Subject: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 19 Aug 01 - 07:23 PM Here It Is !
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: CraigS Date: 19 Aug 01 - 07:40 PM Thanks for the news! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Jeri Date: 19 Aug 01 - 07:52 PM I hope Dick Greenhaus of Camsco gets some of these when they're available. (Hint, hint) |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Noreen Date: 19 Aug 01 - 08:07 PM Great selection, can't wait! Thanks, Ralphie. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 20 Aug 01 - 01:55 AM Jeri. I'm sure Camsco will be involved !!..
I think that US distribution is being covered by Fish records. Regards Ralphie (Hugs to Noreen!) |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: mooman Date: 20 Aug 01 - 03:34 AM Many thanks Ralphie for telling us and also for all your hard and dedicated work on this important project. Very best regards, mooman |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Dita (at work) Date: 20 Aug 01 - 03:59 AM Thanks Ralphie, for all your efforts. love, john. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Noreen Date: 20 Aug 01 - 08:01 AM Oo! Returned, Ralphie dear! We must stop meeting like this, people will talk... |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: pavane Date: 20 Aug 01 - 08:29 AM Looking forward to hearing it! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 20 Aug 01 - 09:11 AM Noreen Let them !! Ralphie xx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Erica Smith Date: 20 Aug 01 - 10:23 AM wow. i am a nic jones newbie (just got my paws on noah's ark trap *this weekend* and the tape is almost broken already) . . . this is just the thing to feed my obsession! what a wonderful project -- thanks ralphie for your hard work! erica |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 20 Aug 01 - 10:30 AM Erica Where have you been ??? !! "N.A.T." is a bit of a rarity. As are the other 3 "lost" albums(see threads passim) Guard that cassette with your life. And, add this thread to your tracer, and check every week or so. Still trying to sort out the printing/pressing stuff. But, the cover will either appall or delight you ! You'll just have to wait....(what's another month in 20 years!) Thanks for your kind words, all of you Ralphie xx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Erica Smith Date: 20 Aug 01 - 11:06 AM oh i just been here at work :) . . . but i moved recently, and am recording, so haven't been 'catting as much. (and ralphie -- re: the lal waterson thread, regardless of whether the tribute album hatches or not, you'll see fine horseman on my next cd, and many more lal songs on many future recordings!) (and soon after, loads of songs stolen from nic jones, i assure you) erica |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 20 Aug 01 - 01:11 PM Erica I think the Lal tribute is happening. No details though. Let me know about your stuff, would be interested to hear it!! Ralphie xx And....Hot off the press...CD2 has grown by one...Clydewater. (just before Rapunzal)....Why did I think it was over....!! Ho Hum R xx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GeorgeH Date: 20 Aug 01 - 01:58 PM There was a brief bit about the Lal tribute in the last (?) FRoots . . . Only I keep forgetting to look it out. Do you ever sleep, Ralphie?? Congratulations on your weekend's efforts, anyway! George |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Erica Smith Date: 20 Aug 01 - 04:23 PM what a fine time it is for CD releases! go have a nap ralphie, you've earned it. and if you're ever bored surfing the web you can go see my stuff: Hope that's an ok blue clicky.
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 21 Aug 01 - 03:22 AM Erica Nap taken. Back to the day job now Recording a US "Rawk" band today !! Thanks for the link. I'll give it the once over when I get a minute. Looking forward to hearing your version of Fine Horseman. Lal was a fine songwriter, and sorely missed by us all. I'm just grateful that She and Ollie recorded those last 2 albums. Bye for now Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 29 Sep 01 - 01:58 AM UPDATE
Well Chaps!
Mollie Music
But.....If you can resist sending off your cheques until nearer the end of the month, Julia doesn't want a lot of money lying around, and you never know, there might be some problem with the pressing...(hope not!!)
