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BS: Summer Camp stunts

sian, west wales 11 Jul 00 - 09:46 AM
Wesley S 11 Jul 00 - 11:04 AM
sian, west wales 11 Jul 00 - 11:25 AM
Wesley S 11 Jul 00 - 11:28 AM
sian, west wales 11 Jul 00 - 11:34 AM
Morticia 11 Jul 00 - 11:36 AM
Catrin 11 Jul 00 - 11:39 AM
sledge 11 Jul 00 - 11:41 AM
sian, west wales 11 Jul 00 - 11:44 AM
Catrin 11 Jul 00 - 11:46 AM
Gary T 11 Jul 00 - 12:28 PM
GutBucketeer 11 Jul 00 - 01:00 PM
catspaw49 11 Jul 00 - 01:33 PM
SINSULL 11 Jul 00 - 01:44 PM
catspaw49 11 Jul 00 - 01:52 PM
MMario 11 Jul 00 - 02:19 PM
Mbo 11 Jul 00 - 02:24 PM
catspaw49 11 Jul 00 - 02:34 PM
MMario 11 Jul 00 - 02:35 PM
JenEllen 11 Jul 00 - 02:39 PM
Wesley S 11 Jul 00 - 03:22 PM
SINSULL 11 Jul 00 - 04:15 PM
SINSULL 11 Jul 00 - 04:20 PM
Dee45 11 Jul 00 - 04:23 PM
sian, west wales 11 Jul 00 - 04:24 PM
Mbo 11 Jul 00 - 04:30 PM
MMario 11 Jul 00 - 04:59 PM
catspaw49 11 Jul 00 - 06:02 PM
JenEllen 11 Jul 00 - 06:25 PM
MMario 11 Jul 00 - 07:23 PM
catspaw49 11 Jul 00 - 08:28 PM
Banjer 11 Jul 00 - 09:30 PM
Marion 11 Jul 00 - 11:00 PM
Seamus Kennedy 12 Jul 00 - 02:44 AM
Mbo 12 Jul 00 - 07:52 AM
GutBucketeer 12 Jul 00 - 09:26 AM
MMario 12 Jul 00 - 09:55 AM
Callie 12 Jul 00 - 10:38 AM
JenEllen 12 Jul 00 - 12:19 PM
Mbo 12 Jul 00 - 12:25 PM
Timehiker 12 Jul 00 - 06:08 PM
wysiwyg 13 Jul 00 - 11:38 AM
GUEST,Rich(stupidbodhranplayerwhodoesn'tknowbetter 13 Jul 00 - 05:48 PM
sophocleese 13 Jul 00 - 06:21 PM
SINSULL 13 Jul 00 - 07:44 PM
JenEllen 13 Jul 00 - 09:58 PM
wysiwyg 14 Jul 00 - 09:30 AM
jayohjo 14 Jul 00 - 05:35 PM
Timehiker 14 Jul 00 - 06:15 PM
sian, west wales 20 Jul 00 - 06:37 AM

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Subject: Summer Camp stunts
From: sian, west wales
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 09:46 AM

Other threads about summer camp seem to concentrate on the songs, but they got me remembering my own golden summers at Cave Springs Camp, Beamsville, Ontario. Apart from the songs, the other Great Challenge was the Practical Joke et al.

My friend and I specialized in putting the camp bell out of action. The easiest scam was simply to tie a knot in the bell pull just above the hole where it came down into the dinner hall. That eventually got to be too simple, so we eventually had to arrange to steal the whole bell frame. (I wonder if they still talk about that one?)

We also once hid 57 newts and frogs in the camp director's room (which was only about 8 ft by 14 ft ... so that's a fair bit of reptile per inch)

The boys' camps had their own ... style? i.e. peanut butter on the toilet seat. Or cling film (saran wrap) over the outhouse ... holes? yuk

Anyway, for the sake of any Mudkittens who might be on their way to summer camp, and in the spirit of keeping traditions alive ... any useful additions? (And don't make like I'm the only one to have gloried in mis-spent summers!)


