Subject: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Hawker Date: 16 Aug 04 - 08:02 PM Hi, Many of you I am sure will have visited Boscastle in Cornwall on your holidays, I know some of our US catters visited earlier this year, The village was hit by a mammoth flood as 62 mm of water fell in 2 hours, In parts it was under a deluge of upto 10 feet of water, 2 shops collapsed and 30+ cars have been washed down the main street and into the harbour. Many of the homes are ruined and waterlogged. 3 people are still not accounted for. Spookily enough, this happened on the 52nd anniversary of the Lynmouth flood when a similar thing happened up the coast in Devon in 1952. I live about 18 miles away and got away lightly, our living room flooded and our garage was under 3 inches of water, the road outside became a small stream and the path to our church got buried under a small landslip, I believe Tintagel and Camelford were also badly affected. Please spare a thought for the people affected and their families in your prayers tonight. Cheers, Lucy |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST Date: 16 Aug 04 - 08:08 PM Yes the tv footage looks bleak. Gorgeous area which we visit many times. Remember having a drink in the pub right at the edge of the harbour?And the witch museum, which was closed. . Here's to dry weather for them and hoping all turn up safe. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: nager Date: 16 Aug 04 - 08:10 PM We were there in April this year on a cycle tour and stayed at the Boscastle YHA right on the waterfront. Hope the people there are okay and safe. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Richard Atkins Date: 16 Aug 04 - 08:15 PM Hope all is well at G.Kings Whitch Museum,i hear he has done good work thare. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Hawker Date: 16 Aug 04 - 08:23 PM The Youth Hostel and Witch Museum got hit pretty bad by the look of the TV, Latest news as we speak, 6 buildings have collapsed and up to 50 cars have been swept away, many from the car park opposite the cobweb, into the harbour, if you know the geography of the place you will know that that is pretty unbelievable! I am going to try and get some sleep, we have been promised more rain by the weather guys, lets hope that they have got it wrong again! Cheers, Lucy |
Subject: Boscastle flooding Uk From: Cllr Date: 16 Aug 04 - 08:25 PM i have just seen on tv that boscastle has been flooded loss of buildings, some of you may know graham king (folkie) and the sessions that happen in the Cob. Can anyone one say what is going on. houses have collapsed and It is a small place god be with them. Cllr Message transferred from a 2nd thread - --JoeClone |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Boab Date: 17 Aug 04 - 02:48 AM Hey Hawker! Ta for the mention of Tintagel. A favourite cousin rents holiday cottages at Lower Penpethy---I'll be on the phone if I can reach them --I'm in Canada, and had Cousin Morag and Steve over here in early summer. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: greg stephens Date: 17 Aug 04 - 02:52 AM Well I have played with the Boat Band many times in the Wellington, Boscastle. Thats up from the Harbour, I hope its all right. The Witch Museum is a lot nearer the water,as I remember it, so let's hope it's nt too bad there. Is it really the anniversary of Lynmouth...very coincidental, the 52 year period. People died in that, including camping boy scouts.I remember people drying their stuff outside after that for weeks, I lived down there then. Good luck, Boscastle. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Fibula Mattock Date: 17 Aug 04 - 03:17 AM isn't there a theory about floods occuring in 50 year cycles? Hope all are safe in Cornwall. One bizarre thing was watching the news last night - they had reporters in the middle of nowhere in the Sudan, in Iraq... and not one camera crew anywhere near Cornwall - Channel 4 news were showing what looked like mobile phone videos and pictures. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: The Admiral Date: 17 Aug 04 - 03:25 AM If any of the Cornish Catters get to hear anything of Graham King can they post? I know there is a few people this way who are anxious about him. Both the Witch Museum and his cottage are down in the Harbour area but I believe that both are sturdy brick built buildings so they may well not have too muck strctural damage. He is a Volunteer Coastguard so he may well have been called out before the catastrophe happened. Also he is a pretty resourceful sort of person so I guess he's going to be OK but we're still concerned... Tony and Pearl |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Polly Squeezebox Date: 17 Aug 04 - 04:29 AM I too am anxious to hear that fellow folkie Graham is okay, and know that in his case he would appreciate the wish that his Goddess be with him. Bright Blessings to all those who suffered the effects of the weather in Cornwall yesterday. Polly |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Hawker Date: 17 Aug 04 - 04:55 AM Local radio reports so far say