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BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!

WFDU - Ron Olesko 14 Aug 04 - 01:03 AM
Peace 14 Aug 04 - 02:53 AM
Bobert 14 Aug 04 - 08:54 AM
GUEST 14 Aug 04 - 09:40 AM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 14 Aug 04 - 09:59 AM
bflat 14 Aug 04 - 01:24 PM
CarolC 14 Aug 04 - 02:39 PM
Jack the Sailor 14 Aug 04 - 03:18 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 14 Aug 04 - 06:18 PM
CarolC 14 Aug 04 - 06:24 PM
Jack the Sailor 14 Aug 04 - 06:41 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 14 Aug 04 - 06:49 PM
GUEST 14 Aug 04 - 07:37 PM
Jack the Sailor 14 Aug 04 - 07:38 PM
Jack the Sailor 14 Aug 04 - 07:42 PM
GUEST 14 Aug 04 - 08:07 PM
Jack the Sailor 14 Aug 04 - 09:09 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 14 Aug 04 - 09:24 PM
Rabbi-Sol 14 Aug 04 - 11:23 PM
CarolC 14 Aug 04 - 11:46 PM
Jack the Sailor 15 Aug 04 - 12:50 AM
Little Brother 15 Aug 04 - 02:18 AM
GUEST,Weird NJ 15 Aug 04 - 02:25 AM
GUEST 15 Aug 04 - 08:25 AM
bflat 15 Aug 04 - 09:47 AM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 15 Aug 04 - 09:55 AM
bflat 15 Aug 04 - 10:13 AM
PoppaGator 15 Aug 04 - 10:08 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 15 Aug 04 - 10:23 PM
pdq 15 Aug 04 - 10:37 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 15 Aug 04 - 10:48 PM
pdq 15 Aug 04 - 10:53 PM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 15 Aug 04 - 11:03 PM
GUEST 16 Aug 04 - 11:41 AM
WFDU - Ron Olesko 16 Aug 04 - 01:58 PM
GUEST,Larry K 16 Aug 04 - 02:25 PM
Once Famous 16 Aug 04 - 05:20 PM
GUEST,MarkS 17 Aug 04 - 01:04 PM
GUEST 17 Aug 04 - 10:33 PM
Rabbi-Sol 18 Aug 04 - 12:32 AM
Once Famous 18 Aug 04 - 01:07 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 01:03 AM

Thanks Nerd, I apologize for confusing the two papers. You are 100% right. The Times is owned by Rev. Moon isn't it?

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Peace
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 02:53 AM

NJ Heterosexual Governor quits!

Y'all figure the headline would read this way had it been that way? Curious.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Bobert
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 08:54 AM

But you weren't too far off on the Post either, Ron... if you'll find the thread I started a few days ago entitled "Press: We Goofed on Iraq" you'll see what I mean...

But, weah the Moonie, I mean Washington Times? Whew! Right winged as it gets and I find it interesting that C-SPAN, which prides itself on being so objective, continues to use the Wsahington Times as a real news source... I'll tell you what. For every day that Bill Clinton was in office, the Washington times ran at least one negative headline on the front page about him and many times, multiple negative headlines... And that is the truth...


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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 09:40 AM

Well Ron, if you can't distinguish between the Washington Times and the Washington Post, not to mention the NY Times (which I also quoted), then why should anyone accept your opinion as informed, or your interpretation of the facts as more correct than the Washington Post, the NY Times, or the Boston Globe?

I mean, it's not like the paper that broke the Watergate story and brought down a president is obscure. Wonder why such a well informed person as yourself can't distinguish between the Moonies and the Washington establishment press.

I detest what the Washington Post editorial staff has done to whore themselves out to the Bush administration, but their reporters are some of the best in the biz, bar none. So I have absolutely no reason to doubt the veracity of their reporting on this case. Or the NY Times, or the Boston Globe. I'm SO sure you are better informed about this story than their reporters are.

And Ron, you are getting your information from where exactly, pontificating as the Mudcat expert on this story?

And where in any of my posts did I say that this story was about gay sex? I've said repeatedly this story isn't about sex of any kind, or broken marriage vows. The guv is playing the gay sex card to deflect attention from the legal scandals engulfing his administration. I said the problem I have with the guy is he is a crook, a mobster, a pox on the people. I could care less who he sleeps with. That isn't the issue. The issue is who he puts on the people's payroll, when he takes HIMSELF off, and the reasons why he is doing that the way he is doing it. The issue is whether he was personally involved as a player in the scandals of his administration that less than a week before his "brave announcement" were sinking that administration's ship.