Distribution will be by either
Not sure of prices as yet, but, They're both keeping lists of interested parties. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: pavane Date: 29 Sep 01 - 04:10 AM Hey - you found Clyde Water - brilliant, that's one of my favourites from his live session at the Ivy Bush (1973) |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: pavane Date: 29 Sep 01 - 04:11 AM Just noticed my lapse - is there any other kind of session than live?! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 29 Sep 01 - 06:13 AM Pav..... We could get into all sorts of existential crap here, if we wanted to....!! Don't want to go down that line, if it's OK with you !! Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 29 Sep 01 - 06:17 AM Oh and Pav.... The version of Clydewater is a later one....and at 7'11" It's a beauty....! Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: pavane Date: 30 Sep 01 - 05:04 AM Look forward even more to hearing it then. Not long until November. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Peter from Essex Date: 01 Oct 01 - 06:57 PM November? Fish Records are offering it on their site now! Was that a magical turnround at the pressing plant or is somebody trying it on? By the waym does anybody know what it is that Amazon are selling under the title "In Search Of Nic Jones"? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 02 Oct 01 - 01:51 AM Peter Hi Yes...I noticed that too....!!Mmmm I can confirm that apart from a few review copies that have had to go out to the press/Radio and the like. The masters go off to be pressed later this week !! A bit of enthusiastic marketing going on here methinks! But, as I'm on... The way to get the most money to Nic and Julia is to send a cheque to them personally...cuts out all the middle men Nothing against distributors. It's the only way to shift large quantities...but as this is primarily a fund raising excercise...OK?? And...PLEASE!...don't post until later in the month Regards Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: dougboywonder Date: 02 Oct 01 - 03:54 PM "In search of Nic Jones" is a live/radio compilation froma few years ago. It has some really great stuff on it although the sound quality of some tracks leaves something to be desired... most of the tracks apparantly came from tatty cassettes that Julia had used to try to jog Nics memory after his accident. Really good stuff though. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 03 Oct 01 - 03:49 AM Dougboy.... Thanks for that, and yes you're right re Quality on "In Search of..." But, the consequence of that release, was that, more recordings fell out of various closets worldwide, hence the new release !! Having said that, there are 3 or 4 tracks on "Unearthed" which are still a bit naff quality wise, but have been included at the request of the family, or friends. And as we intend this to be the last of the re releases, we wanted to get it as complete as possible. hence 33 tracks and a running time of nearly 2 hours. Best wishes Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 28 Oct 01 - 01:03 PM UPDATE...!! Due to pressing problems (sic!) In Austria.... Release date is now 10th Nov. All who have sent cheques, thank you, and please possess your souls in patience....I've seen the pile of letters, and recognised some familiar names... After all these years, what's another week to wait?? Cheers Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Tony in Belgium Date: 29 Oct 01 - 09:21 AM Oh b**ger. S'pose it can't be helped. But I *was looking forward to hearing the CD. And as you say, what's another week? Thanks for all the work, Ralphie. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: mooman Date: 29 Oct 01 - 10:21 AM Dear Ralphie, Don't forget to let me know when release is due and I'll get a cheque off to Nic and Julia (actually I'll buy two as I want to give one to a friend for Christmas!). Very best regards, mooman P.S. Any chance you might make it over to the "EuroGathering" here in Mooland, Brussels, 3-6 May 2002? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 29 Oct 01 - 01:43 PM Tony...Thanks!! Moo......Get Your Cheque Off !!!! Can't say about the Gathering yet....get in touch nearer the time Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Tony in Brussels Date: 30 Oct 01 - 05:21 AM Mooman, pls refresh details of the Eurogathering, I'd love to be there. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,mooman (cookieless) Date: 31 Oct 01 - 04:14 AM Dear Tony, Will do shortly! I'll be putting up a revised list of probable and possible attendees (quite a respectable number of each now!) together with other information shortly. I'll add you to the probables. P.S. Are you the Tony who previously posted as "Fossil"? If so we've certainly met! mooman |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: John Routledge Date: 02 Nov 01 - 01:27 PM Just received "Unearthed". GREAT - Played through twice already. Highly Recommended. Recording quality is much better than I had expected. Thanks to all concerned in the production of the CD. John |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Noreen Date: 02 Nov 01 - 01:54 PM Quote Ralphie dear: Release date is now 10th Nov. ! And I've not sent me cheque yet so Julia didn't get snowed under... |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,gmt (no cookie) Date: 03 Nov 01 - 08:04 AM Just finished the first CD. The sound quality is superb and the performances are just brilliant. Thanks for keeping us informed Ralph, a worthy project indeed. gmt |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 03 Nov 01 - 09:25 AM Woops Noreen......Sorry!! It is indeed out !.....I was playing a bit safe on the date as there were potential problems which in the end never happened! The good news is that it's in profit already...Not bad Eh? Thanks to all you good people and to the Guys and Gals who run the "Cat" for allowing me to promote this project. Nic and Julias retirement home in Spain is one step closer thanks to you all. In these dark days in which we live, it's heartwarming to know that you are all out there Much Love Ralphie xxx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 03 Nov 01 - 09:40 AM PS.....