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Wesley S
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:04 AM

One of our favorites was putting a layer of shaving cream on our counselors sheets and under his blanket. It usually wasn't discovered until he hopped into bed. The most dangerous was to take an aerosol can of some sort { like deoderant } and hold a match up in the spray to form a sort of flame thrower. { DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME OR CAMP }. We thought it was fun to shoot flames through windows after some one had walked by. Why we didn't blow ourselves up is beyond me.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sian, west wales
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:25 AM

Shaving cream. Good 'un.

One thing I never worked out was short-sheeting. Something to do with folding the bottom sheet up, so that the bottom looked like the top sheet ... and you get into bet, hit the fold with your foot, and can't get in any further. My mother's coming to visit in September; I might experiment with that one.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Wesley S
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:28 AM

Sian - Better still try the shaving cream bit - mothers love it.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sian, west wales
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:34 AM

One April Fool's Day, I rigged a dixie cup with about an inch of water above the back door, so that when Ma came home for lunch it tipped out. Got her smack dab.

She sees the funny side ... now. 35 years on.

It's her own fault. I get it from her side of the family ...

If they had Technology and Design as a subject in high school then, as they do now in British schools, I coulda got credit for that 'un. And others. That's the trouble with being ahead of your time...


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Morticia
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:36 AM

chilli powder carefully sprinkled into the toilet paper is spoken of highly by those with a fondness for practical jokes I understand.....I didn't like them much even as a kid, different sense of humour I guess.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Catrin
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:39 AM


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sledge
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:41 AM

Shaving foam in the shoe/boot was always good for those early morning calls.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sian, west wales
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:44 AM

Girls' camps obviously were working at a disadvantage... no shaving cream.

sian (oi! no jokes)

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Catrin
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:46 AM

What about putting something foul smelling - like what comes out of the wrong end of a dog - into a paper bag, set light to it, knock on their door, they come out and stamp on it to put it out!

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Gary T
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 12:28 PM

Sian, short-sheeting is done with the top sheet. It requires the bed be made up with a blanket or bedspread to cover up what is (and isn't) underneath. With the bottom sheet installed normally, lay the top sheet on the bed with its "foot" end (with the small hem) at the top ("pillow") end of the bed. Tuck it in at the top and sides as if it were the bottom sheet, going about halfway down to the foot end. Now fold it back up into the position the top sheet would normally have, with the pillow end (large hem) in its regular top sheet postion, then install the blanket normally (I think most people fold the large hem of the top sheet over the top end of the blanket, somewhere around the middle or foot end of the pillow). It should look just like a properly made-up bed. The victim will usually turn back a corner of the top sheet/blanket combination and stick his feet in, expecting them to reach all the way to the foot end of the bed.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: GutBucketeer
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 01:00 PM

We wrapped a copperhead (missing the head) that we had killed around the Scoutmaster's camp stool. Then sometime later we came back to the camp fire area and just stared at his feet. He looked down and jumped about 4 feet straight up in the air. Everything went flying. Can't remember how much trouble we got into, but he was NOT HAPPY! :-) In retrospect we could have caused a heart attack, but we weren't thinking about that back then.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 01:33 PM

Never tried the snake routine, but everything else has been experienced....and enjoyed. And Wes, why we are still alive is beyond me too.

After 6 years of 2 week church camp and 4 years of band camp, I think I hit most of the high points of crappola. That fine product "HEET" so useful for muscle strain, also had a fine place in camping history as does its mate, "Absorbine Jr." Artfully applied to underwear crotches, it is without peer in the prank department. The warm pan of water hand dip procedure also produces the desired "halo effect" for those of us in the practical joke business.

Ever popular, the "Steal the Clothes from the Shower Room" certainly deserves a spot on any pranksters list, although it would lose a lot of lustre in single sex camps. The set-up for this requires more planning to assure it isn't fouled up by some adult prude while achieving maximum "exposure" for the campers.

