received
Was full of tears.

He went to see his captain
"Give me my leave
To go to see my sweetheart in Grenoble,
She's dying of regrets (sorrow)".

But when he reached its hills,
He heard [bells] ring
To those who were carrying her to bury her
"Let me kiss her".

The first time Peter kissed her,
Peter sighed,
The second time Peter kissed her,
Peter died.

What do you think, people of Grenoble,
Of this love?
They lied down side by side,
The two of them sleep.
Other versions, translations, discussion and notes on this Mudcat thread.

Recording by Malicorne
Live rendition by
Gabriel Yacoub and Marie Sauvet

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 17 Feb 25 - 02:11 PM


C'est trois maçons jolis de leur pays s'en vont (x2)
De leur pays s'en vont tous trois plein d'assurance
Avec le cœur joyeux de faire leur tour de France

Le plus jeune des trois savait bien travailler
Savait bien travailler rapide à son ouvrage
Il a bien su gagner le cœur de sa Picarde

La Picarde lui dit "C'est toi maçon joli
C'est toi maçon joli qui taille bien la pierre
Soulève mon jupon tu verras ma carrière"

Le gars n'y a pas manqué son jupon a levé
Son jupon a levé aussi sa chemise fine
Il s'est mis à tailler dans la pierre la plus fine

Au bout de six semaines, grand mal de cœur la prend
Grand mal de cœur la prend, aussi grande souffrance
Fallut le médecin pour calmer la patiente

"C'est un maçon joli qui a couché dans mon lit
Qui a couché dans mon lit et troublé ma fontaine
Et moi pauvre fillette je reste dans les peines"

These are three pretty stonemasons from their country they are leaving (x2)
From their country all three are leaving full of confidence
With the joyful heart of doing their tour of France

The youngest of the three knew how to work well
Knew how to work well, rapid at his work
He succeeded well in winning the heart of his Picardy girl

The Picardy girl said to him "It's you pretty stonemason
It's you pretty stonemason who cut stone well,
Lift my petticoat and you'll see my quarry"

The young man didn't fail, her petticoat he lifted
Her petticoat he lifted, her fine shirt too
He started to cut the finest stone

After six weeks, a great heartache takes her
A great heartache takes her, also a great suffering
The doctor had to calm/relieve the patient

"It's a pretty stonemason who slept in my bed
Who slept in my bed and muddied my fountain*
And I, poor little girl, stay in pain"
*to have one's fountain/water muddied meant to have lost one's virginity.

Recording by Gabriel Yacoub
John Wright recorded in St Laurent festival in 1974.
Recording by Renée Faure on a different tune

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 24 Feb 25 - 01:56 PM


Depuis Paris jusqu'à Valence,
J'ai fait cent lieues sans travailler,
Depuis Paris, la grande ville,
À Montpellier, bien renommée.

En arrivant dessus la place,
J'entends les compagnons chanter.
Bien le bonjour, tailleurs de pierre
Et vous le maître de chantier !

N'auriez-vous pas ouvrage à faire,
Pour un compagnon étranger ?
Mais si, mais si, répond le maître,
Pourvu qu'il sache travailler...

Prends cette pierre sur la place,
Sors tes outils, va la tailler !
Il prend sa pierre et il la place,
La fait pareille à du papier.

Le bourgeois dit à la bourgeoise :
Oh mon Dieu ! Quel bon ouvrier !
Nous avons notre fille aînée,
S'il la veut, faut la lui donner.

La fille prend sa quenouillette,
Sur le marché, s'en va filer :
"Bien le bonjour, tailleur de pierre !
Voulez-vous pas vous marier ?

-Je vous remercie, demoiselle,
De l'honneur que vous me faisez.
Mais j'ai mon Tour de France à faire,
S'il plaît à Dieu, le finirai."

From Paris to Valence,
I have traveled a hundred leagues without working,
From Paris, the great city,
To Montpellier, a well famed one.

On arriving on the square/spot,
I hear the companions singing.
Well, good morning, stonecutters,
And to you, foreman!