that one helicopter alone air lifted 55 people out yesterday, there were 7 rescue helicopters operating, so that may give you some idea of the scale of the catastrophe. This morning, reports state that 15 people are still unaccounted for. I have no news of local folkies involved, but there is no power and no phone lines as yet in Boscastle, so this is slowing people finding out, as soon as I hear or see Ill let you know, likewise anybody else - if you hear from Graham, let us know. Cheers, Lucy |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Cats Date: 17 Aug 04 - 05:40 AM Thanks to all Catters and friends who have phoned to see how things are here. As far as I know GK is OK and out saving other people. The coastguard was called out before the floods hit so he would have gone. As soon as we hear we promise faithfully to post here. It looks as though the Museum is still standing but the ice cream shop, visitor centre, clothes shop on the corner have all gone. 300 years they have stood there. the ground floor of the Wellie has collapsed into the cellar so non sessions there for a whike and the water was coming out of the upstairs windows of the cobweb, so no sessions there either. Mortia is OK. She's here with us. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Jon Date: 17 Aug 04 - 05:53 AM Sounds awful, Hawker, I hope those that are still missing are safe. Fibula Mattock, I don't know about the 50 year theory but the 50th Aniversary of what I think was the worst flood in living memory to hit the UK was last year. 307 killed, 100 from Norfolk. An article is here. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Polly Squeezebox Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:04 AM I've just accessed the Museum of Witchcraft Website and found the following information: "On the 16th August this year severe weather and flash floods hit Boscastle with devastating results. The Museum of Witchcraft has been severely damaged, leaving much of the building destroyed. During this awful event Graham King, the owner of the Museum, bravely assisted in the rescue operations using his coast guarding skills to help others. The Museum will take time to recover but rest assured it will be back, resotred to its previous splendour. For further information, enquiries, offers of help or donations please contact: Helpline: 01749 674712" Keep your positive thoughts going towards Graham and his friends and neighbours and hopefully we can somehow help them in some more tangible way in the near future when the present chaos dies down a bit. Polly |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: The Fooles Troupe Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:19 AM Saw the cars floating down the street on TV news tonight. Saw some collapsed stone buildings - the force must have been very strong. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Cats Date: 17 Aug 04 - 06:22 AM Have just phoned the museum line. Graham is Ok but very tired. He was called out as a coastguard before the flood arrived. The girls in the museum got out when the water floooded the kitchen of the flat! The museum is very badly damaged but there is not much to do probably until early next week. I have volunteered to clear up with loads of others as we are only a few miles away and many of you know of my link with Joan. I'll post anything asap. May the Gods look upon you. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: The Admiral Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:22 AM Thanks a million for that Cats. I assumed that all the landlines would be down! We won't call him to give him chance to rest but when you do see him, give our regards and love and tell him that the Admiral and several boatloads of people were and are thinking of him and his. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Scooby Doo Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:25 AM I have just heard George is safe and well.He is very tired due to the amount of rescues he 's been doing in the last 24 hrs. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Flash Company Date: 17 Aug 04 - 09:56 AM Terrible, terrible news of Boscastle. My own Cornish stamping ground is on the Channel coast, but I know it could happen there, I have seen the high tide coming up Fore St on one occasion. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. Here's wishing you fine weather folks! FC |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Dipsodeb Date: 17 Aug 04 - 12:46 PM I heard the dreadful news at 7.30 this morning I was still half asleep and thought I might be dreaming, but no such luck. The news footage was devastating I cried to see such a beautiful place being ravaged by the power of the water and for the plight of those poor people. Mother Nature can sometimes be a cruel mistress. I have spent alot of time at Boscastle over the years and my first thoughts went out to the Witch museum and the great folks that run it. I did see a shot of it on the news and it's still standing but obviously damaged there's alot to be said for those old buildings they were built to