Church Camp, for all of its religious side, was generally extremely rowdy, and every year the same folks came and there were the classic pairings of both pranksters and lovers which only happened during camp. I was fortunate that from the 8th grade on, my love interest, best friend, and main prank partner, was the same person....a preacher's daughter I'll call Lynn (as that is her name). Methodist Camps were not to big on the religion parts and were mainly just a funplace that got the kids away from the parents for a couple of weeks.

Lynn was a tomboy of the first order, right down to the chipped tooth. I think back on all the "firsts" which she gave me and its an impressive list. From first "serious" kiss, to being the first girl I ever saw completely naked, Lynn was the most "educational" friend in some areas that I have ever had. But her ability and creaivity for jokes was simply unbelievable. I ran into Lynn quite by accident about 5 years ago and we rehashed a few of those jokes. Proud to say, she has three kids which she said were quite well behaved, except for one who seems to have inherited a lot of her.....and now drives her nuts.

The most ambitious stunt we ever pulled was a complete swap of everything between two cabins, one girls and one boys. I can't believe I ever had that kind of energy....takes all I've got just to pick up the clutter around here after the boys are done.....'course they're never "done" so.............


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 01:44 PM

JAB! You killed a snake?! I'd have made you wear it like the ancient mariner and his albatross!
Girl's camp trick - a refinement of Boy's camp trick. Lift toilet seat, install tight layer of saran wrap, lower seat. Done correctly, it is undetectable until it's too late.
Can't believe you would hurt a snake.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 01:52 PM

Damn.....I keep thinking about this thread and how much fun camp could be and that extrapolated into a MUDCAT CAMP......a week of which I can't imagine. Geeziz.....would anyone ever get any sleep? The music might be good, but the fear alone would keep most from getting any sleep at all.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: MMario
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 02:19 PM

duct taping the cabin door closed; covering the cabin floor with inflated rubber glove balloons; (both while the occupants were asleep

standing at the darkest corner of the trails with an alien mask and black cloak;

wrapping a counsoler's popup trailer in saran wrap. completely. (except one window....we didn't want him to smother)

director's bra into the freezer for the night...carefully returned just before she woke up...

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Mbo
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 02:24 PM

I never went to camp!

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 02:34 PM

Sorry Meebo.......really.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: MMario
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 02:35 PM

Mbo - don't worry. Eventually we will correct that...(wicked evil grin)

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: JenEllen
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 02:39 PM

Wide plastic packing tape wrapped so that the sprayers on the sink faucet were "on" all the time. I pulled that one on my SO's dad. He got up to make coffee in the morning and got a shower instead. He most delicately snuck into my room and sewed one of the legs of my jeans shut at the knee and then hit the fire alarm....gawd I love that guy.

Plastic rodents and reptiles are great. Not as earth-shattering as the real thing, but will do in a pinch.

Bucket of ice water dumped on a showerer will illicit screams of such magnitude as seldom heard on this planet.

But there is alot to be said for the extended variety....One summer our entire family went camping in Eastern Michigan. I came into the cabin and my Nana and Auntie stopped talking immediately. I, of course, BEGGED to know what they were talking about. No, they can't say...we're too young....well...they'd tell me, but I had to PROMISE not to tell my cousins (fat chance).

They told me that this cabin was haunted. In the 30's, a man had killed his wife and her lover while they were making it right on THAT couch (the couch where I was sleeping, o'course) they had feared for the family, sure, but it was still a nice cabin....I ran out and told everyone, but it was a secret...

This was followed by TWO WEEKS of my grandfather scratching the walls of the cabin in the uncles letting out mysterious dad wandering around outside with a sheet over his head....and about 15 kids that got absolutely no sleep whatsoever...gawd I love those guys...