But Ron, being his usual mealy mouth Democrat apologist self, trys to twist all that into a vast anti-gay right wing Republican conspiracy, which is a load of crap. This is a scandal about political corruption, not a sex scandal. This isn't about partisan politics, as was the Clinton/Lewinski non-scandal, which WAS a Republican conspiracy. It is a political corruption and graft story, and the players could just as easily have been Republican as Democrat. Are the Jersey Republicans trying to take advantage of this scandal to retake control of the guv's house and gain partisan political advantage? You bet. That too is par for the course.

This scandal may or may not end up bubbling up to effect the November presidential election in New Jersey. Stranger things have happened in recent elections, to say the least. But one thing is for certain, this most definitely effects the state Democratic party, and to suggest otherwise is just plain ludicrous.

And it so NOT about gay sex, despite the fact that "gay sex" is in all the headlines. It is called a smokescreen, people. It was a card played by the guv himself, to pre-empt information that is obviously on the verge of breaking, and to stave off calls to resign before September 3rd. Once he gets beyond that date, apparently, the Democrats get to keep control of the state. Which is what this really about. The Democrats keeping control of the state.

By hook or by crook. Or in this case, both.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 09:59 AM

I feel like I'm riding a roller-coaster with you guest. Once again you twist my words around to make it the complete opposite of what I've said. I've said EXACTLY the opposite of what you've accused me of saying. This is not an anti-gay issue, and if you took the time to pay attention to this discussion you would have read that. My earlier posts spell out my position -I'm not a supporter of McGreevey, I do think the Democratic party is in trouble, this is not about McGreevey being gay, this is about ethics, and McGreevey has not been charged in any case as of this date.

You raise some good points, but don't try to win a discussion by attacking the person who has an opinion opposite you. Thats cowardly and the tactics that your pal Rush Limbaugh uses. If you wish to do that, at least grow some stones and use a name instead of hiding behind your sheet.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: bflat
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 01:24 PM

As a resident of NJ,I am appalled that post 9/11, the Governor appointed an unqualified person, his lover, to head Homeland Security. I am appalled that he financed his relationship at taxpayer expense. His obligation to the citizenry was breached. A person is known by the company he keeps and his aides who have been indited suggest something who he is. Clever people know how to keep just enough distance from the stench. This story isn't going away, November 15th notwithstanding. It has been an open secret that McGreevey is gay. I also believe it is being used as a smoke screen. I should think that would also offend people. I does me.


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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 02:39 PM

I hope that fact that the man he had sex with was an Israeli does not bring CarolC and Jack The Sailor to this thread. SOL ZELLER

Actually, as you can see, it did not. But your post did. My, what a flaming bigot you are Rabbi Sol.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 03:18 PM

Rabbi-Sol, You're writing a bit of a Tom Clancey Novel here aren't you. Carol and I are not part of any conspiracy against you or Israeli. I'm very disapponted in you. I didn't think you were that petty. Is Martin Gibson rubbing off on you?

Martin Gibson said

However, he just knew that the vast MAJORITY of people do not want this type of character in leadership.

Martin Gibson how do you not know that the vast MAJORITY of people on the Mudcat don't want to see you displaying your lack of character and BIGOTRY?

Rabbi-Sol it is you who brought up the fact that the man is an Israeli. Are you expressing some shame? Do not feel bad, there are evil dirty sleazy people IN ALL COUNTRIES, ALL RELIGIONS, ALL RACES. Israelis are no better and no worse than anyone else.

and for your information

The only beefs I have with McGreevey is that he cheated on his wife and that he appointed an unqualified foreigner as his Home Land Security Chief. If it were a Canadian woman or a Shetland pony I would be equally angry with McGreevey.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 06:18 PM

I really do apologize. I should never have let myself degenerate this conversation with uncalled for jokes and analogies to Bill Clinton, Rush Limbaugh, etc.   Sitting back and watching people like Guest, CarolC, Jack the Sailor and most certainly myself react this way just shows how childish we all are.   This was a serious discussion about an event that took place here in NJ.   Some of us started adding a few details that we have picked up from various news sources.   Instead of sharing that information and talk about it like adults, we all resort to name calling and one liners in attempts to make ourselves feel good. I think we need a good "time out". I for one deserve it.   


