Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: wysiwyg Date: 02 Sep 08 - 10:07 PM Hey, ya know what?!? That stray dog at the campground? THAT WAS ENID!!!, and I had forgotten about her (stroke brain at work again), so I didn't recognize her magical self! It just hit me a coupla days ago! ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Sorcha Date: 02 Sep 08 - 05:47 PM The campground committe was curiously absent this past weekend, not even very many dive bombers. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: wysiwyg Date: 02 Sep 08 - 04:08 PM Man shouldda used vinegar instead of almonds: RACCOON VIDEO ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: wysiwyg Date: 30 Aug 08 - 07:52 PM We had an entertaining and really annoying time with one campground "neighbor" family..... a totally dysfunctional extended family with a dog named, of course, "Chaos." A baby pit bull. He was a very sweet dog, but their whole style with kids and dog was to ifnore them until an opportunity to chastise them came along, and then excoriate endlessly. It's just too surrealistically funny to hear a bossy but ineffective correction like this one, over and over again: "CHAOS, settle DOWN!" At least the knew themselves, I guess. :~) ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: gnu Date: 30 Aug 08 - 06:34 AM Excellent account ~S~. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: GUEST,leeneia Date: 29 Aug 08 - 09:06 AM Thanks for the entertaining account, Wysi. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 28 Aug 08 - 05:32 PM They evidently didn't do the diligent training you must do with Invisible Fence. If you take the several weeks they recommend, the dog will literally "bounce back" from the shock, they're so conditioned to that invisible barrier. Ah, well. Good company for a while! Too bad about the bread gone walkabout. SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: wysiwyg Date: 28 Aug 08 - 12:34 PM The Campground Committee this year was especially vigorous in making their policies known. For Hardi's birthday, I planned a decadent, romantic supper. It was originally supposed to occur in the kingsize bed of our camper, but my knees protested that they were too old and gimpy to fold up to sit Indian style, and my back protested any other attempted position, so we moved the food part of the event out to our two recliners outside the camper. On top of a small tray table, I opened up the pate and crackers. I sliced up focaccia, brie, smoked cheddar, fruit, and..... had a glass of wine as I "worked" to prepare the feast for eyes and palates. Hardi busied himself in the camper-- I think so he could feign surprise. He got a surprise all right-- me, hollering like a fishwife! "Git outta there!" No, not him-- the adolescent raccoon that had snuck up beside me to make a grab for the unsliced half of the focaccia I'd tossed into the empty campty chair we use as a catch-all (until a guest arrives to sit in it). This was within about 3 inches of my knee!!! As I hollered, the little bugger re-attached his teeth for a more secure getaway and dragged the whole HUGE bag of bread under the camper. He was not at all intimidated when I tried to grab it back, and he made off with it. It was much bigger than he was, but he was motivated. In seconds he'd cached it, and brought back reinforcements... about nine cousins. For the next hour we did battle while enjoying our feast. (They were the floor show.) We were surrounded the whole time; they'd send one or two out to distract us while others sneak-attacked from under the camper. At one point I played cat, and snarled/sang at them to hold them off. This worked for awhile, but eventually wore off. Hardi grabbed a spare tent stake and bopped one. "I think I killed it!" he mourned, over a small young one passed out cold. I told him to pour cold water on it; this revived it enough to careen around drunkenly. The racoon then got his head stuck in a large funnel used for, ah, unmentionable night-time activity, set under the camper to dry. He eventually got out of the funnel and toddled off into the bushes. (He was fine; he returned the next evening.) After this Hardi only had to step forward with tent pole raised, and they skedaddled. When they hesitated, I spat streams of icewater at their faces. (I often do this to cool my legs on a hot day, so my aim is pretty good.) The next day we bought vinegar and a spray bottle. The stick no longer frightened them, but they were very surprised when they got a faceful not of water, but stinky white vinegar, straight. They shook this off and continued to advance. I think they thought they were on equal footing with a skunk, but eventually they got the picture and headed off for better opportunities elsewhere. Each evening as suppertime approached I laid down a perimeter of preventive vinegar fire at the bush line. Each night we heard them scurrying off in the underbrush in response, but they no longer came after our food. We're used to camping in grizzly country and we know all about food handling to avoid tempting critters into unwanted contact. I got sloppy-- the pate was just too much for them and there had been a drought in the area keeping them hungry; the event began in midweek when the campground was at its emptiest and there were no novice campers to prey upon, nor even fresh trash to cull at the camp dump. We also had many baby skunks troll through our campsite each evening right after dark. These bothered us not at all, and we were not at all concerned. The novice campers at the next site (over the weekend) made sure to warn us, "There's a skunk right under your camper!" We just reassured them not to worry. The little skunks were very pretty and shy-- just making