Subject: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Peter T. Date: 27 Mar 05 - 12:50 PM I am involved in a project working towards a possible album of Rick Fielding's live work, and was wondering if Mudcatters out there could assist -- I am looking for any really good quality recordings anyone might have. Heather Fielding got a great collection of material last week from Walt Graham of concerts in 1996, and we are looking for more of the same. If you have anything along those lines and could send me a personal message here, I would appreciate it. yours ever, Peter T. |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Amos Date: 27 Mar 05 - 01:12 PM Peter: While I have only a couple of published CDs, I'd like to say I am glad and grateful you are doing this. A |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: katlaughing Date: 27 Mar 05 - 01:21 PM That's wonderful, Peter! All I have are a few of the radio shows...not great quality, but precious and personable, all the same. luvyakat |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 27 Mar 05 - 02:25 PM I know the folks at the FSGW Gathering a few years ago (the one that brought us the Beef Brothers) recorded the show, and Rick was on stage for not only his own, but a few other a few other songs ... |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: GUEST,Arnie Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:03 PM You should get in touch with Mariposa - maybe they have recordings of some of his festival performances. |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:08 PM ... and the folks in Framingham MA where Rick and Tom Paxton did a show ... I am not sure if they recorded it, but I gather it was a special evening ... and if they recorded it, it may well have some worthwhile moments. I'll dig in and see if I can locate them ... |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: KathWestra Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:18 PM Hi Peter, It is quite possible that Rick's formal full-length concert for the Folklore Society of Greater Washington (D.C.), which I organized as FSGW's program chair, was recorded. That concert was the first (and perhaps only) time he did an FSGW concert. It was held at the Washington Ethical Society auditorium. Jennifer Woods (the keeper of the newsletter archive and the list of who has played when) could help pinpoint the date. Mudcatter Charlie Baum, who is currently on the board as a program organizer, could help find out if a tape was made, once we know the date. Since I don't live there anymore I can't do much more than point you in a direction, but if you want to PM me, Peter, I can give you Jennifer's contact info. Kathy |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Peter T. Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:25 PM Thanks to all -- at the moment, I am just gathering and cataloguing, so most anything is helpful, to get the range. There are a lot of tapes of varying quality (not varying in his playing, but in sound quality)I will try and contact the suggested people. yours ever, Peter T. |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:29 PM I am having difficulty finding the MC thread, where Rick talked aboutr the show he did in Framingham Massachusetts with Tom Paxton. Rick opened the show ... I know a lot of those venues record the music. If I can find the name of the venue I can contact them and ask if it was recorded ... I remember Rick talked about the show in a thread ... but I can't find it ... |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Big Mick Date: 27 Mar 05 - 10:31 PM Peter, I am available to assist in this endeavor. I am located a couple of hours north of DC and will be happy to check with Jennifer and Charley if you would like. PM me or drop me an email. It has been too long since we chatted anyway. All the best, Mick |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: katlaughing Date: 28 Mar 05 - 12:03 AM Jed, Heather talked about it in this thread. Is that the right one? |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 28 Mar 05 - 12:10 AM ah - you're a love, Kat. That's it. Thanks! |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: katlaughing Date: 28 Mar 05 - 12:12 AM :-) it was easy, using the "Advanced" search function...:-) |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 28 Mar 05 - 12:27 AM LOL - well, I must admit that I tried that and still didn;t find it. I think you just have the knack! I've written to the venue and to the venue's director (who is still there) who spoke to Sandy Paton about the show. They should remember, and I suspect they'll want to help if thery can. Hopefully I'll hear back soon. It seems to me that all of these type of venues record the programs. They always ask permission, and I sometimes find they've done a pretty good job - and get some free (or cheap) demo recordings. I am just hopeful these guys did it bcak in 2002 when Rick was there. From what I heard, it was quite a show, and Rick was very well received. |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Peter T. Date: 28 Mar 05 - 09:43 AM Thanks, Jed and Kat. yours, Peter T. |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 29 Mar 05 - 09:24 PM I've tried once each at the Uncommon Coffeehouse and at the FOLKVENUES list. I've had no responses from either - but I will ont be ignored! I'll try again. I can find phone numbers if I have to! ;-) |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: JedMarum Date: 02 Apr 05 - 09:12 AM Not a peep from FOLKVENUES list - and I haven't had a call back from Uncommone Coffeehouse. But maybe this weekend. |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Roger the Skiffler Date: 03 Apr 05 - 03:35 AM Great project, Peter, looking forward to the results. RtS |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: bbc Date: 03 Apr 05 - 12:24 PM Barbara Shaw might be able to help w/ the 2 concerts Rick did at Branford, CT, if they were recorded. Or, here is a link to the website: best, bbc |
Subject: RE: Help: Rick Fielding Live Tapes? From: Peter T. Date: 03 Apr 05 - 12:54 PM Continuing thanks for contributions -- this is going to take time, so any assistance is appreciated. yours, Peter T. |
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