Wouldn't you have work to do,
For a foreign companion?
Why yes, why yes, replies the master,
provided he knows how to work...

Take this stone on the square/spot,
Get out your tools, go and cut it!
He takes his stone and he places it,
Makes it like a sheet of paper.

The town dweller says to his wife:
Oh my God! What a good worker!
We have our eldest daughter,
If he wants her, we must give her to him.

The girl takes her distaff,
On the market place, she goes to spin.
"Good morning, stonecutter!
Don't you want to get married?"

"I thank you, young lady,
For the honor you're doing me.
But I have my journeyman travel around France to do,
God willing, I will finish it."
Recording by Marc Robine from "Anthologie de la chanson française" (a CD set well worth to have)

Recording by La Bamboche

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 03 Mar 25 - 05:01 AM

On Monday Deborah sang this song
SAMACHTI B’OMRIM LI (Charles Osborne / Psalm 122:1-4, 6-9)
Transliteration from

samachti b’omrim li, beit adonai nelech.
om’dot hayu ragleynu bish’arayich yerushalayim.
yerushalayim habenu’yah k’ir she’chub’rah lah yachdav.
sha’alu shalom yerushalayim, yishlayu o’havayich.
yehi shalom b’cheylech, shalvah b’ar’menotayich.
l’ma’an achai v’re’ai adab’rah na shalom bach.
l’ma’an beit adonai eloheinu avak’sha tov lach.

I rejoiced when they said to me: Let us go up to the House of God
Now we stand within your gates, O Jerusalem
Jerusalem built to be a city where people come together as one
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who you love prosper!
May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.
For the sake of my people, my friends, I pray you find peace.
For the sake of the house of Adonai our God, I will seek your good.
Hebrew text.
שָׂ֭מַחְתִּי בְּאֹמְרִ֣ים לִ֑י

שָׂ֭מַחְתִּי בְּאֹמְרִ֣ים לִ֑י בֵּ֖ית יְהֹוָ֣ה נֵלֵֽךְ׃
עֹ֭מְדוֹת הָי֣וּ רַגְלֵ֑ינוּ בִּ֝שְׁעָרַ֗יִךְ יְרוּשָׁלָֽ͏ִם׃
יְרוּשָׁלַ֥͏ִם הַבְּנוּיָ֑ה כְּ֝עִ֗יר שֶׁחֻבְּרָה־לָּ֥הּ יַחְדָּֽו׃
שַׁ֭אֲלוּ שְׁל֣וֹם יְרוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם יִ֝שְׁלָ֗יוּ אֹהֲבָֽיִךְ׃
יְהִי־שָׁל֥וֹם בְּחֵילֵ֑ךְ שַׁ֝לְוָ֗ה בְּאַרְמְנוֹתָֽיִךְ׃
לְ֭מַעַן אַחַ֣י וְרֵעָ֑י אֲדַבְּרָה־נָּ֖א שָׁל֣וֹם בָּֽךְ׃
לְ֭מַעַן בֵּית־יְהֹוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֵ֑ינוּ אֲבַקְשָׁ֖ה ט֣וֹב לָֽךְ׃

Gerry mentioned, "The Hebrew looks fine, though it includes a lot of symbols that are only for chanting, not for reading."

Samachti B'omrim Li YouTube page.
Sheet music

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 03 Mar 25 - 02:28 PM

I kept the thee-thy / you-your difference in the translation to show the difference of treatment.


C'est le prince d'Orange voulait s'y marier
À une demoiselle qui a pas quinze ans passés

Mais le soir de ses noces une lettre est arrivée
Il faut partir en guerre servir le roi français

À qui donc donnerai-je ma mignonne à garder
Mon fils, lui dit sa mère, je te la garderai

Je la mettrai en chambre, je la ferai filer
Aussi bien que mes filles je te la soignerai

Dès qu'il fut à la guerre, les porcs l'envoie garder
Et bien sept ans sans rire, sans rire et sans chanter

Au bout de sept années, elle s'est prise à chanter
Son mari qui est en guerre s'est mis à l'écouter

– O page, mon beau page, j’entends ma mie chanter.
Allez, tournons la bride ! Vitement faut y aller !

