Subject: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 13 Jul 01 - 09:01 PM Check out our new feature: Unanswered Requests This is a PermaThread™ controlled by Burke and by Joe Offer. Note that all messages posted here are subject to deletion or editing. Burke Posted this message in another thread, and I think it's a good idea. -Joe Offer- Subject: RE: Non-Music threads thoughts If you see an unanswered music request thread that's at the end of the Forum Menu and ready to drop off the menu, post a link to it (or the URL for the thread) in this thread. Be sure to give the name of the song being sought. As time goes on, we'll work out a system of maintaining this PermaThread™ - in the meantime, I'll just delete your links when I see they've been answered. Thanks. -Joe Offer- Please post lyrics in the original request threads, not here.thanks.From Burke: Here I was, thinking about how to work out the details of my suggestion. Instead it has taken on a life of it's own. Obviously it was an idea waiting to happen. Post the answer to the original thead & a note that it's been answered here. I'd like to see some kind of way to make sure the requested information is still needed. I don't want to try to judge how important a request is to someone, but I'd hate to see a lot of time spent on something of only passing interest to the questioner. Maybe after a request has been refreshed a few times we could ask if an extended search is desired. If the reply is yes anyone can list it here, since the person with the question might not know how to make the link. I think I'd also like to see time limits listed if they apply. If the reqest if for a wedding 2 months from now, I think we'd want to know that after that it can be deleted. What about including a date of initial request, date of addition to this thread, or some other time stamp in the link? Someone who keeps up on this thread will be able to check the most recent postings. If the lists are consolidated from time to time, a date will help us see what we might not have checked yet. I have no idea where the answers might turn up. My thought is that someone who knows the answer may just be gone for a few days & would normally miss it. Now they can check here. New folks can check it out. If I did this correctly, you can copy the text below & just replace the threadid from the desired thread. <a href=/thread.cfm?threadid=19340>Click here</a>
Check out our new feature: Unanswered Requests |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: IanC Date: 16 Jul 01 - 08:26 AM Can I suggest that when we've found anything in here we ALWAYS REFRESH THE ORIGINAL THREAD rather than posting it here. If we don't it could be very counterproductive, by only having one thread alive when there could be quite a few. Also, it will end up spawning a whole load of stuff on this thread, or another quite divorced from the original enquiry and other information which may have been provided in the original thread. The forum already splits up information quite enough as it is ...
Cheers! |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: MMario Date: 16 Jul 01 - 10:45 AM Well, as I discovered during The Great Tune Search(TM) - the passage of even a few days can make a difference in whether or not information is available on the web. So some of these may show up on google where 3 years ago or 3 months ago or 3 weeks ago they did not. Or new members since the request may have the information - or a passerby may notice the thread and respond... |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 16 Jul 01 - 07:23 PM "but I'd hate to see a lot of time spent on something of only passing interest to the questioner."
Well in a sense the original questioner isn't necessarily the only one that matters. If the replies to a thread indicate that other people are keen on seeing a song tracked down, I'd see that as good enough.
And that's another reason why it's good for people to post to threadslike that, even if they haven't extra information - to indicate interest, and in the process to keep the thread alive, and the chase active. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Dave Bryant Date: 08 Oct 02 - 08:17 AM I'm still looking for the words of (the late) Bob Roberts' poem/monologue "The Oily Rigs". Entries above have been added to Unanswered Requests |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: rich-joy Date: 26 Nov 02 - 08:56 AM Re the alphabetical Unanswered Requests : Tucker Zimmerman's Taoist Tales is still listed as wanted, but, that was fulfilled in a thread on 27 Feb 02. The thread reference in the alpha UR is a 2001 request for another of Tucker's songs and the requester only knew the chorus lines ... Cheers! R-J