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Wesley S
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 03:22 PM

This is not a summer camp prank but I remember my sister sending a great photo. Someone took clear plastic and covered up the entrance to someones cubicle at their office. Then they filled the entire cubicle to the top with those pink foam shipping "peanuts". I can't imagine how long it would take to empty them out.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 04:15 PM

I never went to sleep away camp either Mbo but my crazy relatives kept me occupied at at our family's cabin. The best was when Uncle Rudy coughed his teeth out in the middle of the night, then fell out of the top bunk trying to retrieve them. It was the first time I ever heard the "F" word. We were all giggling under our blankets while everyone tried to make sure he was okei (Skarpi-talk) and help find his teeth.
My brothers locked me in the outhouse with a squirrel. I still haven't gotten even with them for that. It was so dark I couldn't see my hand. I dropped the flashlight and the poor squirrel scrambled all over me, the walls and ceiling trying to get out while I howled in terror.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 04:20 PM

Of course I refused to offer any help at all when a nest of baby mice dislodged from the porch rafters and fell down my brother's back. He was screaming in terror and it was my turn to laugh. That cabin is still available. Maybe we could have our camp there - Beaverkill, NY. Think what Spaw can make of that!

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Dee45
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 04:23 PM

When I was 11 I stole a rowboat and paddled to a nearby Harbor confectionary store to buy additional sweets since the camp tuck shop was not providing enough of a sugar fix for me.

Upon returning I was caught, reprimanded and disciplined, but fortunately not sent home or parents notified.

I also experienced my first real kiss at this camp. Our braces nearly locked!

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sian, west wales
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 04:24 PM

Lord, I am NOT WORTHY! Frozen bras, eh? Instructions for short sheeting, eh?

My Mother is gonna have a REAL INTERESTIN' visit in September ...

I think I'll leave out the burning bag of dog poo, though. Don't wanna get cut out of the will.

Interesting, too, to know that Cave Springs wasn't the only Methodist camp that kept forgetting the religious bits of the day. Well, perhaps it's more accurate to say that we never got beaten over the head with it.

I'm trying to remember what we did to the wife of one Camp Director one year. They were United Evangelical Bretheren ( !!! ) and she banned singing while washing dishes (cabins took turns washing up ... did some of our best singing then. Cook loved it too.) We got her good, but damned if I can remember how ...


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Mbo
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 04:30 PM

Man, first kisses, too??? I'm still waiting on mine! Lucky buggers.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: MMario
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 04:59 PM

no, mbo, boogers and kisses don't mix. maybe that's....(no, I won't say it.) *chuckle*

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 06:02 PM

BEAVERKILL???? Are you serious? BEAVERKILL???

Well I done torn some up in my day, but can't say as how I've ever KILT none!!!!


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: JenEllen
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 06:25 PM

LOL 'Spaw!

Mbo: just go around for the rest of the summer replying to every statement with "I know you are but what am I" and every request with "Get off my case toilet face".....all the fun of summer camp without getting your ass tied out in the woods overnight.

We got my Dad once...camping out in Florida. We'd been going around freeing crabs from all the traps around the pond and generally pissing all the fisherman off. I left a note by the toilet in our cabin...
Dear Dad;
There's a crab in the toilet, so be careful....
if there is not a crab in the toilet, be careful...(it works on SO many levels..)


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: MMario
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 07:23 PM

'spaw - kilting a beaver is easy - take nine yards of tartan cloth, pleat and wrap around the beaver....

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: catspaw49
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 08:28 PM

I dunno' why you'd have that kinda' knowledge Mario since I was personally always a lot more interested in UN-kiltin' them then the other way around! As a matter of fact, I alway liked the ones wearing them kilt-lookin' skirts with the knee socks an' all. There's just somethin' about gettin' that skirt up and them drawers down around them knee socks and................uh, be right back.............................................Had to take a cold shower and grab a nitro tablet....................