– Petite porcheronne, quels pourceaux vous gardez ?
– Sont au Prince d’Orange, à la guerre est allé.

– Petite porcheronne, ramenez vos pourceaux !
– Mes fusées sont point faites ainsi que mon fagot.

– Quittez donc vos fusées, vot’ fagot je ferai.
Il a tiré son sabre, son faix a fagoté.

– Petite porcheronne, où pourrai-je y loger ?
– Chez le Prince d’Orange, pourrez vous arrêter.

– Bonsoir, Madam’ l’hôtesse, pourriez-vous me loger ?
– Entrez, entrez dit-elle, j’ai un lit pour coucher.

– Dites-moi donc, Madame, qu’y a-t-il pour souper ?
– Des perdrix, des bécasses, pigeons, si vous souhaitez.

Mais quand il fut à table, à table pour souper,
Il demande une femme avec lui pour coucher.

– Je ne donn’ pas mes filles avec vous pour coucher.
Prenez la porcheronne dans le coin du foyer !

– Petite porcheronne, allez, si vous voulez !
– Mon mari est en guerre, dit-elle, épleurée.

– Où sont passées les robes que je t’avais données
Il y a sept ans, ma belle, quand je m’en suis allé ?

– Ta mère, ma bell’-mère, ell’ me les a ôtées.
À ta sœur, la cadette, ell’ les a fait porter.

– Où sont passées les bagues que je t’avais données
Il y a sept ans, ma belle, quand je m’en suis allé ?

– Ta mère, ma belle-mère, ell’ me les a ôtées.
À ta sœur (e), l’ainée, ell’ les a fait porter.

– Si vous n’étiez ma mère, je vous ferais brûler
À votre tour, ma mère, pourceaux vous soignerez !


The Prince of Orange wanted to get married
To a young lady who is not yet fifteen

But on the night of his wedding a letter arrived
He must go to war to serve the French king

"To whom shall I give my darling to look after?"
"My son", his mother said to him," I will look after her for thee.

I will put her in a room, I will have her spin
As well as my daughters I will look after her for thee."

As soon as he was at war, she (the m-i-l) sent her to tend the pigs
Well, seven years without laughing, without laughing and without singing

After seven years, she began to sing
Her husband who is at war began to listen to her

"O page, my fine page, I hear my darling sing.
Come on, let's turn the bridle! We must go quickly!

"Little swineherdess, what pigs are you tending?"
"They're the Prince of Orange's, who's gone to war."

"Little swineherdess, bring back your pigs!"
"My spindles are not made as well as my bundle."

"Leave your spindles, I'll make your bundle.
He drew his saber, her bundle he bundled."

"Little swineherdess, where can I stay?"
"At the Prince of Orange’s you can stop."

"Good evening, Madam the hostess, could you put me up?"
"Come in, she said, I have a bed to sleep in."

"Tell me then, Madam, what is there for supper?"
– Partridges, woodcocks, pigeons if you wish."

But when he was at the table, at the table for supper,
He asks for a woman to sleep with him.

"I won’t give my daughters to sleep with you.
Take the swineherdess by the fireplace!"(within the area of the hearth)

"Little swineherdess, go, if you want!"
"My husband is at war", she said, in tears.

"Where have the dresses gone that I gave thee
Seven years ago, my dear, when I left?"

"Thy mother, my mother-in-law, she took them from me.
She made thy sister, the youngest, wear them."

"Where have the rings gone that I gave thee
Seven years ago, my dear, when I left?"

"Thy mother, my mother-in-law, she took them from me.
She made thy sister, the eldest, wear them."