withstand the weather. My thoughts and prayers go out to Boscastle and its residents lets just hope that everyone that's missing becomes accounted for. Hawker sorry to hear that you suffered from the weather as well I am a ways off in london but if we can help in any way just let me know I will be in touch with the help line too PM me if you need to. Blessings ~Debs~ |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Hawker Date: 17 Aug 04 - 02:14 PM Thanks Debs, My troubles with 4 inches of water seem so trivial in comparison to Boscastle's though, Kevins cousin was renting a cottage in the row of houses behind the witchcraft museum, thankfully she was on a day out with her mother in Barnstaple, but her car is the blue one that they keep showing on the news sailing into the harbour and oblivion! She is being very light hearted about it all, but I think the whole horror of the incident is just starting to sink in. Her insurance company when she rang last night, said bring the paperwork in and we will sort it out, she tried to explain that 10ft of water at 40 mph had swept it out into the Atlantic and they said that they couldnt do anyting without the paperwork!!!! I am sure things will seem clearer in a few days time! More bad weather forecast for tonight, we are preparing for the worst but hoping they have got it wrong again! We are available to help anybody in the area who needs a room or manpower, and there is talk of a benefit concert to raise money to help put the town back on its feet, we will let you know more as it unfolds. Cheers, Lucy |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Scooby Doo Date: 17 Aug 04 - 02:22 PM There is a special news programme on HTV at 7.30 is anyone is interested. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Wyrd Sister Date: 17 Aug 04 - 03:02 PM The power of Nature humbles us again. No casualties known of at the last I heard, thanks to the wonderful rescue services. Let's hope/pray it remains so. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: fat B****rd Date: 17 Aug 04 - 03:18 PM What happened at Boscastle makes me feel incredibly lucky to be where I am. My heart goes out to the people there, and what a wonderful job by the rescue services. This must be deserving of Lottery Fund help or at least a massive donation from the Treasury. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Henry Date: 17 Aug 04 - 03:42 PM Maybe somebody should make a benefit re-recording of that famous and appropriately named tune called The Boscastle Breakdown which was once the title of a Topic album and I think is on The Voice Of The People. Stonking English country dance tune recorded by the BBC there in nthe 1940s iirc All you radio DJs get it out and play it. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Little Robyn Date: 17 Aug 04 - 04:05 PM The Boscastle Breakdown, played by 'Tintagel and Boscastle Players' is on a CD called 'hidden english' from Topic Records - TSCD600. It also has lots of oldies like Harry Cox, Bob and Ron Copper, Fred Jordan, Pop Maynard, Phoebe Smith, Scan Tester, Billy Pigg and lots more. Robyn |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: TheBigPinkLad Date: 17 Aug 04 - 04:09 PM MIDI and dots hereBoscastle Breakdown |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Col K Date: 17 Aug 04 - 04:31 PM My thoughts are with all those who suffered in Boscastle this weekend,several years ago I was flooded in my home and I know how little can be done when mother nature decides to strike with water.It is a miracle that as yet there do not seem to any fatalities to report,lets hope it stays that way. Thinking of all of you in the SWest and of those with friends there All the best Col K |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Emma B Date: 17 Aug 04 - 04:41 PM Being cut off from TV was devastated to see coverage in the pub bar. Thoughts with all those affected and thanks that no life appears to have been lost. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Morticia Date: 17 Aug 04 - 05:17 PM Watching it unfold on Cat's TV, only a few miles down the road from where we were safe and cosy brought the enormity of it home in a spectacular fashion. Thanks for posting a 'Morti's okay message' Cats, and for your wonderful hospitality and let's all see what we can do to help when it's practical to offer. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Catherine Jayne Date: 17 Aug 04 - 05:55 PM There are various fund raising things going on to raise money for the Witchcarft Museum at Boscastle. The profits from the Ravens Nest Moot in Chingford (entrance and raffle) and the profits from the Fancy Dress Ball to be held in Walthamstow London in November will also be going to help the Museum get back up and running. If anyone is interesting in attending to raise money PM me. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Anne Croucher Date: 17 Aug 04 - 07:23 PM The TV news today was full of pictures of the actual flood and the aftermath. It is astonishing that there are so few people unacounted for - some might turn up, but no serious injuries and no known deaths at the moment. The number of people rescued by helecopters from precarious places was impressive - well, I thought so. OK there is a lot of damage to property cars caravans and campers swept away - houses collapsed or undermined - but the actual Human cost is a few sprains and bruises so far. The whole valley must have been full of guardian angels, stacked like Christmas 747s over Gatwick in a hail storm. Anne |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Sorcha Date: 17 Aug 04 - 08:14 PM Leadfingers PM'ed me yesterday to tell me of this...but he didn't report the full extent of the damage. I'm just sick about this...... Graham is a lovely man, and so good to Terry and I while we were there. I can't go to the fundrasiers, but tell me where to send money. Someone will have to translate $ to L, but I know it can be done.....Must remember to tell Kate....she has a t shirt from the Museum. Oh, terrible, terrible...what about the 3 originally repored 'missing'? Just awful, awful about the Welly......I played in the session there, oh dear, I'm sick........and my sewer back up in the basement seems miniscule compared to this. (At least that is fixed now) |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Cllr Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:45 AM Grahm has just been on radio 4. Its is typical of the man that he has spent the last two days in his role as a coastguard before looking at his own situation as it was " more important to help people" Our thoughts are with you. Cllr & C.Carol |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Catherine Jayne Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:48 AM Sorcha here is the link to the Donations page for the Witchcraft museum on WiccaUK |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Herga Kitty Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:49 AM I got home from Sidmouth to find the TV's not working (because of storm damage to the aerial probably), but I've just heard Graham King being interviewed on Radio 4's Today programme. He sounded very philosophical, but said that a lot of the stuff lost from the museum is irreplaceable. Kitty |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Sorcha Date: 18 Aug 04 - 10:09 AM Thanks, Khatt. As soon as it's payday, I'll send a cheque. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Catherine Jayne Date: 18 Aug 04 - 10:26 AM Latest from the museum website: "Today Graham King, owner of the Museum of Witchcraft, was able to venture into the building to witness first hand the damage left behind by the flash floods. The structural damage is severe. The lower floor is unrecognisable; 5 feet of mud fills the corridors and booth area. Display cases are upturned and contents missing. On a more positive note the upper floor and contents appears to be mainly undamaged, as does the library and museum archives." Jon Randal from Pentacle has spoken to Adrian Bryn-Evans - details to follow, but need people in about 2-3 weeks time. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: katlaughing Date: 18 Aug 04 - 12:00 PM Thanks, Hawker, for posting this. I'd heard nothing about it over here. Have just looked at pix and video HERE and am amazed that no one was lost. They said they airlifted 120 people over 11 hours and mentioned how careful they had to be with 7 helicopters about in such a small space. Incredible efforts to be commended! We lived through a Coonecticut River flood in Connecticut which was horrific. Thankfully we were on high ground, but the devastation was incredible. Hvae also been through some hurricane flooding, but nothing like such a wall of water in such a small valley as Boscastle. And, such stolid looking old buildings. It's so sad to see them so damaged. Lots of energy, light, and healing being sent to all from Colorado and May the Goddess continue blessings of safety for all. kat |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Cats Date: 18 Aug 04 - 12:25 PM Last year I wrote and performed, with Graham's blessing, Spirit in the Storm, the Story of Joan Wytte, the woman who was the skeleton in Grahams Museum in Boscastle. I made a limited edition run of 30 CD's and 50 booklets (transcripts) the profit s of which went to plant herbs near Joans gravestone. I have about 6 CD's left and 20 books so if anyone wants one ALL the money will go to the Museum to help it get back on it's feet. I'm looking for a minimum of £10 for each CD and £4 for each booklet or more if you can spare it. Remember this is for the Museum and not for me so be generous. First come, first served. PM me. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Sorcha Date: 18 Aug 04 - 03:20 PM Graham is a good mate of Leadfingers....surprised Terry hasn't checked in here.... |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Leadfingers Date: 18 Aug 04 - 08:03 PM Nothing to add to what was already up Sorcha - IF I get any info that isn't posted I will be in straight away . |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Timbo Date: 18 Aug 04 - 09:29 PM Our thoughts are with them all. I don't suppose it will be long before the event is remembered in a song. Lets hope they sing it in the "Welly" in true Cornish spirit. Timbo |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: wysiwyg Date: 18 Aug 04 - 09:36 PM Saw the pix on the news tonight. Good Lord, deliver them. ~S~ |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Little Robyn Date: 19 Aug 04 - 03:29 PM I followed the link to the midi and dots for Boscastle Breakdown and I love it - I've printed it out and I'm playing it already! And I'm thinking of the town each time I play it! All the best. Robyn |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: BB Date: 19 Aug 04 - 05:55 PM Spare a thought for Crackington Haven just along the coast, which was also badly hit in a similar way, but is much smaller and didn't get anything like the publicity that Boscastle has had, even on the local news. On a different note, I know Graham's 'one of us', but there are people there who've lost far more, i.e. their whole homes/businesses, and I'd really like to see fund-raising efforts directed more generally. The Red Cross have set up a Disaster Fund through the NatWest bank - not sure of further details at present, but I'm sure the bank can tell us more. One other thing I gathered from the local news tonight is that they intend to rebuild as far as possible with reclaimed stone and slate from the destroyed buildings, which I thoroughly approve of. Barbara |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Timbo Date: 19 Aug 04 - 07:46 PM Hi Leadfingers How's Uxbridge these days? See you in September. Timbo |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: The Admiral Date: 20 Aug 04 - 03:30 AM The devastation to the village was horrifying to watch live and it was a relief to a lot of us to hear that Graham wasn't hurt (undeed it was a joy to hear him being interviewed on R4!) but the other aspect to consider is the almost unbelievable fact the no bodies have been found. There are still some reported to be missing but that seems to be down to people reported so and not calling in to correct the error. The worst injury I've heard reported was a broken thumb! The village will recover and will be stronger for it but lives can't be replaced. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Flash Company Date: 20 Aug 04 - 04:28 AM Our local newspaper, the Manchester Evening News has had to intervene in the case of two locals who were in Boscastle on holiday and had their car swept out to sea. Apparently their insurers, Sainsbury's Bank said they could not provide a hire car unless the wreck was presented for inspection! Luckily, the suggestion that they might be tomorrows front page seems to have brought them to their senses. FC |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Liz the Squeak Date: 20 Aug 04 - 09:44 AM A little humour from out of the deluge. Friend of a friend is in Boscastle on a surfing holiday. His car is at the bottom of the harbour and he lost his surfboard. A phone message to the mutual friend said 'the surfboard hit about 25 mph on first decent wave all week and it's going the wrong bloody way!' He was more upset about the board than he was the car... it was a wreck and he'll get more from the insurance than he would selling it, still less than the cost of replacing the surfboard! I too, would prefer to see money raised go to a more general use, Graham himself was the first to go and help others. Nice to see the Duke of Cornwall putting his hand in his pocket. LTS |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Hawker Date: 20 Aug 04 - 10:16 AM According to Radio Cornwall, there was singing outside the Welly on Wednesday evening, led by The Boscastle Busker, John Maughan, spirits will, obviously, not be defeated. Well done John! Kevins cousin's cats were finally retrieved yesterday, they had hidden upstairs in the bedroom, under the bed, which is amazing, when you know that the water came to half way up the bedroom windows! They were very traumatised but otherwise fit & healthy. Her insurers after their initial stupidity have been, in her words, amazing, it seems everybody is doing their level best to help out. Indeed Crackington Haven was also badly affected, as were parts of Marhamchurch, Week St Mary, Canworthy Water, Marshgate, Whitstone and I am sure other small villages around the area. I am delighted there has been a fund set up to help the people of Boscastle, but I hope the people affected in the outlying areas will also be helped with this money, they too have lost livelihoods, furnishing and property. They are hoping to get the more vital services to Boscastle reconnected today, A step forward in the mammoth task ahead. Cheers, Lucy |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Cats Date: 22 Aug 04 - 02:43 PM Just to let you know that there are some photos of the inside of the Museum on their own website - check them out. Also they were hoping to move the entire library to safety this weekend - a mammoth job. And yes you are right, funds need to go to everyone - including those at Crackington Haven who lost everything too. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Little Robyn Date: 22 Aug 04 - 03:50 PM We played the Boscastle Breakdown track on our radio show yesterday and gave you guys a mention. I hope things are looking a bit better by now. Robyn |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Non Londoner. Date: 23 Aug 04 - 05:38 AM To the permanent residents of Boscastle whom have been rendered homeless or suffered in any way - i extend my heartfelt sympathy, and hope your troubles are resolved soon. To the second home owners/buy to letters/generally greedy bastards of Boscastle. BWAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAAAHHHAAAAAAAHHHAAAAAA. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,David Devauden in Chicago, Ill, USA Date: 23 Aug 04 - 11:39 PM heard from friend in West wales by phone about the flood. My thoughts are with the residents & rescuers. I used to love walking the harbour when I was working in the area in the 70's. I would stay for hours just to watch the blowhole do it's thing at the entrance to the harbour. It was always so peaceful there. Just like Lynmouth - you'll beauty will return. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Cats Date: 24 Aug 04 - 03:01 PM Brilliant news on the local TV today. The whole of the Witchcraft Museum Library has been moved to the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth for conservation and storage. It will be available there for anyone who wants to access it until they move it back into Boscastle. Graham looked tired on the TV but is showing his usual fortitude. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Gerry Date: 30 Aug 04 - 11:52 PM I had the 6 o'clock news on the TV a few days ago, but wasn't paying it much attention. A story about people being allowed back to their homes after some disaster forced evacuation. I think it was Boscastle & the flood, but I might be wrong. Anyway, what caught my attention is that there was a crowd of people singing Stan Rogers' song, The Mary Ellen Carter. I couldn't tell whether it was a roving band of folkies come to cheer the locals up, or whether it was the locals who somehow knew or had decided to learn the song, or what. Did anyone else see this? Can you tell me what it was I actually saw and heard? I tried Googling for Boscastle and "Mary Ellen Carter," and various other things along those lines, but didn't see anything helpful. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Keith A of Hertford Date: 31 Aug 04 - 09:43 AM I should know his name. He runs a singaround at The Cobweb in Boscatle. I guess he thought it a suitable song of hope and cheer to accompany the reconstruction work. Rise again, Keith. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Keith A of Hertford Date: 31 Aug 04 - 09:49 AM John Maughn, actually The Wellington not Cobweb |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: BB Date: 31 Aug 04 - 02:17 PM According to the local TV news it was 'the local folk group' - probably easier in their eyes than trying to explain that a crowd of locals actually sing these strange songs! Barbara |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Liz the Squeak Date: 01 Sep 04 - 02:45 AM Just a little update on the collections - at Towersey Festival, the Admiral, who has known Graham for years, dedicated the usual singaround collections to the Museum, and the total amount raised was over £400. He'll send that to Graham in the next week or so, and I'm sure Graham will use it suitably. LTS |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Scooby Doo Date: 02 Sep 04 - 12:54 PM On our local news last night Grahams boat was washed ashore at Porthcawl over the bank holiday,just shows how far large objects can travel.The coastguards salvage some of grahams fishing tackle and belongings,but there wasnt much left on board.The children are using it as a climbing frame as its beyond been salvaged. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST,Cats at Work Date: 07 Sep 04 - 07:13 AM Jon went down yesterday with chokkie cake and money... Good News! The front door of the Museum has been found washed up on a beach in Wales! |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Scooby Doo Date: 07 Sep 04 - 10:01 AM We are collector maniac's here in Wales Kathy,you should know. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: Paul Mitchell Date: 08 Sep 04 - 07:04 AM Friends of mine were visiting when it happened. They were on a romantic "away from the kids" break for the weekend. Indeed, some of there video footage was used by the national media. After handing it over and signing the release one said to the other "You did wipe of all that stuff from the bedroom last night, didn't you?" "Uh, I hope so!" was the reply. |
Subject: RE: Spare a thought for Boscastle, Cornwall From: GUEST Date: 08 Sep 04 - 07:28 AM I lived for many years in Cornwall and found it to be one of the lovliest places I have been. I visited Boscastle often as it was not far from where I lived. I am SO sorry to hear of the damage there and you are all in my prayers. |
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