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Banjer
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 09:30 PM

My summer camp was the YMCA camp located on the south shore of a lake with a big long indian name which I couldn't pronounce then and sure as hell can't now either. I can't even remember how it was spelled...On the north shore of this lake was situated the YWCA camp!!! The alphabet soup for those not in the know stands for Young Men (Womens) Christian Alliance. What where they thinking...Putting these camps on opposite shores? On any given night one could observe canoes criss crossing the lake in search of devious activity! Overland missions were also not uncommon. In fact in one of our most glowing accomplishments, three canoes left our dock towards the girls camp. They were the diversionary forces. While all the young ladies(?) were standing on their shore awaiting the arrival of their attackers, the land force entered their camp from the rear with cans of shaving cream to fill any shoes that they stumbled upon. Rolls of toilet paper garland adorned many of the objects in that camp as well. On one of the attacks flour was used to brighten up the otherwise dingy cabin interiors. Our camp didn't go unscathed either! Some of those little vixen were VERY imaginative. One of those summers a few of us discovered also that it was much more enjoyable and beneficial to make LOVE, not war! Ah, those were the days!

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Marion
Date: 11 Jul 00 - 11:00 PM

Has anyone ever "trucked" anyone successfully? I've heard of it, but never seen it with my own eyes.

It's a prank that requires some equipment and a colleague. You get two very strong flashlights and hold them at car-headlight distance apart, and something to be engine noise (whether recorded or some other machine). Then in front of somebody's bed, you hit the noise and the lights all at once and yell, "Look out! TRUCK!"

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Seamus Kennedy
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 02:44 AM

As a schoolboy, I used to go to Donegal every year to learn Irish with a group of classmates. We'd stay in a private home, go to Irish clssses, go play, eat meals and have a great time. One day, I picked up a dried cow pie, hid it in my jacket and took it back to the house. At dinner time that evening, with a dozen or so of us round the table, I took it out, yelled "Look, a brown frisbee!" and scaled it to a guy at the other end of the table. He caught it firmly and it disintegrated. Well, not only was it dried and crusty on the outside, but it was filled with maggots on the inside. There were maggots on everyone's dinner plates. Oh, how we laughed until the landlady came in, saw the mess, screamed blue murder, made us clean it up and didn't give us any dinner. Which was when I got the sh*t hammered out of me by my jovial fellow pranksters! All the best. Seamus

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Mbo
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 07:52 AM

Marion, I read about "truck"ing in one of the "4B Goes Wild" books.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: GutBucketeer
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 09:26 AM


Well, I grew up in Texas. And I have to admit when you get a group of boys and a snake together down there two things can happen. If it is a non-poisonous snake (we are grilled at birth to identify snakes), a mighty chase ensues with much yelling and scrambling. One boy emerges the victor with the snake in-hand. If it poisonous, a mighty chase ensues with much yelling, and scrambling, and bashing. One boy emerges the victor with a dead snake in-hand.

Closest I ever got to a copperhead was one time when a neigbor thought they saw a non-poisoness variety in their backyard. In the midst of the scrambling and bashing I parted some grass and there was the snake coiled, about a foot from my face. Luckily it was focused on some kids on the other side of the fence. The outcome was pre-ordained.

The closest I ever got to a rattlesnake was when I was working on a ranch in West Texas with 3 of my friends between graduating Highschool and starting Colledge. It was one of those experience jobs, where we were paid $100 a week plus room and board. My Grandfather sold butane to the ranch ownere, and I think he put us out there to keep the foreman from getting drunk everyday. Anyway, I was standing on a twisted Mesquite Tree chopping it away from the fence. There was brush around and it would rustle when I swung. Then the brush rustled on my back swing. I slowly backed away, and then we looked under the trunk I had been standing on. It was horizontal and about 9" off the ground. There coiled, and very angry was a very LARGE snake. The inevitable occured. Here we were all 18 and reverting to 10 year old boys scrambling, yelling, and bashing. The snake was about 6 feet long, and we must have pulled 15 mice out of it. It was in a stupor after eating, otherwise I would have been bit.

That summer was the material books are written about. We learned to dance the two-step (and didn't have the courage to ask the locals to dance at the County Rodeo at the end of the Summer). I got two big blister on my rear-end the only time AB Owens allowed us on a horse. (I was supposed to round up the other horses, and the horse that he put me on was not the leader of the herd. The stirrups were also not adjusted). We learned to drive a stick in a 1953 Chevy Pickup. We got the Border Patrol to come investigate us by running and hiding in the brush every time a plane flew over (until they caught on). My brother chased me with a cattle prod. We bathed in outside in the cattle water storage "tank". I learned to crack a bull whip, and the proper way to rope. I also learned that contrary to what AB Owen said, young bulls will not turn if you stand your ground when you are trying to herd them into a cattle truck. We also found out what happens when young bulls get scared (they get the runs.. No Bull S--T). I found out that I liked ShlitzerAID Ice Cold.