"If you weren’t my mother, I’d have you burned
Now it’s your turn, mother, the pigs you’ll tend!"
Recording by the late Jean-François Dutertre

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 10 Mar 25 - 02:50 PM

There are different versions of this song. Cf this Mudcat thread


C'était un petit mercelot
Lon lon la que dit-on de l'amour ?
C'était un petit mercelot
Roulant sa marchandise

S'en est allé dedans un bourg
Où il y avait 3 filles

En voilà une, en voilà deux
Voilà la plus jolie

Il la plia, il la replia
La mit dans sa valise

Il ne fut pas dedans le bois,
Que trois garçons le suivent.

"Arrête, arrêt', p'tit mercelot,
C'est une de nos filles !

Tu la rendras, p'tit mercelot,
Ou tu perdras la vie.

-Tant que j'aurai mon sabre en main,
Je défendrai ma mie."

There was a young haberdasher
Lon lon la, what do people say about love?
There was a young haberdasher
Rolling (?) his goods.

He went into a town
Where there were 3 girls

Here is one, here are two
Here is the prettiest.

He folded her, folded her up,
Put her in his bag (suitcase)

He hadn't reached the inner wood
When three boys followed him

"Stop, stop, young haberdasher
She's one of our girls

You'll give her back, young haberdasher
Or you'll lose your life."

As long as I'll have my saber in hand
I'll defend my beloved."
Recording from Anthologie de la chanson française

Recording by La Bamboche (different tune)

Recording by Gabriel Yacoub (another different tune)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
From: Monique
Date: 17 Mar 25 - 03:05 PM

This song has been collected all over Italy. This version is the one from Emilia.

La povera Cecilia piange il suo marì,
gliel’hanno imprigionato per farglielo morir.

"Oh signor capitano la grazia fate a me!"
"La grazia te la faccio, vieni a dormir con me!"

Allora la Cecilia corre alla prigion:
"Marito sei contento s’io vo a dormir con lui?"

"Vai, vai pure Cecilia non star pensar l’onor,
salva la vita mia, levami di prigion."

A mezzanotte in punto, Cecilia dà un sospir:
"Cosa hai tu Cecilia da non poter dormir?"

"Ho fatto un brutto sogno, ch’è morto mio marì,
se il mio marito è morto, anch’io voglio morir."

"Dormi, dormi Cecilia, dormi senza un sospir,
che domattina buon’ora il tuo marito è qui."

Alla mattin buon’ora Cecilia va al balcon,
vede il suo marito col collo a penzolon.

"Addio belli palazzi, addio belle città,
addio visin dorato e chi ti bacerà."

Laggiù al camposanto fioriscono rose e fior,
è il fior della Cecilia ch’è morta per amor.

Poor Cecilia laments her husband
Whom they imprisoned to kill him

"O my lord captain, grant me his pardon!"
"I will grant you his pardon, come and sleep with me"

So Cecilia runs to the prison
"My husband, would you be pleased if I slept with him?"

"Go, do go, Cecilia, don't think about honor
Save my life, get me out of prison"

At the stroke of midnight Cecilia sighs
What is wrong with you, Cecilia, that you cannot sleep?

I had a horrible dream, my husband was dead.
If he's dead, then I want to die too.

Sleep, sleep, Cecilia, sleep without a sigh,
Early tomorrow morning, your husband will be there.

Early in the morning, Cecilia goes to the balcony.
And sees her husband hanged.

Farewell, beautiful palaces, farewell, beautiful cities.
Farewell, beloved face and who will kiss it.

There, in the graveyard, a rose and a flower bloom,
It is the flower of Cecilia, who died of love.
About social status, it doesn't show in English as you have now only "you" to address people but the spouses address each other as "tu" (informal), Cecilia addresses the captain as "voi" (formal) = "la grazia fate a me", while he addresses her as "tu" = te... vieni... hai tu... dormi... tuo.

Many Italian versions of it on Cattia Salto's "Terre Celtiche" website with both lyrics and YouTube videos.

A similar story can be found in Hungary. Here is a version of "Fehér Anna" with lyrics and a video at the bottom. The song can be found as "Fehér László lovat lopott" and heard here. Google Translate gives a good idea of what it's all about. You can find other renditions on this YouTube page.

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