Subject: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 07 Nov 06 - 03:47 PM Is there any video footage of Nic in existence? If so, I wish someone would place it on Youtube! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 07 Nov 06 - 04:21 PM I hate you and yor kind. No is the simple answer. Try not to be so greedy. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 08 Nov 06 - 01:47 AM Hi Tunesmith. Not sure why guest was so vitriolic?? To answer your question. I don't think so, unless there is some amateur stuff out there. Have certainly never seen any, and I don't think Nic has either. Mind you it would be a laugh to see!! Regards Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Janine Date: 08 Nov 06 - 04:09 AM I often wonder why people don't bother at the time. There's hardly anything of Woody or Leadbelly and nothing of Woody & Cisco together either. What great stuff that would have been! Got hooked listening to Dad's records as a child. Jan Come on get videoing someone now! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 08 Nov 06 - 04:29 AM Hi Janine. I guess that technology has moved on. Back in the 70's it wasn't so easy. And Nic never made the TV. Talking of Nics, I don't think thyere's much footage of Nick Drake either.!! Cheers |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: The Borchester Echo Date: 08 Nov 06 - 04:37 AM Also featuring the dog at 1'02": You may be able to find a clip at |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Janine Date: 08 Nov 06 - 04:58 AM Thanks countess richard - well found I guess you're right, Ralphie. Dare I say it: there are less singers worth videoing now. Ow! Jan |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Tunesmith Date: 08 Nov 06 - 09:46 AM It's a scandal that there's no footage of Nic in his prime! When did video cameras become readily available to the general public? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST, Topsie Date: 08 Nov 06 - 11:12 AM As far as I remember it was well into the eighties before video recorders were at all common. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: pavane Date: 09 Nov 06 - 05:44 AM I know they were around in 1980. Around 1980, when I lived in Dubai, the (Liverpool) Spinners visited, to play at Dubai Country Club. (Other guests around this time at the club included Julie Felix and a comedian called Billy Connolly - we missed both because we were on holiday both times) We were invited to take part in a lunchtime session at the Dubai Marine Hotel ,where they were staying, during which my son (aged 1) was sitting on Cliff's knee, and one of the other members went back to his room, got a Video recorder and recorded my medley of Morris tunes (played rather badly). |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Pete MacGregor Date: 09 Nov 06 - 05:58 AM Anyone know what happened to the miles of film shot by 'Peter the Red' in Sidmouth in the 70s - and perhaps earlier? He used to get around the festival on a mini motorbike and seemed to film everything in sight. I don't think he only covered the dance side of things but I may be mistaken. PM |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Derek Schofield Date: 09 Nov 06 - 08:13 AM All the Peter the Red films went to JKL Video in Sidmouth and were put onto video and available for purchase. JKL Video has now closed, following the (semi) retirmement of the owner. I have been in discussion with him about what happens to all his videos - Peter the Red archive and JKL's own videos. There are copies of the Peter the Red videos in the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library. Derek Schofield |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Charley Noble Date: 09 Nov 06 - 09:16 AM You might check with Ken and Jan Lardner at Chantey Cabin. If there is available footage, they either possess it or know where it is. Cheerily, Charley Noble |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: shepherdlass Date: 09 Nov 06 - 04:46 PM Pavane - I think that video cameras were probably more common in Dubai than here at that time - it's the kind of place where disposable incomes are pretty high. I remember how prevalent the old brick type mobile phones were when almost no-one outside of the investment bankers in Britain had them. I'd LOVE to be proved wrong, though - never having seen the man play live, a video clip would be a wondrous thing. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Nigel Paterson Date: 10 Nov 06 - 04:37 AM I've searched high & low for film/video footage of Nic & The Halliard, all to no avail.Back in the 60s/early 70s there were an increasing number of 8mm & super8mm film cameras around, but IMHO,it's got less to do with hardware availability & much more to do with the impact of the 'digital revolution' & attitudes in society. Now it's so easy to film/video/record almost any performance (legally AND illegally!). The results can be viewed instantly, you can more or less edit as you go. Back when we were performing, capturing good moving images was a much more serious undertaking, left largely to the pro's and a small group of dedicated amateurs, none of whom sadly, ever pointed a camera at us! Nigel(originally analogue,increasingly digital)Paterson |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Guest Date: 10 Nov 06 - 04:40 AM Nic once sang a song on Anglia TV on a 6'0'clock type programme. Also appeared briefly in a recording booth on a documentary about folk. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: rodentred Date: 10 Nov 06 - 01:49 PM I remember the documentary about folk. It was him in a booth recording Canadeeio for the topic record. If I recall there was a lot of Martic Carthy also imploring people to support local folk clubs. Never been repeated to my knowledge |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Jim Martin Date: 10 Nov 06 - 09:52 PM I wonder if Anglia TV could retrieve the item from their archives? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 11 Nov 06 - 02:16 AM Hi all. It looks like the YouTube link above has been removed. And a good thing too. It was private party, not for general viewing. The Web can be a dangerous place. Just go and buy the records...!!! Ralph |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Nigel Paterson Date: 11 Nov 06 - 04:38 AM Ralph, I just tried the link & it's still active, Nigel P. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: The Borchester Echo Date: 11 Nov 06 - 05:37 AM The link no longer goes directly to the clip but only to YouTube after which you might still get to it via a search. I asked Mudcat to remove it and this is the best they could do. It won't be on YouTube at all for much longer as Google have been requested to remove it from their site altogether as the filming and uploading were unauthorised and thus a breach of copyright. I didn't know this when posting the original link. Have a look at Nic's MySpace page instead which is maintained by his daughter Helen: |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Andy Jackson Date: 11 Nov 06 - 05:59 AM JKL video certainly seemed to film anything that moved, while Peter the Red had certain preferences. There is a very young Damien Barber in the Theatre Bar as I remember. Just a point though Ralfie, what would be the reaction if someone turned a video camera towards the musicians in the Radway? There are several faces we would all love to see again, but no-one is ever keen to be filmed. As a balance I should point out that the same would probably be true of The Anchor. Andy |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,benwilson Date: 15 Feb 07 - 11:39 PM Hey all! I was talking to Nic and he said theres none! So unless someone had the old video cameras and using it in the audience and the fotage is sitting in some old boxes, theres none haha, a pitty because theres soo much bootleg stuff from other artists from around that time :( |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 02 Jun 09 - 09:32 AM |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 02 Jun 09 - 11:16 PM Its a shame there is not a lot of Nick Drake videos around i think the guy was a phenomenal song writer and to me his guitar playing was just welllllllll!!!!!!!!!! brilliant helen |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Doc Rowe Date: 21 Jan 10 - 07:50 AM Sorry I have only just come across this thread ... Yes, there is footage of Nic playing. He was filmed in Topic recording studio for a BBC documentary "The Other Music" [produced by Philip Donnellan and transmitted in 1981] Doc |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 21 Jan 10 - 09:27 AM Doc Nice to know. Keep it safe. Thats probably the only evidence that Nic could actually play!! Did no-one video the Transports sessions? Lots of stills. Regards Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Dave Sutherland Date: 21 Jan 10 - 09:38 AM How many copies of "The Other Music" are in circulation? On another thread concerning that programme someone stated that there only was the one. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Agnes_Guano Date: 21 Jan 10 - 12:00 PM Does anyone know if Nic's 1976 Radio One sessions are available? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 22 Jan 10 - 02:25 AM Of the 8 John Peel sessions that Nic recorded between 1972 and 1977 very few survived. Whilst working on the Unearthed project, here is a list of what I "Unearthed"! 