We also found out how beautiful the Texas sky is after a hard day of work, a quart of Iced TEA, and a good meal (The secrets of BAR-B-QUE done right). The joy of friends, no TV, and solitude. I found out a lot about me.

Whatever happened to those times gone by?


Sorry to wax away, but these are the memories where we forget the bad times and remember the good.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: MMario
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 09:55 AM

JAB - I get this mental picture of a baby strapped to a bar-b-que grill, with someone holding flashcards of snakes in front of it, "Identify this or I light the coals!!!!" (re: grilled at birth) *snork*

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Callie
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 10:38 AM

I hated the malicious pranks (or anything involving shaving cream). I did enjoy taking the teacher's clothes and making a dummy out of them. We snuggled the 'body' in her bed and waited fro the shriek when she turned in for the night.

We got into big trouble for burning incense once. The teacher thought it was the smell of smoking joints (shows how much SHE'D been around!) and we were in deep excrement, and for no reason.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: JenEllen
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 12:19 PM

Come on up here 'round Memorial Weekend and we'll let you cowboy up, no problem! Those are wonderful memories.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Mbo
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 12:25 PM

Just don't get Elle too close to the bulls. 8 seconds is all it takes to make eggplant...


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Timehiker
Date: 12 Jul 00 - 06:08 PM

There's the obligatory ghost story for the new kids. The one about the sleepwalking camper, from this very cabin, who drowned in the lake one night. He sometimes comes walking up from the lake, dripping wet, and gets into his old bunk. All it takes after that is a stealty step and a good wet towel.


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: wysiwyg
Date: 13 Jul 00 - 11:38 AM

I was volunteering daytimes with a summer camp for inner city kids, held at an outdoor ed facility that included a working demonstration farm. My job was helping to give the hands-on tours at the farmette, and the farm manager and I became good friends.

He was a very funny and smart guy who was totally committed to the Lord, despite his own wicked sense of humor. His specialty at the farmette was his own flock of custom-bred sheep. I was fascinated with the Jesus side of him, but much more intrerested in the friendship. See I was not quite the Christian I am now.... just coming back to such things, see, with his example....

So I thought it would be a good idea to go with the sheep and humor aspect..... one day an old ewe died just as the fella was on his way outta town for some reason, and so instead of burying her, he dragged the carcass into the barn and put her in a crate, ready to take out in the tractor bucket when he got back a few days later. He had always emphasized farm cleanliness and health, and I thought this highly unhygienic and hypocritical. Wouldn;t farm visitors find this somewhat shocking? So to make my point I snuck on the property that night at 1AM with a can of Rustoleum and painted her toenails bright red. She was bloated with gas and quite ripe smelling by the time he returned, but her feet were gorgeous sticking out of the crate at that odd angle.

Later that summer I also put an anatomically correct inflatable sheep in the front passenger seat of his pickup. I'm sorry. Celibacy outside marriage just did not make sense to me at that time.

That was about it until the late fall, when I thought he was behind with his Christmas decorating.... I snuck into his cottage on the farm with a shopping-cart full of cheap trashy Christmas decorations, including wrapping paper. I used the wrapping paper to wallpaper the tiny bathroom, using tape of course, not glue, and then layered everything else on over it, including the ceiling full of musical blinking lights. It was a complete job, down to the miniature book (The Night Before Christmas) hung on a tack next to the TP roll, handy for reading material.... and the musical whatsit I put under the toilet seat that played when raised..... then I retreated to a nearby hill to watch for his return, in case the whole thing caught fire and I had to call 911... Well how was I supposed to know that this was to be the day he and his girlfriend were bringing her parents there for the first time, to announce their engagement?