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: DG&D Dave Date: 07 Jan 03 - 05:57 AM Still looking for a US folkie who won the Doom Gloom and Despondency song competition at Sidmouth UK in 1991. To go to the original thread Click here |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: toadfrog Date: 13 Jan 03 - 01:57 AM Where did all the requests go? Are they all answered? |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joan from Wigan Date: 13 Jan 03 - 03:37 AM No, they're not all answered - I certainly had a couple of items in the list that I'm still after. Where've they all gone? Joan |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,MCP Date: 13 Jan 03 - 04:11 AM Look at the link (Check out our new feature) after the 1st post above. Or more generally take Unanswered Requests from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Mick |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: wildlone Date: 08 Feb 03 - 06:36 PM threadid=7377 Lyrics added threadid=36880 Lyrics added Hope they are the right ones, PM and email sent to the original posters dave |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: OldPossum Date: 13 Feb 03 - 02:51 PM Ditto for Ballad of the Maytime (I don't mean they were answered by me, but by someone else, of course). |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Cluin Date: 22 Feb 03 - 12:08 AM Lyrics for The Love of the Land were posted in this thread a liitle while ago. Sorry, I forgot to notify here. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: rich-joy Date: 06 Jul 03 - 05:21 AM I remember that the request for lyrics to "Time is a Tempest" (John Broomhall) was answered (also with a parody) in a different thread to the one that is linked ... Cheers! R-J |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Richard Bridge Date: 06 Jul 03 - 11:53 AM Did anyone ever come up with the tune (as distinct from the lyrics) to "Piddlin Pete"? |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: McGrath of Harlow Date: 06 Jul 03 - 12:22 PM Noone's come up with anything on the request in this thread Lyr Req: 'Jackson on the Scaffold' - in fact there are two - one being for the song in the thread title, and the other being for any songs about the Victorian burglar Charley Peace. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joybell Date: 25 Sep 03 - 02:30 AM I've posted the lyrics to "The Glens of Sweet Mayo" but couldn't quite work out how do do the link. Also I didn't make it clear where they came from. The version I posted comes from "Ballads from the Jails and Streets of Ireland" ed. Martin Shannon Pub. Red Hand Books, Dublin, 1966. No info. given except that the tune is "Felons of our Land".
-Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread Unanswered Requests From: George Seto - Date: 09 Dec 03 - 08:04 AM 24 Hours At a Time answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joybell Date: 09 Dec 03 - 09:40 PM Just answered the request for Lighhouse on the Bay by Conrad Veidt. NB Name correction and Title correction. Also there's more to it. Playing the tape now. I'll be back. Joy |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joybell Date: 11 Dec 03 - 02:30 AM Ok all on the thread "Lighthouse on the Bay" as much as we could understand. Joy |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joybell Date: 11 Dec 03 - 02:49 AM some lyrics added to the thread: "isn't nature grand" |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joybell Date: 11 Dec 03 - 03:05 AM One line added to the thread "Put Something on the Bar Beside Your Elbows" Just a snippet. Joy |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joybell Date: 11 Dec 03 - 04:19 PM And we have it all now from a guest! "Put Something on the Bar" now seems to be complete. Hurrah! Joy |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,Kent Davis Date: 17 Feb 04 - 12:51 AM Lyrics provided for Jimmy Dickens' "Cornbread and Buttermilk" |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: LadyJean Date: 17 Feb 04 - 01:00 AM OK, here we go again: Several years ago, at an S.C.A. Pensic war, I heard a woman sing her own translation of a French song. It began "Sweeter the new wine in the vine in the vine" The chorus went something like ton ton ton ton dur, ton ton dur et ton ton ton. I would LOVE the words to it. But I know chances are slim. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Wolfgang Date: 17 Feb 04 - 07:45 AM War game has been posted. Fiona and Shane lyrics complete now. Kora has incomplete lyrics. Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 17 Feb 04 - 12:49 PM "Cornbread and Buttermilk reminds of Dicken's "Butter Beans," which may be heard and downloaded from Record Lady, page 29 Real Country: Record Lady |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Eugene Judge Date: 03 Mar 04 - 02:54 PM The lyrics for Mike Harding's "Bombers Moon" have now been posted in the original thread: thread.cfm?threadid=34680&messages=8#1128594 Eugene Judge |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: George Seto - Date: 09 Mar 04 - 02:51 PM Still Unanswered, but apparently Barry Finn knows the song. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread Unanswered Requests From: George Seto - Date: 10 Mar 04 - 04:10 PM Here are a few more of the old ones. Don't see any answers for these in more recent threads either. Big Bad Bruce |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 11 Mar 04 - 12:58 AM "Angels Can Do No More" lyrics posted here: click me . |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 11 Mar 04 - 01:36 AM Lyrics and chords for "Driftwood on the River" by Ernest Tubbs posted to this thread: click Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: michaelr Date: 11 Mar 04 - 04:36 PM I'm still looking for lyrics and translation of "Tiocfahd Leat Fanacht" (by Manus Lunny) from Capercaillie's "Beautiful Wasteland". Cheers, Michael |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 17 Mar 04 - 11:57 PM Can you identify this tune? |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: LadyJean Date: 18 Mar 04 - 11:37 PM I heard a lady sing a song she had translated from medieval French at Pensic 17. It began "Sweeter the new wine in the vine in the vine". And had a chorus that sounded like "ton ton ton ton dur, ton ton dur et ton ton ton." I'd love to have the rest of it, but I've never met the lady again. Does anyone else know it? |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 18 May 04 - 10:26 PM Lyrics for Danny Kaye's Bloop Bleep" posted. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 18 May 04 - 10:37 PM Request for "Carolina Home" has been answered in the original thread. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 20 May 04 - 01:22 AM Hi Joe— The following requests need to be deleted from the Unanswered Requests list, because they have been answered in their original threads. Sorry, I only got through the Bs when checking, because I kept getting sidetracked with searches! Anyone want to do some more? I'll get back to this when I can... (also sent PM to Joe). Lin DUPLICATED IN LIST (BUT NOT YET ANSWERED): : Alang the Roman Waal is duplicated as "Along the Roman Wall"OK-JRO Back to Donegal OK-JRO ANSWERED: 1900 Yesterday OK-JRO 24 Hours At a Time Aija Zuzu (Latvian lullaby) answered in Latvian(?); linked to lyric site OK-JRO Albany (Roger Whittaker) All Around My Spirit OK-JRO All The Ways You Wander (lyrics answered; now he wants tablature!) Amelia's Waltz (no lyrics, but sheet music link posted) Amhram Pheter Baille (lyrics and translations posted) OK-JRO Angels Can Do No More OK-JRO Appalachian Journey—song from (Dinah; lyrics posted) OK-JRO As I Walked Over London Bridge (aka "Geordie") OK-JRO Babe, I'm Leaving You OK-JRO Ballad of the Maytime (Wild Bluebell) OK-JRO Baloo Baleerie" (Bressay lullaby) OK-JRO Beachcomber (origin found) OK-JRO Being a pirate (with tune also) OK-JRO Black Sod Bay (with tune also) OK-JRO Blackthorn OK-JRO Bloop Bleep by Danny Kaye OK-JRO Bomb the bourgeoisie (partially answered by Tam the Bam) Bomber's Moon OK-JRO Boys of Fairhill (2 versions) OK-JRO British Bobby OK-JRO Bull of Kildare (3 verses and a chorus—may be one more verse?) Left on unanswered list-JRO FURTHER LISTED AS ANSWERED IN THIS THREAD (ABOVE): Carolina Home Cornbread and Buttermilk Driftwood on the River Fiona and Shane For What was Gained Homegrown Tomatoes Isn't nature grand? Kora Lighhouse on the Bay Madigan's Lock Put Something on the Bar Beside Your Elbows The Glens of Sweet Mayo The Love of the Land Time is a Tempest War Game Whaur Will We Gang? |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: OldPossum Date: 20 May 04 - 02:22 PM As I said in my message dated 01 Mar 03 - 02:12 PM, Madigan's Lock is unanswered and should be added to the list, since the answer given in the thread is incomplete. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: OldPossum Date: 21 May 04 - 02:51 PM I would just like to add that I am sorry if I sounded a bit grumpy. I think Lin in Kansas has taken a great initiative, and thank you for that! |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 21 May 04 - 05:17 PM Sorry, Old Possum. I missed your request to add. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 21 May 04 - 10:14 PM Lyrics for County Down by Tommy Sands posted from this thread, which also has several more songs by him. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Billy Weeks Date: 01 Aug 04 - 06:38 AM Source of 'And So Does Father" and 'Billy Muggins' now posted.Yes, but we still need lyrics for both. -JRO- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: semi-submersible Date: 03 Aug 04 - 02:43 PM Sea Fever is answered. I suggest adding sailor ravished by maiden: sung at Towersy festival c. 1980 by female duet called Salal |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,Alley Date: 06 Oct 04 - 10:54 AM Still looking for the guitar chords for "Cottage by the Lee." |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Feb 05 - 12:47 PM appears answered. ~S~ |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Feb 05 - 12:48 PM seems to have been answered too. ~S~ |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: wysiwyg Date: 14 Feb 05 - 01:10 PM ~S~ |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: wysiwyg Date: 17 Feb 05 - 12:00 PM is answered now. ~S~
-Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Mick Pearce (MCP) Date: 10 Jul 05 - 08:07 AM It looks as if Barney Brannigan was answered in Jan 05 and as far as I can see that hasn't been noted. Mick |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Mick Pearce (MCP) Date: 10 Jul 05 - 09:09 AM I've just posted the missing chords in Seven Golden Daffodils - info please!, so you can sign that one off. Mick |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: gnomad Date: 11 Aug 05 - 12:37 PM North Wall Was about to post requested lyrics, but this was done in 2002. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 11 Aug 05 - 03:47 PM I can't update the "Unanswered Requests" database because some of our post-crash problems haven't been fixed. If you notice anythng else that needs to be added to or deleted from the Unanswered Requests list, post them here and I'll update the database when I can. Thanks. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Liz the Squeak Date: 12 Aug 05 - 06:45 PM I put an answer to the request. It's worth noting that almost ALL Les Barker requests can be answered by visiting his website. I won't post the lyrics because a) I can't be arsed to type them all out and b) Les relies on the income generated from his books etc, for his living. Thanks. LTS |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Roughyed Date: 17 Aug 05 - 06:20 PM I posted the lyrics to Tears in the Wind by Chicken Shack in the original thread although I suspect it might have already been answered. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Dani Date: 18 Aug 05 - 12:06 AM Looks like this one was answered! Dani |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,Terrym Date: 02 Dec 05 - 10:32 AM Subject: Chord Req: The Fureys - Leaves in the wind From: GUEST,terrym Date: 23 Nov 05 - 09:51 AM Hi, looking for the chords, and lyrics if possible for Leaves in the wind, only heard it sung by the Fureys on the album "may we all someday meet again" if anyone can help it would be much appreciated. Many thanks |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Doug Chadwick Date: 04 Dec 05 - 04:47 AM I have just posted the lyrics to an old request made back in July 1997 on I have just posted the lyrics to an old request made back in July 1997 on this thread Lyr Req: green back dollar I know it was a long time ago but someone might still be interested DC |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 16 Dec 05 - 05:48 AM Joe, lyrics for (I Want to Go) Where No One Knows me have been posted. Also, Jed Marum says he has lyrics for Piney River Girl. I have refreshed that thread and asked him to post them. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 16 Dec 05 - 07:18 AM Lyrics for Livin' on Love by Alan Jackson posted. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Lin in Kansas Date: 16 Dec 05 - 10:21 PM Lyrics for Piney River Girl posted by Jed Marum. Thanks, Jed. Lin |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: menzze Date: 05 Feb 06 - 08:09 AM Subject: Lyr Req: 6000 Lonely Miles by the Fureys I din't yet found the lyrics but the song sung by Paddie Bell. Have a look here |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,Jacqui Date: 10 Mar 06 - 10:27 AM Lyrics added to thread 'cork on the ocean' plus info. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Pilgrim Date: 24 May 07 - 09:50 AM Lyrics added to the "Get Off The Gas Stove Granny" thread |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 01 Jun 07 - 06:18 PM To Jay - your request for "Run On" has been moved here (click). -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Peace Date: 01 Jun 07 - 08:54 PM The "Run On" request has been answered, Joe. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 03 Jul 07 - 04:44 PM Merle - your Kristofferson request was moved here (click) |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Cluin Date: 31 Jul 07 - 10:49 PM Lyrics to Hoyt Axton's "Goin' to Heaven in a Flash of Fire" posted. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Cluin Date: 31 Jul 07 - 11:10 PM Lyrics to "Let's Chase Each Other `Round the Room Tonight" added. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Cluin Date: 31 Jul 07 - 11:53 PM Norman Blake - "Lincoln's Funeral Train" added |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Cluin Date: 05 Aug 07 - 01:58 AM Merle Haggard's "Tulare Dust" added |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Mick Pearce (MCP) Date: 05 Aug 07 - 10:08 AM The following seem to have been answered: Girl In The Very Tight Hat (73389) Hawks And Eagles (744) is in DT The King's Shilling (63774) The Last Fisherman (65687) (posted in the thread by the John Heslop, the author) No, No, A Thousand Times No (68924) (though Years And Years And Years in same thread remains unanswered, and should stay on the list) The Tall Tale (Pouring whiskey down the sink) (65482) - this was answered in thread: hamish imlach (and elsewhere - links are not current on this one) The Kestrel (39716) - Bob Hambleton (Mudcat: Hovering Bob), the author, emailed the words to the requestor but didn't post them. The Suicide Arms (61788) - Leadfingers was going to post words, but didn't. Snuffy probably has them too by now. Mick |
Subject: RE: PermaThreadï™ Unanswered Requests From: maeve Date: 12 Sep 07 - 08:17 AM This seems to have been answered. Hawks and Eagles maeve |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Barry Finn Date: 12 Sep 07 - 10:47 AM The Finney Brown question was answered in the Finn & Haddie CD thread. Barry |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 11 Mar 10 - 04:27 PM Looks like there are some songs to clean up in our Unanswered Requests database. I've been working on the database today. The database is in our QuickLinks dropdown menu, which is on almost every Mudcat page. Take a look through the database and see if there are any requests you can answer. If you can't find the lyrics in print or online, think about doing a transcription from a recording. If you start on a song, others may join in and help. If a songs to be added to the "unanswered" database, or if a request in the database has been answered, post a message here to let me know. If a request is only a few days old or if it has been answered, we don't add it to the database. The database is just for old unanswered requests. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Melissa Date: 12 Mar 10 - 06:16 AM It's been quite a while since I requested words for "Puppy in the Bottom of the Pot". Can it be added to the list? Thanks, Melissa
Subject: RE: PermaThread� Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,Larry Saidman Date: 13 May 10 - 03:01 AM I answered the lyric and chord request for Gnostic Serenade
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,^&* Date: 13 May 10 - 04:52 AM Chantal du Champignon is listed as unfinished - but is in fact complete. Got it - Mod |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,^&* Date: 13 May 10 - 04:54 AM Ditto Danny Doogan's Jubilee Got it - Mod |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,^&* Date: 13 May 10 - 04:56 AM Ditto An Deirc/Olaim Puins Got it - Mod |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,^&* Date: 13 May 10 - 05:01 AM Ditto Murder of Joe Frawley? Got it - Mod |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,^&* Date: 13 May 10 - 05:16 AM Ditto The Old Ways of Dublin /Inchicore Wake Got it - Mod |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Nigel Parsons Date: 13 Jun 11 - 10:14 AM Lyrics for Decimalisation posted in 2008. Cheers Nigel< OK -Joe- (proofed, formatted, and cleared from the unanswered requests database) |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Nigel Parsons Date: 13 Jun 11 - 10:21 AM Likewise Everybody knows me in my old brown hat Cheers OK -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Nigel Parsons Date: 13 Jun 11 - 10:29 AM Similarly Farmer on a bike Cheers Nigel OK -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Nigel Parsons Date: 13 Jun 11 - 10:31 AM This one's also found its station: Fast train out of Texas Slainte Nigel OK -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Nigel Parsons Date: 13 Jun 11 - 10:39 AM The Ferryman's daughter (Donovan) has been done. Skol Nigel OK -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Nigel Parsons Date: 13 Jun 11 - 10:51 AM Another one down: Feed The Children (Bogle) Prosit! Nigel OK -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: MartinRyan Date: 16 Dec 11 - 05:33 PM Link to video of "Boys of Fairhill" posted to supply tune. Boys of Fairhill" |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Gda Music Date: 31 Dec 11 - 06:32 PM Lyric request: Michael Fagan answered.