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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 06:24 PM

I don't know why you have singled me out for criticism, Ron Olesko. I had no intention of posting to this thread until Rabbi Sol dragged me into it with an obviously bigoted slur against me.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 06:41 PM


I think you do have something to apologize for, you post of 06:18. Martin Gibson's opening post is nothing but gratuitious gay bashing. This thread has never been "... a serious discussion about an event that took place here in NJ" it has been a response to Martin Gibson's bigotry. Your first post makes that clear.

In speaking about childisness, please speak for your self. I see nothing childish in speaking against bigoty. I see nothing wrong with you doing so. I see nothing wrong with me doing so. I see nothing wrong with Carol doing so, especially when the bigotry is aimed at her.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 06:49 PM

My first post was to add some information that Martin did not have or include in his first post.

As to the rest of your comments, I will be happy to respond privately if you wish to send me a comment or question. I will only add further comments that are relevant to the topic, not this sniping. These posts are adding nothing to this discussion. Please see my previous post.

This is enough.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 07:37 PM

Ron, this was your opening statement in this thread:

"Some of you people are great spin doctors, but you really don't have a clue."

Not exactly the way to get off on the right foot. And as if that flaming example of sanctimoniousness wasn't bad enough, you started shooting your mouth off, like you always do, trying to make yourself sound like the resident expert for us lowly hoi polloi.

When it was brought to your attention that you had, in fact, gotten more than a few of your salient facts WRONG, you attacked. When BillD said, "Oh I get it, he is a sleazy politician" your condescending reply was:

""sleaze" might be a bit harsh.   Very opportunistic is a better description."

Then, you descended into political partisan tribal warrior mode with this:

"Bill Clinton was not the one..."

and this:

"There were plenty of Republicans who..."

and this:

"The Republican Menace..."

And all that was BEFORE I ever posted on 13 Aug 04 - 06:25 PM
with a very polite post. Your reply? Here it is:

"Guest, you are doing a lot of spin doctoring yourself, and you are basically lieing in your last post."

Now Ron, let's be honest. It isn't all of us, but YOU who started with the name calling.

When you call people liars for no reason, and arrogantly dismiss their politely expressed opinion with contemptuous remarks, just how do you expect people to respond to you?

The only person in need of apologizing for bad behaviour in this thread is the person who instigated the bad behavior to begin with: YOU.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 07:38 PM

Mr. Olesko

My first post was to add some information that Martin did not have or include in his first post.

What you both said is still at the top of this page.

Martin said it was about being Gay you said it was not about being Gay. You did not add to what he said, you contridicted him. And rightly so! It is pretty clear that you corrected him whether you meant to or not and it is also clear that a number of people applauded you for doing so.

These posts are adding nothing to this discussion.

Please see my previous post.

This is enough.

I've seen your previous post. Respectfully, those are your opinions. You are entitled to your opinions but you are not entitled to tell me what to do and you are not entitled to critize me publicly and then insist that my response be private. You've publicly accused my wife and me of childishness and your inclusion yourself in that criticism does not mitigate that in the least.

Now you are implying that I am "sniping". Again, if you feel that you are sniping please speak for yourself. I am not sniping, I am calmly and politely pointing out that I do not believe that your criticism is justified.

If you tried to move this thread from Gay bashing to "a serious discussion about an event that took place here in NJ" that is laudible. If you want to apologize because you felt you were being childish, that is also commendible. Dragging Carol and me into that was your only mistake.

I again ask you, calmly and politely, to please speak for yourself.

Thank you.

Unless you are going to publicly apologize as you have publically criticized, I hope that I have heard the last from you on this topic.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 07:42 PM

GUEST, I hate to disagree with someone who appears to be coming to my defense but, in your zeal, you have made at least one error.

the person who instigated the bad behavior to begin with:

That was Martin Gibson.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 08:07 PM

Actually Jack, I never even count Martin, so please forgive me. He is much too trollish and inflammatory for my tastes, so I always skip over his posts. I was responding to the subject matter in the thread title.

As to coming to your defense, I hope I don't disappoint you, but I wasn't actually. I was merely pointing out to Ron that, post was directed to Ron, based upon Ron's behaviour. I'd rather just let stand as is. This thread is all about Ron now, not McGreevey. I'm not interested in the former any further, and since the conversation about the latter seems to have been killed off, I'll take my leave of what could easily have been a decent thread.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 09:09 PM

Actually Jack, I never even count Martin, so please forgive me. He is much too trollish and inflammatory for my tastes, so I always skip over his posts. I was responding to the subject matter in the thread title.