Then there was the huge plastic rat that I would move from location to location, in the toilet, in the cupboards, in the feed bin, etc.....


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: GUEST,Rich(stupidbodhranplayerwhodoesn'tknowbetter
Date: 13 Jul 00 - 05:48 PM

The best prank I was ever part of was not to play one at all. We told one kid who had a habit of really going overboard on pranks that this week we were going to get revenge. We had the prank to end all pranks planned and he was gonna wish he'd never messed with any of us! No hints, he'd find out soon enough. We then took shifts. Walking by his tent late at night, letting him ALMOST catch us putting something in his dinner or his sleeping bag or whatever. He knew whatever we had planned was gonna be BIG and he was not gonna let it happen! There were 7 or 8 of us invoved and only one of him. We could go about our business, sleep, eat, whatever. He had to be on his guard around the clock. After a week of getting nearly no sleep, jumping at shadows, sniffing his food, and generally living in fear, it never occured to him that we had gotten him worse than if we had played a prank. It was like a good ghost story where the real fear wasn't the "jump", so much as the tension leading up to it!


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sophocleese
Date: 13 Jul 00 - 06:21 PM

There was a guy in camp when I was fourteen who started giving girls hickeys as a joke. One night a bat flew into the cabin where several of us were chatting. This guy was absolutely terrified of bats and immediately ran behind a curtain for cover; he didn't realize that I also was behind that curtain. As he was peering fearfully round the edge of the curtain watching the bat I bit him on the shoulder. As an act of unplanned revenge it was very satisfying.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
Date: 13 Jul 00 - 07:44 PM

I am in tears laughing at the cowpie and the border patrol. My niece just told me that at her camp (all girls) they waited for the counselors to go in for supper and hung 60' of bras from the flagpole to the rec center. When time came to let down Old Glory...well it was in it's glory.
Anatomically correct blow-up sheep? And a 6'snake. I might have been tempted to do away with that too.

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: JenEllen
Date: 13 Jul 00 - 09:58 PM

Yup, Mbo..eggplant suprise. I was more suprised than anyone, as you can imagine...

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: wysiwyg
Date: 14 Jul 00 - 09:30 AM

But I can't remember where I got the sheep, isn't that funny????

I mean was I planning ahead enough to order it by mail???

Or did I actually go to one of those STORES????


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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: jayohjo
Date: 14 Jul 00 - 05:35 PM

Oh my god, you have no idea how jealous I am! Mbo, you think you're envious, we don't even HAVE summer camp in the UK - and why not?! I demand to know why this deprivation of Britain's kids is continued!

jayohjo XX

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: Timehiker
Date: 14 Jul 00 - 06:15 PM

Ah yes, Sinsull, the underwear up the flag pole stunt. I recall that somebodys' mother decided to stay on as a volunteer counselor. Her job was to make sure her kid didn't have any fun. And while she was at it, she made sure none of the rest of us could have any fun either. One morning, we all formed up for the flag raising ceremony to find that her bra was stretched between the pole for the national flag and the one for the state flag. The director demanded that whoever was responsible for the stunt should take it down. My pal, Vernon, and I felt safe enough from blame, so we stepped up and lowered it while the campers gave the hand salute. Vern and I marched up to the lady with the thing still stretched out full length between us and presented it to her. She snatched it away from us and went home, mission accomplished. By the way, my son just came from a meeting with the county extension agent. He will be going to camp in a couple of weeks as a "counselor in training". I'm biting my nails, those teen counselors were the wildest of us all.

Take care Timehiker

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Subject: RE: BS: Summer Camp stunts
From: sian, west wales
Date: 20 Jul 00 - 06:37 AM

Hold on, jayohjo ... we certainly have kids' camps in Wales, and from the stories I've heard, they aren't strangers to stunts. Also seems like one whole generation of Welsh men owe their first ... ummm... intimate experience to a particular daughter of a camp director (many decades ago, apparently).

Timehiker - hope you intend to print all this off for your son. It's your parental duty.


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