(Slightly out of Left Field) For anyone who might be interested.....The KitKat arrived safely this morning! R x |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 03 Nov 01 - 09:47 AM PPS Anyone met "Sally Brown" yet?? Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GMT Date: 06 Nov 01 - 03:41 AM Well, I'm delighted with this album. CD 1 is excellent. CD 2 shows up some of the recording issues (on just a few tracks) that Ralphie warned us about but in no way detracts from what are great performances. (and just when you think it's over ;) I laughed when I first saw the cover (because of Ralphies comment), but feel it is wholly appropriate and very clever. Thanks to everyone involved. Gary |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Tony in Brussels formerly Fossil Date: 06 Nov 01 - 04:38 AM Mooman: Yes, I formerly was - probably still am - "Fossil" but I'm back in full time work now so have to post as guest. I'm still involved - running the St Andrew's Folk Nights in Brussels - next one on 16 November, hope to see you there? I wish the Belgian postal system would hurry up with this damn CD... but very glad to see that it looks like being a successful project for Nic and Julia. Can't wait to hear it. |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,graham Date: 06 Nov 01 - 09:21 AM Unearthed is excellent! Many thanks to Ralph and the others who helped put it all together. I'll have to dig out Noahs Ark and From a Devil from the loft and find some way to play them or convert to a better format. Only slight comment is that maybe the tracks of lower recording quality should be grouped together; trying to listen to Taoist (one of the muddiest) after Annachie (one of the clearest) is too much for my ears to adjust to. Is there any reason why there is no indication of the recording dates for the tracks,(also on In search of..) this would be interesting, especially for reworkings of previously recorded songs. Now all we have to do is to find a retirement home for a Mr B of Harrogate. The current residence of a Mr Archer springs to mind..... |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Mac Tattie Date: 06 Nov 01 - 02:03 PM Yes the CD is verry, verry good, treat yourselves to one soon BUT the nightmareish front cover is in poor taste. There must be loads of good pictures taken at live gigs that would have fited in far better with this set of live and lively recordings. Still mabe it's simbolic or something. cheers |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 06 Nov 01 - 05:53 PM To answer a few comments... First the sleeve.....! Knowing both Nic and Tony Hall (the cartoonist) and their black humour....It seemed very appropriate, and no apologies will be forthcoming (You should have seen the grin on Nic's face when he first saw it back in January!) Second....the quality of some tracks...A bit of a frying pan/fire situation here Too much good stuff for a single (74 Min) CD, but not enough for two... After much soul searching, It was decided to put some family and friends faves on the 2nd CD to make up the shortfall, even if they weren't perfect......and at £17 It's still a bargain to me...! Best news of all.......Just about to top 1000 sales...In under a week . Love Ralphie xxx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: dick greenhaus Date: 06 Nov 01 - 06:22 PM CAMSCO Will have it available in about a week. Don't know the price yet, but it should be under 17 pounds ($25.50 US) |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 07 Nov 01 - 03:03 AM Thanks for that Dick. I'll let US people who aren't necessarily on the "Cat" know I temporarily seem to have lost your E Mail contact Could you PM me with it? Thanks for your help Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Morticia Date: 07 Nov 01 - 07:05 AM Got my copy this morning.....deepest of deep joys! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: breezy Date: 07 Nov 01 - 03:08 PM got mine last night. cheques to mollie music, 52 Newland Park dr, York YO103HP |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: wes.w Date: 08 Nov 01 - 09:23 AM Guest Graham - If you have to dig those LPs out of the *loft*, why not now offer them to someone who might like to play them regularly? Our ancient music centre continues to limp on just so we can still play our full set of Nic and the odd Tony Rose. The sound quality on Unearthed is better than our scratchy LPs. We would never dare copy anything on the Leader/Trailer label. Ralphie: I'm a nerd, so I would have liked to have known where and when too! Any chance? I'm told that Messrs Jones's statement re the KitKat could be legally construed as one per CD set sold ... possibly more since its a double CD. I believe there's a solicitor in Yorkshire skilled in these matters. Or was that Yorkies; I forget now..... but think about this: '1K KK in a week!' thanks to the legal profession?