Fair enough, I didn't read Martin's post either, until I read Ron's first one and went back to see what he was taking about. :)

As to coming to your defense, I hope I don't disappoint you, but I wasn't actually. I was merely pointing out to Ron that, post was directed to Ron, based upon Ron's behaviour. I'd rather just let stand as is. This thread is all about Ron now, not McGreevey. I'm not interested in the former any further, and since the conversation about the latter seems to have been killed off, I'll take my leave of what could easily have been a decent thread.

I suspected you actually were not coming to my defense. That's why I used the words "appears to be coming to my defense".

If Ron Olesko and Rabbi-Sol are finished talking about Carol and me. I am out of here too. lol

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 09:24 PM

Jack & Guest - I've already apologized for everything I need to. If you wish to discuss the personal comments, then lets do it as a PM.   This is not a thread about me and this is just deflecting from the original topic.

My initial comments were not intended as "sanctimonius" or even a slam at Martin. I was not being condescending to BillD either.   I was trying to add some details (which can be found in most wire stories on this case) that were not brought up in the initial posts.

Guest is right, this could have been a decent thread but many of us were wrong in using our posts to bait and snip at each other. I tried to be funny with some of my comments and I realize it did not come off that way. The rest of you have your agendas and I can't speak for you.

Again, if you wish to discuss this, lets do it privately and not waste anyone elses time.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Rabbi-Sol
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 11:23 PM

Jack and Carol, Please lighten up a little and inject some humor into your lives. My post was meant strictly as a joke in the same vain as my posts about Bill Clinton's sexual exploits. If you felt offended by it, I do apologize. The man's nationality had nothing at all to do with his behavior. There are some rotten apples in every barrel and he is one of them. I do not have a personal vendetta against you and frankly, I enjoy the intellectual and idealogical discussions that we have even though our views do not always coincide. SOL ZELLER

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: CarolC
Date: 14 Aug 04 - 11:46 PM

Thank you Rabbi Sol. I appreciate that. I would, however, be grateful if you could refrain from the kind of humor you say you were engaging in when you mentioned JtS and me earlier in this thread. It looks too much like the kind of vitriol that is frequently directed at me (and JtS) when people want to attack me instead of my arguments, and I am fairly likely to misinterpret it.

I hope you had a good Sabbath.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 12:50 AM


Rest assured my friend, there is plenty of humour in our lives, none of it involves implying that others are bigots. Your comparing me to Clinton is pretty funny! This was supposed to comfort me? :LOL This was an apology? :LOL Some apology!! LOL

Please, please, please
no more jokes like that. OK?

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Little Brother
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 02:18 AM

I saw his resignation speech on TV and what I understood he resigned because the fallout from his adulterous affair would hamper his ability to govern. Also I was disturbed by his lack of remorse. He read his statement as one would read the weather report. -LB

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: GUEST,Weird NJ
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 02:25 AM


are you from New Jersey? Or do you work there? I
wonder because you refer to all these scandals that you claim were "about to engulf his administration." But really, his has not been an unusually scandalous term.

You refer to a shady federal probe into "financial wrongdoing" including "hiring his largest campaign contributors."

Really. His two largest campaign contributors could make more money as State employees than at whatever they did before? Not likely.

Perhaps he was going to give them...oh, I don't know...No-Bid contracts? Honestly, if there is any institution which cannot credibly consider doing favors for campaign contributors to be wrongdoing, it is the federal government. Any probe targeted on that issue was merely Bush's camp using the justice department to try to depose any Democrat they can. So McGreevy is guilty.

Of being a Democrat.

What has become clear in the last two days is that McGreevy's resignation was forced on him by blackmail. There was no credible reason for the lover to drop his threatened sexual harassment suit, except that the threat had been intended to blackmail the Governor, and the Governor called his bluff. If the lover had hope of substantial damages, which he undoubtedy would if his allegations were true, he would have sued. Thus I conclude he had no chance; thus I conclude his allegations are untrue. So the most vulnerability the governor has is on the question of his hiring this lover to various jobs.

As for the "head of homeland security" claim, that's a little exaggerated. It was a consultant position on homeland security in question. And did (say) Tom Ridge get the homeland security job? Was it because he's an intelligence expert? No. It was political patronage. This was just another form of patronage.   So again, McGreevy is guilty.

Of Nepotism.

Get over it, people.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 08:25 AM

I have relatives in Jersey, and vacation there every year. I don't follow Jersey politics like a hawk, but I often do follow them.