28-10-1974 Bonny Banks of Fordie (Off Air) 14-10-1975 Bonny George Campbell (Off Air) The Wanton Seed (Off Air) The Lakes of Shilin Off Air) 08-07-76 Billy, don't you weep for me Annachie Gordon Ten Thousand Miles My Grandfather Knew the Plough 19-04-1977 William Glen Annachie Gordon Rose of Allandale As far as I know, The 76/77 sessions still exist in the BBC archive, but as the only track not to appear elsewhere is "Grandfather" I doubt that they will ever see the light of day. Hope that helps |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,CB Date: 13 Oct 12 - 11:16 AM I have the 76 and 77 Nic Jones Peel sessions on tape- I recorded them from the Peel Shows at the time |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 14 Oct 12 - 07:54 AM Um, gosh, that's a remarkable find. Please look after them. Perchance you would be able to share them? Happy to come to a commercial arrangement so that Nic gets some well-deserved cash out of them.... |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: pavane Date: 14 Oct 12 - 05:42 PM I think the rights would still belong to the BBC |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: pavane Date: 14 Oct 12 - 05:49 PM I would love to hear whether his performance of O'Carolan's Concerto has survived. I remember hearing it on the radio (John Peel's show) as I was driving through London. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: dick greenhaus Date: 14 Oct 12 - 08:35 PM Can anyone tell me how many copies of Unearthed have been sold? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 15 Oct 12 - 02:34 AM Hi Dick, Can't really answer re sale figures of "Unearthed" but I'm sure a quick E Mail to Julia Jones at Mollie Music would get the info for you. After all, I doubt if it's a state secret! and as it's producer, I would be intrigued to find out myself. As far as video is concerned, an indepent TV producer is working on an hour long documentary on Nics life, due to be aired on the BBC in the spring. It includes some old footage of Nic playing, but, mainly concentrates on Nics performances this year with his son Joe (guitar) and Belinda O'Hooley (Keys/accordian) More news to follow. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: nickp Date: 15 Oct 12 - 04:14 AM Aha... those cameras at the wonderful Towersey gig! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ralphie Date: 17 Oct 12 - 05:04 PM Hi Dick.....Quick update, Julia fell off a ladder in her loft at the weekend, and broke her back. She's OK but confined to a hospital bed dosed up with morphine, so, won't be doing much in the way of E Mailing for the next few weeks. I'm sure that all her friends wish her a speedy recovery. It does mean that Nic is now in charge of the kitchen....Maybe not such a good idea! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: nickp Date: 18 Oct 12 - 03:58 AM Hope Julia recovers quickly otherwise it'll be penguin eggs and not just as a treat! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Nigel Paterson Date: 18 Oct 12 - 05:59 PM As we're talking about Julia's accident, here is part of a message Helen Jones (Nic & Julia's daughter) sent to me. I reproduce it with her permission: " Mum is doing well at the mo, She had an op on her wrist yesterday to pin it in place. Her back is causing her the most pain though. She fractured her lumbar spine (L2 to be exact) and her pelvis in two places. They are wanting to get her mobile as soon as possible so they are going to try and get her out of bed today. I'm not sure they'll succeed to be honest as all the pain relief from the op would have worn off. Anyway hopefully she won't be in hospital too long if they can get us some home help to come in and help her wash and dress and stuff. Other than that, Dad is doing a really good job at home and I've got to go back to work but we are managing fine between us and have some great neighbours who have offered Dad lifts to hospital and shops etc." Nigel Paterson. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Bonzo3legs Date: 19 Oct 12 - 11:08 AM Best wishes from myself and Mrs Bonzo. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,PatrickH Date: 19 Oct 12 - 11:18 AM E-mail to Julia at Mollie Music is bouncing, so I'll just repeat it here: Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Lovely to see Nic performing again. When's the North American tour? Patrick |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,CJB Date: 10 Oct 17 - 05:44 PM Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,CB Date: 13 Oct 12 - 11:16 AM I have the 76 and 77 Nic Jones Peel sessions on tape- I recorded them from the Peel Shows at the time ==== I'm sure that Nigel &/or Nic / Julia wold love to hear these. Meanwhile John Peel session #7 from 8th July 1976 with Nic Jones is now on YouTube. 1. Billy Don't You Weep For Me 2. My Father Knew The Plough 3. Ten Thousand Miles 4. Annachie Gordon The uploader one Sterling Cale might have other Sessions. ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: RTim Date: 10 Oct 17 - 07:09 PM Wonderful!! But where does "My Father Knew The Plough" come from - is it traditional or composed recently - I can't find it in Roud etc.??? Tim Radford |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Reinhard Date: 10 Oct 17 - 11:35 PM My Grandfather Knew the Plough, written by Phil Colclough |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Tony Rees Date: 28 Jun 21 - 03:08 AM Further discussion of the Nic Jones BBC sessions (John Peel Show etc.) now initiated in a separate thread: Nic Jones rare/unreleased tracks - BBC++ Regards - Tony |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Dave Hanson Date: 28 Jun 21 - 07:19 AM file not found ? Dave H |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Georgiansilver Date: 28 Jun 21 - 02:04 PM |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Tony Rees Date: 22 Jun 22 - 03:26 AM A few years back now in this thread, Doc Rowe mentioned that some film existed of Nic in the Topic recording studio for a BBC documentary "The Other Music" [produced by Philip Donnellan and transmitted in 1981] Although I have not found a source for that film, a couple of very brief snippets of what appear to be the same footage appear here, at 0:0:11 and 0:1:37... The Nic Jones story: a voice as unique as his guitar style - apparently a trailer for the c. 2012 "Enigma of Nic Jones" documentary by Michael Proudfoot, this trailer uploaded to YouTube in 2018. (The full documentary is available on DVD from Mollie Music, but unfortunately does not ship to Australia...) |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,Ed Date: 23 Jun 22 - 03:07 AM Tony, I've sent you a PM. Ed |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Georgiansilver Date: 23 Jun 22 - 09:38 AM You might find these interesting. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Tony Rees Date: 23 Jun 22 - 03:02 PM Thanks Georgiansilver ... interestingly, that query gives 12 results. If you then repeat the qury with quotes around the search term - i.e. "Nic Jones" as opposed to just Nic Jones - you also get 12 results, but some are different (and useful additions!). Makes me wonder whether the search result is stopping at 12 items, and maybe there are more as well that have not been returned (testing stopped there!!). |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Tony Rees Date: 24 Jun 22 - 03:30 AM And if you just do a plain google search for "youtube" "nic jones" you get about 25 youtube hits (more than using youtube's own search function). Many/most are audio only of course. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Tony Rees Date: 13 Mar 25 - 02:03 AM Somehow this excellently filmed performance has not been individually mentioned on this thread - although has apparently been on YouTube since 2015... Nic & Joe Jones - Legendary duo live at the Ryburn Folk Club 1 hr 40 mins of 2015-vintage Nic in a club performance with son Joe on guitar. Well worth a visit for the fans of NJ out there. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,CJB666 Date: 19 Mar 25 - 06:32 AM This is the only upload on DimeaDozen … Nic Jones in session for John Peel - BBC Radio 1 1976-07-08, HD stream rebroadcast Torrent file Nic Jones 1976-07-08.torrent (will be personalized for you upon download) Downloads as Nic Jones 1976-07-08 Description Nic Jones in session for John Peel - BBC Radio 1 1976-07-08, HD stream rebroadcast These versions, re-broadcast on BBC 6 Radio "The Live Hour" 2016-12-26 in superb stereo, are different from those on Nic's "Unearthed" CD. 01 Billy Don't You Weep For Me 02 My Grandfather Knew The Plough 03 Ten Thousand Miles 04 Annachie Gordon Category Folk Last seeder Last activity 23:09 ago Size 99.69 MB (104,535,720 bytes) Overall speed 0.00 KB/s Added Mon 26th Dec, 2016 15:37 GMT Views 426 Hits 233 Snatched 190 time(s) Upped by UncleBoko Num files [See full list] 6 files Peers [See full list] 1 seeder(s), 0 leecher(s) = 1 peer(s) total |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 06:52 AM My Kind of Folk Halliard is mentioned |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 06:54 AM |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 10:38 AM I have about 4GB of recordings mainly from the BeeB. The link or URL you must send to the recipient(s) of your file(s) is: The file(s) that can be retrieved with the above link is (are): Nic Jones - Ballads and Songs.mp3 (45.631 MB) Nic Jones - From The Devil To A Stranger (1978).mp3 (63.902 MB) Nic Jones - Nic Jones (1971).mp3 (49.194 MB) Nic Jones - The Noah's Ark Trap (1977).mp3 (63.936 MB) Travellers 2-10 - Joe Jones - The Cuckoo's Nest.mp3 (390.439 KB) The file(s) will be available on the server for the next 21 days. ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 10:56 AM Nic Jones on Mediafire My Kind Of Folk (with Halliard) Nic Jones - JP Sess - 08-07-76 Nic Jones @ Oxford Poly FC ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 10:59 AM BTW I am Guest in this and the above two posts - ChrisB. If I add my name in the From: the post wont take and I have to retype it. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 11:09 AM ChrisB - a guy called Geoff Gough has sent me 3.5GB of files mainly recordings from the Beeb. The moot point is where to upload them to. The folders are: * 1979-08-09 Sidmouth 4 songs BBC R2 165c Barrack Street / Hamburger Polka / Farewell To The Gold / Swimming Song *1980-04-02 Birmingham audience tape The Old House at Home, Lawnswood Ave, Birmingham I've only just dubbed my cassette this week. It's surprisingly listenable for an audience tape, so I've kept it at flac level. Unknown 1st or 2nd gen tape > Sony BHF 90 > wave > flac (This recording would probably benefit from skilled adjustment of performer/audience recording levels, but I have made no attempts myself). * 1980-04-02 Harbourne (entitled "Live at Harbourne") The Old House at Home, Lawnswood Ave, Harbourne, Birmingham I found these files at the end of the week and I include them as an alternate to the cassette. I don't know the source so I can't give you lineage. I would say that maybe these sound a little better. Whether is taken from the same tape or from another I'm afraid my ears are not good enough to tell. * 1980-05-20 RD & Friends Barrack Street / Farewell to the Gold / I still remember what was on the jukebox / Thanksgiving * 1980-08 Sidmouth one song indexed as 2011-05-18 Folk on 2 inc N Jones Bonny Light Horseman from Sidmouth 1980 * 1980-11-17 BBC Radio 2 Humpback Whale / Jukebox when she turned / Thanksgiving * 1981 BBC 8 songs - no sources - received in 2016 but no further documentation * 1981 Knaresborough Folk Club Audience tape - mp3 source Tracks are in the order they were on the CD I received. This may not be the order in which the songs were performed. * 1981-03-15 RD & Friends canadee-i-o / icarus / petronella / jukebox when she turns * 1981-09-x-07 radio 2 City University 135c barrack street / humpback whale / farewell to the gold * 1981-12-17 Teatro Bonci, Cesena, Forlì, originally from Dime - but only available as mp3 from me I'm afraid * 1982-01-18 radio 2 seven gypsies / icarus / petronella * 1997 Folk on 2 Interview ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 11:49 AM CBrady Fileconvoy Richard Digance with Nic Jones x 2 files Capital Radio - Richard Digance & Friends incl. Nic Jones (20-05-1980) Capital Radio - Richard Digance & Friends incl. Nic Jones (1981-03-15) ==== The link or URL you must send to the recipient(s) of your file(s) is: The file(s) that can be retrieved with the above link is (are): Capital Radio - Richard Digance & Friends incl. Nic (116.465 MB) ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 12:02 PM CJB Fileconvoy The link or URL you must send to the recipient(s) of your file(s) is: The file(s) that can be retrieved with the above link is (are): BBC Radio 2 - Folk on 2 with Nic (523.664 MB) Folk on 2 with Nic Jones x 4 episodes ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 12:08 PM CBrady - sorry the FileConvoy links work but the blue clickeys don't. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 01:12 PM From CJB Mediafire FileConvoy ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 01:27 PM CJB Fileconvoy The link or URL you must send to the recipient(s) of your file(s) is: The file(s) that can be retrieved with the above link is (are): BBC Radio 4 - (590.516 MB) BBC Radio (Geoff Gough) - Nic Jones (1981) BBC Radio 2 - Folkweave - Sidmouth F.F. with Nic Jones (1979-08-09) BBC Radio 2 - Mike Harding - Trib. to Nic Jones (2007-02-28) BBC Radio 2 - Ralph McTell with Nic Jones (1997-08-20) BBC Radio 4 - Nic Jones (2018-11-22) ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 19 Mar 25 - 04:20 PM CJB The Other Music a documentary by Philip Donnellan has been found. ==== |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST,CJB Date: 22 Mar 25 - 07:52 AM No one has downloaded anything via FileConvoy. So I guess no one is interested. There are 5 more uploads pending, but don’t bother now. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: GUEST Date: 22 Mar 25 - 06:24 PM Hi I've downloaded all 5 files via FileConvoy and they sound great! Can't understand why you can't see any downloaders, keep them coming. thanks |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones - video footage? From: Hagman Date: 22 Mar 25 - 07:09 PM Me too! |
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