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Graham Date: 12 Nov 01 - 06:36 AM Ralph, on the Folk Review album there was a second Nic Jones track, "The Bonnie Banks o' Fordie" Any idea what happened to it? I thought it should have been with Warlike Lads, but I haven't seen it reissued anywhere Anorak corner- Rue the Day, one of the tracks for which Nic has forgotten the source sounds the same as Man of Kyandra on Dave Burlands Benchmark album According to the sleevenotes it is an Australian version of the song which he learnt from a group called Steam Shuttle. Maybe Nic got it from the same source or from Burland himself |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 12 Nov 01 - 07:46 PM Graham Fordie has already been released by Fellside, I think on a compilation called "Ballads"....?? We didn't stick it on "Unearthed" because Nic thought it Dull!! Ho Hum As for your other query re "Rue the day"......I honestly haven't got a clue...come on Catters one and all...! Talk soon. Ralphie |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Steve Date: 13 Nov 01 - 03:09 AM Anorak Redux: Man of Kiandra is a version of "Rocking the Cradle," a widespread broadside ballad thought to have originated in Ireland. The version that became "Kiandra" was collected in Teralba, NSW from a singer named Sally Sloane. Sloane's version did not mention Kiandra, and indeed no traditional version does. The song was altered by A.L. Lloyd to include the town name because he knew a bloke from Kiandra who had a similar problem. So anyone who sings it with a mention of Kiandra got it, ultimately, from Lloyd...though sometimes through intermediaries. Dave Burland and Trevor Lucas are two notables who have covered Lloyd's version. So...If Nic's version mentions Kiandra, it's a sure bet Lloyd's influence was involved. Nic could have got it anywhere during the 70s, when Lloyd's songs were thick on the ground. If not, the song's known all over so it's anyone's guess.... In case you can't tell I don't have my copy yet. Pity me! :-( |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: dick greenhaus Date: 13 Nov 01 - 06:46 PM CAMSCO just received it's first copies. Fine double CD--well programmed, well played, well sung and well produced. CAMSCO's selling it for $24 (US). |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Noreen Date: 06 Dec 01 - 02:17 PM Whoop-di-doo! Got my copy this morning; I waited a little while to give Julia a chance to get her breath back after the first rush, but I don't think the rush has stopped- not that she's complaining! All that I've heard so far is wonderful and I'm looking forward to the rest. Sound quality on the first disc is excellent, much better than I'd expected, and great choice of songs. Get ordering for Christmas presents! UK orders direct from Nic and Julia (address in Ralphie's post above (click)), US orders from CAMSCO (see Dick Greenhaus's post directly above this one). Lots of hugs for Ralphie for getting this completed! Noreen |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Steve Date: 06 Dec 01 - 03:19 PM Yes, I also got mine some days ago. It's great! And I can confirm that Rue the Day is A.L. Lloyd's version, for whatever that's worth. Definitely a great album and worth many thanks to all involved, especially Nic, Julia and Ralph. Steve |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 06 Dec 01 - 07:35 PM Steve,Noreen and everyone else who's contacted me one way or the other....Just a little note from Nic,Julia and myself to thank all of you for your love, kindness, and goddamm human decency... May you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas.... And, Watch this space.........It's not over yet..... Much Love....Ralphiexxxx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 07 Dec 01 - 04:28 AM Oh...and Noreen, Steve...all other UK Catters and you clever buggers across the pond that know about Internet Radio...!! Tonights Andy Kershaw show on BBC Radio 3 (2215 UK time) Not only has a Jonesy track on it (Bonny George Campbell) But also a magnificant session by .....Dick Gaughan. We recorded it yesterday...and he did "Song for Ireland" amongst others.. I thought that I'd died and gone to heaven . I hate my job sometimes !! Ralphie xxx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Noreen Date: 07 Dec 01 - 05:40 AM Sounds wonderful, Ralphie, but I'll be otherwise occupied at that time, singing! Does Radio 3 archive these shows? And how about starting a fresh thread just to alert people to tonight's prog? I'd do it but I'm pushed for time today. Hugs, Noreen |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,John in Dublin Date: 07 Dec 01 - 09:24 AM Where can I get the CD's in Ireland ? What a great project. John |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: mooman Date: 07 Dec 01 - 09:27 AM John in Dublin, I think Fish Records will certainly send to Dublin (they did for me in Belgium and very quick too). The link is posted above somewhere, I think. mooman |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Ralphie Date: 07 Dec 01 - 09:48 AM Moo. & John... Yes...Ireland is not a banned country!! I know several people in the Emerald Isle who've got it. But, don't hesitate to get in touch with me personally, if you encounter problems... As for you, Noreen Off singing..Eh?? Shame on you ! PM me, and I'll see what I can do... Love Ralphie xx |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: wildlone Date: 29 Dec 01 - 02:35 PM Bringing this thread back. I got the CD and have just finished listening to it. A great CD dave |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST,Roly H Date: 30 Dec 01 - 01:56 PM Clyde Water - different class! |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Noreen Date: 30 Dec 01 - 02:49 PM Oh, Annachie... *sniff* |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST Date: 13 Nov 17 - 06:41 AM Is this album easy to obtain? |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: Reinhard Date: 13 Nov 17 - 11:44 AM Yes it is. Just get it from Nic himself at |
Subject: RE: Nic Jones Unearthed Track List From: GUEST Date: 14 Nov 17 - 06:11 AM Thank you! |
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