Enough to know that the main politics revolve around Ireland, Italy, and Israel.

And to know that it ain't the polarized Bush Republican/Clinton Democrat dynamic in play here. It is Jersey, the most politically corrupt state in the union. This guy is as bad as the Republican crook who preceeded him.

Let's face it, having your name apear 80+ times, even in somebody else's indictment, would force most any governor out of office.

We aren't all idiots, and we certainly know that every political corruption scandal can't be immediately blamed on the other party.

So Wierd NJ, I'll get over it as soon as you buy a clue.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: bflat
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 09:47 AM

To GUEST,Weird in NJ: It has not become clear that McGreevey has been blackmailed. In the NYTimes, Brett Schundler, his opponent in 2001, suggested that the resignation was orchestrated by the heads of the Democratic Party itself to place their candidate Jon Corzine in position. True or not, I don't know. I'd say things are anything but clear.


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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 09:55 AM

...assuming Corzine does not take a position in Kerry's cabinet, much like Whitman did with Bush.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: bflat
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 10:13 AM

Ron, you are right to mention a cabinet possibility. There has been speculation that Kerry, if elected, might offer Corzine a position. He is a very capable person.


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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: PoppaGator
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 10:08 PM

The headline on the Associated Press story in this morning's Sunday Times-Picayune (New Orleans) says "NJ Gov's Resignation / Not Due to Being Gay."

So there.

A number of openly gay politicians were quoted about how they were able to keep their jobs, ghet re-elected, etc. The concensus was that McGreevey's errors in judgement, and his (perceived?) corruption, were the real reasons for his demise. Of curse, the gay affair was the catalyst for all the other bad news coming out (pun intended).

Some of you may claim that McG was not already in political trouble, but it looks to be like he must have been. There's no other reason an incumbent's own party would be so anxious to run a new face rather than have the established guy stand for re-election.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 10:23 PM

PoppaGator, you are right. As we've said, his sexuality had nothing to do with his decision to quit.

I don't think anyone meant to say that McGreevey was not in political hotwater. While he has yet to be directly charged with anything, there is a stigma about his ethics. There is no doubt that McGreeveys associations made him a less than desirable candidate. The question is, why would he resign now? The signs seems to point to the potential lawsuit by the man that was reportedly his lover. The details that potentially would have come out of this personal lawsuit apparently would have caused more problems than McGreevey could have dealt with while in office. His admission also brought the issue to light before he was slapped with a lawsuit. It appears to be a very calculated move.

Could he have made it through his term if this potential sexual harrasment charge did not exist? Perhaps. Would he have been re-elected? I doubt it.

Until this harrassment charge came to light, the best thing for the Democratic Party would have been for McGreevey to announce that he would not seek a second term.   This mess is creating so many questions that whoever the Democrats choose will have trouble.

Of course, the NJ Republican Party is not a bed of roses either. No wonder we've had carpetbaggers in the past.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: pdq
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 10:37 PM

Quick question: when IS McGreevey up for re-election, this Nov?

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 10:48 PM

NJ will vote for governor in November 2005. McGreevey announced his resignation to be effective in November of this year. IF he resigned immediately, there would have been a special election this year.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: pdq
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 10:53 PM

I am used to elections being held on even-number years. New Jersey must be as odd as people say.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 15 Aug 04 - 11:03 PM

We pride ourselves on being odd! :)   The term officially ends in 2006.

I just read a story that the NJ Democratic Party is now pressuring McGreevey to resign earlier. This would fall in line with the Republican's request to leave early and create a special election this year. The story quotes Democratic officials as worrying that more dirt will come up.   I guess they would rather take their chances in an election this year.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Date: 16 Aug 04 - 11:41 AM

I think the answer to the "why now" question ISN'T to act pre-emptively on the sexual harrassment suit. I think it was orders from the top--Terry McAuliffe, the DNC, the DLC, and the Kerry campaign, to insure he stayed in office long enough to hang onto the governor's seat for the party through the November election.

That is the only reason why he would resign "effective November 15" because he isn't up for re-election this year. So it has to be a Democratic party interest, not his personal self-interest, that forced the resignation.

The Dems took a look at the potential for him being ousted on the corruption stuff, and said "get him out, but not until AFTER the presidential election".

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko
Date: 16 Aug 04 - 01:58 PM

But that has apparently changed over the weekend. McGreevey is now getting pressure from Democrats to resign earlier and create the special election.