nightly rounds for any crumbs left at the campsites' edges. There were none under the camper-- that had just been a shortcut. The only night we worried about skunks was the night a small wandering stray dog came along. It gave every sign of being about to give chase, so I caught it and leashed it. She visited with us quite sweetly uintil her worried owners cruised through shortly after dark. It was very sweet to see how Hardi took to her. From a stern, "What are we going to do with her when we get stuck keeping her?!?" he soon went to, softly: "I guess she can sleep in the camper if no one claims her tonight.... maybe we'll end up taking her home... she sure is cool with being a camp dog...." No, I assured him, her people would be along shortly. "How will you know if a car goes by that's looking for a dog, and not just people looking over the campsites?" "It will be obvious," I replied. And it was-- there is no mistaking a worried pet owner when one comes along. When they didn't turn up before dark we knew it was not a missing campsite dog that had slipped its tether, but a plucky neighborhood stray from nearby farmland or houses-- campgrounds go quiet promptly at 10PM, Or Else. Sure enough, about 10:30 along came her people. They were very grateful we'd leashed her and fed her. "She usually finds her way home, but she has come home skunked several times and that's NEVER fun!" She'd been missing all day-- slept like a baby after downing about a quart of water. She'd dined with us on the soft dog treats I carry in the van at all times to lure strays off the road. She was so little I had to break them into tidbits for her-- and old. No teeth left to chew them up, as it turned out. How had I known she'd be picked up, soon, by good owners? Newish collar fitted right, with an Invisible Fence setup on it, and she was clean and fed properly. Just tired from her long ramble. Mother and adult daughter had been worrying about an aging dog going off, maybe, to die. Naw! Just raccoons and skunks caller her to chase! :~) We called her Sissy while she was with us, and she answered to it. Name turned out to be Lacey-- close enough! ~S~ |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Donuel Date: 23 Aug 08 - 04:24 PM I want to hear about the TSA war with Brazil over finger printing and strip searches. Did you get hassled at customs? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 23 Aug 08 - 04:19 PM I thought she de-cluttered her camping trip on the road? Wasn't the idea to forget something at each stop and thus return home empty handed and ready to buy a new batch for the next trip? SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 23 Aug 08 - 11:41 AM I love the yellow wall! Haven't done anything else to the kitchen, but I still love the yellow, thanks for asking! I have a crystal hanging in my kitchen window. In the afternoon, it reflects the sunlight, making rainbows on my yellow wall and it is lovely. My grandson is fascinated, esp. when I set the crystal to spinning so we have rainbows spilling all over the kitchen walls and ceiling, kind of like a 70s glitter ball! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: GUEST,leeneia Date: 23 Aug 08 - 10:35 AM You're very welcome, kat. How do you like the yellow kitchen now that you've had it for a while? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 23 Aug 08 - 12:17 AM Muchas gracias, leeneia!:-) |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: GUEST,leeneia Date: 22 Aug 08 - 09:21 PM Hey, all you smart alecks that had to point out that Brazilians speak Portuguese - maybe they do, but you can't learn it in high school in America. Therefore, when Susan split, she had to speak Spanish. I suspect that most Brazilians know enough Spanish to get by. Especially with elegant shrugs and much use of the hands. ======= Susan, CAMPING EQUIPMENT? We want the scoop on the Brazilian beauty, and you give us CAMPING EQUIPMENT? Hope your eyes are okay soon. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 22 Aug 08 - 08:55 PM Welcome back, Susan! Channelling, huh? I wonder what all that woo-woo stuff was I kept hearing! Well wishes for the eyes and PC. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: maeve Date: 22 Aug 08 - 05:45 PM Welcome home. You have indeed been missed. It's great to have your stories to look forward to also! Love, maeve |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: wysiwyg Date: 22 Aug 08 - 05:10 PM Alas, it turned out that my Braziliana was channeling some Spanish pirate and you KNOW I don't go in for that channeling stuff!!! Now I'm looking for a nice, friendly belly dancer to replace her. Fickle! Oh, vacay was FUN, and I have a few yarns to tell, but a vision problem now intrudes and I may not get in to see ("see," LOL) the doc till next week, so patience, but the pore ole puder is warranted as-is for a few more wheezes. Gonna leave email and such alone for the time being, too. Doggies had a fun time at a new-to-us kennel, came back GREAT. We got some new camping equipment, blah blah blah..... But the BEST is the new band member we found the first night back at church. Pye-annie-man. Can boogie woogie. ~Susan KAT RULES |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 19 Aug 08 - 12:07 AM Apparently for some who are just *tuning* in, SRS.:-) |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:30 PM Telepathy is green now? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: GUEST,The Brazilian - Oo-La-La-La! Date: 18 Aug 08 - 10:43 PM Olá!. Eu sou com Susan. Que é esta coisa que chama Mudcat? Não se preocupe. Eu tomarei bom dela! Adeus, Marta el joe clone, here, folks...I've had it, on good authority, our Susan is fine, just back from vacation and working on a PC problem. I expect she'll be in directly. Hey, Marta! Welcome to the Mudcat! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Riginslinger Date: 18 Aug 08 - 09:49 PM "I hope she didn't catch any weird tropical diseases in Brazil..." Read the thread. She ran off with a woman! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Bill D Date: 18 Aug 08 - 06:27 PM Telepathy is REALLY amazing when it gets thru to *me*....and I get it now. I hope she didn't catch any weird tropical diseases in Brazil...but I do hope that if she gets back, she brings some of those exotic woods. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Don Firth Date: 18 Aug 08 - 06:14 PM Ain't telepathy wonderful?. "A sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." —Arthur C. Clarke Don Firth |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Don Firth Date: 18 Aug 08 - 06:07 PM AHA! With it now. Thanx, Maggie! Don Firth |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 18 Aug 08 - 05:28 PM Don, Susan has been away camping for a while, and this thread is meant to offer a colorful arrival back. . . once she gets her 'puter up and running, that is. Perhaps if the story gets more agonizing maybe she'll get the hardware fixed faster. . . SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Don Firth Date: 18 Aug 08 - 04:16 PM Okay, I'm lost. . . . Don Firth |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 18 Aug 08 - 03:41 PM Well, heckifiknow...she said Brazilian, but maybe I'll hafta see if beardedbruce can help me tune in better ...! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: SINSULL Date: 18 Aug 08 - 03:38 PM So is it a Brazilian or a Greek? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 18 Aug 08 - 03:30 PM Tch! And a fine belly button it 'tis, I'll have you know! T'anks for the defence, Megandarlin'! So, Portagee, smortagee...whaddaIknow? It all sounds like Greek to me! All I know is what Susan ah, the beach at Antigua was stupendous, but a bit wet. The whole island has now been organised and is Ready for Freddy, or whatever other named storm may come, thanks to Susan and her Brazilian! Next stop Copacabana! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: kendall Date: 18 Aug 08 - 03:23 PM I thought they spoke Portugese in Brazil? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Donuel Date: 18 Aug 08 - 02:59 PM I heard she ran off with Rick Green, Drew Barrymnore's former husband. He's good for a few laughs but not adult enough for open relationships. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Louie Roy Date: 18 Aug 08 - 02:56 PM Kat is this for real??????? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Megan L Date: 18 Aug 08 - 12:44 PM Aw Popa did ye hae tae go get aw thenical on her ye ken fine thon lassie did somethin serious tae her brain when bendin doon tae luk at her belly - - - oops sorry belly button - - or so she tells us |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: PoppaGator Date: 18 Aug 08 - 12:36 PM Brazilians speak Portuguese, not Spanish... Lying generally works better when you get your facts straight LOL |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:45 AM Naw, never! She getting ready for a reprise of her Red Cross days...Here she comes to save the day! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: JohnInKansas Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:40 AM News reports are that the Caribbean has just been hit by a "significant" tropical storm that is now moving into Florida as a Cat I hurricane. Evacuation of the Keys has been proceeding for a couple of days now. Are we to believe that WYS might be responsible? John |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:35 AM There she is! You nailed it with that set of photos. SRS |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:28 AM He wouldn't last two shakes if Susan and her Brazilian were there, but I think he's on the way out, anyway, so she won't need to bother. I've had another revelation...on their way to Bazil, Susan and her entourage have been having a nice lay-by in the Caribbean. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Amos Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:21 AM That mayor fella sure has a head on his shoulders, which is a mighty good thing for a small town. The Mayor needs to have a head on his shoulders. For one thing, he needs a place to park his mouth so he can occasionally stick his foot into it. A |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Wesley S Date: 18 Aug 08 - 11:20 AM That mayor doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell to get re-elected. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 18 Aug 08 - 09:51 AM John, I'm speechless. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: JohnInKansas Date: 18 Aug 08 - 02:13 AM Are we quite sure that she didn't run down to Aussieland to straighten out this mayor: Mayor seeks 'ugly duckling' women While she wouldn't qualify as an "invitee," and the mayor's assertion of "five men to every woman" would be no attraction, the uproar quite obviously needs an organizer to beat the cr*p out of the mayor. She might also have seen the need to explain to those complaining that their "attitude" may be why there are five men for every woman. (?) Haven't we known her to be a leader of causes? John |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 18 Aug 08 - 12:35 AM T'anks.:-) |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Riginslinger Date: 17 Aug 08 - 09:59 PM Okay, Kat. You've got it. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 17 Aug 08 - 09:53 PM You boyz go do your politickin' somewheres else, pull-eeze! This thread is for Susan and her Brazilian! Long may they reign!! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Riginslinger Date: 17 Aug 08 - 09:50 PM "We agree aain, Rig. Are you sure you haven't caught some kind of damn liberal virus or somp'n?" I'm liberal on a whole lot of things, Amos. I agree completely with Leon Trotsky on religion. I think America's future lies in pouring a whole lot more resources into public education, and I think we ought to be paying a much more attention to the environment. Some of the problem lies, in my opinion, in the fact that we only have two major parties. So you can agree with one or the other on one thing, and disagree on another. For some of the most important issues, many of us think both parties are wrong, and there's simply no place to go with that. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Don Firth Date: 17 Aug 08 - 08:41 PM I've checked every math book I have and I can't find it anywhere. How many is a Brazilian? Don Firth |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Stilly River Sage Date: 17 Aug 08 - 08:12 PM Because Spaw was channeling the MOAB and therefore had baked Alaska on his brain when he answered. Got everyone off track of the navel lint vibes emanating from the approaching Brazilian springtime. It's tropical so it doesn't really matter what time of year, though. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Bobert Date: 17 Aug 08 - 08:08 PM Well, I've write some real stupid stuff here lately which usally draws her out but I reckon she has Betty Forded us, folks, 'cause seems I can't writ nuthin' dumb 'nuff to draw her out??? Guess the Betty Ford stuff is stickin' purdy good... Maybe I'll try it??? Nah... B~ |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Amos Date: 17 Aug 08 - 08:08 PM We agree aain, Rig. Are you sure you haven't caught some kind of damn liberal virus or somp'n? A |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Riginslinger Date: 17 Aug 08 - 07:45 PM Doesn't this whole thing sound really weird? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 17 Aug 08 - 07:00 PM Naw, lox, I never got that far! Well, round the |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: GUEST,lox Date: 17 Aug 08 - 06:29 PM So you saw susans brazilian in your navel? |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Bill D Date: 17 Aug 08 - 05:27 PM Sure is a more interesting answer than the last one Susan posted about them getting MORE busy with church stuff and the group she's leading at the pool, etc. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 17 Aug 08 - 04:46 PM Well, I'll tell ya, lox...I slipped...that's right...I quit with my reformation and went back to Navel Gazing and whilst I was tied up like a pretzel trying to actually SEE my navel, it was like I was hit with a bolt of lightening, or enlightenment...yeah! For real, I *saw* Susan, but I couldn't understand a word except "Si,Si" and "Adios!" It was her, for sure and some tall good-looking woman with flashing eyes,castanets on her fingers and a mantilla...I always wanted those when I was a kid and danced for my parents. BUt, I digress...never did see my navel, but boy! Did I tune in or what!? Halfway across the nation and I could see Susan wasn't there, if ya get my drift...she was South of the Border and it wasn't Mexico! She was laughing and dancing, and carrying on! Made me think maybe I need to find me a Brazilian woman, too! |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: GUEST,lox Date: 17 Aug 08 - 04:39 PM What's this? Susan got herself a Brazilian? And how did you find this out again Kat? ... actually ... on second thoughts ... |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Art Thieme Date: 17 Aug 08 - 02:45 PM Alas, I knew it all along. She's up there with Quinn the eskimo in the land where it takes six monthe to sing "Night And Day" ---So don't expect her to come running back anytime oon. Oh, the humanity! Art |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Aug 08 - 02:29 PM Sounds like another snow job to me. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: catspaw49 Date: 17 Aug 08 - 02:18 PM Myself, I always figured she'd run off with an Eskimo. Susan has always been the type of person who is Innuit.......................................I'll be leaving now.......................................... Spaw |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Amos Date: 17 Aug 08 - 02:05 PM Well, you know, the press has always held the church in a certain aura of dignity... A |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Bee Date: 17 Aug 08 - 02:00 PM I was wondering as well, but then summer distracts many from the wonders of the internet. |
Subject: RE: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: Little Hawk Date: 17 Aug 08 - 01:47 PM Why have I not seen this in the cheap press over at the grocery store? |
Subject: BS: WYSIWYG has run off??!! From: katlaughing Date: 17 Aug 08 - 01:45 PM Hmmm...I had a strange *feeling* today...wondering where Susan had got to and it suddenly came to me.. I heard a strong voice of surprise, then I did some background research and lo and behold I found our Susan has run off with a Brazilian woman and is pregnant with her three children! I have NOT been smoking or drinking anything. I have tuned in and had this verified in the aethers and *seen* Susan and her paramour. She's quite happy and speaking Spanish in a blue streak. She's a Mama Mia!! Hardi seems to be content and not worried...maybe he knows something we don't? At any rate...once she gets the PC thing sorted in the wilds of where it is she ran we may hear more directly from herself or maybe the Brazilian will show up? Stay tuned and if you've heard anything...please share with us! katintrepid&curious! |