-Joe Offer, Mudcat Music Editor |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 17 Aug 15 - 04:53 PM Lyr Req: Abbeyleix answered OK, but I really need people to document the source where they got the lyrics. -Joe Offer-, Mudcat Music Editor- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 17 Aug 15 - 05:09 PM Lyr Req: After the Fact (Kristofferson/Coolidge) answered OK -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 18 Aug 15 - 12:17 AM Lyr Req: All Roads Converge (Anita Silvert) answered [OK-Joe] Lyr Req: Alone and Broke in Birmingham answered [OK-Joe] Lyr Req: Anthem (Hello People) answered [OK-Joe] Lyr Req: Antique Annie's Magic Lantern Show answered [OK-Joe] Lyr Req: Antiwar song answered (and I suggest changing the name to reflect the discovery of its true name--The Ballad of Eugene Pratt by Mason Proffit [OK-Joe - actually by John Michael Talbot and Terry Talbot] |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 18 Aug 15 - 01:31 PM Unanswered requests: Unknown Title Song by AL Bluegrass Boys Song: Some Frogs Jump One Foot Tune Req: Its Written inthe Bible my Daddy Gave Me |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 18 Aug 15 - 01:58 PM Lyr Req: Anne Marie and Jean Pierre (Smothers Bros has been answered for a couple of years, and Lyr Req: Follow the Blackbird (Gaberlunzie) has also been answered. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 18 Aug 15 - 02:39 PM Lyr Req: THE ARCHITECT (Paddy Roberts) was answered back in 2008 Lyr Req: Are Yew Alright Bor (Allan Smethurst) was mostly answered in 2013, but I filled in the few wholes to the lyrics Lyr Req: The Australian Dream (Gallager & Lyle) answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 18 Aug 15 - 05:35 PM RE: Lyr Req: The Babyl of New Kuwait (The Pheromones) answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,999 Date: 18 Aug 15 - 08:55 PM The unanswered request area needs tending to. About two years ago I spent weeks looking and was able to find or develop good leads (ie., on YT or videos, sites, etc) for a minimum of 150-170 URs, but nothing happened with any of them so I stopped. However, I applaud what you're doing. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 18 Aug 15 - 11:51 PM Thanks. My guess is that they don't truly consider it "answered" unless you actually copy/paste the lyrics onto there or transcribe them yourself. That's at least the bar I've been using. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to greatly reduce/stop soon. Lyr Req: Back to Donegal (Rory McLeod) answered Lyr Req: Ballad of Gordy Ross (Ted Longbottom) was answered by GUEST Origins: The Ballad of Soapy Smith (Al Oster) has been answered since 1998! I don't see any lyrics! -Joe Offer- Lyr Req: Bangtail Muster answered [OK -Joe- ] |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,999 Date: 19 Aug 15 - 12:06 AM The situation is a bit more complicated than that, cnd. It's not a lack of will. It's a lack of time. There were app. 2000 URs going by a memory that is years old. A rough estimate would be about 1700 of them still outstanding, with a few hundred located but needing placement because they have been found. It's not that the folks here don't care. It's that the admin just don't have the time to file stuff away. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: GUEST,999 Date: 19 Aug 15 - 12:55 AM ' Thanks. My guess is that they don't truly consider it "answered" unless you actually copy/paste the lyrics onto there or transcribe them yourself. ' Not quite. As an example, 'A Man Can't Grow Old' was requested first requested 30 Aug 00. The lyrics were located 13 Sep 12. It still shows in Unanswered Requests. People just don't have the time. [OK - Joe-] |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 19 Aug 15 - 02:35 AM I guess I don't think of this Unanswered Requests database as often as I should. When I see somebody has posted to the PermaThread, I go to each song, make sure it's formatted and labeled correctly, and clear the database and this thread. But I've been working fulltime on the Rise Again songbook for the last year, so I got behind. And I don't just check the song off the database and forget it. I try to review and reformat every song before clearing it. CND, it's very important for you to document your source for these lyrics. Did you find it in a book, transcribe it from a recording - which book, which recording? Did you find it on a Website? Who's the songwriter? Is there any background information? It's not only important to gather lyrics in a hurry. It's also essential that we learn source information so we can ensure the accuracy of the lyrics. Thanks. -Joe- Here's a guide for formatting lyrics you post, so that they're in the standard Mudcat format: The songs may or may not be added to the Digital Tradition Folk Song Database - that's up to Dick and Susan. I try to make sure that the songs have ADD and the song title in the title of the message where the lyrics are posted. I also have a distinctive way of formatting the title once I've proofed the lyrics and found the most credible lyrics postings on a song. If the message title is properly formatted, it's easy to find songs in the Old Advanced Forum Search, found in the QuickLinks dropdown menu on every Mudcat page. If songs are posted and titled properly, they are immediately available in the Forum to anyone who searches for them with the Old Advanced Forum Search. It takes time for posts to be indexed for the main search engine, but they're immediately available in the old search. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 19 Aug 15 - 12:28 PM Sorry Joe; I'll try and do better in the future. Much of the time I don't have that information, though. Most of the time, I hand-transcribe them from Youtube videos or audio clips. I'll try and go back and fill in some of my holes. I have tried doing the title like you like before, but every time I try that, it ends up with a huge hole between the title line and artist info below it. Which HTML thing should I type to get it the right way? |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 19 Aug 15 - 05:00 PM Lyr Req: Bar Room Crystal Ball (from Hot Tuna) answered Lyr Req: Barbecue in Heaven answered GUEST.Mike Fiddle's requeston on Lyr/Chords Req: Corries songs asking for the lyrics to "The Barge o' Gorrie Crovan" should be removed from the "Unanswered" section, as there is already a page on that song here: thread.cfm?threadid=31829 RE: Lyr Req: Barren Rocks of Aden may have been answered by Rumncoke back in 2013. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 20 Aug 15 - 12:08 AM Lyr Req: The Bear (Andy May) answered Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song was answered by Mick Pearce in 2012 Lyr Req: Songs about Beeching's Cuts has been both answered on its thread since 2010 and answered (a year prior) here Lyr Req: Ben Kenobi Nobi (Les Barker parody) answered in 2014 by Long Firm Freddie Lyr Req: The Berry Tree (Saul Chaplin) may have been answered in 2013. |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: Joe Offer Date: 20 Aug 15 - 01:14 AM I'd prefer to do the HTML on the title, cnd. That's my sign that the song has been reviewed. It does help, however, if you have ADD and the song title (in title case) in the message title box, and then the title in ALLCAPS above the lyrics, followed on the next line by the songwriter name in parentheses, then a blank line, then the lyrics, then any notes and source info. If you transcribe a song, tell us that you did so and tell us what you transcribed from. If it's in a publication, give us the title. If from a Website, give the URL of the Website. One early stage of the Rise Again songbook was the collection of lyrics after the committee had built a list of songs to be included in the book. One volunteer programmed a "bot" to roam the Internet and collect the lyrics. Then other volunteers added chords to the lyrics. When I got to the project, the lyrics and chords were reportedly finished. I looked at the lyrics, and found they were awful. That's the usual quality of lyrics on the Internet. That's why we like source-documented lyrics here at Mudcat. No use perpetuating mistakes if the source is crummy. I promise I will get to work on clearing these, but I'd better get back to work on the Rise Again Songbook. I haven't seen a copy yet, but I understand it's out or almost out (scheduled for Sept 1). I'm working on the supporting Website, which will have links to YouTube recordings and online information about all the songs. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 20 Aug 15 - 11:37 AM Lyr Req: Big Dick (Cheney) answered RE: Lyr Req: Bill the Quill? / Willie the Pen? was answered by GUEST,Evan johnson in 2013 Lyr Req: Billy Muggins + Rolling Round the World answered
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 21 Aug 15 - 12:48 AM Lyr Req: between here and sunset answered Lyr Req: Blaina Boys 1930 (Huw Williams) was answered by RamblinStu in 2012 Lyr Req: Blood on Our Land (Irish rebel song) answered
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 21 Aug 15 - 11:33 AM Lyr Req: Bold Irish men? / Jolly Irishmen may be answered, but it's hard to tell with how little info the original poster gave Lyr Req: Leftish Parody on 'Lincolnshire Poacher' possibly answered ADD: The Boonie Rat Song (Viet Nam War)-chords? answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 27 Aug 15 - 06:06 AM Tune Req: Black Bottom Strut (Instrumental) answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 28 Aug 15 - 03:15 PM Lyr Req: The Barque Favell answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 06 Sep 15 - 11:36 PM GUEST,Colin may have answered Chord Req: Bring the Peace (Mary McLaughlin) in 2012 Lyr Req: A Bum, A Jolly Good Bum may be answered Lyr Req: I'm bungee jumping by keith donnelly answered RE: Lyr Req: Bush Telegraph (John Williamson) was answered by GUEST Lyr/Chords Req: Bush Barber, etc (John Williamson) answered |
Subject: RE: PermaThread™ Unanswered Requests From: cnd Date: 08 Sep 15 - 11:08 PM Lyr Req: The Butcher's Apron (Irish Rebel) answered RE: Lyr Req: Cabbages, Cabeans and Carrots answered I would also call Lyr Req: Camp Meeting in July (Jerry Correll) answered |
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