I'm not sure how having McGreevey in office helps Kerry's campaign. Kerry had a 20 point lead in NJ polls, and having a tainted governor in office wouldn't improve Democratics numbers.

The Republicans are already throwing around a few names. Steve Forbes seems to be their favored choice. Schundler is probably ready to run, but he does not seem to be a candidate that they are happy with.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: GUEST,Larry K
Date: 16 Aug 04 - 02:25 PM

After reading this thread, I am amazed at the number of comments about being gay, and almost nothing about Homeland Security.   I don't think this is a gay issue at all.   Barney Franks has done fine.   I think a candidate should be honest about his sexuality, but I don't think the vast majority care if a person is gay.

I do think the homeland security is a much bigger deal.   McGreevy hires his (allegedly) gay lover to be head of NJ Homeland security at $110,000 a year with virtually no experience and he can't even get FBI security clearance.   Doesn't that bother anyone?   Having lived in NJ for 35 years, it bothers me.   

I think that will be a much bigger campaign issue.    When democrats talk about how much they support the war on terror, the republicans whill throw back how they hire unqualified gay lovers to protect us.   It doesn't make the democrats look good on that issue.

It hasn't hurt McGreevy though.   His poll numbers are up 2%- just like Clinton.   Democratic scandals seem to bring up their poll numbers.   Now if McGreevy would resign by Sept 3, Corzine could run for Govr in a special election.   If he won, he would appoint his replacement for Senate.   Maybe Toricelli?   Maybe McGreevy? I would suggest Tony Soprano.   He is from NJ, knows economic development, and is an honest politiican- (an honest politician is one who stays bought) Senator Soprano. Has a nice ring to it. The more things change the more they stay the same in NJ.

PS_ You got to love Kushner hiring prostitutes and video taping his brother in law to get him to stop testifying against Kushner.   Yet you snicker at my choice of Tony - excuse me Anthony Soprano for senator.

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Once Famous
Date: 16 Aug 04 - 05:20 PM

Ah, I lit this thread up and then left for three days on a long weekend fun-style road trip as I have been doing over the summer to enjoy a real life.

As you can see Jack the Sailor and Carol C. jumped down the Rabbi's throat in typical reactionary style and then proceeded to make the usual genitalia out of themselves before it was discovered it was all in jest. What a laugh I got out of it! Ruotous. Worth the whole price of the post!

OK, everyone wants to decide what I meant when I did this post. Bobert was pretty right on the button and my hat is off to him for his perception.

Now, as far as the majority of people thing. Is anyone begging this guy from NJ to stay? Anyone at all? I hope the door doesn't hit him on the way out. I would think his ass is already pretty sore.

Goodbye Amigos! See you soon! Hah HAH!

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: GUEST,MarkS
Date: 17 Aug 04 - 01:04 PM

Sleeze in New Jersey politics.


Mark (from New Jersey)

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Date: 17 Aug 04 - 10:33 PM

So far, the Village Voice wins for best writing on the subject, though:

"I'm a gay American—applause, applause—so I've been especially mesmerized by McGreevey-gate, the most sweeping allegory about the dangers of the closet since David Gest was allegedly brutalized by flying pieces of Halston furniture. By his own admission, New Jersey governor Jim McGreevey has been a poster child for duplicity, finally forced by a legal wake-up call to come clean while wearing a patterned red tie that would have outed him anyway."

You can read the full article, that makes more sense than most I've read, here:

"Alien vs Predator"

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Rabbi-Sol
Date: 18 Aug 04 - 12:32 AM

This past Sunday, I travelled to a gig at the Antique Car & Bus Museum in Hershey, PA. On the return trip, I was on the CB radio. All the truckers remarked as we crossed the bridge from Easton, Pa. to Phillipsburg, N.J. that "we are now entering the Gay Governor's state". There were many pro-Bush and anti-Kerry remarks as well. I wonder if blue collar America will really support the Democrats in November ? I hope that they do for the good of us all. SOL ZELLER

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Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
From: Once Famous
Date: 18 Aug 04 - 01:07 PM

Rabbi-Sol, I absolutely do not think that they will. blue collar America is now a different animal. As a general rule, it is no longer the unionized factory worker group it once was. There just aren't that many factories here anymore. Blue collar America is now led by our police and fire departments, who after 9//1 have taken on new heroic status and are considered I believe both patriotic and conservative. The patriotic conservative vein in blue collar lifestyles now has a soundtrack of Toby Keith and Alan Jackson.

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