Subject: Happy! - July 22 (Spooner) From: Abby Sale Date: 22 Jul 05 - 10:59 AM Happy Birthday! 7/22/1844: There was born in London, the Rev. William Archibald Spooner, warden of New College, Oxford (d1930). Relatively few have been honored by having their own name enter the language as a widely accepted concept (eponym). Some come & go, like Quisling, some get basic, like Caesar(ian,) some "officially" selected like Volta, some reflect essential human need, like the world's great genius inventor, Thomas Crapper (I know - controversial. Never mind), many medical examples such as Münchhausen's mammae syndrome (a woman with normal breasts and without symptoms who demands over-frequent examination of her breasts)... Spoonerisms might have been called "metatheses," but who ever heard of them? A hunter was out shooting game in the wilds of Africa. When he came to a certain part of the jungle, all of his native bearers bolted in panic, save one -- his most faithful companion. When the hunter asked the remaining bearer why the others had fled, he replied, "You are about to enter the territory of the Great and Terrible Foo Bird. The Foo Bird has sixty-four teeth and a hundred-foot wingspan, but the worst thing is that, if you step on his turf, he will shit on your head. And if you wipe it off, you die." "Bosh," replied the hunter, and took another step. Immediately the sky darkened and the Great and Terrible Foo Bird swooped down and planted a huge turd on the hunter's head. Afraid to wipe off the Foo Bird pat that now sat upon his head, the hunter lived with it for five years. But it stank horribly and had an incredibly long half-life. Finally, the hunter could stand the stench no longer and proceeded to wipe off the turd. And his head fell off, and he died. *** MORAL: If the Foo shits, wear it. *** R. Christopher in Best of Maledicta Copyright © 2005, Abby Sale - all rights reserved What are Happy's all about? See Clicky |
Subject: RE: Happy! - July 22 (Spooner) From: Wolfgang Date: 23 Jul 05 - 03:36 PM Picture of Spooner and wife Doesn't he look really happy! Wolfgang |
Subject: RE: Happy! - July 22 (Spooner) From: Abby Sale Date: 23 Jul 05 - 07:45 PM :-) Only 57 years old. No wonder he was tongue-tied. |
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